diff options
11 files changed, 644 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/pd/help-vst~.pd b/externals/grill/vst/pd/help-vst~.pd
index db5c5af9..d1a93cc4 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/pd/help-vst~.pd
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/pd/help-vst~.pd
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
-#N canvas 125 128 857 564 12;
-#X obj 26 190 dac~;
+#N canvas 80 16 858 559 12;
#X obj 26 94 noise~;
-#X obj 93 189 print A;
-#X obj 443 431 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
-#X msg 442 453 vis \$1;
-#X obj 231 430 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
-#X msg 230 452 edit \$1;
-#X msg 298 452 getedit;
-#X msg 505 453 getvis;
-#N canvas 367 122 562 438 info 0;
+#X obj 229 189 print A;
+#X obj 27 393 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -261689 -1 -1 1 1
+#X msg 27 435 edit \$1;
+#X msg 97 435 getedit;
+#N canvas 367 122 570 368 info 0;
#X msg 92 160 getversion;
#X msg 92 105 getname;
#X msg 93 183 getvendor;
@@ -20,11 +15,6 @@
#X msg 93 134 getdll;
#X obj 24 290 s \$0-vst;
#X msg 98 323 print;
-#X msg 99 370 echo \$1;
-#X obj 98 353 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
-#X msg 171 369 getecho;
-#X text 248 351 old stuff;
#X text 169 220 is synth?;
#X text 177 183 get vendor string;
#X text 179 161 get version;
@@ -46,90 +36,139 @@
#X connect 5 0 7 0;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
-#X connect 9 0 7 0;
-#X connect 10 0 9 0;
-#X connect 11 0 7 0;
-#X connect 19 0 7 0;
+#X connect 15 0 7 0;
+#X connect 16 0 7 0;
+#X connect 18 0 7 0;
#X connect 20 0 7 0;
-#X connect 22 0 7 0;
-#X connect 24 0 7 0;
-#X restore 445 110 pd info;
+#X restore 516 114 pd info;
#X obj 96 96 r \$0-vst;
-#X obj 229 479 s \$0-vst;
-#X obj 441 479 s \$0-vst;
-#X text 256 429 display edit window;
-#X text 466 429 make edit window (in)visible;
-#X msg 105 295 getplug;
-#X obj 26 323 s \$0-vst;
-#X text 65 249 set/get plugin;
-#X text 511 110 further information;
+#X obj 26 462 s \$0-vst;
+#X text 52 392 display edit window;
+#X msg 104 309 getplug;
+#X obj 25 337 s \$0-vst;
+#X text 64 263 set/get plugin;
+#X text 582 114 further information;
#X obj 23 15 cnv 15 800 58 empty empty vst~ 10 32 0 24 -260818 -1 0
-#X text 90 170 attribute outlet;
-#X text 103 137 inlets outlets [plugname];
-#N canvas 367 122 521 329 win 0;
-#X obj 11 287 s \$0-vst;
-#X msg 28 84 getx;
-#X text 135 77 get window coordinates;
-#X msg 73 84 gety;
-#X obj 25 26 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10
--225271 -1 -1 0 256;
-#X msg 26 44 x \$1;
-#X obj 95 26 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10
--225271 -1 -1 0 256;
-#X msg 96 42 y \$1;
-#X text 165 26 set window coordinates;
-#X text 161 43 (position of the actual VST interface);
-#X text 132 92 (position of the actual VST interface);
-#X obj 67 130 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
-#X msg 66 149 caption \$1;
-#X msg 161 149 getcaption;
-#X text 69 173 set/get window caption and borders;
-#X text 68 238 set/get window title;
-#X msg 168 214 gettitle;
-#X msg 65 214 title KARL;
+#X text 226 170 attribute outlet;
+#X text 103 132 inlets outlets [plugname];
+#N canvas 351 2 626 581 win 0;
+#X obj 23 202 s \$0-vst;
+#X msg 122 83 getx;
+#X msg 181 85 gety;
+#X obj 122 37 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X msg 123 55 x \$1;
+#X obj 192 37 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X msg 193 53 y \$1;
+#X text 264 74 (position of the actual VST interface);
+#X obj 117 208 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
+#X msg 116 227 caption \$1;
+#X msg 211 227 getcaption;
+#X text 119 251 set/get window caption and borders;
+#X text 118 316 set/get window title;
+#X msg 218 292 gettitle;
+#X msg 115 292 title KARL;
+#X obj 120 124 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X obj 190 124 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X msg 121 142 w \$1;
+#X msg 120 170 getw;
+#X msg 191 140 h \$1;
+#X msg 175 170 geth;
+#X text 265 144 set and get editor window size;
+#X text 267 59 set and get editor position;
+#X obj 122 458 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1
+#X text 280 457 send editor window to front;
+#X msg 223 457 front;
+#X obj 145 457 delay 100;
+#X obj 123 500 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
+#X msg 145 497 handle \$1;
+#X text 230 498 set/unset handle for window (taskbar button);
+#X obj 118 374 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
+#X msg 117 396 vis \$1;
+#X msg 186 396 getvis;
+#X text 141 372 make edit window (in)visible;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
-#X connect 3 0 0 0;
-#X connect 4 0 5 0;
-#X connect 5 0 0 0;
-#X connect 6 0 7 0;
-#X connect 7 0 0 0;
-#X connect 11 0 12 0;
-#X connect 12 0 0 0;
+#X connect 2 0 0 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 0 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 6 0 0 0;
+#X connect 8 0 9 0;
+#X connect 9 0 0 0;
+#X connect 10 0 0 0;
#X connect 13 0 0 0;
-#X connect 16 0 0 0;
+#X connect 14 0 0 0;
+#X connect 15 0 17 0;
+#X connect 16 0 19 0;
#X connect 17 0 0 0;
-#X restore 446 244 pd win;
-#X text 512 244 manipulating the edit window;
-#X msg 28 296 plug \$1;
-#X obj 27 240 bng 25 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1
+#X connect 18 0 0 0;
+#X connect 19 0 0 0;
+#X connect 20 0 0 0;
+#X connect 23 0 26 0;
+#X connect 25 0 0 0;
+#X connect 26 0 25 0;
+#X connect 27 0 28 0;
+#X connect 28 0 0 0;
+#X connect 30 0 31 0;
+#X connect 31 0 0 0;
+#X connect 32 0 0 0;
