path: root/externals/detox
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/detox')
3 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/detox/detox-help.pd b/externals/detox/detox-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..247c0d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/detox/detox-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#N canvas 0 22 814 758 10;
+#X msg 58 114 <toxine name="fastfood">;
+#X obj 274 400 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0
+#X msg 274 417 mode \$1;
+#X msg 72 133 <class name="italian">;
+#X obj 59 363 tosymbol;
+#X msg 120 400 reset;
+#X msg 85 152 <dish name="pizza">;
+#X msg 353 314 <person died = '1954-06-07' born = "1912-06-23">Alan
+#X obj 225 603 prepend set;
+#X msg 225 622 anchovi -56;
+#X obj 225 645 prepend set;
+#X msg 225 663 name margherita;
+#X text 348 414 1: all attribute:value pairs;
+#X text 164 399 reset tag-tree;
+#X floatatom 227 469 8 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 226 545 prepend set;
+#X msg 226 563 toxine class dish pizza item;
+#X text 406 463 0 invalid tag;
+#X text 406 478 1 closed tag;
+#X text 406 493 2 opening tag;
+#X text 406 508 3 closing tag;
+#X text 406 523 4 meta tag;
+#X msg 97 171 <pizza name = "margherita">;
+#X msg 110 223 <item>anchovi \$1</item>;
+#X floatatom 110 208 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 115 244 </topping>;
+#X msg 114 263 </pizza>;
+#X msg 114 281 </dish>;
+#X msg 115 299 </class>;
+#X msg 115 318 </toxine>;
+#X text 348 399 0: first attribute:value pair;
+#X text 296 399 mode:;
+#X obj 59 437 detox 1;
+#X text 462 559 -1 when unmatched closing tag;
+#X msg 187 318 </error>;
+#X text 405 545 returns: 0 when tree is empty;
+#X obj 61 598 print tag_type;
+#X obj 61 616 print tag_tree;
+#X obj 61 634 print tag_content;
+#X obj 61 652 print attribute:value;
+#X obj 352 150 openpanel;
+#X obj 351 248 textfile;
+#X obj 364 222 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -150892 -1
+#X obj 352 133 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -166441 -1
+#X msg 364 204 rewind;
+#X msg 352 168 read \$1 cr;
+#X text 433 199 go to start of file;
+#X text 433 214 step through file;
+#X obj 351 266 print input_line;
+#X text 375 132 open wellformed xml-file;
+#X msg 110 190 <topping name = "mozarella">;
+#X text 354 298 closed tag w/ multiple attributes;
+#X obj -14 13 cnv 15 780 40 empty empty detox 20 12 0 24 -237236 -66577
+#X text 85 21 extract values \, contents \, attributes from xml-tag
+#X text 85 35 argument (optional): mode 0/1;
+#X text 666 18 jasch 05/2006;
+#X text 624 34 http://www.jasch.ch;
+#X obj 310 465 cnv 15 90 20 empty empty tag_type: 10 10 0 10 -233017
+-66577 0;
+#X obj 312 542 cnv 15 90 20 empty empty tag_tree: 10 10 0 10 -233017
+-66577 0;
+#X obj 312 600 cnv 15 90 20 empty empty tag_content: 10 10 0 10 -233017
+-66577 0;
+#X obj 311 643 cnv 15 200 18 empty empty attribute/value_pairs: 10
+10 0 10 -233017 -66577 0;
+#X connect 0 0 4 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 32 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 32 0;
+#X connect 5 0 32 0;
+#X connect 6 0 4 0;
+#X connect 7 0 4 0;
+#X connect 8 0 9 0;
+#X connect 10 0 11 0;
+#X connect 15 0 16 0;
+#X connect 22 0 4 0;
+#X connect 23 0 4 0;
+#X connect 24 0 23 0;
+#X connect 25 0 4 0;
+#X connect 26 0 4 0;
+#X connect 27 0 4 0;
+#X connect 28 0 4 0;
+#X connect 29 0 4 0;
+#X connect 32 0 10 0;
+#X connect 32 0 39 0;
+#X connect 32 1 8 0;
+#X connect 32 1 38 0;
+#X connect 32 2 15 0;
+#X connect 32 2 37 0;
+#X connect 32 3 14 0;
+#X connect 32 3 36 0;
+#X connect 34 0 4 0;
+#X connect 40 0 45 0;
+#X connect 41 0 4 0;
+#X connect 41 0 48 0;
+#X connect 42 0 41 0;
+#X connect 43 0 40 0;
+#X connect 44 0 41 0;
+#X connect 45 0 41 0;
+#X connect 50 0 4 0;
