path: root/externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help
diff options
authorThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
committerThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
commit0ed7a8b68dd73e2b0473b8127aeca99f3bac9061 (patch)
tree5c67818b38a5cc2f9caa5ca7f8640ca356adf02b /externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help
parentbb4c7f6a245394d09dac9adfb2efb093d3d98452 (diff)
cleaned up grill externals - replaced with svn:externals to svn.grrrr.org/ext/trunk/
svn path=/trunk/; revision=10951
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 710 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help b/externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help
deleted file mode 100755
index a03f562b..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/vasp/max-help/vasp.help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
-max v2;
-#N vpatcher 20 50 720 450;
-#P origin 32 21;
-#P hidden message 456 87 200 196617 window size 20 50 720 450 \, window exec;
-#N thispatcher;
-#Q end;
-#P hidden newobj 511 108 59 196617 thispatcher;
-#P hidden newex 409 28 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P hidden message 409 51 84 196617 read vasplogo.tif;
-#P user fpic 488 21 186 57 vasplogo.tif 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0;
-#N vpatcher 93 94 908 393;
-#P comment 443 224 237 196617 don't miss that!;
-#P comment 134 257 166 196617 http://www.canto-crudo.com/;
-#P comment 443 190 237 196617 comparable (but more extensive) functionality;
-#P comment 64 52 50 196617 about fft:;
-#P comment 134 190 255 196617 http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/CDP/CDP.htm;
-#P comment 84 190 28 196617 CDP:;
-#P comment 134 113 255 196617 http://sepwww.stanford.edu/oldsep/hale/FftLab.html;
-#P comment 443 113 73 196617 very useful;
-#P comment 134 151 225 196617 http://www.fftw.org/links.html;
-#P comment 443 151 92 196617 more fft links;
-#P comment 443 80 95 196617 introduction to fft;
-#P comment 134 80 225 196617 http://www.eptools.com/tn/T0001/INDEX.HTM;
-#P comment 20 224 92 196617 Numerical Recipes:;
-#P comment 134 224 272 196617 http://www.nr.com/;
-#P comment 443 49 305 196617 the author (marius schebella) also handles the documentation for the pure data port of vasp;
-#P comment 134 52 299 196617 http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/Pd/fft_und_pd.htm;
-#P comment 44 257 68 196617 gŸnther rabl :;
-#P comment 28 22 107 196622 vasp_links;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 570 248 35 196617 p links;
-#P comment 509 250 59 196617 useful links;
-#P comment 45 136 469 196617 consisting of functions to generate and modify buffer content in a non-realtime context.;
-#P comment 386 250 55 196617 vasps units;
-#N vpatcher 71 356 541 680;
-#N vpatcher 442 226 781 479;
-#P comment 114 90 102 196617 current sampling rate;
-#P flonum 68 194 54 9 0 0 160 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
-#P newex 68 141 27 196617 t b f;
-#P message 267 140 27 196617 stop;
-#P message 201 140 65 196617 startwindow;
-#P newex 201 163 29 196617 dac~;
-#P comment 126 195 64 196617 period length;
-#P flonum 68 113 54 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
-#P newex 68 163 27 196617 / 1.;
-#P flonum 56 89 54 9 0 0 160 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
-#P newex 42 65 53 196617 dspstate~;
-#P comment 126 115 80 196617 frequency in Hz;
-#P comment 20 21 170 196622 Hz_to_period_length;
-#P connect 2 1 3 0;
-#P fasten 5 0 10 0 73 134 73 134;
-#P fasten 3 0 4 0 61 108 61 108 61 160 73 160;
-#P connect 10 0 4 0;
-#P connect 4 0 11 0;
-#P connect 10 1 4 1;
-#P fasten 9 0 7 0 272 159 206 159;
-#P connect 8 0 7 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 123 280 109 196617 p Hz_to_period_length;
-#P comment 103 262 301 196617 sample rate/frequency in Hz = frequency in period length (float);
-#P comment 60 245 234 196617 - frequencies are always defined in period lengths;
-#P message 122 197 125 196617 vasp 44100 buf1 22050 0;
-#P comment 103 171 305 196617 e.g: vasp message with an offset of 0.5 sec. and a length of 1 sec. (sr 44100);
-#P comment 60 155 366 196617 - lengths and offsets are always defined in samples (depending on sample rate);
-#P message 123 102 125 196617 vasp 44100 buf1 22050 0;
-#P comment 60 69 182 196617 - vasp index counting starts from 0;
-#P comment 38 24 106 196622 vasp_units;
-#P comment 103 84 313 196617 e.g: channel 0 in a vasp message means first channel in the buffer;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 446 248 38 196617 p units;
-#P comment 218 250 78 196617 the vasp objects;
-#P comment 45 250 83 196617 the vasp message;
-#N vpatcher 740 49 953 357;
-#N vpatcher 119 475 293 627;
-#P origin 0 23;
-#P newex 21 21 39 196617 r ohelp;
-#P newex 21 41 78 196617 prepend symbol;
-#P newex 21 92 45 196617 pcontrol;
-#P message 21 67 41 196617 help \$1;
-#P connect 3 0 2 0;
-#P connect 2 0 0 0;
-#P connect 0 0 1 0;
-#P pop;
-#P hidden newobj 60 274 54 196617 p openhelp;
-#N vpatcher 306 143 730 390;
-#P comment 132 137 195 196617 rotate buffer content symmetrically;
-#P message 67 137 52 196617 vasp.xrot;
-#P message 67 193 59 196617 vasp.xmirr;
-#P message 67 164 53 196617 vasp.mirr;
-#P message 67 110 45 196617 vasp.rot;
-#P message 67 81 59 196617 vasp.xshift;
-#P message 67 52 53 196617 vasp.shift;
-#P hidden newex 319 205 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P comment 132 193 171 196617 mirrors a vasp symmetrically;
-#P comment 131 81 228 196617 shifts the buffer content symetrically;
-#P comment 132 164 171 196617 mirrors a vasp;
-#P comment 132 52 222 196617 shifts the buffer content;
-#P comment 132 110 100 196617 rotate buffer content;
-#P comment 43 23 131 196622 vasp.displace;
-#P hidden connect 11 0 6 0;
-#P hidden connect 10 0 6 0;
-#P hidden connect 9 0 6 0;
-#P hidden connect 8 0 6 0;
-#P hidden connect 7 0 6 0;
-#P hidden connect 12 0 6 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 178 75 196617 p vasp.displace;
-#N vpatcher 531 93 1020 661;
-#P origin 0 41;
-#P hidden newex 413 514 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 62 522 51 196617 vasp.part;
-#P message 62 496 61 196617 vasp.gather;
-#P message 62 470 49 196617 vasp.spit;
-#P message 62 444 49 196617 vasp.join;
-#P message 62 418 52 196617 vasp.split;
-#P message 62 392 70 196617 vasp.frames?;
-#P message 62 366 70 196617 vasp.frames+;
-#P message 62 340 64 196617 vasp.frames;
-#P message 62 314 55 196617 vasp.offs?;
-#P message 62 288 55 196617 vasp.offs+;
-#P message 62 262 50 196617 vasp.offs;
-#P message 62 236 43 196617 vasp.n?;
-#P message 62 210 35 196617 vasp.n;
-#P message 62 184 40 196617 vasp.m;
-#P message 62 158 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P message 62 132 53 196617 vasp.sync;
-#P message 62 106 45 196617 vasp.chk;
-#P message 62 80 44 196617 vasp.??;
-#P message 62 54 38 196617 vasp.?;
-#P comment 134 80 225 196617 output all non zero samples of a vasp as list;
-#P comment 134 496 252 196617 gather several vasps into one;
-#P comment 134 418 252 196617 split a vasp into its vectors;
-#P comment 134 470 252 196617 spit out vectors of a vasp (one vector after the other);
-#P comment 134 444 252 196617 join several vasps into one;
-#P comment 134 392 252 196617 get a vasps frame count;
-#P comment 134 366 252 196617 raise/lower a vasps frame count;
-#P comment 134 340 252 196617 set a vasps frame count;
-#P comment 134 314 252 196617 get a single vectored vasp«s offset(s) into the buffer;
-#P comment 134 288 252 196617 shift a vasp«s offset(s) into the vector buffers;
-#P comment 134 262 252 196617 set a vasp«s offset(s) into the vector buffers;
-#P comment 134 236 252 196617 get the number vectors of a vasp;
-#P comment 134 210 252 196617 get a vector of a vasp;
-#P comment 134 184 252 196617 output a vasp multiply;
-#P comment 134 54 186 196617 output the samples of a vasp as list;
-#P comment 134 106 110 196617 check vasp dimensions;
-#P comment 134 132 246 196617 sync 2 or more vasps;
-#P comment 134 158 252 196617 update the graphics of a patcher (e.g. waveform);
-#P comment 134 522 238 196617 output vasps with different lengths and offsets;
-#P comment 27 22 135 196622 define_vasps;