+#X restore 515 244 pd win;
+#X text 581 244 manipulating the edit window;
+#X msg 27 310 plug \$1;
+#X obj 26 254 bng 25 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -261689 -1
-#X obj 27 271 openpanel;
-#N canvas 461 281 502 347 midi 0;
-#X obj 20 279 s \$0-vst;
-#X msg 238 147 ctlchg 3 123;
-#X text 116 28 note on;
-#X text 287 29 note off;
-#X text 348 146 control change;
-#X text 312 233 pitch bend;
-#X text 319 174 program change;
-#X msg 237 175 progchg 2;
-#X msg 197 30 noteoff 10;
-#X text 315 282 after touch;
-#X obj 238 213 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+#X obj 26 285 openpanel;
+#N canvas 294 23 530 659 midi 0;
+#X obj 16 256 s \$0-vst;
+#X msg 198 201 ctlchg 3 123;
+#X text 204 70 note on;
+#X text 375 71 note off;
+#X text 308 200 control change;
+#X text 272 287 pitch bend;
+#X text 279 228 program change;
+#X msg 197 229 progchg 2;
+#X msg 285 72 noteoff 10;
+#X text 275 336 after touch;
+#X obj 198 267 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X obj 198 318 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
-#X obj 238 264 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+#X msg 197 287 pbend \$1;
+#X msg 196 337 atouch \$1;
+#X obj 109 136 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
-#X msg 237 233 pbend \$1;
-#X msg 236 283 atouch \$1;
-#X obj 35 71 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10
--225271 -1 -1 0 256;
-#X msg 20 29 note 10 100;
-#X msg 36 94 note \$1 100;
-#X msg 193 94 noteoff \$1;
-#X obj 194 72 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
+#X msg 108 71 note 10 100;
+#X msg 108 152 note \$1 100;
+#X msg 284 126 noteoff \$1;
+#X obj 285 109 nbx 5 14 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0
10 -225271 -1 -1 0 256;
+#X text 25 520 MIDI messages have the following format:;
+#X text 23 544 [event midi subtype chn b2 b3 delta note-length note-offset
+detune off-velocity(;
+#X obj 90 371 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0 1
+#X msg 90 390 events \$1;
+#X msg 90 415 getevents;
+#X text 177 393 enable event processing;
+#X text 25 463 if enabled vst~ will output events generated by the
+plugin as [event ...( messages through the dump outlet;
+#X msg 108 93 note 10 0;
+#X text 188 93 "note off";
+#X obj 107 12 nbx 5 14 0 15 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -225271
+-1 -1 0 256;
+#X msg 106 28 channel \$1;
+#X msg 207 28 getchannel;
+#X text 305 20 set/get MIDI channel;
+#X text 25 585 subtypes are note \, noteoff \, atouch \, patouch \,
+ctlchg \, progchg \, pbend;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 7 0 0 0;
#X connect 8 0 0 0;
@@ -142,24 +181,31 @@
#X connect 16 0 0 0;
#X connect 17 0 0 0;
#X connect 18 0 17 0;
-#X restore 445 208 pd midi;
+#X connect 21 0 22 0;
+#X connect 22 0 0 0;
+#X connect 23 0 0 0;
+#X connect 26 0 0 0;
+#X connect 28 0 29 0;
+#X connect 29 0 0 0;
+#X connect 30 0 0 0;
+#X restore 516 212 pd midi;
#X text 134 33 based on the work of Jarno Seppanen and Mark Williamson
-#X obj 723 444 loadbang;
-#X msg 723 471 \; pd dsp 1;
-#X obj 230 324 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
+#X obj 742 456 loadbang;
+#X msg 742 483 \; pd dsp 1;
+#X obj 518 449 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
-#X obj 228 373 s \$0-vst;
-#X msg 229 346 bypass \$1;
-#X msg 311 346 getbypass;
-#X text 255 323 bypass plugin;
-#X obj 231 240 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
+#X obj 516 498 s \$0-vst;
+#X msg 517 471 bypass \$1;
+#X msg 599 471 getbypass;
+#X text 543 448 bypass plugin;
+#X obj 518 357 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1 -1 0
-#X obj 229 289 s \$0-vst;
-#X text 256 239 mute output;
-#X msg 230 262 mute \$1;
-#X msg 312 262 getmute;
-#N canvas 200 110 481 432 parameters 0;
+#X obj 516 406 s \$0-vst;
+#X text 543 356 mute output;
+#X msg 517 379 mute \$1;
+#X msg 599 379 getmute;
+#N canvas 200 110 493 444 parameters 0;
#X obj 114 125 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -225271
-1 -1 0 1;
#X msg 111 142 param 2 \$1;
@@ -199,7 +245,7 @@
#X connect 17 0 18 0;
#X connect 18 0 2 0;
#X connect 19 0 2 0;
-#X restore 444 143 pd parameters;
+#X restore 515 147 pd parameters;
#N canvas 0 0 462 312 programs 0;
#X obj 39 245 s \$0-vst;
#X msg 162 106 getprogram;
@@ -230,19 +276,50 @@
#X connect 10 0 0 0;
#X connect 12 0 14 0;
#X connect 14 0 0 0;
-#X restore 445 175 pd programs;
-#X text 561 144 VST parameters;
-#X text 562 175 VST programs;
+#X restore 516 179 pd programs;
+#X text 632 148 VST parameters;
+#X text 633 179 VST programs;
#X text 134 53 http://grrrr.org;
-#X text 513 209 midi messages for VST synths;
-#X msg 47 413 subplug AudioTrack;
-#X obj 32 498 s \$0-vst;
-#X msg 54 468 getsubplug;
-#X obj 26 140 vst~ 2 2 @pnames 100;
-#X text 229 501 you can also alt-click on the vst~ object;
-#X msg 32 382 getpluglist;
-#X msg 52 440 subplug C4;
-#N canvas 105 36 474 631 time 0;
+#X text 584 213 midi messages for VST synths;
+#X msg 276 313 subplug AudioTrack;
+#X obj 261 398 s \$0-vst;
+#X msg 283 368 getsubplug;
+#X obj 26 135 vst~ 2 2 @pnames 100;
+#X msg 261 282 getpluglist;
+#X text 580 271 sequencer stuff;
+#X text 133 14 VST plugins for PD \, (C)2003-2005 Thomas Grill;
+#X msg 281 340 subplug X-Noise;
+#N canvas 0 0 466 316 out 0;
+#X obj 79 164 *~;
+#X obj 79 194 dac~ 1 2 3 4;
+#X obj 109 164 *~;
+#X obj 139 164 *~;
+#X obj 169 164 *~;
+#X obj 266 26 inlet;
+#X obj 49 26 inlet~;
+#X obj 102 26 inlet~;
+#X obj 154 26 inlet~;
+#X obj 206 26 inlet~;
+#X obj 265 108 line~;
+#X msg 266 82 \$1 1 20;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 2 0 1 1;