diff --git a/externals/detox/detox.c b/externals/detox/detox.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..448faaae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/detox/detox.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/*__________________________________________________________________________ detox á extract value/content from tag-structured symbol Copyright (C) 2003 jan schacher thanks to tim place for inspiration and sample code revised tree output 20040712 initial build 200300502 ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #include "m_pd.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <locale.h> #define VERSION "1.2" #define CLIP(x,a,b) (x)=(x)<(a)?(a):(x)>(b)?(b):(x) typedef struct _detox { t_object ob; t_atom t_tree[257], t_attrpair[2]; t_atom t_comp, t_blip; long t_treecount; short t_debug; short t_mode; void *s_outlet, *s_outlet2, *s_outlet3, *s_outlet4; } t_detox; t_symbol *ps_nothing; void *detox_class; void *detox_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv); void detox_free(t_detox *x); void detox_reset(t_detox *x); void detox_debug(t_detox *x, float f); void detox_mode(t_detox *x, float f); void detox_anything(t_detox *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv); long clip(long in, long min, long max); void version(t_detox *x); void detox_setup(void) { detox_class = class_new(gensym("detox"), (t_newmethod)detox_new, (t_method)detox_free, sizeof(t_detox), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addsymbol(detox_class, (t_method)detox_anything); // class_addmethod(detox_class, (t_method)detox_anything, gensym("anything"), A_GIMME,0); class_addmethod(detox_class, (t_method)detox_debug, gensym("debug"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(detox_class, (t_method)detox_mode, gensym("mode"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(detox_class, (t_method)detox_reset, gensym("reset"), 0); class_addmethod(detox_class, (t_method)version, gensym("version"), 0); post(". detox . jasch . "__DATE__" "); ps_nothing = gensym(""); } void *detox_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv) { t_detox *x = (t_detox *)pd_new(detox_class); x->s_outlet = outlet_new(&x->ob, NULL); x->s_outlet2 = outlet_new(&x->ob, NULL); x->s_outlet3 = outlet_new(&x->ob, NULL); x->s_outlet4 = outlet_new(&x->ob, gensym("float")); x->t_treecount = 0; x->t_debug = 0; if((argc >= 1)&&(argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)){ if(argv[0].a_w.w_float == 0){ x->t_mode = 0; }else{ x->t_mode = 1; } }else{ x->t_mode = 1; } x->t_debug = 0; if(x->t_debug) post("mode is %ld", x->t_mode); return (x); } void detox_reset(t_detox *x) { short i; x->t_treecount = 0; for(i=0;i<256; i++) x->t_tree[i].a_w.w_symbol = ps_nothing; } void detox_debug(t_detox *x, float f) { if(f == 0.0){ x->t_debug = 0; }else if(f != 0){ x->t_debug = 1; } } void detox_mode(t_detox *x, float f) { if(f == 0.0){ x->t_mode = 0; }else if(f != 0){ x->t_mode = 1; } } void detox_anything(t_detox *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv) { t_atom *outlist, *comp, *attrpair; char local[1024], local2[1024]; char temp[1024]; char tempstring[2]; char *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3, *ptr4, *ptr5; long i, j, k, last, len, len2, tempcount = 0, pos = 0; short tagtype = 0; // 0 = closed, 1 = open, 2 = closing short outsize = 0; long quotetype = 0; short attrpresent = 0; i = 0; strcpy(tempstring, " "); outlist = x->t_tree; attrpair = x->t_attrpair; x->t_attrpair[0].a_type = A_SYMBOL; x->t_attrpair[1].a_type = A_SYMBOL; if(s->s_name == "debug"){ x->t_debug = CLIP(argv[0].a_w.w_float, 0, 1); return; } strcpy(local2, s->s_name); last = strlen(local2); // test for tag if(x->t_debug) post("input is %s", s->s_name); k=0; while(isspace(local2[k])){ // remove whitespace/tab/cr/linefeed k++; } if(x->t_debug) post("k