path: root/externals/grill/vst/src
diff options
authorThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2003-03-04 04:40:14 +0000
committerThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2003-03-04 04:40:14 +0000
commit69f7f0c33559cf90e7d6ce7c0ddbd5501af7b1de (patch)
tree634c832e0e85566965ed8e0f489c7f7af7cf95d6 /externals/grill/vst/src
parentc3ae6e7ab08db709ffa1975eea70bfc9461f1d6a (diff)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=452
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/vst/src')
3 files changed, 1284 insertions, 1255 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.cpp
index 8e6f2eb4..57a67c52 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.cpp
@@ -1,541 +1,567 @@
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "EditorThread.h"
-#include "VstHost.h"
-#include "PopupWindow.h"
-#include "vst\aeffeditor.h"
-#include "vst\aeffectx.h"
-VstTimeInfo VSTPlugin::_timeInfo;
-float VSTPlugin::sample_rate = 44100;
-extern "C" void post(char *fmt, ...);
- posx(0),posy(0),
- _editor(false)
- queue_size=0;
- _sDllName = NULL;
- h_dll=NULL;
- instantiated=false; // Constructin' with no instance
- overwrite = false;
- w = GetForegroundWindow();
-// show_params = false;
- _midichannel = 0;
- edited = false;
- Free(); // Call free
- delete _sDllName; // if _sDllName = NULL , the operation does nothing -> it's safe.
-int VSTPlugin::Instance( const char *dllname)
- h_dll=LoadLibrary(dllname);
- if(h_dll==NULL)
- {
- }
-// post("Loaded library %s" , dllname);
- PVSTMAIN main = (PVSTMAIN)GetProcAddress(h_dll,"main");
- if(!main)
- {
- FreeLibrary(h_dll);
- _pEffect=NULL;
- instantiated=false;
- }
- //post("Found main function - about to call it");
- //This calls the "main" function and receives the pointer to the AEffect structure.
- _pEffect = main((audioMasterCallback)&(this->Master));
- if(!_pEffect)
- {
- post("VST plugin : unable to create effect");
- FreeLibrary(h_dll);
- _pEffect=NULL;
- instantiated=false;
- }
- if( _pEffect->magic!=kEffectMagic)
- {
- post("VST plugin : Instance query rejected by 0x%.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
- FreeLibrary(h_dll);
- _pEffect=NULL;
- instantiated=false;
- }
- //post("VST plugin : Instanced at (Effect*): %.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
- //init plugin
- _pEffect->user = this;
- Dispatch( effOpen , 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
- Dispatch( effSetProgram , 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
-// Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
- //************************************set samplerate and stream size here
- // we get it when we init our DSP
-// Dispatch( effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, NULL, (float)Global::pConfig->_pOutputDriver->_samplesPerSec);
-// Dispatch( effSetBlockSize, 0, STREAM_SIZE, NULL, 0.0f);
- if (!Dispatch( effGetProductString, 0, 0, &_sProductName, 0.0f))
- {
- CString str1(dllname);
- CString str2 = str1.Mid(str1.ReverseFind('\\')+1);
- int snip = str2.Find('.');
- if ( snip != -1 )
- {
- str1 = str2.Left( snip );
- }
- else
- {
- str1 = str2;
- }
- strcpy(_sProductName,str1);
- }
- if (!_pEffect->dispatcher(_pEffect, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, &_sVendorName, 0.0f))
- {
- strcpy(_sVendorName, "Unknown vendor");
- }
- _version = _pEffect->version;
- _isSynth = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsIsSynth)?true:false;
- overwrite = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing)?true:false;
- _editor = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsHasEditor)?true:false;
- if ( _sDllName != NULL ) delete _sDllName;
- _sDllName = new char[strlen(dllname)+1];
- sprintf(_sDllName,dllname);
- //keep plugin name
- instantiated=true;
-int VSTPlugin::getNumInputs( void )
- return _pEffect->numInputs;
-int VSTPlugin::getNumOutputs( void )
- return _pEffect->numOutputs;
-void VSTPlugin::Create(VSTPlugin *plug)
- h_dll=plug->h_dll;
- _pEffect=plug->_pEffect;
- _pEffect->user=this;
- Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
-// strcpy(_editName,plug->_editName); On current implementation, this replaces the right one.
- strcpy(_sProductName,plug->_sProductName);
- strcpy(_sVendorName,plug->_sVendorName);
- _sDllName = new char[strlen(plug->_sDllName)+1];
- strcpy(_sDllName,plug->_sDllName);
- _isSynth=plug->_isSynth;
- _version=plug->_version;
- plug->instantiated=false; // We are "stoling" the plugin from the "plug" object so this
- // is just a "trick" so that when destructing the "plug", it
- // doesn't unload the Dll.
- instantiated=true;
-void VSTPlugin::Free() // Called also in destruction
- if(instantiated)
- {
- instantiated=false;
- post("VST plugin : Free query 0x%.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
- _pEffect->user = NULL;
- Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
- Dispatch( effClose, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
-// delete _pEffect; // <- Should check for the necessity of this command.
- _pEffect=NULL;
- FreeLibrary(h_dll);
- }
-void VSTPlugin::Init( float samplerate , float blocksize )
- sample_rate = samplerate;
- Dispatch(effOpen , 0, 0, NULL, 0.f);
- Dispatch(effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.f);
- Dispatch(effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, (float) sample_rate );
- Dispatch(effSetBlockSize, 0, blocksize, NULL, 0.f );
-bool VSTPlugin::DescribeValue(int p,char* psTxt)
- int parameter = p;
- if(instantiated)
- {
- if(parameter<_pEffect->numParams)
- {
-// char par_name[64];
- char par_display[64];
- char par_label[64];
-// Dispatch(effGetParamName,parameter,0,par_name,0.0f);
- Dispatch(effGetParamDisplay,parameter,0,par_display,0.0f);
- Dispatch(effGetParamLabel,parameter,0,par_label,0.0f);
-// sprintf(psTxt,"%s:%s%s",par_name,par_display,par_label);
- sprintf(psTxt,"%s%s",par_display,par_label);
- return true;
- }
- else sprintf(psTxt,"NumParams Exeeded");
- }
- else sprintf(psTxt,"Not loaded");
- return false;
-bool VSTPlugin::SetParameter(int parameter, float value)
- if(instantiated)
- {
- if (( parameter >= 0 ) && (parameter<=_pEffect->numParams))
- {
- _pEffect->setParameter(_pEffect,parameter,value);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool VSTPlugin::SetParameter(int parameter, int value)
- return SetParameter(parameter,value/65535.0f);
-int VSTPlugin::GetCurrentProgram()
- if(instantiated)
- return Dispatch(effGetProgram,0,0,NULL,0.0f);
- else
- return 0;
-void VSTPlugin::SetCurrentProgram(int prg)
- if(instantiated)
- Dispatch(effSetProgram,0,prg,NULL,0.0f);
-bool VSTPlugin::AddMIDI(unsigned char data0,unsigned char data1,unsigned char data2)
- if (instantiated)
- {
- VstMidiEvent* pevent=&midievent[queue_size];
- pevent->type = kVstMidiType;
- pevent->byteSize = 24;
- pevent->deltaFrames = 0;
- pevent->flags = 0;
- pevent->detune = 0;
- pevent->noteLength = 0;
- pevent->noteOffset = 0;
- pevent->reserved1 = 0;
- pevent->reserved2 = 0;
- pevent->noteOffVelocity = 0;
- pevent->midiData[0] = data0;
- pevent->midiData[1] = data1;
- pevent->midiData[2] = data2;
- pevent->midiData[3] = 0;
- if ( queue_size < MAX_EVENTS ) queue_size++;
- SendMidi();
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
-void VSTPlugin::SendMidi()
- if(/*instantiated &&*/ queue_size>0)
- {
- // Prepare MIDI events and free queue dispatching all events
- events.numEvents = queue_size;
- events.reserved = 0;
- for(int q=0;q<queue_size;q++) events.events[q] = (VstEvent*)&midievent[q];
- Dispatch(effProcessEvents, 0, 0, &events, 0.0f);
- queue_size=0;
- }
-void VSTPlugin::processReplacing( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes )
- _pEffect->processReplacing( _pEffect , inputs , outputs , sampleframes );
-void VSTPlugin::process( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes )
- _pEffect->process( _pEffect , inputs , outputs , sampleframes );
-// Host callback dispatcher