-#P hidden connect 22 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 38 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 37 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 36 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 35 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 34 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 33 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 32 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 31 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 30 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 29 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 28 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 27 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 26 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 25 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 24 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 23 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 21 0 39 0;
-#P hidden connect 20 0 39 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 65 75 196617 p define_vasps;
-#N vpatcher 463 267 1141 534;
-#P message 63 228 52 196617 vasp.xtilt;
-#P comment 130 229 165 196617 symmetrical resampling;
-#P message 64 204 45 196617 vasp.tilt;
-#P comment 129 205 165 196617 resampling;
-#P message 279 81 60 196617 vasp.cnorm;
-#P message 483 109 70 196617 vasp.rvalleys;
-#P message 483 137 62 196617 vasp.rpeaks;
-#P message 483 81 51 196617 vasp.ropt;
-#P comment 559 109 83 196617 radius valleys;
-#P comment 559 137 83 196617 radius peaks;
-#P comment 559 81 83 196617 radius optimize;
-#P message 483 53 55 196617 vasp.rgate;
-#P comment 559 53 83 196617 radius gate;
-#P hidden newex 304 187 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 64 165 60 196617 vasp.pwrap;
-#P message 64 137 55 196617 vasp.peaks;
-#P message 64 109 65 196617 vasp.valleys;
-#P message 64 81 45 196617 vasp.opt;
-#P message 64 53 51 196617 vasp.gate;
-#P comment 129 165 165 196617 wraps value from 0-2¹ to -¹ to ¹;
-#P comment 129 137 100 196617 local peaks of a vasp;
-#P comment 129 109 123 196617 local minima of a vasp;
-#P comment 129 81 134 196617 optimize buffer content;
-#P comment 129 53 171 196617 gates vasp under a value (amplitude);
-#P comment 26 25 144 196622 vasp_utilities;
-#P comment 341 81 125 196617 sets complex radius of all samples to unity;
-#P hidden connect 25 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 23 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 20 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 19 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 18 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 14 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 10 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 9 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 8 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 7 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 21 0 12 0;
-#P hidden connect 11 0 12 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 246 75 196617 p vasp.utilities;
-#N vpatcher 195 285 765 547;
-#P origin 0 24;
-#P message 352 208 53 196617 vasp.rmin;
-#P message 352 182 55 196617 vasp.rmax;
-#P comment 426 208 83 196617 radius minimum;
-#P comment 426 182 83 196617 radius maximum;
-#P hidden newex 309 229 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 63 208 48 196617 vasp.min;
-#P message 63 182 51 196617 vasp.max;
-#P message 63 156 55 196617 vasp.max?;
-#P message 63 130 54 196617 vasp.min?;
-#P message 63 104 62 196617 vasp.amax?;
-#P message 63 78 59 196617 vasp.amin?;
-#P message 352 156 62 196617 vasp.rmax?;
-#P message 352 130 59 196617 vasp.rmin?;
-#P message 63 52 65 196617 vasp.minmax;
-#P comment 139 208 171 196617 minimum of vasp and argument;
-#P comment 139 182 171 196617 maximum of vasp and argument;
-#P comment 139 130 131 196617 output min. value of a vasp;
-#P comment 139 156 131 196617 output max. value of a vasp;
-#P comment 139 104 172 196617 output max. absolute value of a vasp;
-#P comment 139 78 204 196617 output min. absolute value of a vasp;
-#P comment 426 156 99 196617 radius max. value;
-#P comment 426 130 96 196617 radius min. value;
-#P comment 139 54 228 196617 splits a vasp into minimum and maximum values;
-#P comment 27 23 140 196622 vasp_minmax_etc.;