+#X connect 3 0 1 2;
+#X connect 4 0 1 3;
+#X connect 5 0 11 0;
+#X connect 6 0 0 0;
+#X connect 7 0 2 0;
+#X connect 8 0 3 0;
+#X connect 9 0 4 0;
+#X connect 10 0 4 1;
+#X connect 10 0 3 1;
+#X connect 10 0 2 1;
+#X connect 10 0 0 1;
+#X connect 11 0 10 0;
+#X restore 26 192 pd out;
+#X obj 72 175 hsl 128 15 0.001 1 1 1 empty empty gain -2 -6 0 8 -261689
+-1 -1 4100 1;
+#N canvas 105 36 490 647 seq 0;
#X obj 17 225 s \$0-vst;
#X msg 112 78 samplepos \$1;
#X obj 111 60 nbx 5 14 0 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -225271
@@ -276,15 +353,15 @@
-1 -1 0 256;
#X msg 112 379 looplength \$1;
#X msg 227 379 getlooplength;
-#X obj 112 512 nbx 5 14 0 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -225271
+#X obj 115 521 nbx 5 14 0 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -225271
-1 -1 0 256;
-#X msg 113 528 smpteoffset \$1;
-#X msg 235 528 getsmpteoffset;
-#X msg 113 570 smpterate \$1;
-#X msg 227 570 getsmpterate;
-#X obj 113 553 hradio 15 1 0 6 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1
+#X msg 116 537 smpteoffset \$1;
+#X msg 238 537 getsmpteoffset;
+#X msg 116 579 smpterate \$1;
+#X msg 230 579 getsmpterate;
+#X obj 116 562 hradio 15 1 0 6 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -225271 -1
-1 0;
-#X text 227 552 24/25/24/30/29.97df/30df;
+#X text 230 561 24/25/24/30/29.97df/30df;
#X obj 112 415 nbx 5 14 1 128 0 1 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -225271
-1 -1 4 256;
#X msg 113 433 timenom \$1;
@@ -333,35 +410,35 @@
#X connect 35 0 36 0;
#X connect 36 0 0 0;
#X connect 37 0 0 0;
-#X restore 446 280 pd time;
-#X text 513 278 sequencer stuff;
-#X text 133 14 VST plugins for PD \, (C)2003-2005 Thomas Grill;
-#X text 443 319 Attention: this vst~ version will crash when a plugin
-is unloaded with the editor window open!;
-#X connect 1 0 50 0;
-#X connect 1 0 50 1;
-#X connect 3 0 4 0;
-#X connect 4 0 12 0;
-#X connect 5 0 6 0;
-#X connect 6 0 11 0;
-#X connect 7 0 11 0;
-#X connect 8 0 12 0;
-#X connect 10 0 50 0;
-#X connect 15 0 16 0;
-#X connect 24 0 16 0;
-#X connect 25 0 26 0;
-#X connect 26 0 24 0;
-#X connect 29 0 30 0;
-#X connect 31 0 33 0;
-#X connect 33 0 32 0;
-#X connect 34 0 32 0;
-#X connect 36 0 39 0;
-#X connect 39 0 37 0;
-#X connect 40 0 37 0;
-#X connect 47 0 48 0;
-#X connect 49 0 48 0;
-#X connect 50 0 0 0;
-#X connect 50 1 0 1;
-#X connect 50 2 2 0;
-#X connect 52 0 48 0;
-#X connect 53 0 48 0;
+#X restore 515 273 pd seq;
+#X text 23 508 on the vst~ object box;
+#X text 24 491 you can also alt-click;
+#X obj 27 413 pipe 100;
+#X text 261 243 functions for plugin shells;
+#X text 259 259 (like Waves);
+#X connect 0 0 44 0;
+#X connect 0 0 44 1;
+#X connect 2 0 54 0;
+#X connect 3 0 7 0;
+#X connect 4 0 7 0;
+#X connect 6 0 44 0;
+#X connect 9 0 10 0;
+#X connect 18 0 10 0;
+#X connect 19 0 20 0;
+#X connect 20 0 18 0;
+#X connect 23 0 24 0;
+#X connect 25 0 27 0;
+#X connect 27 0 26 0;
+#X connect 28 0 26 0;
+#X connect 30 0 33 0;
+#X connect 33 0 31 0;
+#X connect 34 0 31 0;
+#X connect 41 0 42 0;
+#X connect 43 0 42 0;
+#X connect 44 0 49 0;
+#X connect 44 1 49 1;
+#X connect 44 2 1 0;
+#X connect 45 0 42 0;
+#X connect 48 0 42 0;
+#X connect 50 0 49 4;
+#X connect 54 0 3 0;
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/readme.txt b/externals/grill/vst/readme.txt
index fc55be79..6cebdeb7 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/readme.txt
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/readme.txt
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ Version history:
- pre19: better shell support
- pre19: restructured code and added time info
- pre19: support for event processing (like MIDI in)
+- pre21: consistent MIDI handling, correct handling of parameters with spaces
+- pre22: cleaner GUI code, all kinds of window handling
+- pre22: catch exceptions like crashing plugs
+- pre23: security measures for open edit window
- version of mark@junklight.com
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/editor.h b/externals/grill/vst/src/editor.h
index ad03f59c..7c5831e7 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/editor.h
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/editor.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
vst~ - VST plugin object for PD
based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson
-Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
+Copyright (c)2003-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ void MoveEditor(VSTPlugin *p,int x,int y);
void SizeEditor(VSTPlugin *p,int x,int y);
void TitleEditor(VSTPlugin *p,const char *t);
void CaptionEditor(VSTPlugin *p,bool c);
-bool IsEditorShown(const VSTPlugin *p);
+void HandleEditor(VSTPlugin *p,bool h);
+void FrontEditor(VSTPlugin *p);
#endif // __EDITOR_H
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/editorwin.hpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/editorwin.hpp
index 29e63db6..9d97771b 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/editorwin.hpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/editorwin.hpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
vst~ - VST plugin object for PD
based on the work of Jarno Seppänen and Mark Williamson
-Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
+Copyright (c)2003-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
@@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK wndproc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
// Initialize the window.
case WM_CLOSE:
- // plug could already have been unloaded...