-long VSTPlugin::Master(AEffect *effect, long opcode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt)
- post("VST plugin call to host dispatcher: Eff: 0x%.8X, Opcode = %d, Index = %d, Value = %d, PTR = %.8X, OPT = %.3f\n",(int)effect, opcode,index,value,(int)ptr,opt);
- //st( "audioMasterWantMidi %d " , audioMasterWantMidi);
- // Support opcodes
- switch(opcode)
- {
- case audioMasterAutomate:
- return 0; // index, value, returns 0
- case audioMasterVersion:
- return 9; // vst version, currently 7 (0 for older)
- case audioMasterCurrentId:
- return 'AASH'; // returns the unique id of a plug that's currently loading
- case audioMasterIdle:
- effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
- return 0; // call application idle routine (this will call effEditIdle for all open editors too)
- case audioMasterPinConnected:
- return false; // inquire if an input or output is beeing connected;
- case audioMasterWantMidi:
- return 0;
- case audioMasterProcessEvents:
- return 0; // Support of vst events to host is not available
- case audioMasterGetTime:
- memset(&_timeInfo, 0, sizeof(_timeInfo));
- _timeInfo.samplePos = 0;
- _timeInfo.sampleRate = sample_rate;
- return (long)&_timeInfo;
- case audioMasterTempoAt:
- return 0;
- case audioMasterNeedIdle:
- effect->dispatcher(effect, effIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
- return 1;
- case audioMasterGetSampleRate:
- return sample_rate;
- case audioMasterGetVendorString: // Just fooling version string
- strcpy((char*)ptr,"Steinberg");
- return 0;
- case audioMasterGetVendorVersion:
- return 5000; // HOST version 5000
- case audioMasterGetProductString: // Just fooling product string
- strcpy((char*)ptr,"Cubase 5.0");
- return 0;
- case audioMasterVendorSpecific:
- {
- return 0;
- }
- case audioMasterGetLanguage:
- return kVstLangEnglish;
- case audioMasterUpdateDisplay:
- post("audioMasterUpdateDisplay");
- effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
- return 0;
- case audioMasterSetTime: post("VST master dispatcher: Set Time");break;
- case audioMasterGetNumAutomatableParameters: post("VST master dispatcher: GetNumAutPar");break;
- case audioMasterGetParameterQuantization: post("VST master dispatcher: ParamQuant");break;
- case audioMasterIOChanged: post("VST master dispatcher: IOchanged");break;
- case audioMasterSizeWindow: post("VST master dispatcher: Size Window");break;
- case audioMasterGetBlockSize: post("VST master dispatcher: GetBlockSize");break;
- case audioMasterGetInputLatency: post("VST master dispatcher: GetInLatency");break;
- case audioMasterGetOutputLatency: post("VST master dispatcher: GetOutLatency");break;
- case audioMasterGetPreviousPlug: post("VST master dispatcher: PrevPlug");break;
- case audioMasterGetNextPlug: post("VST master dispatcher: NextPlug");break;
- case audioMasterWillReplaceOrAccumulate: post("VST master dispatcher: WillReplace"); break;
- case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel: return 0; break;
- case audioMasterGetAutomationState: post("VST master dispatcher: GetAutState");break;
- case audioMasterOfflineStart: post("VST master dispatcher: Offlinestart");break;
- case audioMasterOfflineRead: post("VST master dispatcher: Offlineread");break;
- case audioMasterOfflineWrite: post("VST master dispatcher: Offlinewrite");break;
- case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentPass: post("VST master dispatcher: OfflineGetcurrentpass");break;
- case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentMetaPass: post("VST master dispatcher: GetGetCurrentMetapass");break;
- case audioMasterSetOutputSampleRate: post("VST master dispatcher: Setsamplerate");break;
- case audioMasterGetSpeakerArrangement: post("VST master dispatcher: Getspeaker");break;
- case audioMasterSetIcon: post("VST master dispatcher: seticon");break;
- case audioMasterCanDo: post("VST master dispatcher: Can Do");break;
- case audioMasterOpenWindow: post("VST master dispatcher: OpenWindow");break;
- case audioMasterCloseWindow: post("VST master dispatcher: CloseWindow");break;
- case audioMasterGetDirectory: post("VST master dispatcher: GetDirectory");break;
-// case audioMasterUpdateDisplay: post("VST master dispatcher: audioMasterUpdateDisplay");break;
- default: post("VST master dispatcher: undefed: %d , %d",opcode , effKeysRequired ) ;break;
- }
- return 0;
-bool VSTPlugin::AddNoteOn( unsigned char note,unsigned char speed,unsigned char midichannel)
- return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEON | midichannel,note,speed);
-bool VSTPlugin::AddNoteOff( unsigned char note,unsigned char midichannel)
- return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEOFF | midichannel,note,0);
-bool VSTPlugin::replace()
- return overwrite;
-void VSTPlugin::edit(bool open)
- if(instantiated) {
- if(open) {
- if ( HasEditor() && !edited) {
- edited = true;
- b = new CEditorThread();
- b->SetPlugin( this);
- b->CreateThread();
- }
- }
- else {
- if (HasEditor() && edited) b->Close();
- }
- }
-void VSTPlugin::visible(bool vis)
- if(instantiated && edited) b->Show(vis);
-void VSTPlugin::EditorIdle()
- Dispatch(effEditIdle,0,0, w,0.0f);
-RECT VSTPlugin::GetEditorRect()
- RECT ret;
- ERect *r;
- Dispatch(effEditGetRect,0,0, &r,0.0f);
- ret.top = r->top;
- ret.bottom = r->bottom;
- ret.left = r->left;
- ret.right = r->right;
- return ret;
-void VSTPlugin::SetEditWindow(HWND h)
- w = h;
- Dispatch(effEditOpen,0,0, w,0.0f);
-void VSTPlugin::OnEditorClose()
- Dispatch(effEditClose,0,0, w,0.0f);
-void VSTPlugin::SetShowParameters(bool s)
- show_params = s;
-bool VSTPlugin::ShowParams()
- return show_params;
-void VSTPlugin::AddAftertouch(int value)
- if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
- AddMIDI( (char)MIDI_NOTEOFF | _midichannel , value );
-void VSTPlugin::AddPitchBend(int value)
- AddMIDI( MIDI_PITCHBEND + (_midichannel & 0xf) , ((value>>7) & 127), (value & 127));
-void VSTPlugin::AddProgramChange(int value)
- if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
- AddMIDI( MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE + (_midichannel & 0xf), value, 0);
-void VSTPlugin::AddControlChange(int control, int value)
- if (control < 0) control = 0; else if (control > 127) control = 127;
- if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
- AddMIDI( MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE + (_midichannel & 0xf), control, value);
-bool VSTPlugin::GetProgramName( int cat , int p, char *buf)
- int parameter = p;
- if(instantiated)
- {
- if(parameter<NumPrograms())
- {
- Dispatch(effGetProgramNameIndexed,parameter,cat,buf,0.0f);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-int VSTPlugin::GetNumCategories()
- if(instantiated)
- return Dispatch(effGetNumProgramCategories,0,0,NULL,0.0f);
- else
- return 0;
-void VSTPlugin::StopEditing()
- edited = false;
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "EditorThread.h"
+#include "VstHost.h"
+#include "PopupWindow.h"
+#include "vst\aeffeditor.h"
+#include "vst\aeffectx.h"
+#include <flext.h>
+VstTimeInfo VSTPlugin::_timeInfo;
+float VSTPlugin::sample_rate = 44100;
+ posx(0),posy(0),
+ _editor(false)
+ queue_size=0;
+ _sDllName = NULL;
+ h_dll=NULL;
+ instantiated=false; // Constructin' with no instance
+ overwrite = false;
+// wantidle = false;
+ w = GetForegroundWindow();
+// show_params = false;
+ _midichannel = 0;
+ edited = false;
+ Free(); // Call free
+ delete _sDllName; // if _sDllName = NULL , the operation does nothing -> it's safe.
+int VSTPlugin::Instance( const char *dllname)
+ h_dll=LoadLibrary(dllname);
+ if(h_dll==NULL)
+ {
+ }
+// post("Loaded library %s" , dllname);
+ PVSTMAIN main = (PVSTMAIN)GetProcAddress(h_dll,"main");
+ if(!main)
+ {
+ FreeLibrary(h_dll);
+ _pEffect=NULL;
+ instantiated=false;
+ }
+ //post("Found main function - about to call it");
+ //This calls the "main" function and receives the pointer to the AEffect structure.
