path: root/pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-09 16:36:37 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-09 16:36:37 +0000
commit21c068f1916330e90f814bed461fe0821d1665ec (patch)
tree949b73696fff09a44b8d3eb01b70bae7174cbd14 /pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl
parentbf8ced1efe1a032342e864edc635fa4e2676670d (diff)
checked in pd-0.43-0.src.tar.gz
svn path=/trunk/; revision=15557
Diffstat (limited to 'pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl b/pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcec1fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/tcl/helpbrowser.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+package provide helpbrowser 0.1
+namespace eval ::helpbrowser:: {
+ variable libdirlist
+ variable helplist
+ variable reference_count
+ variable reference_paths
+ variable doctypes "*.{pd,pat,mxb,mxt,help,txt,htm,html,pdf}"
+ namespace export open_helpbrowser
+# TODO remove the doc_ prefix on procs where its not needed
+# TODO rename .help_browser to .helpbrowser
+# TODO enter and up/down/left/right arrow key bindings for nav
+################## help browser and support functions #########################
+proc ::helpbrowser::open_helpbrowser {} {
+ if { [winfo exists .help_browser.frame] } {
+ wm deiconify .help_browser
+ raise .help_browser
+ } else {
+ toplevel .help_browser -class HelpBrowser
+ wm group .help_browser .
+ wm transient .help_browser
+ wm title .help_browser [_ "Help Browser"]
+ bind .help_browser <$::modifier-Key-w> "wm withdraw .help_browser"
+ if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
+ .help_browser configure -menu $::dialog_menubar
+ }
+ wm resizable .help_browser 0 0
+ frame .help_browser.frame
+ pack .help_browser.frame -side top -fill both
+ build_references
+ make_rootlistbox .help_browser.frame
+ }
+# make the root listbox of the help browser using the pre-built lists
+proc ::helpbrowser::make_rootlistbox {base} {
+ variable libdirlist
+ variable helplist
+ # exportselection 0 looks good, but selection gets easily out-of-sync
+ set current_listbox [listbox "[set b $base.root]" -yscrollcommand "$b-scroll set" \
+ -highlightbackground white -highlightthickness 5 \
+ -highlightcolor "#D6E5FC" -selectborderwidth 0 \
+ -height 20 -width 23 -exportselection 0 -bd 0]
+ pack $current_listbox [scrollbar "$b-scroll" -command [list $current_listbox yview]] \
+ -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ foreach item [concat [lsort [concat $libdirlist $helplist]]] {
+ $current_listbox insert end $item
+ }
+ bind $current_listbox <Button-1> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::root_navigate %W %x %y]
+ bind $current_listbox <Key-Return> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::root_navigate %W %x %y]
+ bind $current_listbox <Double-ButtonRelease-1> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::root_doubleclick %W %x %y]
+ bind $current_listbox <$::modifier-Key-o> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::root_doubleclick %W %x %y]
+# navigate into a library/directory from the root
+proc ::helpbrowser::root_navigate {window x y} {
+ variable reference_paths
+ if {[set item [$window get [$window index "@$x,$y"]]] eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set filename $reference_paths($item)
+ if {[file isdirectory $filename]} {
+ make_liblistbox [winfo parent $window] $filename
+ }
+# double-click action to open the folder
+proc ::helpbrowser::root_doubleclick {window x y} {
+ variable reference_paths
+ if {[set listname [$window get [$window index "@$x,$y"]]] eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set dir [file dirname $reference_paths($listname)]
+ set filename [file tail $reference_paths($listname)]
+ ::pdwindow::verbose 0 "menu_doc_open $dir $filename"
+ if { [catch {menu_doc_open $dir $filename} fid] } {
+ ::pdwindow::error "Could not open $dir/$filename\n"
+ }
+# make the listbox to show the first level contents of a libdir
+proc ::helpbrowser::make_liblistbox {base dir} {
+ variable doctypes
+ catch { eval destroy [lrange [winfo children $base] 2 end] } errorMessage
+ # exportselection 0 looks good, but selection gets easily out-of-sync
+ set current_listbox [listbox "[set b $base.listbox0]" -yscrollcommand "$b-scroll set" \
+ -highlightbackground white -highlightthickness 5 \
+ -highlightcolor "#D6E5FC" -selectborderwidth 0 \
+ -height 20 -width 23 -exportselection 0 -bd 0]
+ pack $current_listbox [scrollbar "$b-scroll" -command [list $current_listbox yview]] \
+ -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ foreach item [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types {d} -- *]] {
+ if {[glob -directory $item -nocomplain -types {f} -- $doctypes] ne "" ||
+ [glob -directory $item -nocomplain -types {d} -- *] ne ""} {
+ $current_listbox insert end "[file tail $item]/"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types {f} -- \
+ *-{help,meta}.pd]] {
+ $current_listbox insert end [file tail $item]
+ }
+ $current_listbox insert end "___________________________"
+ foreach item [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types {f} -- \
+ *.txt]] {
+ $current_listbox insert end [file tail $item]
+ }
+ bind $current_listbox <Button-1> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::dir_navigate $dir 1 %W %x %y]
+ bind $current_listbox <Double-ButtonRelease-1> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::dir_doubleclick $dir 1 %W %x %y]
+ bind $current_listbox <Key-Return> \
+ [list ::helpbrowser::dir_doubleclick $dir 1 %W %x %y]
+proc ::helpbrowser::doc_make_listbox {base dir count} {
+ variable doctypes
+ # check for [file readable]?