-#P hidden connect 23 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 22 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 18 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 17 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 16 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 15 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 14 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 13 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 12 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 11 0 19 0;
-#P hidden connect 10 0 19 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 223 98 196617 p vasp.minmax_etc.;
-#N vpatcher 480 321 1117 575;
-#P origin 0 27;
-#P comment 292 137 98 196617 complex sample^2;
-#P comment 292 112 148 196617 complex integer power function;
-#P comment 121 162 98 196617 square root;
-#P comment 121 188 87 196617 signed sample^2;
-#P message 230 112 58 196617 vasp.cpowi;
-#P message 230 137 52 196617 vasp.csqr;
-#P message 61 214 55 196617 vasp.ssqrt;
-#P message 61 188 52 196617 vasp.ssqr;
-#P message 61 162 51 196617 vasp.sqrt;
-#P message 61 137 45 196617 vasp.sqr;
-#P message 61 112 50 196617 vasp.pow;
-#P comment 121 214 98 196617 signed square root;
-#P comment 121 112 48 196617 samps^x;
-#P comment 121 137 70 196617 sample^2;
-#P message 448 112 55 196617 vasp.rpow;
-#P comment 504 112 112 196617 radius power function;
-#P hidden newex 346 206 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 61 85 45 196617 vasp.log;
-#P message 61 55 48 196617 vasp.exp;
-#P comment 121 85 86 196617 logarithm;
-#P comment 121 55 84 196617 exponential;
-#P comment 27 22 143 196622 vasp_transcendent;
-#P hidden connect 3 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 4 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 11 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 12 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 13 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 14 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 15 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 17 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 16 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 7 0 5 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 201 98 196617 p vasp.transcendent;
-#N vpatcher 508 79 1002 585;
-#P origin 0 26;
-#P message 251 114 45 196617 vasp.c!-;
-#P comment 125 112 100 196617 reverse subtraction;
-#P message 62 112 40 196617 vasp.!-;
-#P comment 126 439 100 196617 integral function;
-#P comment 126 462 100 196617 differential function;
-#P message 63 462 44 196617 vasp.dif;
-#P message 63 439 44 196617 vasp.int;
-#P message 336 70 43 196617 vasp.r+;
-#P comment 385 70 83 196617 radius offset;
-#P message 252 182 45 196617 vasp.c!/;
-#P comment 126 181 100 196617 reverse division;
-#P message 63 181 41 196617 vasp.!/;
-#P message 252 205 43 196617 vasp.c=;
-#P message 252 160 43 196617 vasp.c/;
-#P message 252 136 44 196617 vasp.c*;
-#P message 251 92 42 196617 vasp.c-;
-#P message 251 70 43 196617 vasp.c+;
-#P hidden newex 417 333 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 63 416 50 196617 vasp.sign;
-#P message 63 394 41 196617 vasp.%;
-#P message 63 373 45 196617 vasp.abs;
-#P message 63 350 41 196617 vasp.!=;
-#P message 63 327 44 196617 vasp.==;
-#P message 63 304 43 196617 vasp.>=;
-#P message 63 280 43 196617 vasp.<=;
-#P message 63 256 35 196617 vasp.>;
-#P message 63 232 35 196617 vasp.<;
-#P message 63 207 38 196617 vasp.=;
-#P message 63 159 38 196617 vasp./;
-#P message 63 135 39 196617 vasp.*;
-#P message 62 92 35 196617 vasp.-;
-#P message 62 70 38 196617 vasp.+;
-#P comment 126 304 100 196617 vasp >= x;
-#P comment 126 280 100 196617 vasp >= x;
-#P comment 126 256 100 196617 vasp > x;
-#P comment 126 232 100 196617 vasp < x;
-#P comment 126 327 58 196617 equal to;
-#P comment 126 135 100 196617 multiplication;
-#P comment 126 159 100 196617 division;
-#P comment 125 92 100 196617 subtraction;
-#P comment 126 350 58 196617 not equal to;
-#P comment 126 394 158 196617 modulo (remainder of a division);
-#P comment 126 373 128 196617 absolute value of a vasp;
-#P comment 125 70 100 196617 addition;
-#P comment 251 49 73 196617 complex ....;
-#P comment 27 24 151 196622 vasp_arithmetic;
-#P comment 126 207 100 196617 vasp = x;
-#P comment 126 416 204 196617 values < 0 become -1 | values > 0 become 1;
-#P comment 336 49 100 196617 radius ....;