+ _pEffect = main((audioMasterCallback)&(this->Master));
+ if(!_pEffect)
+ {
+ post("VST plugin : unable to create effect");
+ FreeLibrary(h_dll);
+ _pEffect=NULL;
+ instantiated=false;
+ }
+ if( _pEffect->magic!=kEffectMagic)
+ {
+ post("VST plugin : Instance query rejected by 0x%.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
+ FreeLibrary(h_dll);
+ _pEffect=NULL;
+ instantiated=false;
+ }
+ //post("VST plugin : Instanced at (Effect*): %.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
+ //init plugin
+ _pEffect->user = this;
+ Dispatch( effOpen , 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+ Dispatch( effSetProgram , 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+// Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
+ //************************************set samplerate and stream size here
+ // we get it when we init our DSP
+// Dispatch( effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, NULL, (float)Global::pConfig->_pOutputDriver->_samplesPerSec);
+// Dispatch( effSetBlockSize, 0, STREAM_SIZE, NULL, 0.0f);
+ if (!Dispatch( effGetProductString, 0, 0, &_sProductName, 0.0f))
+ {
+ CString str1(dllname);
+ CString str2 = str1.Mid(str1.ReverseFind('\\')+1);
+ int snip = str2.Find('.');
+ if ( snip != -1 )
+ {
+ str1 = str2.Left( snip );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str1 = str2;
+ }
+ strcpy(_sProductName,str1);
+ }
+ if (!_pEffect->dispatcher(_pEffect, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, &_sVendorName, 0.0f))
+ {
+ strcpy(_sVendorName, "Unknown vendor");
+ }
+ _version = _pEffect->version;
+ _isSynth = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsIsSynth)?true:false;
+ overwrite = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing)?true:false;
+ _editor = (_pEffect->flags & effFlagsHasEditor)?true:false;
+ if ( _sDllName != NULL ) delete _sDllName;
+ _sDllName = new char[strlen(dllname)+1];
+ sprintf(_sDllName,dllname);
+ //keep plugin name
+ instantiated=true;
+int VSTPlugin::getNumInputs( void )
+ return _pEffect->numInputs;
+int VSTPlugin::getNumOutputs( void )
+ return _pEffect->numOutputs;
+void VSTPlugin::Create(VSTPlugin *plug)
+ h_dll=plug->h_dll;
+ _pEffect=plug->_pEffect;
+ _pEffect->user=this;
+ Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
+// strcpy(_editName,plug->_editName); On current implementation, this replaces the right one.
+ strcpy(_sProductName,plug->_sProductName);
+ strcpy(_sVendorName,plug->_sVendorName);
+ _sDllName = new char[strlen(plug->_sDllName)+1];
+ strcpy(_sDllName,plug->_sDllName);
+ _isSynth=plug->_isSynth;
+ _version=plug->_version;
+ plug->instantiated=false; // We are "stoling" the plugin from the "plug" object so this
+ // is just a "trick" so that when destructing the "plug", it
+ // doesn't unload the Dll.
+ instantiated=true;
+void VSTPlugin::Free() // Called also in destruction
+ if(instantiated)
+ {
+ instantiated=false;
+ post("VST plugin : Free query 0x%.8X\n",(int)_pEffect);
+ _pEffect->user = NULL;
+ Dispatch( effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+ Dispatch( effClose, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+// delete _pEffect; // <- Should check for the necessity of this command.
+ _pEffect=NULL;
+ FreeLibrary(h_dll);
+ }
+void VSTPlugin::Init( float samplerate , float blocksize )
+ sample_rate = samplerate;
+ Dispatch(effOpen , 0, 0, NULL, 0.f);
+ Dispatch(effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.f);
+ Dispatch(effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, 0, (float) sample_rate );
+ Dispatch(effSetBlockSize, 0, blocksize, NULL, 0.f );
+bool VSTPlugin::DescribeValue(int p,char* psTxt)
+ int parameter = p;
+ if(instantiated)
+ {
+ if(parameter<_pEffect->numParams)
+ {
+// char par_name[64];
+ char par_display[64];
+ char par_label[64];
+// Dispatch(effGetParamName,parameter,0,par_name,0.0f);
+ Dispatch(effGetParamDisplay,parameter,0,par_display,0.0f);
+ Dispatch(effGetParamLabel,parameter,0,par_label,0.0f);
+// sprintf(psTxt,"%s:%s%s",par_name,par_display,par_label);
+ sprintf(psTxt,"%s%s",par_display,par_label);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else sprintf(psTxt,"NumParams Exeeded");
+ }
+ else sprintf(psTxt,"Not loaded");
+ return false;
+bool VSTPlugin::SetParameter(int parameter, float value)
+ if(instantiated)
+ {
+ if (( parameter >= 0 ) && (parameter<=_pEffect->numParams))
+ {
+ _pEffect->setParameter(_pEffect,parameter,value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool VSTPlugin::SetParameter(int parameter, int value)
+ return SetParameter(parameter,value/65535.0f);
+int VSTPlugin::GetCurrentProgram()
+ if(instantiated)
+ return Dispatch(effGetProgram,0,0,NULL,0.0f);
+ else
+ return 0;
+void VSTPlugin::SetCurrentProgram(int prg)
+ if(instantiated)
+ Dispatch(effSetProgram,0,prg,NULL,0.0f);
+bool VSTPlugin::AddMIDI(unsigned char data0,unsigned char data1,unsigned char data2)
+ if (instantiated)
+ {
+ VstMidiEvent* pevent=&midievent[queue_size];
+ pevent->type = kVstMidiType;
+ pevent->byteSize = 24;
+ pevent->deltaFrames = 0;
+ pevent->flags = 0;
+ pevent->detune = 0;
+ pevent->noteLength = 0;
+ pevent->noteOffset = 0;
+ pevent->reserved1 = 0;
+ pevent->reserved2 = 0;
+ pevent->noteOffVelocity = 0;
+ pevent->midiData[0] = data0;
+ pevent->midiData[1] = data1;
+ pevent->midiData[2] = data2;
+ pevent->midiData[3] = 0;
+ if ( queue_size < MAX_EVENTS ) queue_size++;
+ SendMidi();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else return false;
+void VSTPlugin::SendMidi()
+ if(/*instantiated &&*/ queue_size>0)
+ {
+ // Prepare MIDI events and free queue dispatching all events
+ events.numEvents = queue_size;
+ events.reserved = 0;
+ for(int q=0;q<queue_size;q++) events.events[q] = (VstEvent*)&midievent[q];
+ Dispatch(effProcessEvents, 0, 0, &events, 0.0f);
+ queue_size=0;
+ }
+void VSTPlugin::processReplacing( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes )
+ _pEffect->processReplacing( _pEffect , inputs , outputs , sampleframes );
+void VSTPlugin::process( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes )
+ _pEffect->process( _pEffect , inputs , outputs , sampleframes );
+// Host callback dispatcher
+long VSTPlugin::Master(AEffect *effect, long opcode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt)
+#if 0 //def FLEXT_DEBUG
+ if(opcode != audioMasterGetTime)
+ post("VST plugin call to host dispatcher: Eff: 0x%.8X, Opcode = %d, Index = %d, Value = %d, PTR = %.8X, OPT = %.3f\n",(int)effect, opcode,index,value,(int)ptr,opt);
+ //st( "audioMasterWantMidi %d " , audioMasterWantMidi);
+ // Support opcodes
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ case audioMasterAutomate:
+ return 0; // index, value, returns 0
+ case audioMasterVersion:
+ return 2; // vst version, currently 7 (0 for older)
+ case audioMasterCurrentId:
+ return 'AASH'; // returns the unique id of a plug that's currently loading
+ case audioMasterIdle:
+ effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+ return 0; // call application idle routine (this will call effEditIdle for all open editors too)
+ case audioMasterPinConnected:
+ if (value == 0) //input
+ {
+ if ( index < 2) return 0;
+ else return 1;
+ }
+ else //output
+ {
+ if ( index < 2) return 0;
+ else return 1;
+ }
+ return 0; // inquire if an input or output is beeing connected;
+ case audioMasterWantMidi:
+ return 0;
+ case audioMasterProcessEvents:
+ return 0; // Support of vst events to host is not available
+ case audioMasterGetTime:
+ memset(&_timeInfo, 0, sizeof(_timeInfo));
+ _timeInfo.samplePos = 0;
+ _timeInfo.sampleRate = sample_rate;
+ return (long)&_timeInfo;
+ case audioMasterTempoAt:
+ return 0;
+ case audioMasterNeedIdle:
+// effect->dispatcher(effect, effIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+ return 1;
+ case audioMasterGetSampleRate:
+ return sample_rate;
+ case audioMasterGetVendorString: // Just fooling version string
+ strcpy((char*)ptr,"Steinberg");
+ return 0;
+ case audioMasterGetVendorVersion:
+ return 5000; // HOST version 5000
+ case audioMasterGetProductString: // Just fooling product string
+ strcpy((char*)ptr,"Cubase 5.0");
+ return 0;
+ case audioMasterVendorSpecific:
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case audioMasterGetLanguage:
+ return kVstLangEnglish;
+ case audioMasterUpdateDisplay:
+ post("audioMasterUpdateDisplay");
+ effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
+ return 0;
+ case audioMasterCanDo:
+ if (!strcmp((char*)ptr,"sendVstEvents")) return 1;
+ if (!strcmp((char*)ptr,"sendVstMidiEvent")) return 1;
+ if (!strcmp((char*)ptr,"sendVstTimeInfo")) return 1;
+// "receiveVstEvents",
+// "receiveVstMidiEvent",
+// "receiveVstTimeInfo",
+// "reportConnectionChanges",
+// "acceptIOChanges",
+ if (!strcmp((char*)ptr,"sizeWindow")) return 1;
+ if (!strcmp((char*)ptr,"supplyIdle")) return 1;
+ return -1;
+ case audioMasterSetTime: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Set Time");break;
+ case audioMasterGetNumAutomatableParameters: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetNumAutPar");break;
+ case audioMasterGetParameterQuantization: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: ParamQuant");break;
+ case audioMasterIOChanged: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: IOchanged");break;
+ case audioMasterSizeWindow: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Size Window");break;
+ case audioMasterGetBlockSize: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetBlockSize");break;
+ case audioMasterGetInputLatency: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetInLatency");break;
+ case audioMasterGetOutputLatency: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetOutLatency");break;
+ case audioMasterGetPreviousPlug: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: PrevPlug");break;
+ case audioMasterGetNextPlug: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: NextPlug");break;
+ case audioMasterWillReplaceOrAccumulate: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: WillReplace"); break;
+ case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel: return 0; break;
+ case audioMasterGetAutomationState: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetAutState");break;
+ case audioMasterOfflineStart: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Offlinestart");break;
+ case audioMasterOfflineRead: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Offlineread");break;
+ case audioMasterOfflineWrite: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Offlinewrite");break;
+ case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentPass: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: OfflineGetcurrentpass");break;
+ case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentMetaPass: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetGetCurrentMetapass");break;
+ case audioMasterSetOutputSampleRate: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Setsamplerate");break;
+ case audioMasterGetSpeakerArrangement: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: Getspeaker");break;
+ case audioMasterSetIcon: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: seticon");break;
+ case audioMasterOpenWindow: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: OpenWindow");break;
+ case audioMasterCloseWindow: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: CloseWindow");break;
+ case audioMasterGetDirectory: FLEXT_LOG("VST master dispatcher: GetDirectory");break;
+// case audioMasterUpdateDisplay: post("VST master dispatcher: audioMasterUpdateDisplay");break;
+ default: post("VST master dispatcher: undefed: %d , %d",opcode , effKeysRequired ) ;break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool VSTPlugin::AddNoteOn( unsigned char note,unsigned char speed,unsigned char midichannel)
+ return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEON | midichannel,note,speed);
+bool VSTPlugin::AddNoteOff( unsigned char note,unsigned char midichannel)
+ return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEOFF | midichannel,note,0);
+bool VSTPlugin::replace()
+ return overwrite;
+void VSTPlugin::edit(bool open)
+ if(instantiated) {
+ if(open) {
+ if ( HasEditor() && !edited) {
+ edited = true;
+ b = new CEditorThread();
+ b->SetPlugin( this);
+ b->CreateThread();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (HasEditor() && edited) b->Close();
+ }
+ }
+void VSTPlugin::visible(bool vis)
+ if(instantiated && edited) b->Show(vis);
+void VSTPlugin::EditorIdle()
+ Dispatch(effEditIdle,0,0, w,0.0f);
+RECT VSTPlugin::GetEditorRect()
+ RECT ret;
+ ERect *r;
+ Dispatch(effEditGetRect,0,0, &r,0.0f);
+ ret.top = r->top;
+ ret.bottom = r->bottom;
+ ret.left = r->left;
+ ret.right = r->right;
+ return ret;
+void VSTPlugin::SetEditWindow(HWND h)
+ w = h;
+ Dispatch(effEditOpen,0,0, w,0.0f);
+void VSTPlugin::OnEditorClose()
+ Dispatch(effEditClose,0,0, w,0.0f);
+void VSTPlugin::SetShowParameters(bool s)
+ show_params = s;
+bool VSTPlugin::ShowParams()
+ return show_params;
+void VSTPlugin::AddAftertouch(int value)
+ if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
+ AddMIDI( (char)MIDI_NOTEOFF | _midichannel , value );
+void VSTPlugin::AddPitchBend(int value)
+ AddMIDI( MIDI_PITCHBEND + (_midichannel & 0xf) , ((value>>7) & 127), (value & 127));
+void VSTPlugin::AddProgramChange(int value)
+ if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
+ AddMIDI( MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE + (_midichannel & 0xf), value, 0);
+void VSTPlugin::AddControlChange(int control, int value)
+ if (control < 0) control = 0; else if (control > 127) control = 127;
+ if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127;
+ AddMIDI( MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE + (_midichannel & 0xf), control, value);
+bool VSTPlugin::GetProgramName( int cat , int p, char *buf)
+ int parameter = p;
+ if(instantiated)
+ {
+ if(parameter<NumPrograms())
+ {
+ Dispatch(effGetProgramNameIndexed,parameter,cat,buf,0.0f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+int VSTPlugin::GetNumCategories()
+ if(instantiated)
+ return Dispatch(effGetNumProgramCategories,0,0,NULL,0.0f);
+ else
+ return 0;
+void VSTPlugin::StopEditing()
+ edited = false;
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.h b/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.h
index 1ad9cede..8b272e97 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.h
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/VstHost.h
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ protected:
int posx,posy;
- bool edited;
+ bool edited; //,wantidle;
bool show_params;
static float sample_rate;
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
index 7854aa8f..328f318a 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
@@ -1,713 +1,716 @@
-vst - VST plugin object for PD
-based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson
-Copyright (c)2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include "main.h"
-#include "vst.h"
-#include "EditorThread.h"
-#include "VstHost.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <direct.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#define VST_VERSION "0.1.0pre5"
-#if 0
-/* ----- MFC stuff ------------- */
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CVstApp)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
- // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
-CVstApp::CVstApp() {}
-CVstApp theApp;
-/* ----- MFC stuff ------------- */
-class vst:
- public flext_dsp
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(vst,flext_dsp,Setup)
- vst(I argc,const A *argv);
- ~vst();
- virtual V m_dsp(I n,t_signalvec const *insigs,t_signalvec const *outsigs);
- virtual V m_signal(I n,R *const *insigs,R *const *outsigs);
- BL ms_plug(I argc,const A *argv);
- BL ms_plug(const AtomList &args) { return ms_plug(args.Count(),args.Atoms()); }
- V mg_plug(AtomList &sym) const { sym(1); SetString(sym[0],plugname); }