+ # requires Tcl 8.5 but probably deals with special chars better:
+ # destroy {*}[lrange [winfo children $base] [expr {2 * $count}] end]
+ if { [catch { eval destroy [lrange [winfo children $base] \
+ [expr { 2 * $count }] end] } errorMessage] } {
+ ::pdwindow::error "doc_make_listbox: error listing $dir\n"
+ }
+ # exportselection 0 looks good, but selection gets easily out-of-sync
+ set current_listbox [listbox "[set b "$base.listbox$count"]-list" \
+ -yscrollcommand "$b-scroll set" \
+ -highlightbackground white -highlightthickness 5 \
+ -highlightcolor "#D6E5FC" -selectborderwidth 0 \
+ -height 20 -width 23 -exportselection 0 -bd 0]
+ pack $current_listbox [scrollbar "$b-scroll" -command "$current_listbox yview"] \
+ -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ foreach item [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types {d} -- *]] {
+ $current_listbox insert end "[file tail $item]/"
+ }
+ foreach item [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types {f} -- \
+ $doctypes]] {
+ $current_listbox insert end [file tail $item]
+ }
+ bind $current_listbox <Button-1> \
+ "::helpbrowser::dir_navigate {$dir} $count %W %x %y"
+ bind $current_listbox <Key-Right> \
+ "::helpbrowser::dir_navigate {$dir} $count %W %x %y"
+ bind $current_listbox <Double-ButtonRelease-1> \
+ "::helpbrowser::dir_doubleclick {$dir} $count %W %x %y"
+ bind $current_listbox <Key-Return> \
+ "::helpbrowser::dir_doubleclick {$dir} $count %W %x %y"
+# navigate into an actual directory
+proc ::helpbrowser::dir_navigate {dir count window x y} {
+ if {[set newdir [$window get [$window index "@$x,$y"]]] eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set dir_to_open [file join $dir $newdir]
+ if {[file isdirectory $dir_to_open]} {
+ doc_make_listbox [winfo parent $window] $dir_to_open [incr count]
+ }
+proc ::helpbrowser::dir_doubleclick {dir count window x y} {
+ if {[set filename [$window get [$window index "@$x,$y"]]] eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ if { [catch {menu_doc_open $dir $filename} fid] } {
+ ::pdwindow::error "Could not open $dir/$filename\n"
+ }
+proc ::helpbrowser::rightclickmenu {dir count window x y} {
+ if {[set filename [$window get [$window index "@$x,$y"]]] eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ if { [catch {menu_doc_open $dir $filename} fid] } {
+ ::pdwindow::error "Could not open $dir/$filename\n"
+ }
+# build help browser trees
+# TODO check file timestamp against timestamp of when tree was built
+proc ::helpbrowser::findfiles {basedir pattern} {
+ set basedir [string trimright [file join [file normalize $basedir] { }]]
+ set filelist {}
+ # Look in the current directory for matching files, -type {f r}
+ # means ony readable normal files are looked at, -nocomplain stops
+ # an error being thrown if the returned list is empty
+ foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -type {f r} -path $basedir $pattern] {
+ lappend filelist $filename
+ }
+ foreach dirName [glob -nocomplain -type {d r} -path $basedir *] {
+ set subdirlist [findfiles $dirName $pattern]
+ if { [llength $subdirlist] > 0 } {
+ foreach subdirfile $subdirlist {
+ lappend filelist $subdirfile
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $filelist
+proc ::helpbrowser::add_entry {reflist entry} {
+ variable libdirlist
+ variable helplist
+ variable reference_paths
+ variable reference_count
+ set entryname [file tail $entry]
+ # if we are checking libdirs, then check to see if there is already a
+ # libdir with that name that has been discovered in the path. If so, dump
+ # a warning. The trailing slash on $entryname is added below when
+ # $entryname is a dir
+ if {$reflist eq "libdirlist" && [lsearch -exact $libdirlist $entryname/] > -1} {
+ ::pdwindow::error "WARNING: duplicate '$entryname' library found!\n"
+ ::pdwindow::error " '$reference_paths($entryname/)' is active\n"
+ ::pdwindow::error " '$entry' is duplicate\n"
+ incr reference_count($entryname)
+ append entryname "/ ($reference_count($entryname))"
+ } else {
+ set reference_count($entryname) 1
+ if {[file isdirectory $entry]} {
+ append entryname "/"
+ }
+ }
+ lappend $reflist $entryname
+ set reference_paths($entryname) $entry
+proc ::helpbrowser::build_references {} {
+ variable libdirlist {" Pure Data/" "-----------------------"}
+ variable helplist {}
+ variable reference_count
+ variable reference_paths
+ array set reference_count {}
+ array set reference_paths [list \
+ " Pure Data/" $::sys_libdir/doc \
+ "-----------------------" "" \
+ ]
+ foreach pathdir [concat $::sys_searchpath $::sys_staticpath] {
+ if { ! [file isdirectory $pathdir]} {continue}
+ # Fix the directory name, this ensures the directory name is in the
+ # native format for the platform and contains a final directory seperator
+ set dir [string trimright [file join [file normalize $pathdir] { }]]
+ ## find the libdirs
+ foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -type d -path $dir "*"] {
+ add_entry libdirlist $filename
+ }
+ ## find the stray help patches
+ foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -type f -path $dir "*-help.pd"] {
+ add_entry helplist $filename
+ }
+ }