is %ld, last is %ld", k, last); for(i=k, j=0; i<last; i++, j++){ // remove whitespace/tab/cr/linefeed local[j] = local2[i]; } local[j] = 0; // terminate string if((local[0] != '<') || (local[j-1] != '>')){ tagtype = 0; // not a well formed tag if(x->t_debug) post("tagtype 0"); goto content; } if((local[1] == '?') || (local[1] == '!')){ tagtype = 4; // this might be a metatag if(x->t_debug) post("tagtype 4"); goto content; } ptr = strchr(local, '/'); // is it a closing tag ? if(x->t_debug) post("ptr contains %s", s->s_name); if(ptr == NULL){ // we have new open tag tagtype = 2; if(x->t_debug) post("tagtype 2"); }else if((local[1] == '/')){ // is it at beginning tagtype = 3; if(x->t_debug) post("tagtype 3"); }else if(local[1] != '/'){ // is it elsewhere if(x->t_debug) post("tagtype 1"); tagtype = 1; } switch(tagtype){ case 1: // closed tag :: add temporarily to tree ptr = strchr(local, '>'); ptr2 = strchr(local, ' '); if(ptr2 != NULL) *ptr2 = 0; if(ptr != NULL){ *ptr = 0; }else{ return; } len = strlen(local); ptr5 = (char *)memmove((local + 0),(local + 1), len-1); local[len-1] = 0; ptr5 = local; x->t_blip.a_type = A_SYMBOL; x->t_blip.a_w.w_symbol = gensym(ptr5); tempcount = 1; break; case 2: // opening tag :: add to tree, increment count ptr2 = strchr(local, ' '); if(ptr2 != NULL){ *ptr2 = 0; if(x->t_debug) post("inside opening tag w/ whitespace, %s", local); }else{ local[strlen(local) - 1] = 0; // local[strlen(ptr2) -1] = 0; if(x->t_debug) post("inside opening tag no whitespace, %s", local); // return; } len = strlen(local); ptr5 = (char *)memmove((local + 0),(local + 1), len-1); if(x->t_debug) post("ptr5 is %s", ptr5); local[len-1] = 0; ptr5 = local; x->t_tree[x->t_treecount].a_type = A_SYMBOL; x->t_tree[x->t_treecount].a_w.w_symbol = gensym(ptr5); x->t_treecount++; x->t_treecount = clip(x->t_treecount, 0, 255); break; case 3: // closing tag :: remove from tree, decrement count ptr2 = strchr(local, '>'); if(ptr2 != NULL){ *ptr2 = 0; }else{ return; } len = strlen(local); ptr5 = (char *)memmove((local + 0),(local + 2), len-2); local[len-2] = 0; ptr5 = local; x->t_comp.a_type = A_SYMBOL; x->t_comp.a_w.w_symbol = gensym(ptr5); if(x->t_comp.a_w.w_symbol->s_name == x->t_tree[x->t_treecount-1].a_w.w_symbol->s_name){ x->t_treecount -= 1; x->t_treecount = clip(x->t_treecount, 0, 255); }else{ outlet_float(x->s_outlet4, 3); outlet_float(x->s_outlet3, -1); return; } break; } content: outlet_float(x->s_outlet4, tagtype); if(tagtype == 0) return; if(x->t_treecount > 0){ if(tempcount){ outsize = x->t_treecount + 1; x->t_tree[outsize-1] = x->t_blip; }else{ outsize = x->t_treecount; } outlet_list(x->s_outlet3, 0L, outsize, outlist); // ouput tree }else if(x->t_treecount == 0){ if(tempcount){ outlet_anything(x->s_outlet3, x->t_blip.a_w.w_symbol, 0, NULL); // ouput tree }else{ outlet_float(x->s_outlet3, 0); // ouput tree } } strcpy(local, s->s_name); ptr = strchr(local, '>'); // parse content between enclosing tags <tag>blah</tag> if(ptr == NULL) goto onward; *ptr = 0; ++ptr; ptr2 = strchr(ptr, '<'); if(ptr2 == NULL) goto onward; *ptr2 = 0; outlet_anything(x->s_outlet2, gensym(ptr), 0, NULL); onward: strcpy(local, s->s_name); // get full buffer again switch(x->t_mode){ case 0: // the old way of attribute parsing (mode 0) if(x->t_debug) post("content: before strtok %s", local); ptr = strtok(local,tempstring); while (ptr != NULL){ ptr3 = strchr(ptr, '"'); if(ptr3 != NULL){ *ptr3 = 0; ++ptr3; ptr4 = strchr(ptr3, '"'); *ptr4 = 0; outlet_anything(x->s_outlet, gensym(ptr3), 0, NULL); if(x->t_debug) post("content: after strtok %s", ptr); } ptr = strtok(NULL, tempstring); } break; case 1: // the new way of attribute parsing (mode 1) ptr = local; if(strcspn(ptr, "=\"\'") == strlen(ptr)) break; // no attr-chars found, bail ouit ptr = strchr(local, 32); // find first whitespace if(ptr == NULL) break; // no whitespace found bail attr_loop: while((ptr[0] == ' ') && (ptr != NULL)) ptr++; // find next non-whitespace char ptr2 = ptr; while(!