-#P hidden connect 43 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 42 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 41 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 39 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 37 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 36 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 35 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 34 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 33 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 32 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 30 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 29 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 28 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 27 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 26 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 25 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 23 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 21 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 19 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 18 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 17 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 20 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 22 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 24 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 46 0 31 0;
-#P hidden connect 48 0 31 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 109 85 196617 p vasp.arithmetic;
-#N vpatcher 528 390 958 618;
-#P origin 25 0;
-#P message 234 86 52 196617 vasp.r!fft;
-#P message 234 59 49 196617 vasp.rfft;
-#P message 64 133 55 196617 vasp.polar;
-#P message 64 86 52 196617 vasp.c!fft;
-#P message 64 59 49 196617 vasp.cfft;
-#P hidden newex 309 192 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P comment 121 133 238 196617 changes between cartesian and polar representation;
-#P comment 287 86 114 196617 inverse real fft;
-#P comment 121 59 100 196617 complex fft;
-#P comment 121 86 100 196617 inverse complex fft;
-#P comment 287 59 100 196617 real fft;
-#P comment 26 22 135 196622 vasp_fftobjects;
-#P comment 121 177 238 196617 changes between polar and cartesian representation;
-#P message 64 177 51 196617 vasp.rect;
-#P hidden fasten 11 0 8 0 69 161 314 161;
-#P hidden fasten 10 0 8 0 69 113 314 113;
-#P hidden fasten 9 0 8 0 69 78 314 78;
-#P hidden fasten 0 0 8 0 69 198 314 198;
-#P hidden fasten 12 0 8 0 239 113 314 113;
-#P hidden fasten 13 0 8 0 239 77 314 77;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 87 85 196617 p vasp.fftobjects;
-#N vpatcher 506 170 738 299;
-#P origin 0 12;
-#P hidden newex 149 90 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 65 79 44 196617 vasp.flp;
-#P message 65 53 45 196617 vasp.fhp;
-#P comment 116 79 100 196617 low pass;
-#P comment 116 53 100 196617 high pass;
-#P comment 24 21 117 196622 vasp_filters;
-#P hidden connect 4 0 5 0;
-#P hidden connect 3 0 5 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 155 69 196617 p vasp.filters;
-#N vpatcher 193 174 800 440;
-#P origin 0 -227;
-#P hidden newex 371 208 39 196617 s ohelp;
-#P message 422 192 59 196617 vasp.*cosc;
-#P message 422 169 65 196617 vasp.*!bevel;
-#P message 422 146 63 196617 vasp.*bevel;
-#P message 422 100 69 196617 vasp.*phasor;
-#P message 422 77 54 196617 vasp.*osc;
-#P message 60 214 60 196617 vasp.cnoise;
-#P message 60 191 52 196617 vasp.cosc;
-#P message 60 168 59 196617 vasp.!bevel;
-#P message 60 145 55 196617 vasp.bevel;
-#P message 60 122 55 196617 vasp.noise;
-#P message 60 99 62 196617 vasp.phasor;
-#P message 60 76 45 196617 vasp.osc;
-#P comment 60 56 126 196617 generate .....;
-#P comment 128 169 120 196617 vasp ramp from 1- 0;
-#P comment 128 145 120 196617 vasp ramp from 0 - 1;
-#P comment 128 121 120 196617 vasp noise generator;
-#P comment 128 98 120 196617 vasp saw tooth generator;
-#P comment 128 75 126 196617 vasp sine wave generator;
-#P comment 292 59 283 196617 multiplies a buffer content with the oscillator functions ...;
-#P comment 128 217 140 196617 complex noise;
-#P comment 128 192 140 196617 complex sine wave;
-#P comment 26 22 138 196622 vasp_generators;