- plug->StopEditing(); // this sets plug->hwnd = NULL
+ plug->StopEditing();
@@ -57,7 +58,26 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK wndproc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
+#if 0
+ // ignore after WM_CLOSE so that x,y positions are preserved
+ if(!plug->IsEdited()) break;
+ winfo.cbSize = sizeof(winfo);
+ GetWindowInfo(hwnd,&winfo);
+ int cpx = winfo.rcWindow.left-winfo.rcClient.left;
+ int cpy = winfo.rcWindow.top-winfo.rcClient.top;
+ int csx = winfo.rcWindow.right-winfo.rcClient.right-cpx;
+ int csy = winfo.rcWindow.bottom-winfo.rcClient.bottom-cpy;
+ // send normalized coordinates to plugin
+ plug->SetPos(w->x+cpx,w->y+cpy,false);
+ plug->SetSize(w->cx+csx,w->cy+csy,false);
+ return 0;
+ }
case WM_MOVE: {
// ignore after WM_CLOSE so that x,y positions are preserved
if(!plug->IsEdited()) break;
@@ -65,12 +85,36 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK wndproc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
WORD wx = LOWORD(lp),wy = HIWORD(lp);
short x = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wx),y = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wy);
// x and y are the coordinates of the client rect (= actual VST interface)
- plug->SetPos(x,y,false);
- flext::post("WM_MOVE x/y=%i/%i",x,y);
+ winfo.cbSize = sizeof(winfo);
+ GetWindowInfo(hwnd,&winfo);
+ int px = winfo.rcWindow.left-winfo.rcClient.left;
+ int py = winfo.rcWindow.top-winfo.rcClient.top;
+ // send normalized coordinates to plugin
+ plug->SetPos(x+px,y+py,false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_SIZE: {
+ if(!plug->IsEdited()) break;
+ WORD wx = LOWORD(lp),wy = HIWORD(lp);
+ short x = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wx),y = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wy);
+ // x and y are the coordinates of the client rect (= actual VST interface)
+ winfo.cbSize = sizeof(winfo);
+ GetWindowInfo(hwnd,&winfo);
+ int px = winfo.rcWindow.left-winfo.rcClient.left;
+ int py = winfo.rcWindow.top-winfo.rcClient.top;
+ int sx = winfo.rcWindow.right-winfo.rcClient.right-px;
+ int sy = winfo.rcWindow.bottom-winfo.rcClient.bottom-py;
+ // send normalized coordinates to plugin
+ plug->SetSize(x+sx,y+sy,false);
#if 0 // NOT needed for Windows
case WM_PAINT: {
@@ -86,16 +130,9 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK wndproc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
-#if 0 //def FLEXT_LOGGING
- case WM_SIZE: {
- WORD wx = LOWORD(lp),wy = HIWORD(lp);
- short x = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wx),y = reinterpret_cast<short &>(wy);
- // x and y are the coordinates of the client rect (= actual VST interface)
- flext::post("WM_SIZE x/y=%i/%i",x,y);
- break;
- }
+ plug->Visible(wp != FALSE,false);
+ break;
@@ -107,22 +144,25 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK wndproc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
return res;
-static void windowsize(HWND wnd,int x,int y,int w,int h,bool caption,LONG flags = 0)
+static void windowsize(HWND wnd,int x,int y,int w,int h)
+ // pre correction
winfo.cbSize = sizeof(winfo);
+ int sx1 = (winfo.rcWindow.right-winfo.rcClient.right)-(winfo.rcWindow.left-winfo.rcClient.left);
+ int sy1 = (winfo.rcWindow.bottom-winfo.rcClient.bottom)-(winfo.rcWindow.top-winfo.rcClient.top);
- int cy = caption?GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION):0;
+ // First reflect new state in flags
- SetWindowPos(wnd,HWND_TOP,
- x-(winfo.rcClient.left-winfo.rcWindow.left),
- y-(winfo.rcClient.top-winfo.rcWindow.top),
- w+winfo.cxWindowBorders*2,
- h+cy+winfo.cyWindowBorders*2,
- flags
- );
+ // post correction
+ GetWindowInfo(wnd,&winfo);
+ int sx2 = (winfo.rcWindow.right-winfo.rcClient.right)-(winfo.rcWindow.left-winfo.rcClient.left);
+ int sy2 = (winfo.rcWindow.bottom-winfo.rcClient.bottom)-(winfo.rcWindow.top-winfo.rcClient.top);
+ // set pos, size and flags
+ SetWindowPos(wnd,NULL,x,y,w+sx2-sx1,h+sy2-sy1,SWP_NOZORDER);
static void threadfun(flext::thr_params *p)
@@ -137,14 +177,18 @@ static void threadfun(flext::thr_params *p)
wndmap[thrid] = plug;
char tmp[256];
sprintf(tmp,"vst~ - %s",plug->GetName());
- HWND wnd = CreateWindow(
+ // Get size from plugin
+ ERect r;
+ plug->GetEditorRect(r);
+ HWND wnd = CreateWindowEx(
+ WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX, // no border for the beginning to set proper coordinates
+ plug->GetX(),plug->GetY(),r.right-r.left,r.bottom-r.top,
@@ -152,34 +196,30 @@ static void threadfun(flext::thr_params *p)
FLEXT_LOG1("wnd == NULL: %i",GetLastError());
else {
-// plug->Dispatch(effEditOpen , 0 , 0 , wnd, 0.0f ); // Done in WNDPROC!!
