path: root/pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-09 16:36:37 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-09 16:36:37 +0000
commit21c068f1916330e90f814bed461fe0821d1665ec (patch)
tree949b73696fff09a44b8d3eb01b70bae7174cbd14 /pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl
parentbf8ced1efe1a032342e864edc635fa4e2676670d (diff)
checked in pd-0.43-0.src.tar.gz
svn path=/trunk/; revision=15557
Diffstat (limited to 'pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl b/pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl
index e1373b84..d351c994 100644
--- a/pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl
+++ b/pd/tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ package provide pd_menucommands 0.1
namespace eval ::pd_menucommands:: {
variable untitled_number "1"
- variable menu_new_dir [pwd]
- variable menu_open_dir [pwd]
namespace export menu_*
@@ -14,27 +12,27 @@ namespace eval ::pd_menucommands:: {
proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_new {} {
variable untitled_number
- variable menu_new_dir
- if { ! [file isdirectory $menu_new_dir]} {set menu_new_dir $::env(HOME)}
- set untitled_name [_ "Untitled"]
- pdsend "pd filename $untitled_name-$untitled_number [enquote_path $menu_new_dir]"
+ if { ! [file isdirectory $::filenewdir]} {set ::filenewdir $::env(HOME)}
+ # to localize "Untitled" there will need to be changes in g_canvas.c and
+ # g_readwrite.c, where it tests for the string "Untitled"
+ set untitled_name "Untitled"
+ pdsend "pd filename $untitled_name-$untitled_number [enquote_path $::filenewdir]"
pdsend "#N canvas"
pdsend "#X pop 1"
incr untitled_number
proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_open {} {
- variable menu_open_dir
- if { ! [file isdirectory $menu_open_dir]} {set menu_open_dir $::env(HOME)}
+ if { ! [file isdirectory $::fileopendir]} {set ::fileopendir $::env(HOME)}
set files [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \
-multiple true \
-filetypes $::filetypes \
- -initialdir $menu_open_dir]
+ -initialdir $::fileopendir]
if {$files ne ""} {
foreach filename $files {
open_file $filename
- set menu_open_dir [file dirname $filename]
+ set ::fileopendir [file dirname $filename]
@@ -43,54 +41,75 @@ proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_print {mytoplevel} {
-defaultextension .ps \
-filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }]
if {$filename ne ""} {
- $mytoplevel.c postscript -file $filename
+ set tkcanvas [tkcanvas_name $mytoplevel]
+ $tkcanvas postscript -file $filename
-# dialog types:
-# global (only one): find, sendmessage, prefs, helpbrowser
-# per-canvas: font, canvas properties (created with a message from pd)
-# per object: gatom, iemgui, array, data structures (created with a message from pd)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# functions called from Edit menu
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_undo {} {
+ if {$::focused_window eq $::undo_toplevel && $::undo_action ne "no"} {
+ pdsend "$::focused_window undo"
+ }
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_redo {} {
+ if {$::focused_window eq $::undo_toplevel && $::redo_action ne "no"} {
+ pdsend "$::focused_window redo"
+ }
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_editmode {state} {
+ if {[winfo class $::focused_window] ne "PatchWindow"} {return}
+ set ::editmode_button $state
+# this shouldn't be necessary because 'pd' will reply with pdtk_canvas_editmode
+# set ::editmode($::focused_window) $state
+ pdsend "$::focused_window editmode $state"
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_toggle_editmode {} {
+ menu_editmode [expr {! $::editmode_button}]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# functions called from Edit menu
+# generic procs for sending menu events
-proc menu_undo {mytoplevel} {
- # puts stderr "menu_undo $mytoplevel not implemented yet"
+# send a message to a pd canvas receiver
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_send {window message} {
+ set mytoplevel [winfo toplevel $window]
+ if {[winfo class $mytoplevel] eq "PatchWindow"} {
+ pdsend "$mytoplevel $message"
+ }
-proc menu_redo {mytoplevel} {
- # puts stderr "menu_redo $mytoplevel not implemented yet"
+# send a message to a pd canvas receiver with a float arg
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_send_float {window message float} {
+ set mytoplevel [winfo toplevel $window]
+ if {[winfo class $mytoplevel] eq "PatchWindow"} {
+ pdsend "$mytoplevel $message $float"
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# open the dialog panels
proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_message_dialog {} {
- if {[winfo exists .send_message]} {
- wm deiconify .send_message
- raise .message
- } else {
- # TODO insert real message panel here
- toplevel .send_message
- wm group .send_message .
- wm title .send_message [_ "Send Message..."]