((ptr2[0] == ' ')||(ptr2[0] == '=')) && (ptr2 != NULL)) ptr2++; // find next non-white or not equal-sign len = strlen(ptr) - strlen(ptr2); strncpy(temp, ptr, len); // copy into temp-buffer temp[len] = 0; // terminate temp_buffer attrpair[0].a_type = A_SYMBOL; attrpair[0].a_w.w_symbol = gensym(temp); // put into output symbol ptr = ptr2; while(!((ptr[0] == '\'') || (ptr[0] == '\"')) && (ptr != NULL)){ // move until single or double quote ptr++; quotetype = ptr[0]; } ptr2 = ++ptr; while((ptr2[0] != quotetype) && (ptr2 != NULL)) ptr2++; len = strlen(ptr) - strlen(ptr2); strncpy(temp, ptr, len); temp[len] = 0; attrpair[1].a_type = A_SYMBOL; attrpair[1].a_w.w_symbol = gensym(temp); outlet_anything(x->s_outlet, x->t_attrpair[0].a_w.w_symbol, 1, &x->t_attrpair[1]); ptr = ++ptr2; while((ptr[0] == ' ')&&(ptr != NULL)){ ptr++; } // find next non-whitespace char if((ptr[0] == '/') || (ptr[0] == '>') || (ptr[0] == '?') || (ptr == NULL)){ // if char is "/" or ">" or "?" bail out break; }else{ goto attr_loop; } break; } } void detox_free(t_detox *x) { // notify_free((t_object *)x); } long clip(long in, long min, long max) { return in < min? min: (in > max? max : in); } void version(t_detox *x) { post("á detox á jasch - version " VERSION" compiled "__DATE__" "__TIME__ ); } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/detox/makefile b/externals/detox/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d836eefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/detox/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+current: pd_darwin
+# ----------------------- NT -----------------------
+pd_nt: $(NAME).dll
+.SUFFIXES: .dll
+PDNTCFLAGS = /W3 /WX /DNT /DPD /nologo
+VC="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98"
+PDNTINCLUDE = /I. /I..\..\src /I$(VC)\include
+PDNTLDIR = $(VC)\lib
+PDNTLIB = $(PDNTLDIR)\libc.lib \
+ $(PDNTLDIR)\oldnames.lib \
+ $(PDNTLDIR)\kernel32.lib \
+ ..\..\bin\pd.lib
+ link /dll /export:$(CSYM)_setup $*.obj $(PDNTLIB)
+# ----------------------- IRIX 5.x -----------------------
+pd_irix5: $(NAME).pd_irix5
+.SUFFIXES: .pd_irix5
+SGIINCLUDE = -I../../src
+ $(CC) $(SGICFLAGS5) $(SGIINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c
+ ld -elf -shared -rdata_shared -o $*.pd_irix5 $*.o
+ rm $*.o
+# ----------------------- IRIX 6.x -----------------------
+pd_irix6: $(NAME).pd_irix6
+.SUFFIXES: .pd_irix6
+SGICFLAGS6 = -n32 -DPD -DUNIX -DIRIX -DN32 -woff 1080,1064,1185 \
+ -OPT:roundoff=3 -OPT:IEEE_arithmetic=3 -OPT:cray_ivdep=true \
+ -Ofast=ip32
+ $(CC) $(SGICFLAGS6) $(SGIINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c
+ ld -n32 -IPA -shared -rdata_shared -o $*.pd_irix6 $*.o
+ rm $*.o
+# ----------------------- LINUX i386 -----------------------
+pd_linux: $(NAME).pd_linux
+.SUFFIXES: .pd_linux
+LINUXCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC \
+ -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \
+ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch $(CFLAGS)
+LINUXINCLUDE = -I../../src
+ $(CC) $(LINUXCFLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c
+ ld -export_dynamic -shared -o $*.pd_linux $*.o -lc -lm
+ strip --strip-unneeded $*.pd_linux
+ rm -f $*.o
+# ----------------------- Mac OSX -----------------------
+pd_darwin: $(NAME).pd_darwin
+.SUFFIXES: .pd_darwin
+DARWINCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \
+ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
+ $(CC) $(DARWINCFLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c
+ $(CC) -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o $*.pd_darwin $*.o
+ rm -f $*.o
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+ rm -f *.o *.pd_* so_locations