- /*
- CString str = theApp->GetProfileString( "VSTPos" , plug->GetName() , "10,10");
- int idx = str.Find(",");
- CString x = str.Left( idx );
- CString y = str.Right( idx );
- printf(" index is %d left is %s and right is %s" , idx , x , y);
- */
-// plug->Dispatch(effEditTop,0,0, 0,0.0f);
- // printf("Dispatched to the top\n");
- SetTimer(wnd,0,TIMER_INTERVAL,NULL);
- ERect r;
- plug->GetEditorRect(r);
- windowsize(wnd,plug->GetX(),plug->GetY(),r.right-r.left,r.bottom-r.top,plug->GetCaption(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
- flext::post("Editor rect left/top=%i/%i, right/bottom=%i/%i",r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom);
+ // idle timer
+ SetTimer(wnd,0,TIMER_INTERVAL,NULL);
+ // set caption style
+ CaptionEditor(plug,plug->GetCaption());
+ if(plug->IsVisible()) {
+ SetForegroundWindow(wnd);
+ ShowWindow(wnd,1);
+ // notify plugin
+ // plug->Dispatch(effEditTop,0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ else
+ ShowWindow(wnd,0);
- // SetFocus();
+ try
+ {
- // Message pump
+ // Message loop
MSG msg;
BOOL bRet;
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0) {
- if (bRet == -1) {
+ if(bRet == -1) {
// handle the error and possibly exit
FLEXT_LOG1("GetMessage error: %i",GetLastError());
@@ -188,9 +228,18 @@ static void threadfun(flext::thr_params *p)
- }
-// UnregisterClass(wcx.lpszClassName,hinstance);
+ }
+ catch(exception &e) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - exception caught, exiting: %s",e.what());
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - exception caught, exiting");
+ }
+ if(plug) plug->EditingEnded();
+ }
@@ -235,7 +284,7 @@ void StopEditor(VSTPlugin *p)
flext::post("Stop editor 1");
- flext::StopThread(threadfun,reinterpret_cast<flext::thr_params *>(p));
+// flext::StopThread(threadfun,reinterpret_cast<flext::thr_params *>(p));
flext::post("Stop editor 2");
@@ -249,21 +298,18 @@ void ShowEditor(VSTPlugin *p,bool show)
void MoveEditor(VSTPlugin *p,int x,int y)
HWND wnd = p->EditorHandle();
- winfo.cbSize = sizeof(winfo);
- GetWindowInfo(wnd,&winfo);
- SetWindowPos(wnd,NULL,
- x-(winfo.rcClient.left-winfo.rcWindow.left),y-(winfo.rcClient.top-winfo.rcWindow.top),
- 0,0,
- );
+ SetWindowPos(wnd,NULL,x,y,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);
void SizeEditor(VSTPlugin *p,int x,int y)
- SetWindowPos(p->EditorHandle(),NULL,0,0,x,y,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER);
+ HWND wnd = p->EditorHandle();
+ SetWindowPos(wnd,NULL,0,0,x,y,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER);
+void FrontEditor(VSTPlugin *p)
+ SetForegroundWindow(p->EditorHandle());
void CaptionEditor(VSTPlugin *plug,bool c)
@@ -274,18 +320,27 @@ void CaptionEditor(VSTPlugin *plug,bool c)
else ns = style&~(WS_BORDER|WS_CAPTION);
if(ns != style) {
- ERect r; plug->GetEditorRect(r);
- windowsize(wnd,plug->GetX(),plug->GetY(),r.right-r.left,r.bottom-r.top,c,SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
+ windowsize(wnd,plug->GetX(),plug->GetY(),plug->GetW(),plug->GetH());
+void HandleEditor(VSTPlugin *plug,bool h)
+ HWND wnd = plug->EditorHandle();
+ bool v = plug->IsVisible();
+ if(v) ShowWindow(wnd,FALSE);
+ if(v) ShowWindow(wnd,TRUE);
void TitleEditor(VSTPlugin *p,const char *t)
bool IsEditorShown(const VSTPlugin *p)
return IsWindowVisible(p->EditorHandle()) != FALSE;
+*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
index 9a4b3a6c..d1c369c3 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/main.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#define VST_VERSION "0.1.0pre21"
+#define VST_VERSION "0.1.0pre23"
class vst
@@ -64,12 +64,19 @@ protected:
void mg_winx(int &x) const { x = plug?plug->GetX():0; }
void mg_winy(int &y) const { y = plug?plug->GetY():0; }
+ void mg_winw(int &x) const { x = plug?plug->GetW():0; }
+ void mg_winh(int &y) const { y = plug?plug->GetH():0; }
void ms_winx(int x) { if(plug) plug->SetX(x); }
void ms_winy(int y) { if(plug) plug->SetY(y); }
+ void ms_winw(int x) { if(plug) plug->SetW(x); }
+ void ms_winh(int y) { if(plug) plug->SetH(y); }
void ms_wincaption(bool c) { if(plug) plug->SetCaption(c); }
void mg_wincaption(bool &c) const { c = plug && plug->GetCaption(); }
+ void ms_winhandle(bool c) { if(plug) plug->SetHandle(c); }
+ void mg_winhandle(bool &c) const { c = plug && plug->GetHandle(); }
void ms_wintitle(const AtomList &t);
void mg_wintitle(AtomList &t) const { if(plug) { t(1); SetString(t[0],plug->GetTitle()); } }
+ void m_winfront() const { if(plug) plug->ToFront(); }
void mg_chnsin(int &c) const { c = plug?plug->GetNumInputs():0; }
void mg_chnsout(int &c) const { c = plug?plug->GetNumOutputs():0; }
@@ -98,13 +105,19 @@ protected:
void m_ptext(int pnum);
void m_ptexts(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
-// void m_control(const t_symbol *ctrl_name,int ctrl_value);
- void m_pitchbend(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddPitchBend(ctrl_value ); }
- void m_programchange(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddProgramChange(ctrl_value ); }
- void m_aftertouch(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddAftertouch(ctrl_value ); }
- void m_ctrlchange(int control,int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddControlChange(control,ctrl_value ); }
+ void mg_channel(int &chn) const { chn = plug?plug->GetChannel():0; }
+ void ms_channel(int chn) { if(plug) plug->SetChannel(chn); }
void m_note(int note,int vel);
void m_noteoff(int note) { m_note(note,0); }
+ void m_programchange(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddProgramChange(ctrl_value); }
+ void m_ctrlchange(int control,int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddControlChange(control,ctrl_value); }
+ void m_aftertouch(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddAftertouch(ctrl_value); }
+ void m_polyaftertouch(int note,int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddPolyAftertouch(note,ctrl_value); }
+ void m_pitchbend(int ctrl_value) { if(plug) plug->AddPitchBend(ctrl_value); }
+ void mg_dumpevents(bool &ev) const { ev = plug?plug->GetEvents():false; }
+ void ms_dumpevents(bool ev) { if(plug) plug->SetEvents(ev); }
void mg_playing(bool &p) { p = plug && plug->GetPlaying(); }
void ms_playing(bool p) { if(plug) plug->SetPlaying(p); }
@@ -140,7 +153,7 @@ private:
VSTPlugin *plug;
std::string plugname,subplug;
- bool echoparam,visible,bypass,mute;
+ bool visible,bypass,mute;
int paramnames;
int blsz;
@@ -171,12 +184,17 @@ private:
-// FLEXT_CALLBACK_2(m_control,t_symptr,int)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_pitchbend)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_aftertouch)
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_programchange)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_channel,ms_channel)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_noteoff)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_aftertouch)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_II(m_polyaftertouch)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_pitchbend)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_B(mg_dumpevents,ms_dumpevents)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_programchange)
@@ -190,14 +208,14 @@ private:
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_noteoff)
- FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(echoparam)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winw,ms_winw)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_I(mg_winh,ms_winh)
+ FLEXT_CALLVAR_B(mg_winhandle,ms_winhandle)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_winfront)
@@ -250,12 +268,15 @@ void vst::Setup(t_classid c)
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"note",m_note);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"channel",mg_channel,ms_channel);
-// FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_2(c,0,"control",m_control,t_symptr,int);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"pbend",m_pitchbend);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"atouch",m_aftertouch);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"note",m_note);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_II(c,0,"patouch",m_polyaftertouch);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"atouch",m_aftertouch);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"pbend",m_pitchbend);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"events",mg_dumpevents,ms_dumpevents);
@@ -270,11 +291,14 @@ void vst::Setup(t_classid c)
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"echo",echoparam);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"caption",mg_wincaption,ms_wincaption);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"w",mg_winw,ms_winw);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"h",mg_winh,ms_winh);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"caption",mg_wincaption,ms_wincaption);
+ FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"handle",mg_winhandle,ms_winhandle);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"front",m_winfront);
@@ -318,7 +342,7 @@ vst::vst(int argc,const t_atom *argv):
- echoparam(false),bypass(false),mute(false),paramnames(0)
+ bypass(false),mute(false),paramnames(0)
// this is necessary for Waveshell
@@ -346,9 +370,9 @@ vst::~vst()
void vst::ClearPlug()
if(plug) {
- plug->Edit(false);
ClearBuf(); // needs valid plug
- delete plug; plug = NULL;
+ VSTPlugin::Delete(plug);
+ plug = NULL;
@@ -440,15 +464,17 @@ static std::string findFilePath(const std::string &path,const std::string &dllna
return std::string();
+// \todo this should be in the background, because it can take some time
+// ideally vst would get a response from VSTPlugin when readily, loaded and
+// vst would dump out a respective signal to the patcher
bool vst::LoadPlug()
if(plug) ClearPlug();
- plug = new VSTPlugin(this);
+ VSTPlugin *p = VSTPlugin::New(this);
// try loading the dll from the raw filename
- bool ok = plug->Instance(plugname.c_str(),subplug.c_str());
+ bool ok = p->Instance(plugname.c_str(),subplug.c_str());
FLEXT_LOG("raw filename loaded fine");
else {
@@ -468,7 +494,7 @@ bool vst::LoadPlug()
dllname += "\\";
dllname += name;
- ok = plug->Instance(dllname.c_str());
+ ok = p->Instance(dllname.c_str());
@@ -497,7 +523,7 @@ bool vst::LoadPlug()
realpath += plugname;
FLEXT_LOG1("trying %s",(const char *)realpath.c_str());
- ok = plug->Instance(realpath.c_str());
+ ok = p->Instance(realpath.c_str());
if(ok) {
FLEXT_LOG("plugin loaded via VST_PATH");
@@ -505,7 +531,7 @@ bool vst::LoadPlug()
tok = strtok( NULL , ";" );
- if(!tok) post("%s - couldn't find plugin",thisName());
+// if(!tok) post("%s - couldn't find plugin",thisName());
delete[] tok_path;
@@ -514,10 +540,12 @@ bool vst::LoadPlug()
if(!ok) {
post("%s - unable to load plugin '%s'",thisName(),plugname.c_str());
- ClearPlug();
+ VSTPlugin::Delete(p);
- else
+ else {
+ plug = p;
+ }
return ok;
@@ -674,32 +702,6 @@ void vst::CbSignal()
-#if 0
-void vst::m_control(const t_symbol *ctrl_name,int ctrl_value)
- if(!plug) return;
- int parm_num = 0;
- if (!*GetString(ctrl_name) || !strlen(GetString(ctrl_name))) {
- error ("plugin~: control messages must have a name and a value");
- return;
- }
- //parm_num = vst_tilde_get_parm_number (x, ctrl_name->s_name);
- //if (parm_num)
- //{
- //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_index (x, parm_num - 1, ctrl_value);
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //vst_tilde_set_control_input_by_name (x, ctrl_name->s_name, ctrl_value);
- //}
void vst::mg_progname(int argc,const t_atom *argv) const
if(plug) {
@@ -788,8 +790,8 @@ void vst::m_print(int ac,const t_atom *av)
if ( header ) {
- post("VST~ plugin: %s " , plug->GetName() );
- post("made by: %s " , plug->GetVendorName() );
+ post("VST~ plugin: %s ", plug->GetName() );
+ post("made by: %s ", plug->GetVendorName() );
post("parameters %d\naudio: %d in(s)/%d out(s) \nLoaded from library \"%s\".\n",
@@ -868,12 +870,12 @@ void vst::ms_param(int pnum,float val)
if(!plug || pnum < 0 || pnum >= plug->GetNumParams()) return;
- float xval = plug->GetParamValue( pnum );
+// float xval = plug->GetParamValue( pnum );
// if(xval <= 1.0f) // What's that????
plug->SetParamFloat( pnum, val );
- if(echoparam) display_parameter(pnum , true );
+// if(echoparam) display_parameter(pnum , true );
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstedit.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstedit.cpp
index 804e83ca..1536b9d3 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstedit.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstedit.cpp
@@ -27,50 +27,56 @@ void VSTPlugin::StartEditing(WHandle h)
Dispatch(effEditOpen,0,0,hwnd = h);
-// Dispatch(effEditTop);
void VSTPlugin::StopEditing()
- if(Is()) {
- Dispatch(effEditClose);
- hwnd = NULL;
- }
+ if(Is() && IsEdited())
+ Dispatch(effEditClose);
-void VSTPlugin::Visible(bool vis)
+void VSTPlugin::Visible(bool vis,bool upd)