- wm resizable .send_message 0 0
- ::pd_bindings::dialog_bindings .send_message "send_message"
- frame .send_message.frame
- label .send_message.label -text [_ "Message"] -width 30 -height 15
- pack .send_message.label .send_message.frame -side top -expand yes -fill both
- }
+ ::dialog_message::open_message_dialog $::focused_window
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_find_dialog {} {
+ ::dialog_find::open_find_dialog $::focused_window
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_font_dialog {mytoplevel} {
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_font_dialog {} {
if {[winfo exists .font]} {
raise .font
- } elseif {$mytoplevel eq ".pdwindow"} {
+ } elseif {$::focused_window eq ".pdwindow"} {
pdtk_canvas_dofont .pdwindow [lindex [.pdwindow.text cget -font] 1]
} else {
- pdsend "$mytoplevel menufont"
+ pdsend "$::focused_window menufont"
@@ -110,20 +129,27 @@ proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_startup_dialog {} {
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_helpbrowser {} {
+ ::helpbrowser::open_helpbrowser
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_texteditor {} {
+ ::pdwindow::error "the text editor is not implemented"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# window management functions
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_minimize {mytoplevel} {
- wm iconify $mytoplevel
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_minimize {window} {
+ wm iconify [winfo toplevel $window]
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_maximize {mytoplevel} {
- wm state $mytoplevel zoomed
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_maximize {window} {
+ wm state [winfo toplevel $window] zoomed
-proc menu_raise_pdwindow {} {
- set top_window [lindex [wm stackorder .pdwindow] end]
- if {.pdwindow eq $top_window} {
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_raise_pdwindow {} {
+ if {$::focused_window eq ".pdwindow" && [winfo viewable .pdwindow]} {
lower .pdwindow
} else {
wm deiconify .pdwindow
@@ -131,62 +157,89 @@ proc menu_raise_pdwindow {} {
+# used for cycling thru windows of an app
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_raisepreviouswindow {} {
+ lower [lindex [wm stackorder .] end] [lindex [wm stackorder .] 0]
+ focus [lindex [wm stackorder .] end]
+# used for cycling thru windows of an app the other direction
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_raisenextwindow {} {
+ set mytoplevel [lindex [wm stackorder .] 0]
+ raise $mytoplevel
+ focus $mytoplevel
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Pd window functions
+proc menu_clear_console {} {
+ ::pdwindow::clear_console
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# manage the saving of the directories for the new commands
# this gets the dir from the path of a window's title
-proc ::pd_menucommands::set_menu_new_dir {mytoplevel} {
- variable menu_new_dir
- variable menu_open_dir
+proc ::pd_menucommands::set_filenewdir {mytoplevel} {
# TODO add Aqua specifics once g_canvas.c has [wm attributes -titlepath]
if {$mytoplevel eq ".pdwindow"} {
- # puts "set_menu_new_dir $mytoplevel"
- set menu_new_dir $menu_open_dir
+ set ::filenewdir $::fileopendir
} else {
- regexp -- ".+ - (.+)" [wm title $mytoplevel] ignored menu_new_dir
+ regexp -- ".+ - (.+)" [wm title $mytoplevel] ignored ::filenewdir
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# opening docs as menu items (like the Test Audio and MIDI patch and the manual)
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_doc_open {subdir basename} {
- set dirname "$::sys_libdir/$subdir"
- switch -- [string tolower [file extension $basename]] {
- ".txt" {::pd_menucommands::menu_opentext "$dirname/$basename"
- } ".c" {::pd_menucommands::menu_opentext "$dirname/$basename"
- } ".htm" {::pd_menucommands::menu_openhtml "$dirname/$basename"
- } ".html" {::pd_menucommands::menu_openhtml "$dirname/$basename"
- } default {
- pdsend "pd open [enquote_path $basename] [enquote_path $dirname]"
+# parse the textfile for the About Pd page
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_aboutpd {} {
+ set filename "$::sys_libdir/doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt"
+ if {[winfo exists .aboutpd]} {
+ wm deiconify .aboutpd
+ raise .aboutpd
+ } else {
+ toplevel .aboutpd -class TextWindow
+ wm title .aboutpd [_ "About Pd"]
+ wm group .aboutpd .
+ .aboutpd configure -menu $::dialog_menubar
+ text .aboutpd.text -relief flat -borderwidth 0 \
+ -yscrollcommand ".aboutpd.scroll set" -background white
+ scrollbar .aboutpd.scroll -command ".aboutpd.text yview"
+ pack .aboutpd.scroll -side right -fill y
+ pack .aboutpd.text -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ bind .aboutpd <$::modifier-Key-w> "wm withdraw .aboutpd"
+ set textfile [open $filename]
+ while {![eof $textfile]} {
+ set bigstring [read $textfile 1000]
+ regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $::sys_guidir bigstring2
+ regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring2 $versionstring bigstring3
+ .aboutpd.text insert end $bigstring3
+ close $textfile
-# open text docs in a Pd window
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_opentext {filename} {
- global pd_myversion
- set mytoplevel [format ".help%d" [clock seconds]]
- toplevel $mytoplevel -class TextWindow
- text $mytoplevel.text -relief flat -borderwidth 0 \
- -yscrollcommand "$mytoplevel.scroll set" -background white
- scrollbar $mytoplevel.scroll -command "$mytoplevel.text yview"
- pack $mytoplevel.scroll -side right -fill y
- pack $mytoplevel.text -side left -fill both -expand 1
- ::pd_bindings::window_bindings $mytoplevel
- set textfile [open $filename]
- while {![eof $textfile]} {
- set bigstring [read $textfile 1000]
- regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $::sys_guidir bigstring2
- regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring2 $pd_myversion bigstring3
- $mytoplevel.text insert end $bigstring3
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# opening docs as menu items (like the Test Audio and MIDI patch and the manual)
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_doc_open {dir basename} {
+ if {[file pathtype $dir] eq "relative"} {
+ set dirname "$::sys_libdir/$dir"
+ } else {
+ set dirname $dir
+ }
+ set textextension "[string tolower [file extension $basename]]"
+ if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $::filetypes 0 1] $textextension] > -1} {
+ set fullpath [file normalize [file join $dirname $basename]]
+ set dirname [file dirname $fullpath]
+ set basename [file tail $fullpath]
+ pdsend "pd open [enquote_path $basename] [enquote_path $dirname]"
+ } else {
+ ::pd_menucommands::menu_openfile "$dirname/$basename"
- close $textfile
# open HTML docs from the menu using the OS-default HTML viewer
-proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_openhtml {filename} {
+proc ::pd_menucommands::menu_openfile {filename} {
if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
exec sh -c [format "open '%s'" $filename]
} elseif {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {