path: root/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
diff options
authorThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2003-07-25 02:32:45 +0000
committerThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2003-07-25 02:32:45 +0000
commit6ce33fd36eaaebfe3df5d262785ab2fe74499252 (patch)
treed2df34cbe5bfe9e98ed132c6ca91dc868cfe4782 /externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
parent28cf83a9643aaba7db01cd11137ffcbba4a9a73c (diff)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=797
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp b/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
index 4f851f36..be86e04a 100644
--- a/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/flext/source/flattr_ed.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
// This is problematic... non-public headers!
+// compilation may be specific for one version of PD!!
#include <m_imp.h>
#include <g_canvas.h>
@@ -56,33 +57,45 @@ void flext_base::SetAttrEditor(t_classid c)
// make a list of the attribute values (including save flags)
"set lst {}\n"
- "for {set ix 0} {$ix < $alen} {incr ix} {\n"
+ "for {set ix 1} {$ix <= $alen} {incr ix} {\n"
"set var_attr_name [concat [concat var_name_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
"global $var_attr_name\n"
+ "set var_attr_init [concat [concat var_init_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
+ "global $var_attr_init\n"
"set var_attr_val [concat [concat var_val_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
"global $var_attr_val\n"
"set var_attr_save [concat [concat var_save_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
"global $var_attr_save\n"
"lappend lst [eval concat $$var_attr_name]\n"
- // see if it's a list
+ // process current value
"set len [llength [expr $$var_attr_val]]\n"
+ // see if it's a list
"if { $len > 1 } {\n"
- "set lst [concat $lst \"list\" $len [expr $$var_attr_val]]\n"
+ "set lst [concat $lst {list} $len [expr $$var_attr_val]]\n"
"} else {\n"
"lappend lst [expr $$var_attr_val]\n"
+ // process init value
+ "set len [llength [expr $$var_attr_init]]\n"
+ // see if it's a list
+ "if { $len > 1 } {\n"
+ "set lst [concat $lst {list} $len [expr $$var_attr_init]]\n"
+ "} else {\n"
+ "lappend lst [expr $$var_attr_init]\n"
+ "}\n"
"lappend lst [eval concat $$var_attr_save]\n"
"set cmd [concat $id attributedialog $lst \\;]\n"
- // puts stderr $cmd
"pd $cmd\n"
"proc flext_cancel {id} {\n"
"set cmd [concat $id cancel \\;]\n"
- // puts stderr $cmd
"pd $cmd\n"
@@ -91,43 +104,61 @@ void flext_base::SetAttrEditor(t_classid c)
"flext_cancel $id\n"
- "proc pdtk_flext_dialog {id attrlist} {\n"
+ "proc flext_copyval {dst src} {\n"
+ "global $src\n"
+ "global $dst\n"
+ "set $dst [expr $$src]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "proc pdtk_flext_dialog {id title attrlist} {\n"
"set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n"
- "set alen [expr [llength $attrlist] / 4 ]\n"
+ "set alen [expr [llength $attrlist] / 5 ]\n"
"toplevel $id\n"
- "wm title $id {object attributes}\n"
+ "wm title $id $title\n"
"wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat flext_cancel $id]\n"
- "label $id.label -text {Attributes}\n"
- "pack $id.label -side top\n"
- "set ix 0\n"
- "foreach {an av asv afl} $attrlist {\n"
- // generate variable name
- "set nm [concat $id.nm-$ix]\n"
+ "set row 0\n"
+ // set column labels
+ "label $id.label -text {attribute} -height 2 -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
+ "label $id.init -text {initial value} -height 2 -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
+ "label $id.copy -text {copy} -height 2 -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
+ "label $id.val -text {current value} -height 2 -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
+ "foreach {i txt} {0 {don't\rsave} 1 {do\rinit} 2 {always\rsave} } {\n"
+ "label $id.b$i -text $txt -height 2 -font {Helvetica 9 bold}\n"
+ "}\n"
+// "label $id.options -text {options} -height 2\n"
+ "grid config $id.label -column 0 -row $row \n"
+ "grid config $id.init -column 1 -row $row \n"
+ "grid config $id.copy -column 2 -columnspan 2 -row $row \n"
+ "grid config $id.val -column 4 -row $row \n"
+ "foreach i {0 1 2} { grid config $id.b$i -column [expr $i + 5] -row $row }\n"
+// "grid config $id.options -column 3 -row 0 \n"
+ "incr row\n"
+ // Separator