- if(Is() && IsEdited()) ShowEditor(this,vis);
+ visible = vis;
+ if(upd && Is() && IsEdited()) ShowEditor(this,vis);
-bool VSTPlugin::IsVisible() const
- return Is() && IsEdited() && IsEditorShown(this);
+void VSTPlugin::SetPos(int x,int y,bool upd)
+ posx = x; posy = y;
+ if(upd && Is() && IsEdited()) MoveEditor(this,posx,posy);
-void VSTPlugin::SetPos(int x,int y,bool upd)
+void VSTPlugin::SetSize(int x,int y,bool upd)
- if(Is()) {
- posx = x; posy = y;
- if(upd && IsEdited()) MoveEditor(this,posx,posy);
- }
+ sizex = x; sizey = y;
+ if(upd && Is() && IsEdited()) SizeEditor(this,sizex,sizey);
void VSTPlugin::SetCaption(bool c)
- if(Is()) {
- caption = c;
- if(IsEdited()) CaptionEditor(this,c);
- }
+ caption = c;
+ if(Is() && IsEdited()) CaptionEditor(this,c);
+void VSTPlugin::SetHandle(bool h)
+ handle = h;
+ if(Is() && IsEdited()) HandleEditor(this,h);
void VSTPlugin::SetTitle(const char *t)
- if(Is()) {
- title = t;
- if(IsEdited()) TitleEditor(this,t);
+ title = t;
+ if(Is() && IsEdited()) TitleEditor(this,t);
+void VSTPlugin::ToFront()
+ if(Is() && IsEdited()) {
+ FrontEditor(this);
+ Dispatch(effEditTop,0,0,vendorname);
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.cpp
index 3b9d6241..5f2443fc 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
#include "vsthost.h"
+#include "editor.h"
+#include <exception>
+#include "flcontainers.h"
const t_symbol
@@ -22,8 +24,22 @@ const t_symbol
+class DelPlugin
+ : public Fifo::Cell
+ DelPlugin(VSTPlugin *p): plug(p) {}
+ VSTPlugin *plug;
+static TypedLifo<DelPlugin> todel;
+flext::ThrCond VSTPlugin::thrcond;
void VSTPlugin::Setup()
+ LaunchThread(worker);
sym_param = flext::MakeSymbol("param");
sym_event = flext::MakeSymbol("event");
sym_evmidi = flext::MakeSymbol("midi");
@@ -34,22 +50,23 @@ void VSTPlugin::Setup()
sym_evsysex = flext::MakeSymbol("sysex");
sym_ev_ = flext::MakeSymbol("???");
- sym_midi[0] = flext::MakeSymbol("noteon");
- sym_midi[1] = flext::MakeSymbol("noteoff");
- sym_midi[2] = flext::MakeSymbol("polyafter");
- sym_midi[3] = flext::MakeSymbol("cntl");
+ sym_midi[0] = flext::MakeSymbol("noteoff");
+ sym_midi[1] = flext::MakeSymbol("note");
+ sym_midi[2] = flext::MakeSymbol("atouch");
+ sym_midi[3] = flext::MakeSymbol("ctlchg");
sym_midi[4] = flext::MakeSymbol("progchg");
- sym_midi[5] = flext::MakeSymbol("chnafter");
- sym_midi[6] = flext::MakeSymbol("pitchbend");
- sym_midi[7] = sym__;
+ sym_midi[5] = flext::MakeSymbol("atouch");
+ sym_midi[6] = flext::MakeSymbol("pbend");
+ sym_midi[7] = flext::MakeSymbol("sysex");
VSTPlugin::VSTPlugin(Responder *resp)
: hdll(NULL),hwnd(NULL)
, effect(NULL),pluginmain(NULL),audiomaster(NULL)
, responder(resp)
- , posx(0),posy(0),caption(true)
- , midichannel(0),eventqusz(0)
+ , posx(0),posy(0),sizex(0),sizey(0)
+ , visible(true),caption(true),handle(false)
+ , midichannel(0),eventqusz(0),dumpevents(false)
, paramnamecnt(0)
, transchg(true)
, playing(false),looping(false),feedback(false)
@@ -67,7 +84,55 @@ VSTPlugin::~VSTPlugin()
+VSTPlugin *VSTPlugin::New(Responder *resp)
+ return new VSTPlugin(resp);
+void VSTPlugin::Delete(VSTPlugin *p)
+ // tell plugin to close editor!
+ StopEditor(p);
+ // transfer to deletion thread
+ todel.Push(new DelPlugin(p));
+ thrcond.Signal();
+void VSTPlugin::worker(thr_params *)
+ TypedLifo<DelPlugin> tmp;
+ bool again = false;
+ for(;;) {
+ // wait for signal
+ if(again) {
+ thrcond.TimedWait(0.01);
+ again = false;
+ }
+ else
+ thrcond.Wait();
+ DelPlugin *p;
+ while((p = todel.Pop()) != NULL) {
+ // see if editing has stopped
+ if(p && p->plug->hwnd == NULL) {
+ // yes, it is now safe to delete the plug
+ delete p->plug;
+ delete p;
+ }
+ else {
+ tmp.Push(p);
+ again = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // put back remaining entries
+ while((p = tmp.Pop()) != NULL) todel.Push(p);
+ }
OSStatus FSPathMakeFSSpec(const UInt8 *path,FSSpec *spec,Boolean *isDirectory) /* can be NULL */
@@ -208,9 +273,17 @@ bool VSTPlugin::InstPlugin(long plugid)
FLEXT_ASSERT(pluginmain && audiomaster);
//This calls the "main" function and receives the pointer to the AEffect structure.
- effect = pluginmain(audiomaster);
- if(!effect || effect->magic != kEffectMagic) {
- post("VST plugin : Unable to create effect");
+ try { effect = pluginmain(audiomaster); }
+ catch(exception &e) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - caught exception while instantiating plugin: %s",e.what());
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - caught exception while instantiating plugin");
+ }
+ if(!effect)
+ return false;
+ else if(effect->magic != kEffectMagic) {
effect = NULL;
return false;
@@ -219,13 +292,19 @@ bool VSTPlugin::InstPlugin(long plugid)
bool VSTPlugin::Instance(const char *name,const char *subname)
- bool ok = effect != NULL;
+ bool ok = false;
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(effect == NULL);
+ try {
if(!ok && dllname != name) {
// freshly load plugin
ok = NewPlugin(name) && InstPlugin();
+ ok = NewPlugin(name) && InstPlugin();
if(ok && subname && *subname && Dispatch(effGetPlugCategory) == kPlugCategShell) {
// sub plugin-name given -> scan plugs
@@ -294,37 +373,53 @@ bool VSTPlugin::Instance(const char *name,const char *subname)
+ }
+ catch(exception &e) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - caught exception while loading plugin: %s",e.what());
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - Caught exception while loading plugin");
+ ok = false;
+ }
if(!ok) Free();
return ok;
-void VSTPlugin::Free() // Called also in destruction
+void VSTPlugin::Free()
- if(effect) {
- Edit(false);
+ // This should only also in destruction
- // shut down plugin
- Dispatch(effMainsChanged, 0, 0);
- Dispatch(effClose);
- }
+ try {
+ if(effect) {
+ FLEXT_ASSERT(!IsEdited());
- // \TODO
- // Here, we really have to wait until the editor thread has terminated
- // otherwise WM_DESTROY etc. messages may still be pending
- // in other words: this is a design flaw
- // There should be a data stub accessible from the plugin object and the thread
- // holding the necessary data, so that both can operate independently
+ // shut down plugin
+ Dispatch(effMainsChanged, 0, 0);
+ Dispatch(effClose);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...) {}
void VSTPlugin::DspInit(float sr,int blsz)
- // sample rate and block size must _first_ be set
- Dispatch(effSetSampleRate,0,0,NULL,samplerate = sr);
- Dispatch(effSetBlockSize, 0,blsz);
- // then signal that mains have changed!