- V ms_edit(BL on);
- V mg_edit(BL &ed) { ed = plug && plug->Edited(); }
- V mg_editor(BL &ed) { ed = plug && plug->HasEditor(); }
- V ms_vis(BL vis);
- V mg_winx(I &x) const { x = plug?plug->getX():0; }
- V mg_winy(I &y) const { y = plug?plug->getY():0; }
- V ms_winx(I x) { if(plug) plug->setX(x); }
- V ms_winy(I y) { if(plug) plug->setY(y); }
- V mg_chnsin(I &c) const { c = plug?plug->getNumInputs():0; }
- V mg_chnsout(I &c) const { c = plug?plug->getNumOutputs():0; }
- V mg_params(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->GetNumParams():0; }
- V mg_programs(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->NumPrograms():0; }
- V mg_plugname(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetName():""); }
- V mg_plugvendor(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetVendorName():""); }
- V mg_plugdll(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetDllName():""); }
- V mg_plugversion(I &v) const { v = plug?plug->GetVersion():0; }
- V mg_issynth(BL &s) const { s = plug && plug->IsSynth(); }
- V m_print(I ac,const A *av);
- V ms_program(I p);
- V mg_program(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->GetCurrentProgram():0; }
-// V m_control(const S *ctrl_name,I ctrl_value);
- V m_pitchbend(I ctrl_value);
- V m_programchange(I ctrl_value);
- V m_aftertouch(I ctrl_value);
- V m_ctrlchange(I control,I ctrl_value);
- V m_note(I note,I vel);
- inline V m_noteoff(I note) { m_note(note,0); }
- V ms_param(I pnum,F val);
- V mg_param(I pnum);
- V m_pname(I pnum);
- V m_ptext(I pnum);
- V display_parameter(I param,BL showparams);
- VSTPlugin *plug;
- CString plugname;
- BL echoparam,visible;
- I blsz;
- V (VSTPlugin::*vstfun)(R **insigs,R **outsigs,L n);
- BL sigmatch;
- R **vstin,**vstout,**tmpin,**tmpout;
- V InitPlug();
- V ClearPlug();
- V InitBuf();
- V ClearBuf();
- static V Setup(t_classid);
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_V(mg_plug,ms_plug)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_B(mg_edit,ms_edit)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_B(mg_editor)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_B(visible)
-// FLEXT_CALLBACK_2(m_control,t_symptr,int)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_pitchbend)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_aftertouch)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_programchange)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_II(m_ctrlchange)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_program,ms_program)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_2(ms_param,int,float)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(mg_param)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_noteoff)
- FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(echoparam)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winx,ms_winx)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winy,ms_winy)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_chnsin)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_chnsout)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_params)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_programs)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugname)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugvendor)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugdll)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_plugversion)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_B(mg_issynth)
-V vst::Setup(t_classid c)
- AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
- AfxOleInit( );
- post("");
- post("vst~ %s - VST plugin object, (C)2003 Thomas Grill",VST_VERSION);
- post("based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson");
- post("");
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"plug",mg_plug,ms_plug);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"edit",mg_edit,ms_edit);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"editor",mg_editor);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"vis",visible,ms_vis);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"print",m_print);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"note",m_note);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"noteoff",m_noteoff);
-// FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_2(c,0,"control",m_control,t_symptr,int);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"pbend",m_pitchbend);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"atouch",m_aftertouch);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"ctlchg",m_ctrlchange);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"progchg",m_programchange);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"program",mg_program,ms_program);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_2(c,0,"param",ms_param,int,float);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getparam",mg_param);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"getpname",m_pname);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"getptext",m_ptext);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"echo",echoparam);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"x",mg_winx,ms_winx);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"y",mg_winy,ms_winy);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"ins",mg_chnsin);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"outs",mg_chnsout);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"params",mg_params);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"programs",mg_programs);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"name",mg_plugname);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"vendor",mg_plugvendor);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"dll",mg_plugdll);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"version",mg_plugversion);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"synth",mg_issynth);
-vst::vst(I argc,const A *argv):
- plug(NULL),visible(false),
- blsz(0),
- vstfun(NULL),vstin(NULL),vstout(NULL),tmpin(NULL),tmpout(NULL),
- echoparam(false)
- if(argc >= 2 && CanbeInt(argv[0]) && CanbeInt(argv[1])) {
- AddInSignal(GetAInt(argv[0]));
- AddOutSignal(GetAInt(argv[1]));
- if(!ms_plug(argc-2,argv+2)) InitProblem();
- }
- else {
- post("%s - syntax: vst~ inputs outputs [plug]",thisName());
- InitProblem();
- }
- ClearPlug();
-V vst::ClearPlug()
- if(plug) {
- ClearBuf();
- delete plug; plug = NULL;
- }
-V vst::InitPlug()
- vstfun = plug->replace()?plug->processReplacing:plug->process;
- sigmatch = plug->getNumInputs() == CntInSig() && plug->getNumOutputs() == CntOutSig();
- InitBuf();
-V vst::ClearBuf()
- if(!plug) return;
- if(vstin) {
- for(I i = 0; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) delete[] vstin[i];
- delete[] vstin; vstin = NULL;
- delete[] tmpin; tmpin = NULL;
- }
- if(vstout) {
- for(I i = 0; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) delete[] vstout[i];
- delete[] vstout; vstout = NULL;
- delete[] tmpout; tmpout = NULL;
- }
-V vst::InitBuf()
- FLEXT_ASSERT(!vstin && !tmpin && !vstout && !tmpout);
- I i;
- vstin = new R *[plug->getNumInputs()];
- tmpin = new R *[plug->getNumInputs()];
- for(i = 0; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) vstin[i] = new R[Blocksize()];
- vstout = new R *[plug->getNumOutputs()];
- tmpout = new R *[plug->getNumOutputs()];
- for(i = 0; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) vstout[i] = new R[Blocksize()];
-static const C *findFilePath(const C *path,const C *dllname)
- CFileFind finder;
- _chdir( path );
- if(finder.FindFile( dllname ))
- return path;
- else {
- finder.FindFile();
- while(finder.FindNextFile()) {
- if(finder.IsDirectory()) {
- if(!finder.IsDots()) {
- CString *npath = new CString( finder.GetFilePath());
- const C *ret = findFilePath( *npath , dllname );
- if(ret) {
- CString *retstr = new CString(ret);
- return *retstr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-BL vst::ms_plug(I argc,const A *argv)
- ClearPlug();
- plugname.Empty();
- C buf[255];
- for(I i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
- if(i > 0) plugname += ' ';
- GetAString(argv[i],buf,sizeof buf);
- plugname += buf;
- }
- plugname.MakeLower();
- if(!plugname.GetLength()) return false;
- plug = new VSTPlugin;
- // now try to load plugin
- // to help deal with spaces we assume ALL of the args make
- // up the filename
- bool lf = false;
- int loaderr = VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR;
- // try loading the dll from the raw filename
- if ((loaderr = plug->Instance(plugname)) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR) {
- FLEXT_LOG("raw filename loaded fine");
- lf = true;
- }
- if(!lf) { // try finding it on the PD path
- C *name,dir[1024];
- I fd = open_via_path("",plugname,".dll",dir,&name,sizeof(dir)-1,0);
- if(fd > 0) close(fd);
- else name = NULL;
- if(name) {
- FLEXT_LOG("found VST dll on the PD path");
- // if dir is current working directory... name points to dir
- if(dir == name) strcpy(dir,".");
- CString dllname(dir);
- dllname += "\\";
- dllname += name;
- lf = (loaderr = plug->Instance(dllname)) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if(!lf) { // try finding it on the VST path
- C *vst_path = getenv ("VST_PATH");
- CString dllname(plugname);
- if(dllname.Find(".dll") == -1) dllname += ".dll";
- if(vst_path) {
- FLEXT_LOG("found VST_PATH env variable");
- char* tok_path = new C[strlen( vst_path)+1];
- strcpy( tok_path , vst_path);
- char *tok = strtok( tok_path , ";" );
- while( tok != NULL ) {
- CString abpath( tok );
- if( abpath.Right( 1 ) != _T("\\") ) abpath += "\\";
- FLEXT_LOG1("trying VST_PATH %s",(const C *)abpath);
- const char * realpath = findFilePath( abpath , dllname );
- //post( "findFilePath( %s , %s ) = %s\n" , abpath , dllname , realpath );
- if ( realpath != NULL ) {
- CString rpath( realpath );
- rpath += plugname;
- FLEXT_LOG1("trying %s",(const C *)rpath);
- if((loaderr = plug->Instance( rpath )) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR ) {
- FLEXT_LOG("plugin loaded via VST_PATH");
- lf = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- tok = strtok( NULL , ";" );
- if(!tok) post("%s - couldn't find plugin",thisName());
- }
- delete[] tok_path;
- }
- }
- if(!lf) { // failed - don't make any ins or outs
- post("%s - unable to load plugin '%s', load error %i",thisName(),plugname,loaderr);
- ClearPlug();
- }
- // re-init dsp stuff
- if(plug) InitPlug();
- return lf;
-V vst::m_dsp(I n,t_signalvec const *,t_signalvec const *)
- if(plug) {
- plug->Init(Samplerate(),(F)Blocksize());
- FLEXT_ASSERT(vstfun);
- if(blsz != Blocksize()) {
- blsz = Blocksize();
- ClearBuf();
- InitBuf();
- }
- }
-V vst::m_signal(I n,R *const *insigs,R *const *outsigs)
- if(plug) {
- if(sigmatch)
- (plug->*vstfun)(const_cast<R **>(insigs),const_cast<R **>(outsigs),n);
- else {
- R **inv,**outv;
- if(plug->getNumInputs() <= CntInSig())
- inv = const_cast<R **>(insigs);
- else { // more plug inputs than inlets
- I i;
- for(i = 0; i < CntInSig(); ++i) tmpin[i] = const_cast<R *>(insigs[i]);
- // set dangling inputs to zero
- // according to mode... (e.g. set zero)
- for(; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) ZeroSamples(tmpin[i] = vstin[i],n);
- inv = tmpin;
- }
- const BL more = plug->getNumOutputs() <= CntOutSig();
- if(more) // more outlets than plug outputs
- outv = const_cast<R **>(outsigs);
- else {
- I i;
- for(i = 0; i < CntOutSig(); ++i) tmpout[i] = outsigs[i];
- for(; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) tmpout[i] = vstout[i];
- outv = tmpout;
- }
- (plug->*vstfun)(inv,outv,n);
- if(more) {
- // according to mode set dangling output vectors
- }
- }
- }
- else
- flext_dsp::m_signal(n,insigs,outsigs);
-#if 0
-V vst::m_control(const S *ctrl_name,I ctrl_value)
- if(!plug) return;
- I parm_num = 0;
- if (!*GetString(ctrl_name) || !strlen(GetString(ctrl_name))) {
- error ("plugin~: control messages must have a name and a value");
- return;
- }
- //parm_num = vst_tilde_get_parm_number (x, ctrl_name->s_name);
- //if (parm_num)
- //{
- //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_index (x, parm_num - 1, ctrl_value);
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_name (x, ctrl_name->s_name, ctrl_value);
- //}
-V vst::m_pitchbend(I ctrl_value)
- if(plug) plug->AddPitchBend(ctrl_value );
-V vst::m_aftertouch(I ctrl_value)
- if(plug) plug->AddAftertouch(ctrl_value );
-V vst::m_programchange(I ctrl_value)
- if(plug) plug->AddProgramChange(ctrl_value );
-V vst::ms_program(I p)
- if(plug && p >= 0) plug->SetCurrentProgram(p);
-V vst::m_ctrlchange(I control,I ctrl_value)
- if(plug) plug->AddControlChange(control,ctrl_value );
- /**
- * display the parameters names and values and some other bits and pieces that
- * may be of use
- */
-V vst::m_print(I ac,const A *av)
- if(!plug) return;
- int i;
- bool params = false;
- bool header = true;
- bool programs = false;
- bool parameters = true;
- int specific = -1;
- if( ac > 0 ) {
- for( i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++) {
- if(IsString(av[i])) {
- const C *buf = GetString(av[i]);
- if ( strcmp( buf , "-params" ) == 0 ) {
- params = true;
- }
- else if ( strcmp( buf , "-noheader" ) == 0 ) {
- header = false;
- }
- else if ( strcmp( buf , "-programs" ) == 0 ) {
- programs = true;
- parameters = false;
- }
- else if ( strcmp( buf , "-parameters" ) == 0 ) {
- parameters = false;
- }
- else if ( strcmp( buf , "-help" ) == 0 ) {
- post("print options:");
- post("-help \t\tprint this");
- post("-programs \tshow the programs");
- post("-parameters \tshow the parameters");
- post("-params \tshow the parameter display values");
- post("-noheader \tdo not display the header");
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(CanbeInt(av[i])) {
- int p = GetAInt(av[i]);
- if (( p > 0 ) && ( p <= plug->GetNumParams())) {
- specific = p - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( header ) {
- post("VST~ plugin: %s " , plug->GetName() );
- post("made by: %s " , plug->GetVendorName() );
- post("parameterss %d\naudio: %d in(s)/%d out(s) \nLoaded from library \"%s\".\n",
- plug->GetNumParams(),
- CntInSig(),
- CntOutSig(),
- plug->GetDllName());
- post("Flags");
- if ( plug->_pEffect->flags & effFlagsHasEditor ) {
- post("Has editor");
- }
- if ( plug->_pEffect->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing ) {
- post("Can do replacing");
- }
- }
- if ( parameters ) {
- if ( specific == -1) {
- for (i = 0; i < plug->GetNumParams(); i++)
- display_parameter( i , params );
- }
- else
- display_parameter( specific , params);
- }
- if( programs ) {
- for( int j = 0; j < plug->GetNumCategories() ; j++ ) {
- for( i = 0 ; i < plug->GetNumParams() ; i++ ) {
- char buf[64];
- plug->GetProgramName( j , i , buf );
- post("Program %d: %s ", i , buf );
- }
- }
- }
-//! display an editor
-V vst::ms_edit(BL on)
- AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
- if(plug) plug->edit(on);
-V vst::ms_vis(BL vis)
- AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
- if(plug) plug->visible(vis);
-V vst::display_parameter(I param,BL showparams)
- int j = param;
- /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
- char name[109];
- char display[164];
- float val;
-// if(j == 0) post ("Control input/output(s):");
- memset (name, 0, sizeof(name));
- memset( display, 0 ,sizeof(display));
- plug->GetParamName( j , name );
- if(*name) {
- if (showparams) {
- plug->DescribeValue( j , display );
- val = plug->GetParamValue( j );
- post ("parameter[#%d], \"%s\" value=%f (%s) ", j, name, val,display);
- }
- else {
- val = plug->GetParamValue( j );
- post ("parameter[#%d], \"%s\" value=%f ", j, name, val);
- }
- }
-// set the value of a parameter
-V vst::ms_param(I pnum,F val)
- if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
- F xval = plug->GetParamValue( pnum );
-// if(xval <= 1.0f) // What's that????
- if(true)
- {
- plug->SetParameter( pnum, val );
- if(echoparam) display_parameter(pnum , true );
- }
- else
- FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
-V vst::mg_param(I pnum)
- if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
- A at[2];
- SetInt(at[0],pnum);
- SetFloat(at[1],plug->GetParamValue(pnum));
- ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("param"),2,at);
-V vst::m_pname(I pnum)
- if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
- C name[109]; /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
- memset(name,0,sizeof(name));
- plug->GetParamName(pnum,name);
- A at[2];
- SetInt(at[0],pnum);
- SetString(at[1],name);
- ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("pname"),2,at);
-V vst::m_ptext(I pnum)
- if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
- C display[164]; /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
- memset(display,0,sizeof(display));
- plug->DescribeValue(pnum,display);
- A at[2];
- SetInt(at[0],pnum);
- SetString(at[1],display);
- ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("ptext"),2,at);
-V vst::m_note(I note,I velocity)
- if(!plug) return;
- if(velocity > 0)
- plug->AddNoteOn(note,velocity);
- else
- plug->AddNoteOff(note);
+vst - VST plugin object for PD
+based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson
+Copyright (c)2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
+For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
+#include "main.h"
+#include "vst.h"
+#include "EditorThread.h"
+#include "VstHost.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <direct.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#define VST_VERSION "0.1.0pre5"
+#if 0
+/* ----- MFC stuff ------------- */
+ //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CVstApp)
+ // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
+ // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
+CVstApp::CVstApp() {}
+CVstApp theApp;
+/* ----- MFC stuff ------------- */
+class vst:
+ public flext_dsp
+ FLEXT_HEADER_S(vst,flext_dsp,Setup)
+ vst(I argc,const A *argv);
+ ~vst();
+ virtual V m_dsp(I n,t_signalvec const *insigs,t_signalvec const *outsigs);
+ virtual V m_signal(I n,R *const *insigs,R *const *outsigs);
+ BL ms_plug(I argc,const A *argv);
+ BL ms_plug(const AtomList &args) { return ms_plug(args.Count(),args.Atoms()); }
+ V mg_plug(AtomList &sym) const { sym(1); SetString(sym[0],plugname); }
+ V ms_edit(BL on);
+ V mg_edit(BL &ed) { ed = plug && plug->Edited(); }
+ V mg_editor(BL &ed) { ed = plug && plug->HasEditor(); }
+ V ms_vis(BL vis);
+ V mg_winx(I &x) const { x = plug?plug->getX():0; }
+ V mg_winy(I &y) const { y = plug?plug->getY():0; }
+ V ms_winx(I x) { if(plug) plug->setX(x); }
+ V ms_winy(I y) { if(plug) plug->setY(y); }
+ V mg_chnsin(I &c) const { c = plug?plug->getNumInputs():0; }
+ V mg_chnsout(I &c) const { c = plug?plug->getNumOutputs():0; }
+ V mg_params(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->GetNumParams():0; }
+ V mg_programs(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->NumPrograms():0; }
+ V mg_progcats(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->GetNumCategories():0; }
+ V mg_plugname(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetName():""); }
+ V mg_plugvendor(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetVendorName():""); }
+ V mg_plugdll(const S *&s) const { s = MakeSymbol(plug?plug->GetDllName():""); }
+ V mg_plugversion(I &v) const { v = plug?plug->GetVersion():0; }
+ V mg_issynth(BL &s) const { s = plug && plug->IsSynth(); }
+ V m_print(I ac,const A *av);
+ V ms_program(I p);
+ V mg_program(I &p) const { p = plug?plug->GetCurrentProgram():0; }
+// V m_control(const S *ctrl_name,I ctrl_value);
+ V m_pitchbend(I ctrl_value);
+ V m_programchange(I ctrl_value);
+ V m_aftertouch(I ctrl_value);
+ V m_ctrlchange(I control,I ctrl_value);
+ V m_note(I note,I vel);
+ inline V m_noteoff(I note) { m_note(note,0); }
+ V ms_param(I pnum,F val);
+ V mg_param(I pnum);
+ V m_pname(I pnum);
+ V m_ptext(I pnum);
+ V display_parameter(I param,BL showparams);
+ VSTPlugin *plug;
+ CString plugname;
+ BL echoparam,visible;
+ I blsz;
+ V (VSTPlugin::*vstfun)(R **insigs,R **outsigs,L n);
+ BL sigmatch;
+ R **vstin,**vstout,**tmpin,**tmpout;
+ V InitPlug();
+ V ClearPlug();
+ V InitBuf();
+ V ClearBuf();
+ static V Setup(t_classid);
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_V(mg_plug,ms_plug)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_B(mg_edit,ms_edit)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_B(mg_editor)
+ FLEXT_ATTRGET_B(visible)
+// FLEXT_CALLBACK_2(m_control,t_symptr,int)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_pitchbend)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_aftertouch)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_programchange)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_II(m_ctrlchange)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_program,ms_program)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_2(ms_param,int,float)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(mg_param)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_noteoff)
+ FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(echoparam)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winx,ms_winx)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winy,ms_winy)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_chnsin)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_chnsout)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_params)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_programs)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_progcats)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugname)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugvendor)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_S(mg_plugdll)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_I(mg_plugversion)
+ FLEXT_CALLGET_B(mg_issynth)
+V vst::Setup(t_classid c)
+ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+ AfxOleInit( );
+ post("");
+ post("vst~ %s - VST plugin object, (C)2003 Thomas Grill",VST_VERSION);
+ post("based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson");
+ post("");
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"plug",mg_plug,ms_plug);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"edit",mg_edit,ms_edit);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"editor",mg_editor);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"vis",visible,ms_vis);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"print",m_print);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"note",m_note);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"noteoff",m_noteoff);
+// FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_2(c,0,"control",m_control,t_symptr,int);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"pbend",m_pitchbend);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"atouch",m_aftertouch);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"ctlchg",m_ctrlchange);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"progchg",m_programchange);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"program",mg_program,ms_program);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_2(c,0,"param",ms_param,int,float);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getparam",mg_param);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"getpname",m_pname);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_I(c,0,"getptext",m_ptext);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"echo",echoparam);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"x",mg_winx,ms_winx);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"y",mg_winy,ms_winy);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"ins",mg_chnsin);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"outs",mg_chnsout);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"params",mg_params);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"programs",mg_programs);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"progcats",mg_progcats);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"name",mg_plugname);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"vendor",mg_plugvendor);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"dll",mg_plugdll);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"version",mg_plugversion);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"synth",mg_issynth);
+vst::vst(I argc,const A *argv):
+ plug(NULL),visible(false),
+ blsz(0),
+ vstfun(NULL),vstin(NULL),vstout(NULL),tmpin(NULL),tmpout(NULL),
+ echoparam(false)
+ if(argc >= 2 && CanbeInt(argv[0]) && CanbeInt(argv[1])) {
+ AddInSignal(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ AddOutSignal(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ if(!ms_plug(argc-2,argv+2)) InitProblem();
+ }
+ else {
+ post("%s - syntax: vst~ inputs outputs [plug]",thisName());
+ InitProblem();
+ }
+ ClearPlug();
+V vst::ClearPlug()
+ if(plug) {
+ ClearBuf();
+ delete plug; plug = NULL;
+ }
+V vst::InitPlug()
+ vstfun = plug->replace()?plug->processReplacing:plug->process;
+ sigmatch = plug->getNumInputs() == CntInSig() && plug->getNumOutputs() == CntOutSig();
+ InitBuf();
+V vst::ClearBuf()
+ if(!plug) return;
+ if(vstin) {
+ for(I i = 0; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) delete[] vstin[i];
+ delete[] vstin; vstin = NULL;
+ delete[] tmpin; tmpin = NULL;
+ }
+ if(vstout) {
+ for(I i = 0; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) delete[] vstout[i];
+ delete[] vstout; vstout = NULL;
+ delete[] tmpout; tmpout = NULL;
+ }
+V vst::InitBuf()
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(!vstin && !tmpin && !vstout && !tmpout);
+ I i;
+ vstin = new R *[plug->getNumInputs()];
+ tmpin = new R *[plug->getNumInputs()];
+ for(i = 0; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) vstin[i] = new R[Blocksize()];
+ vstout = new R *[plug->getNumOutputs()];