+ "frame $id.sep -relief ridge -bd 1 -height 2\n"
+ "grid config $id.sep -column 0 -columnspan 8 -row $row -pady 2 -sticky {snew}\n"
+ "incr row\n"
+ "set ix 1\n"
+ "foreach {an av ai asv afl} $attrlist {\n"
// get attribute name
"set var_attr_name [concat [concat var_name_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
"global $var_attr_name\n"
"set $var_attr_name $an\n"
+ // get attribute init value (list)
+ "set var_attr_init [concat [concat var_init_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
+ "global $var_attr_init\n"
+ "set $var_attr_init $ai\n"
// get attribute value (list)
"set var_attr_val [concat [concat var_val_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
"global $var_attr_val\n"
- // format value list
- "set $var_attr_val {}\n"
- "foreach i $av {\n"
- "if { [string is double $i] } {\n"
- // it's a number.. take as many digits as necessary
- "lappend $var_attr_val [format %g $i]\n"
- "} else {\n"
- // it's a string, append unchanged
- "lappend $var_attr_val $i\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "set $var_attr_val $av\n"
// get save flag
"set var_attr_save [concat [concat var_save_$ix]_$vid ]\n"
@@ -135,90 +166,150 @@ void flext_base::SetAttrEditor(t_classid c)
"set $var_attr_save $asv\n"
// add dialog elements to window
- "frame $nm\n"
- "pack $nm -side top\n"
- "label $nm.lwidth -text \"$an :\"\n"
- "entry $nm.width -textvariable $var_attr_val -width 20\n"
- "bind $nm.width <KeyPress-Return> [concat flext_ok $id $alen]\n"
- "foreach i {0 1 2} { radiobutton $nm.b$i -value $i -variable $var_attr_save }\n"
- "pack $nm.lwidth $nm.width $nm.b0 $nm.b1 $nm.b2 -side left\n"
+ // attribute label
+ "label $id.label-$ix -text \"$an :\" -font {Helvetica 8 bold}\n"
+ "grid config $id.label-$ix -column 0 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {e}\n"
+ // entry field for initial value
+ "entry $id.init-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_init\n"
+ "grid config $id.init-$ix -column 1 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
+ "button $id.b2i-$ix -text {<-} -height 1 -command \" flext_copyval $var_attr_init $var_attr_val \"\n"
+ "grid config $id.b2i-$ix -column 2 -row $row -sticky {ew}\n"
+ "button $id.b2c-$ix -text {->} -height 1 -command \" flext_copyval $var_attr_val $var_attr_init \"\n"
+ "grid config $id.b2c-$ix -column 3 -row $row -sticky {ew}\n"
+ // entry field for current value
+ "entry $id.val-$ix -textvariable $var_attr_val\n"
+ "grid config $id.val-$ix -column 4 -row $row -padx 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
+// "tk_optionMenu $id.opt-$ix $var_attr_save {don't save} {initialize} {always save}\n"
+// "grid config $id.opt-$ix -column 5 -row $ix \n"
+ // radiobuttons
+ "foreach {i c} {0 black 1 blue 2 red} {\n"
+ "radiobutton $id.b$i-$ix -value $i -foreground $c -variable $var_attr_save \n"
+ "grid config $id.b$i-$ix -column [expr $i + 5] -row $row \n"
+ "}\n"
// increase counter
"incr ix\n"
+ "incr row\n"
-// "focus $id.1-rangef.width\n"
+ // Separator
+ "frame $id.sep2 -relief ridge -bd 1 -height 2\n"
+ "grid config $id.sep2 -column 0 -columnspan 8 -row $row -pady 5 -sticky {snew}\n"
+ "incr row\n"
// Buttons
"frame $id.buttonframe\n"
- "pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m\n"
+ "pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel} -command \"flext_cancel $id\"\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply} -command \"flext_apply $id $alen\"\n"
- "button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK} -command \"flext_ok $id $alen\"\n"
+ "button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel} -width 20 -command \" flext_cancel $id \"\n"
+ "button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply} -width 20 -command \" flext_apply $id $alen \"\n"
+ "button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK} -width 20 -command \" flext_ok $id $alen \"\n"
"pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1\n"
"pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1\n"
"pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1\n"
+ "grid config $id.buttonframe -column 0 -columnspan 8 -row $row -pady 5 -sticky {ew}\n"
+ // Key bindings
+ "bind $id {<KeyPress-Escape>} \" flext_cancel $id \"\n"
+ "bind $id {<KeyPress-Return>} \" flext_ok $id $alen \"\n"
+ "bind $id {<Shift-KeyPress-Return>} \" flext_apply $id $alen \"\n"