- Dispatch(effMainsChanged,0,1);
+ try {
+ // sample rate and block size must _first_ be set
+ Dispatch(effSetSampleRate,0,0,NULL,samplerate = sr);
+ Dispatch(effSetBlockSize, 0,blsz);
+ // then signal that mains have changed!
+ Dispatch(effMainsChanged,0,1);
+ }
+ catch(exception &e) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - caught exception while initializing dsp: %s",e.what());
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ flext::post("vst~ - caught exception while initializing dsp");
+ }
void VSTPlugin::ListPlugs(const t_symbol *sym) const
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.h b/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.h
index bda1d538..0b1adef0 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.h
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/vsthost.h
@@ -40,19 +40,27 @@ public:
virtual void Respond(const t_symbol *sym,int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL) = 0;
class VSTPlugin:
public flext
+ static VSTPlugin *New(Responder *resp);
+ static void Delete(VSTPlugin *p);
static void Setup();
+ bool Instance(const char *plug,const char *subplug = NULL);
+ void DspInit(float samplerate,int blocksize);
VSTPlugin(Responder *resp);
- bool Instance(const char *plug,const char *subplug = NULL);
+ static ThrCond thrcond;
+ static void worker(thr_params *p);
void Free();
- void DspInit(float samplerate,int blocksize);
@@ -119,81 +127,104 @@ private:
void SetPos(int x,int y,bool upd = true);
+ void SetSize(int x,int y,bool upd = true);
void SetX(int x,bool upd = true) { SetPos(x,posy,upd); }
void SetY(int y,bool upd = true) { SetPos(posx,y,upd); }
+ void SetW(int x,bool upd = true) { SetSize(x,sizey,upd); }
+ void SetH(int y,bool upd = true) { SetSize(sizex,y,upd); }
int GetX() const { return posx; }
int GetY() const { return posy; }
+ int GetW() const { return sizex; }
+ int GetH() const { return sizey; }
void SetCaption(bool b);
bool GetCaption() const { return caption; }
+ void SetHandle(bool h);
+ bool GetHandle() const { return handle; }
void SetTitle(const char *t);
const char *GetTitle() const { return title.c_str(); }
+ void ToFront();
void Edit(bool open);
- void StartEditing(WHandle h );
+ void StartEditing(WHandle h);
void StopEditing();
bool IsEdited() const { return hwnd != NULL; }
WHandle EditorHandle() const { return hwnd; }
+ void EditingEnded() { hwnd = NULL; thrcond.Signal(); }
void GetEditorRect(ERect &er) const { ERect *r; Dispatch(effEditGetRect,0,0,&r); er = *r; }
void EditorIdle() { Dispatch(effEditIdle); }
- void Visible(bool vis);
- bool IsVisible() const;
+ void Visible(bool vis,bool upd = true);
+ bool IsVisible() const { return visible; }
void Paint(ERect &r) const { Dispatch(effEditDraw,0,0,&r); }
- int posx,posy; // Window position
+ bool visible;
+ int posx,posy,sizex,sizey; // Window position
bool caption; // Window border
+ bool handle; // Window handle (like taskbar button)
std::string title; // Window title
enum {
- MIDI_NOTEON = 144,
+ MIDI_NOTEOFF = 0x80,
+ MIDI_NOTEON = 0x90,
+ MIDI_SYSEX = 0xf0,
+ void SetEvents(bool ev) { dumpevents = ev; }
+ bool GetEvents() const { return dumpevents; }
bool AddMIDI(unsigned char data0,unsigned char data1 = 0,unsigned char data2 = 0);
static int range(int value,int mn = 0,int mx = 127) { return value < mn?mn:(value > mx?mx:value); }
- bool AddNoteOn(unsigned char note,unsigned char speed,unsigned char midichannel = 0)
+ void SetChannel(int channel) { midichannel = range(channel,0,0xf); }
+ int GetChannel() const { return midichannel; }
+ bool AddNoteOn(unsigned char note,unsigned char speed /*,unsigned char midichannel = 0*/)
- return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEON|midichannel,note,speed);
+ return AddMIDI(MIDI_NOTEON+midichannel,note,speed);
- bool AddNoteOff(unsigned char note,unsigned char midichannel = 0)
+ bool AddNoteOff(unsigned char note /*,unsigned char midichannel = 0*/)
- return AddMIDI((char)MIDI_NOTEOFF|midichannel,note,0);
+ return AddMIDI(MIDI_NOTEOFF+midichannel,note,0);
void AddControlChange(int control,int value)
- AddMIDI(MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE+(midichannel&0xf),range(control),range(value));
+ AddMIDI(MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE+midichannel,range(control),range(value));
void AddProgramChange(int value)
- AddMIDI(MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE+(midichannel&0xf),range(value),0);
+ AddMIDI(MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE+midichannel,range(value),0);
void AddPitchBend(int value)
- AddMIDI(MIDI_PITCHBEND+(midichannel&0xf),((value>>7)&127),(value&127));
+ AddMIDI(MIDI_PITCHBEND+midichannel,((value>>7)&127),(value&127));
void AddAftertouch(int value)
- AddMIDI((char)MIDI_AFTERTOUCH|midichannel,range(value));
+ AddMIDI(MIDI_AFTERTOUCH+midichannel,range(value));
+ }
+ void AddPolyAftertouch(unsigned char note,int value)
+ {
+ AddMIDI(MIDI_POLYAFTERTOUCH+midichannel,note,range(value));
@@ -205,6 +236,7 @@ private:
int eventqusz;
char midichannel;
+ bool dumpevents;
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstmaster.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstmaster.cpp
index 108d8079..00a93c80 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstmaster.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstmaster.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ static const char *product = "vst~";
void VSTPlugin::ProcessEvent(const VstEvent &ev)
- if(!responder) return;
+ if(!responder && dumpevents) return;
if(ev.type == kVstMidiType) {
const VstMidiEvent &mev = (const VstMidiEvent &)ev;
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstparam.cpp b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstparam.cpp
index 30515b23..bb80263e 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/src/vstparam.cpp
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/src/vstparam.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ static void striptrail(char *txt)
for(int i = strlen(txt)-1; i >= 0; --i)
// cast to unsigned char since isspace functions don't want characters like 0x80 = -128
if(isspace(((unsigned char *)txt)[i])) txt[i] = 0;
+ else break;
void VSTPlugin::GetParamName(int numparam,char *name) const
diff --git a/externals/grill/vst/vst.vcproj b/externals/grill/vst/vst.vcproj
index 42d904ef..aa447805 100644
--- a/externals/grill/vst/vst.vcproj
+++ b/externals/grill/vst/vst.vcproj
@@ -248,6 +248,9 @@
+ RelativePath=".\src\editor.h">
+ </File>
+ <File