-#P hidden connect 21 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 20 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 19 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 18 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 17 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 16 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 15 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 14 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 13 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 12 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 11 0 22 0;
-#P hidden connect 10 0 22 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 60 132 89 196617 p vasp.generators;
-#P comment 25 23 121 196622 vasp_objects;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 301 248 49 196617 p objects;
-#P comment 45 152 478 196617 vasp objects are using a specialized message syntax for all objects to refer to a buffer or a part of it.;
-#N vpatcher 120 60 880 570;
-#P origin 0 97;
-#P comment 104 1341 139 196617 set all samples of buf5/6 to 0;
-#P message 246 1340 75 196617 vasp buf5 buf6;
-#P newex 246 1382 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 246 1360 45 196617 vasp.= 0;
-#P comment 38 1289 207 196617 and modulate the noise with a 4Hz sine wave;
-#P newex 246 1206 55 196617 vasp.* 0.5;
-#P hidden newex 494 37 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P comment 725 1385 13 196620 |||;
-#P newex 517 1384 92 196617 buffer~ buf6 2000;
-#P newex 517 1364 92 196617 buffer~ buf5 2000;
-#P newex 518 1122 92 196617 buffer~ buf4 2000;
-#P newex 504 848 92 196617 buffer~ buf3 2000;
-#P newex 504 828 92 196617 buffer~ buf2 2000;
-#P newex 501 414 92 196617 buffer~ buf1 2000;
-#P hidden newex 373 599 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P hidden message 494 57 205 196617 window size 120 60 880 570 \, window exec;
-#N thispatcher;
-#Q end;
-#P hidden newobj 494 75 59 196617 thispatcher;
-#P comment 555 1273 63 196617 buffer buf6;
-#P comment 554 1180 63 196617 buffer buf5;
-#P comment 94 1158 37 196617 - to:;
-#P comment 115 1076 127 196617 set all samples of buf1 to 0;
-#P comment 553 1030 63 196617 buffer buf4;
-#P message 246 1268 115 196617 to vasp buf6 \, vasp buf5;
-#P newex 246 1311 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 246 1287 85 196617 vasp.*osc 11025;
-#P newex 246 1228 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 246 1184 55 196617 vasp.noise;
-#P message 246 1074 52 196617 vasp buf4;
-#P newex 246 1116 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 246 1094 45 196617 vasp.= 0;
-#P hidden message 387 1271 45 196617 set buf6;
-#P user waveform~ 387 1287 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P hidden newex 387 1158 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P hidden message 387 1177 45 196617 set buf5;
-#P user waveform~ 387 1195 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P button 193 993 15 0;
-#P hidden newex 387 1002 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P hidden message 387 1029 45 196617 set buf4;
-#P newex 246 1049 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 246 1024 80 196617 vasp.osc 22050;
-#P user waveform~ 387 1045 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P comment 539 737 63 196617 buffer buf3;
-#P comment 534 644 63 196617 buffer buf2;
-#P comment 536 324 57 196617 buffer buf1;
-#P comment 117 748 112 196617 set all samples of buf1 and buf2 to 0;
-#P message 231 750 75 196617 vasp buf2 buf3;
-#P newex 231 788 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 231 768 45 196617 vasp.= 0;
-#P newex 228 705 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 228 680 80 196617 vasp.osc 22050;
-#P comment 92 375 127 196617 set all samples of buf1 to 0;
-#P comment 92 320 135 196617 generate a sine wave at 2Hz;
-#P message 229 376 55 196617 vasp buf1;
-#P newex 229 414 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 229 394 45 196617 vasp.= 0;
-#P hidden message 373 734 45 196617 set buf3;
-#P user waveform~ 373 751 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P hidden message 373 641 45 196617 set buf2;
-#P hidden newex 373 620 35 196617 del 10;
-#P user waveform~ 373 659 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P newex 228 343 61 196617 vasp.update;
-#P newex 228 318 80 196617 vasp.osc 22050;
-#P hidden message 370 319 45 196617 set buf1;
