path: root/desiredata/src/kb-mode.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/kb-mode.tcl')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/kb-mode.tcl b/desiredata/src/kb-mode.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08adce28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desiredata/src/kb-mode.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+package provide kb-mode 0.1
+set kbmode 1
+proc kb-mode_init {canvas} {
+ puts "init kb-mode"
+ set self "kbcursor"
+ append_callback kb-mode key kb-mode_key
+ Kb_cursor new_as $self $canvas
+ $self draw
+ return $self
+def Canvas kb-mode_key {x y key iso shift} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set step [$@kbcursor step]
+ if {$@keyprefix} {
+ $@kbcursor get_key $key
+ set @keyprefix 0
+ }
+ switch $key {
+ BackSpace {$self delete_selection}
+ Up {$@kbcursor move 0 -$step; if {$shift} {$self arrow_key 0 -$step}}
+ Down {$@kbcursor move 0 +$step; if {$shift} {$self arrow_key 0 +$step}}
+ Left {$@kbcursor move -$step 0; if {$shift} {$self arrow_key -$step 0}}
+ Right {$@kbcursor move +$step 0; if {$shift} {$self arrow_key +$step 0}}
+ t {$self kbcursor_select}
+ Return {$self return_key $x $y $key $iso $shift}
+ default {}
+ }
+def Canvas kbcursor_move_up {} {$@kbcursor move 0 -[$@kbcursor step]}
+def Canvas kbcursor_move_down {} {$@kbcursor move 0 [$@kbcursor step]}
+def Canvas kbcursor_move_left {} {$@kbcursor move -[$@kbcursor step] 0}
+def Canvas kbcursor_move_right {} {$@kbcursor move [$@kbcursor step] 0}
+def Canvas move_selection_up {} {$self arrow_key 0 -[$@kbcursor step]}
+def Canvas move_selection_down {} {$self arrow_key 0 +[$@kbcursor step]}
+def Canvas move_selection_left {} {$self arrow_key -[$@kbcursor step] 0}
+def Canvas move_selection_right {} {$self arrow_key 0 +[$@kbcursor step] 0}
+class_new Kb_cursor {View}
+def Kb_cursor init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @x 200
+ set @y 200
+ set @h [expr [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]+3]
+ set @step [expr ceil($@h*1.5)]
+ set @prefixkeys {}
+ $self init_keys
+ $self recenter
+def Kb_cursor xy {} {return [list $@x $@y]}
+def Kb_cursor step {} {return $@step}
+def Kb_cursor draw {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set line1 [list $@x $@y $@x [expr $@y+$@h]]
+ set line2 [list $@x $@y [expr $@x+3] $@y]
+ set line3 [list $@x [expr $@y+$@h-1] [expr $@x+3] [expr $@y+$@h-1]]
+ $self item LINE1 line $line1 -fill red -width 2
+ $self item LINE2 line $line2 -fill red -width 1
+ $self item LINE3 line $line3 -fill red -width 1
+ $c raise $self
+def Kb_cursor move {x y} {
+ set @x [expr $@x + $x]
+ set @y [expr $@y + $y]
+ $self test_bounds
+ $self draw
+ set action [$@canvas action]
+ if {$action != "none"} {
+ if {[$action class] == "SelRect"} {
+ $action motion $@x $@y 256 "none"
+ }
+ }
+def Kb_cursor scroll_canvas {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox all]
+ puts "xview [$c xview]"
+ set x2 [expr $x2]; set y2 [expr $y2]
+def Kb_cursor test_bounds {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set width [winfo width $c]; set height [winfo height $c]
+ set x1 [$c canvasx 2]; set y1 [$c canvasy 2]
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$width-2]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$height-2]
+ if {$@x >= $x2} {$self scroll r [expr int($@x-$x2)]}
+ if {$@x <= $x1} {$self scroll l [expr int($@x-$x1)]}
+ if {$@y >= $y2} {$self scroll b [expr int($@y-$y2)]}
+ if {$@y <= $y1} {$self scroll t [expr int($@y-$y1)]}