+ tmpout = new R *[plug->getNumOutputs()];
+ for(i = 0; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) vstout[i] = new R[Blocksize()];
+static const C *findFilePath(const C *path,const C *dllname)
+ CFileFind finder;
+ _chdir( path );
+ if(finder.FindFile( dllname ))
+ return path;
+ else {
+ finder.FindFile();
+ while(finder.FindNextFile()) {
+ if(finder.IsDirectory()) {
+ if(!finder.IsDots()) {
+ CString *npath = new CString( finder.GetFilePath());
+ const C *ret = findFilePath( *npath , dllname );
+ if(ret) {
+ CString *retstr = new CString(ret);
+ return *retstr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+BL vst::ms_plug(I argc,const A *argv)
+ ClearPlug();
+ plugname.Empty();
+ C buf[255];
+ for(I i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ if(i > 0) plugname += ' ';
+ GetAString(argv[i],buf,sizeof buf);
+ plugname += buf;
+ }
+ plugname.MakeLower();
+ if(!plugname.GetLength()) return false;
+ plug = new VSTPlugin;
+ // now try to load plugin
+ // to help deal with spaces we assume ALL of the args make
+ // up the filename
+ bool lf = false;
+ int loaderr = VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR;
+ // try loading the dll from the raw filename
+ if ((loaderr = plug->Instance(plugname)) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR) {
+ FLEXT_LOG("raw filename loaded fine");
+ lf = true;
+ }
+ if(!lf) { // try finding it on the PD path
+ C *name,dir[1024];
+ I fd = open_via_path("",plugname,".dll",dir,&name,sizeof(dir)-1,0);
+ if(fd > 0) close(fd);
+ else name = NULL;
+ if(name) {
+ FLEXT_LOG("found VST dll on the PD path");
+ // if dir is current working directory... name points to dir
+ if(dir == name) strcpy(dir,".");
+ CString dllname(dir);
+ dllname += "\\";
+ dllname += name;
+ lf = (loaderr = plug->Instance(dllname)) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!lf) { // try finding it on the VST path
+ C *vst_path = getenv ("VST_PATH");
+ CString dllname(plugname);
+ if(dllname.Find(".dll") == -1) dllname += ".dll";
+ if(vst_path) {
+ FLEXT_LOG("found VST_PATH env variable");
+ char* tok_path = new C[strlen( vst_path)+1];
+ strcpy( tok_path , vst_path);
+ char *tok = strtok( tok_path , ";" );
+ while( tok != NULL ) {
+ CString abpath( tok );
+ if( abpath.Right( 1 ) != _T("\\") ) abpath += "\\";
+ FLEXT_LOG1("trying VST_PATH %s",(const C *)abpath);
+ const char * realpath = findFilePath( abpath , dllname );
+ //post( "findFilePath( %s , %s ) = %s\n" , abpath , dllname , realpath );
+ if ( realpath != NULL ) {
+ CString rpath( realpath );
+ rpath += plugname;
+ FLEXT_LOG1("trying %s",(const C *)rpath);
+ if((loaderr = plug->Instance( rpath )) == VSTINSTANCE_NO_ERROR ) {
+ FLEXT_LOG("plugin loaded via VST_PATH");
+ lf = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tok = strtok( NULL , ";" );
+ if(!tok) post("%s - couldn't find plugin",thisName());
+ }
+ delete[] tok_path;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!lf) { // failed - don't make any ins or outs
+ post("%s - unable to load plugin '%s', load error %i",thisName(),plugname,loaderr);
+ ClearPlug();
+ }
+ // re-init dsp stuff
+ if(plug) InitPlug();
+ return lf;
+V vst::m_dsp(I n,t_signalvec const *,t_signalvec const *)
+ if(plug) {
+ plug->Init(Samplerate(),(F)Blocksize());
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(vstfun);
+ if(blsz != Blocksize()) {
+ blsz = Blocksize();
+ ClearBuf();
+ InitBuf();
+ }
+ }
+V vst::m_signal(I n,R *const *insigs,R *const *outsigs)
+ if(plug) {
+ if(sigmatch)
+ (plug->*vstfun)(const_cast<R **>(insigs),const_cast<R **>(outsigs),n);
+ else {
+ R **inv,**outv;
+ if(plug->getNumInputs() <= CntInSig())
+ inv = const_cast<R **>(insigs);
+ else { // more plug inputs than inlets
+ I i;
+ for(i = 0; i < CntInSig(); ++i) tmpin[i] = const_cast<R *>(insigs[i]);
+ // set dangling inputs to zero
+ // according to mode... (e.g. set zero)
+ for(; i < plug->getNumInputs(); ++i) ZeroSamples(tmpin[i] = vstin[i],n);
+ inv = tmpin;
+ }
+ const BL more = plug->getNumOutputs() <= CntOutSig();
+ if(more) // more outlets than plug outputs
+ outv = const_cast<R **>(outsigs);
+ else {
+ I i;
+ for(i = 0; i < CntOutSig(); ++i) tmpout[i] = outsigs[i];
+ for(; i < plug->getNumOutputs(); ++i) tmpout[i] = vstout[i];
+ outv = tmpout;
+ }
+ (plug->*vstfun)(inv,outv,n);
+ if(more) {
+ // according to mode set dangling output vectors
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ flext_dsp::m_signal(n,insigs,outsigs);
+#if 0
+V vst::m_control(const S *ctrl_name,I ctrl_value)
+ if(!plug) return;
+ I parm_num = 0;
+ if (!*GetString(ctrl_name) || !strlen(GetString(ctrl_name))) {
+ error ("plugin~: control messages must have a name and a value");
+ return;
+ }
+ //parm_num = vst_tilde_get_parm_number (x, ctrl_name->s_name);
+ //if (parm_num)
+ //{
+ //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_index (x, parm_num - 1, ctrl_value);
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_name (x, ctrl_name->s_name, ctrl_value);
+ //}
+V vst::m_pitchbend(I ctrl_value)
+ if(plug) plug->AddPitchBend(ctrl_value );
+V vst::m_aftertouch(I ctrl_value)
+ if(plug) plug->AddAftertouch(ctrl_value );
+V vst::m_programchange(I ctrl_value)
+ if(plug) plug->AddProgramChange(ctrl_value );
+V vst::ms_program(I p)
+ if(plug && p >= 0) plug->SetCurrentProgram(p);
+V vst::m_ctrlchange(I control,I ctrl_value)
+ if(plug) plug->AddControlChange(control,ctrl_value );
+ /**
+ * display the parameters names and values and some other bits and pieces that
+ * may be of use
+ */
+V vst::m_print(I ac,const A *av)
+ if(!plug) return;
+ int i;
+ bool params = false;
+ bool header = true;
+ bool programs = false;
+ bool parameters = true;
+ int specific = -1;
+ if( ac > 0 ) {
+ for( i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++) {
+ if(IsString(av[i])) {
+ const C *buf = GetString(av[i]);
+ if ( strcmp( buf , "-params" ) == 0 ) {
+ params = true;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp( buf , "-noheader" ) == 0 ) {
+ header = false;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp( buf , "-programs" ) == 0 ) {
+ programs = true;
+ parameters = false;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp( buf , "-parameters" ) == 0 ) {
+ parameters = false;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp( buf , "-help" ) == 0 ) {
+ post("print options:");
+ post("-help \t\tprint this");
+ post("-programs \tshow the programs");
+ post("-parameters \tshow the parameters");
+ post("-params \tshow the parameter display values");
+ post("-noheader \tdo not display the header");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(CanbeInt(av[i])) {
+ int p = GetAInt(av[i]);
+ if (( p > 0 ) && ( p <= plug->GetNumParams())) {
+ specific = p - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( header ) {
+ post("VST~ plugin: %s " , plug->GetName() );
+ post("made by: %s " , plug->GetVendorName() );
+ post("parameterss %d\naudio: %d in(s)/%d out(s) \nLoaded from library \"%s\".\n",
+ plug->GetNumParams(),
+ CntInSig(),
+ CntOutSig(),
+ plug->GetDllName());
+ post("Flags");
+ if ( plug->_pEffect->flags & effFlagsHasEditor ) {
+ post("Has editor");
+ }
+ if ( plug->_pEffect->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing ) {
+ post("Can do replacing");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parameters ) {
+ if ( specific == -1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < plug->GetNumParams(); i++)
+ display_parameter( i , params );
+ }
+ else
+ display_parameter( specific , params);
+ }
+ if( programs ) {
+ for( int j = 0; j < plug->GetNumCategories() ; j++ ) {
+ for( i = 0 ; i < plug->GetNumParams() ; i++ ) {
+ char buf[64];
+ plug->GetProgramName( j , i , buf );
+ post("Program %d: %s ", i , buf );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//! display an editor
+V vst::ms_edit(BL on)
+ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+ if(plug) plug->edit(on);
+V vst::ms_vis(BL vis)
+ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
+ if(plug) plug->visible(vis);
+V vst::display_parameter(I param,BL showparams)
+ int j = param;
+ /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
+ char name[109];
+ char display[164];
+ float val;
+// if(j == 0) post ("Control input/output(s):");
+ memset (name, 0, sizeof(name));
+ memset( display, 0 ,sizeof(display));
+ plug->GetParamName( j , name );
+ if(*name) {
+ if (showparams) {
+ plug->DescribeValue( j , display );
+ val = plug->GetParamValue( j );
+ post ("parameter[#%d], \"%s\" value=%f (%s) ", j, name, val,display);
+ }
+ else {
+ val = plug->GetParamValue( j );
+ post ("parameter[#%d], \"%s\" value=%f ", j, name, val);
+ }
+ }
+// set the value of a parameter
+V vst::ms_param(I pnum,F val)
+ if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
+ F xval = plug->GetParamValue( pnum );
+// if(xval <= 1.0f) // What's that????
+ if(true)
+ {
+ plug->SetParameter( pnum, val );
+ if(echoparam) display_parameter(pnum , true );
+ }
+ else
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(false);
+V vst::mg_param(I pnum)
+ if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
+ A at[2];
+ SetInt(at[0],pnum);
+ SetFloat(at[1],plug->GetParamValue(pnum));
+ ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("param"),2,at);
+V vst::m_pname(I pnum)
+ if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
+ C name[109]; /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
+ memset(name,0,sizeof(name));
+ plug->GetParamName(pnum,name);
+ A at[2];
+ SetInt(at[0],pnum);
+ SetString(at[1],name);
+ ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("pname"),2,at);
+V vst::m_ptext(I pnum)
+ if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
+ C display[164]; /* the Steinberg(tm) way... */
+ memset(display,0,sizeof(display));
+ plug->DescribeValue(pnum,display);
+ A at[2];
+ SetInt(at[0],pnum);
+ SetString(at[1],display);
+ ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),MakeSymbol("ptext"),2,at);
+V vst::m_note(I note,I velocity)
+ if(!plug) return;
+ if(velocity > 0)
+ plug->AddNoteOn(note,velocity);
+ else
+ plug->AddNoteOff(note);