-#P hidden newex 370 299 45 196617 loadbang;
-#P user waveform~ 370 338 223 74 3 9;
-#W mode none;
-#W mouseoutput none;
-#W unit ms;
-#W grid 1000.;
-#W ticks 8.;
-#W labels 1;
-#W vlabels 1;
-#W vticks 1;
-#W vzoom 1.;
-#W voffset 0.;
-#W bpm 120. 4.;
-#W frgb 0 0 0;
-#W brgb 255 255 255;
-#W rgb2 132 132 132;
-#W rgb3 0 0 0;
-#W rgb4 0 0 0;
-#W rgb5 255 255 255;
-#W rgb6 100 100 100;
-#W rgb7 100 100 100;
-#P comment 117 1270 127 196617 sets the target buffer buf6;
-#P message 246 1158 52 196617 vasp buf5;
-#P comment 379 202 117 196617 (default 0);
-#P comment 351 993 214 196617 sets the message \, bang triggers the operation;
-#P comment 63 958 198 196622 additional vasp messages:;
-#P message 246 993 102 196617 set vasp 44100 buf4;
-#P comment 130 868 502 196617 a vasp message can contain as many vectors as you like \, but all vectors have the same length;
-#P comment 391 570 281 196617 refering to buffer buf1 from 0 sec to 1 sec on channel 0 and buffer buf2 from 0.5 sec to 1.5 sec on channel 0;
-#P message 228 573 159 196617 vasp 44100 buf2 0 0 buf3 22050;
-#P comment 92 574 135 196617 two vectored vasp message:;
-#P comment 92 527 395 196617 all vectors have the same length \, but the vectors can differ in the buffers and offsets;
-#P comment 74 497 269 196617 - if a vasp message contains more than one vector:;
-#P comment 296 226 117 196617 (default 0);
-#P comment 354 270 284 196617 refering to buffer buf1 from 0.5 sec to 1.5 sec on channel 0;
-#P message 228 269 125 196617 vasp 44100 buf1 22050 0;
-#P comment 92 271 135 196617 one vectored vasp message:;
-#P comment 379 153 141 196617 which does the same.;
-#P message 336 151 43 196617 vasp -1;
-#P comment 92 153 192 196617 if missing \, it refers to the whole buffer;
-#P message 169 225 125 196617 vasp 44100 buf1 22050 0;
-#P comment 92 226 75 196617 and the channel;
-#P message 258 201 118 196617 vasp 44100 buf1 22050;
-#P comment 92 202 138 196617 an optional offset in samples;
-#P message 258 179 85 196617 vasp 44100 buf1;
-#P comment 92 180 164 196617 the name of the buffer it refers to;
-#P message 271 131 62 196617 vasp 44100;
-#P comment 92 134 173 196617 followed by the length in samples;
-#P message 214 110 31 196617 vasp;
-#P comment 63 43 158 196622 the vasp message:;
-#P comment 63 1 124 196622 vasp_syntax;
-#P comment 74 85 362 196617 - a vasp message is structured by the following parts:;
-#P comment 92 112 113 196617 it always starts with;
-#P comment 291 153 41 196617 or type;
-#P comment 94 993 37 196617 - set:;
-#P comment 725 473 14 196620 |;
-#P comment 725 934 13 196620 ||;
-#P connect 21 0 39 0;
-#P connect 39 0 40 0;
-#P connect 27 0 51 0;
-#P connect 51 0 52 0;
-#P connect 48 0 46 0;
-#P connect 46 0 47 0;
-#P connect 55 0 53 0;
-#P connect 53 0 54 0;
-#P connect 30 0 61 0;
-#P fasten 65 0 61 0 198 1014 251 1014;
-#P connect 61 0 62 0;
-#P connect 73 0 71 0;
-#P connect 71 0 72 0;
-#P connect 34 0 74 0;
-#P connect 74 0 95 0;
-#P connect 95 0 75 0;
-#P connect 78 0 76 0;
-#P connect 76 0 77 0;
-#P connect 99 0 97 0;
-#P connect 97 0 98 0;
-#P hidden connect 37 0 38 0;
-#P hidden connect 38 0 36 0;
-#P hidden connect 86 0 42 0;
-#P hidden connect 42 0 43 0;
-#P hidden connect 43 0 41 0;
-#P hidden connect 42 0 45 0;
-#P hidden connect 45 0 44 0;
-#P hidden connect 64 0 63 0;
-#P hidden connect 63 0 60 0;
-#P hidden connect 68 0 67 0;
-#P hidden connect 67 0 66 0;
-#P hidden connect 68 0 70 0;
-#P hidden connect 70 0 69 0;
-#P hidden connect 94 0 85 0;
-#P hidden connect 85 0 84 0;
-#P pop;
-#P newobj 134 248 45 196617 p syntax;
-#P comment 25 41 148 196622 vasp_modular.help;
-#P comment 45 120 354 196617 vasp is a library of objects for max/msp and pd \,;
-#P comment 45 348 432 196617 inspired by gŸnther rabl«s fft-box and tool-box. find gŸnther rabl at www.canto-crudo.com;
-#P comment 45 75 362 196620 vasp modular - vector assembling signal processor ©2002 thomas grill;
-#P comment 45 365 470 196617 vasp.help patches by florian bogner and oliver grimm - ©2002 patcherboys - www.patcherboys.com;
-#P comment 45 168 570 196617 these help patches should give you an idea of what is possible. feel free to combine different patches to more complex ones.;
-#P hidden connect 18 0 20 0;
-#P hidden connect 17 0 16 0;
-#P hidden connect 20 0 19 0;
-#P pop;