path: root/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd')
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/2.open_close.pd b/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/2.open_close.pd
index 6b0adabf..639dc597 100755
--- a/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/2.open_close.pd
+++ b/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/2.open_close.pd
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-#N canvas 189 280 494 273 10;
-#X text 10 4 open and close an abstraction;
-#X text 23 85 (you have to put a corect name & valid path);
-#X text 25 114 close;
-#X text 26 30 open;
-#X msg 25 50 \; pd open your_abs.pd ./your_path \;;
-#X msg 26 135 \; pd pd-your_abs.pd menuclose \;;
-#X text 23 171 (you have to put a corect name & valid path);
-#X text 64 197 Those last 2 tricks came from Miller \, but i didn't succed to make them work. hope somebody will be more lucky.;
+#N canvas 485 101 510 289 10;
+#X text 10 4 open and close an abstraction;
+#X text 21 96 (you have to put a corect name & valid path);
+#X text 24 164 close;
+#X text 26 30 open;
+#X text 22 221 (you have to put a corect name & valid path);
+#X obj 396 17 abstraction;
+#X msg 25 185 \; pd-abstraction.pd menuclose \;;
+#X msg 25 50 \; pd open abstraction.pd /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/7.stuff/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/
+#X text 25 127 Sometimes you can get "." to work as a path \, but usually
+it doesn't work. I don't know why...;
diff --git a/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/abstraction.pd b/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/abstraction.pd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..607872fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/additional/pd-msg/2.msg_and_pd/abstraction.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#N canvas 603 381 454 304 10;
+#X text 68 98 This is your abstraction which you just opened.;