+static int PrintList(char *buf,int argc,const t_atom *argv)
+ char *b = buf;
+ for(int j = 0; j < argc; ++j) {
+ const t_atom &at = argv[j];
+ if(flext::IsString(at))
+ STD::sprintf(b,"%s",flext::GetString(at));
+ else if(flext::IsFloat(at))
+ STD::sprintf(b,"%g",flext::GetFloat(at));
+ else if(flext::IsInt(at))
+ STD::sprintf(b,"%i",flext::GetInt(at));
+ else
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
+ b += strlen(b);
+ if(j < argc-1) *(b++) = ' ';
+ }
+ return b-buf;
void flext_base::cb_GfxProperties(t_gobj *c, t_glist *)
flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
- char buf[1000],*b = buf;
+ char buf[10000],*b = buf;
+ STD::sprintf(b, "pdtk_flext_dialog %%s { "); b += strlen(b);
+ t_text *x = (t_text *)c;
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(x->te_binbuf);
+ int argc = binbuf_getnatom(x->te_binbuf);
+ t_atom *argv = binbuf_getvec(x->te_binbuf);
+ b += PrintList(b,argc,argv);
+ STD::sprintf(b, " } { "); b += strlen(b);
AtomList la;
int cnt = th->ListAttrib(la);
- STD::sprintf(b, "pdtk_flext_dialog %%s { "); b += strlen(b);
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
- STD::sprintf(b,"%s {",GetString(la[i])); b += strlen(b);
+ const t_symbol *sym = GetSymbol(la[i]);
+ // get flags
+ int sv;
+ const AtomList *initdata;
+ AttrDataCont::iterator it = th->attrdata->find(sym);
+ if(it == th->attrdata->end())
+ sv = 0,initdata = NULL;
+ else {
+ const AttrData &a = it->second;
+ if(a.IsSaved())
+ sv = 2;
+ else if(a.IsInit())
+ sv = 1;
+ else
+ sv = 0;
+ initdata = a.IsInitValue()?&a.GetInitValue():NULL;
+ }
- bool sv;
+ STD::sprintf(b,"%s {",GetString(sym)); b += strlen(b);
// get attribute
- attritem *attr = th->FindAttrib(GetSymbol(la[i]),true);
+ AttrItem *gattr = th->FindAttrib(sym,true);
- if(attr) {
- // Attribute is gettable
- // Get attribute value
- AtomList lv;
- th->GetAttrib(attr,lv);
- sv = th->GetAttribSave(attr);
- for(int j = 0; j < lv.Count(); ++j) {
- if(IsString(lv[j]))
- STD::sprintf(b,"%s",GetString(lv[j]));
- else if(IsFloat(lv[j]))
- STD::sprintf(b,"%f",GetFloat(lv[j]));
- else if(IsInt(lv[j]))
- STD::sprintf(b,"%i",GetInt(lv[j]));
- else
- FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
- b += strlen(b);
- if(j < lv.Count()-1) *(b++) = ' ';
- }
+ AtomList lv;
+ if(gattr) { // gettable attribute is present
+ // Retrieve attribute value
+ th->GetAttrib(gattr,lv);
+ b += PrintList(b,lv.Count(),lv.Atoms());
- else {
- // Attribute is not gettable
- sv = false;
- // \TODO set flag for tcl/tk dialog
+ STD::sprintf(b, "} {"); b += strlen(b);
+ // get puttable attribute
+ AttrItem *pattr = th->FindAttrib(GetSymbol(la[i]),false);
+ if(pattr) {
+ // if there is initialization data take this, otherwise take the current data
+ const AtomList &lp = initdata?*initdata:lv;
+ b += PrintList(b,lp.Count(),lp.Atoms());
- STD::sprintf(b, "} %i %i ", sv?1:0,attr?(attr->BothExist()?2:1):0); b += strlen(b);
+ STD::sprintf(b, "} %i %i ", sv,pattr?(pattr->BothExist()?2:1):0); b += strlen(b);
strcpy(b, " }\n");
@@ -247,6 +338,18 @@ void flext_base::cb_GfxVis(t_gobj *c, t_glist *gl, int vis)
+static void BinbufAdd(t_binbuf *b,const t_atom &at)
+ if(flext::IsString(at))
+ binbuf_addv(b,"s",flext::GetSymbol(at));
+ else if(flext::IsFloat(at))
+ binbuf_addv(b,"f",flext::GetFloat(at));
+ else if(flext::IsInt(at))
+ binbuf_addv(b,"i",flext::GetInt(at));
+ else
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
void flext_base::cb_GfxSave(t_gobj *c, t_binbuf *b)
flext_base *th = thisObject(c);
@@ -258,16 +361,7 @@ void flext_base::cb_GfxSave(t_gobj *c, t_binbuf *b)
int cnt = CheckAttrib(argc,argv);
// process the creation arguments
- for(int i = 1; i < cnt; ++i) {
- if(IsString(argv[i]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"s",GetSymbol(argv[i]));
- else if(IsFloat(argv[i]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"f",GetFloat(argv[i]));
- else if(IsInt(argv[i]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"i",GetInt(argv[i]));
- else
- FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
- }
+ for(int i = 1; i < cnt; ++i) BinbufAdd(b,argv[i]);
// process the attributes
AtomList la;
@@ -275,28 +369,35 @@ void flext_base::cb_GfxSave(t_gobj *c, t_binbuf *b)
char attrname[100];
*attrname= '@';
- for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
- // must be both settable and gettable....
- attritem *attr = th->FindAttrib(GetSymbol(la[i]),true);
- if(attr && attr->BothExist() && th->GetAttribSave(attr)) {
- // Get attribute value
- AtomList lv;
- th->GetAttrib(attr,lv);
+ for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
+ const t_symbol *sym = GetSymbol(la[i]);
+ AtomList lv;
+ const AtomList *lref = NULL;
+ AttrDataCont::iterator it = th->attrdata->find(sym);
+ if(it != th->attrdata->end()) {
+ const AttrData &a = it->second;
+ if(a.IsInit() && a.IsInitValue())
+ lref = &a.GetInitValue();
+ else if(a.IsSaved()) {
+ AttrItem *attr = th->FindAttrib(sym,true);
+ // attribute must be gettable (so that the data can be retrieved) and puttable (so that the data can be inited)
+ if(attr && attr->BothExist()) {
+ th->GetAttrib(attr,lv);
+ lref = &lv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- strcpy(attrname+1,GetString(la[i]));
+ if(lref) {
+ // store name
+ strcpy(attrname+1,GetString(sym));
- for(int j = 0; j < lv.Count(); ++j) {
- if(IsString(lv[j]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"s",GetSymbol(lv[j]));
- else if(IsFloat(lv[j]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"f",GetFloat(lv[j]));
- else if(IsInt(lv[j]))
- binbuf_addv(b,"i",GetInt(lv[j]));
- else
- FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
- }
+ // store value
+ for(int j = 0; j < lref->Count(); ++j) BinbufAdd(b,(*lref)[j]);
@@ -311,31 +412,68 @@ bool flext_base::cb_AttrDialog(flext_base *th,int argc,const t_atom *argv)
for(; i < argc; ) {
+ // get name
const t_symbol *aname = GetSymbol(argv[i]);
- int cnt,offs;
+ // get current value
+ int ccnt,coffs;
if(IsSymbol(argv[i]) && GetSymbol(argv[i]) == sym_list) {
- cnt = GetAInt(argv[i]);
- offs = ++i;
+ ccnt = GetAInt(argv[i]);
+ coffs = ++i;
- offs = i,cnt = 1;
+ coffs = i,ccnt = 1;
+ i += ccnt;
- i += cnt;
+ // get init value
+ int icnt,ioffs;
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[i]) && GetSymbol(argv[i]) == sym_list) {
+ i++;
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(CanbeInt(argv[i]));
+ icnt = GetAInt(argv[i]);
+ ioffs = ++i;
+ }
+ else
+ ioffs = i,icnt = 1;
+ i += icnt;
FLEXT_ASSERT(i < argc);
int sv = GetAInt(argv[i]);
- // find settable attribute
- attritem *attr = th->FindAttrib(aname,false);
+ // find puttable attribute
+ AttrItem *attr = th->FindAttrib(aname,false);
if(attr) {
- th->SetAttribSave(attr,sv != 0);
- bool ret = th->SetAttrib(attr,cnt,argv+offs);
+ bool ret = th->SetAttrib(attr,ccnt,argv+coffs);
+ AttrDataCont::iterator it = th->attrdata->find(aname);
+ if(sv >= 1) {
+ // if data not present create it
+ if(it == th->attrdata->end()) {
+ AttrDataPair pair; pair.first = aname;
+ it = th->attrdata->insert(th->attrdata->begin(),pair);
+ }
+ AttrData &a = it->second;
+ a.SetSave(sv == 2);
+ a.SetInit(true);
+ a.SetInitValue(icnt,argv+ioffs);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(it != th->attrdata->end()) {
+ AttrData &a = it->second;
+ // if data is present reset flags
+ a.SetSave(false);
+ a.SetInit(false);
+ // let init data as is
+ }
+ }
else {
post("%s - Attribute %s can't be set",th->thisName(),GetString(aname));
@@ -344,5 +482,4 @@ bool flext_base::cb_AttrDialog(flext_base *th,int argc,const t_atom *argv)
return true;
#endif // FLEXT_SYS_PD