+def Kb_cursor scroll {direction diff} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set width [winfo width $c]; set height [winfo height $c]
+ set x1 [$c canvasx 2]; set y1 [$c canvasy 2]
+ mset {l r} [$c xview]
+ mset {t b} [$c yview]
+ foreach {n0 n1 n2 n3 region} [$c configure -scrollregion] {mset {rx1 ry1 rx2 ry2} $region}
+ switch $direction {
+ r {set axis "x"; if {$r == 1} {set rx2 [expr $rx2+$width]}}
+ l {set axis "x"; if {$l == 0} {set rx1 [expr $rx1-$width]}}
+ b {set axis "y"; if {$b == 1} {set ry2 [expr $ry2+$height]}}
+ t {set axis "y"; if {$t == 0} {set ry1 [expr $ry1-$height]}}
+ }
+ $c configure -scrollregion [list $rx1 $ry1 $rx2 $ry2]
+ $c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units
+def Canvas kbcursor_recenter {} {$@kbcursor recenter}
+def Kb_cursor recenter {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set width [winfo width $c]; set height [winfo height $c]
+ set x1 [$c canvasx 2]; set y1 [$c canvasy 2]
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$width]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$height]
+ set @x [expr $x1+($width/2)]
+ set @y [expr $y1+($height/2)]
+ $self draw
+def Canvas kbcursor_Object {} {mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]; $self new_objectxy [expr $x+4] $y obj}
+def Canvas kbcursor_Message {} {mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]; $self new_objectxy [expr $x+4] $y msg}
+def Canvas kbcursor_bng {} {mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]; $self new_objectxy [expr $x+4] $y obj bng}
+def Canvas kbcursor_tgl {} {mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]; $self new_objectxy [expr $x+4] $y obj tgl}
+def Canvas kbcursor_nbx {} {mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]; $self new_objectxy [expr $x+4] $y obj nbx}
+def Canvas kbcursor_select {} {
+ mset {x y} [lmap + [$@kbcursor xy] 4]; set x [expr $x+4]
+ mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y 0]
+ puts "type:: $type || id:: $id || detail:: $detail"
+ if {$type == "object"} {
+ if {![$id selected?]} {$self selection+= $id} else {$self selection-= $id}
+ }
+def Kb_cursor init_keys {} {
+ global newkey accels
+ #@keys used for prefix keycommands
+ dict set @prefixkeys "1" "kbcursor_Object"
+ dict set @prefixkeys "2" "kbcursor_Message"
+ dict set @prefixkeys "b" "kbcursor_bng"
+ dict set @prefixkeys "t" "kbcursor_tgl"
+ dict set @prefixkeys "3" "kbcursor_nbx"
+ #@ctrlkeys overwrites the existing keybindings
+ foreach {key command} $newkey {
+ if {[catch {set vars [dict get $accels $key]}]} {puts "$key not bound yet......";set vars {}}
+ set new_val {}
+ foreach item $vars {
+ mset {class cmd} [split $item ":"]
+ if {$class == [$@canvas class]} {
+ set n $class:$command
+ lappend new_val $n
+ } else {
+ lappend new_val $item
+ }
+ }
+ if {$new_val == ""} {set new_val [$@canvas class]:$command}
+ dict set accels $key $new_val
+ }
+def Kb_cursor get_key {key} {
+ if {[catch {set command [dict get $@prefixkeys $key]}]} {
+ post "key Ctrl-x $key not bound"
+ } {
+ puts "run $command"
+ $@canvas $command
+ }
+set newkey {
+ Ctrl+p {kbcursor_move_up}
+ Ctrl+n {kbcursor_move_down}
+ Ctrl+f {kbcursor_move_right}
+ Ctrl+b {kbcursor_move_left}
+ Ctrl+P {move_selection_up}
+ Ctrl+N {move_selection_down}
+ Ctrl+F {move_selection_right}
+ Ctrl+B {move_selection_left}
+ Alt+f {}
+ Alt+b {}
+ Ctrl+space {kbcursor_mark}
+def Canvas kbcursor_mark {} {
+ mset {x y} [$@kbcursor xy]
+ if {$@action == "none"} {
+ set @action [SelRect new $self $x $y 256 "none"]
+ } else {
+ if {[$@action class] == "SelRect"} {
+ $@action unclick $x $y 236 "none"
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file