path: root/externals/gridflow/src/classes2.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/src/classes2.cxx')
1 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/src/classes2.cxx b/externals/gridflow/src/classes2.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ca9a62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/gridflow/src/classes2.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+ $Id: flow_objects.c 4097 2008-10-03 19:49:03Z matju $
+ GridFlow
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Mathieu Bouchard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "gridflow.hxx.fcs"
+#ifdef DESIRE
+#include "desire.h"
+extern "C" {
+#include "bundled/g_canvas.h"
+#include "bundled/m_imp.h"
+extern t_class *text_class;
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <string>
+typedef int (*comparator_t)(const void *, const void *);
+struct _outconnect {
+ struct _outconnect *next;
+ t_pd *to;
+struct _outlet {
+ t_object *owner;
+ struct _outlet *next;
+ t_outconnect *connections;
+ t_symbol *sym;
+struct ArgSpec {
+ t_symbol *name;
+ t_symbol *type;
+ t_atom defaultv;
+\class Args : FObject {
+ ArgSpec *sargv;
+ int sargc;
+ \constructor (...) {
+ sargc = argc;
+ sargv = new ArgSpec[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i].a_type==A_LIST) {
+ t_binbuf *b = (t_binbuf *)argv[i].a_gpointer;
+ int bac = binbuf_getnatom(b);
+ t_atom *bat = binbuf_getvec(b);
+ sargv[i].name = atom_getsymbolarg(0,bac,bat);
+ sargv[i].type = atom_getsymbolarg(1,bac,bat);
+ if (bac<3) SETNULL(&sargv[i].defaultv); else sargv[i].defaultv = bat[2];
+ } else if (argv[i].a_type==A_SYMBOL) {
+ sargv[i].name = argv[i].a_symbol;
+ sargv[i].type = gensym("a");
+ SETNULL(&sargv[i].defaultv);
+ } else RAISE("expected symbol or nested list");
+ }
+ bself->noutlets_set(sargc);
+ }
+ ~Args () {delete[] sargv;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 0 loadbang ();
+ void process_args (int argc, t_atom *argv);
+/* get the owner of the result of canvas_getenv */
+static t_canvas *canvas_getabstop(t_canvas *x) {
+ while (!x->gl_env) if (!(x = x->gl_owner)) bug("t_canvasenvironment", x);
+ return x;
+\def 0 bang () {post("%s shouldn't bang [args] anymore.",canvas_getabstop(bself->mom)->gl_name->s_name);}
+void outlet_anything2 (t_outlet *o, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ if (!argc) outlet_bang(o);
+ else if (argv[0].a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_anything(o,argv[0].a_symbol,argc-1,argv+1);
+ else if (argv[0].a_type==A_FLOAT && argc==1) outlet_float(o,argv[0].a_float);
+ else outlet_anything(o,&s_list,argc,argv);
+void pd_anything2 (t_pd *o, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ if (!argc) pd_bang(o);
+ else if (argv[0].a_type==A_SYMBOL) pd_typedmess(o,argv[0].a_symbol,argc-1,argv+1);
+ else if (argv[0].a_type==A_FLOAT && argc==1) pd_float(o,argv[0].a_float);
+ else pd_typedmess(o,&s_list,argc,argv);
+\def 0 loadbang () {
+ t_canvasenvironment *env = canvas_getenv(bself->mom);
+ int ac = env->ce_argc;
+ t_atom av[ac];
+ for (int i=0; i<ac; i++) av[i] = env->ce_argv[i];
+ //ac = handle_braces(ac,av);
+ t_symbol *comma = gensym(",");
+ int j;
+ for (j=0; j<ac; j++) if (av[j].a_type==A_SYMBOL && av[j].a_symbol==comma) break;
+ int jj = handle_braces(j,av);
+ process_args(jj,av);
+ while (j<ac) {
+ j++;
+ int k=j;
+ for (; j<ac; j++) if (av[j].a_type==A_SYMBOL && av[j].a_symbol==comma) break;
+ //outlet_anything2(bself->outlets[sargc],j-k,av+k);
+ t_text *t = (t_text *)canvas_getabstop(bself->mom);
+ if (!t->te_inlet) RAISE("can't send init-messages, because object has no [inlet]");
+ pd_anything2((t_pd *)t->te_inlet,j-k,av+k);
+ }
+void Args::process_args (int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getrootfor(bself->mom);
+ t_symbol *wildcard = gensym("*");
+ for (int i=sargc-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ t_atom *v;
+ if (i>=argc) {
+ if (sargv[i].defaultv.a_type != A_NULL) {
+ v = &sargv[i].defaultv;
+ } else if (sargv[i].name!=wildcard) {
+ pd_error(canvas,"missing argument $%d named \"%s\"", i+1,sargv[i].name->s_name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else v = &argv[i];
+ if (sargv[i].name==wildcard) {
+ if (argc-i>0) outlet_list(bself->outlets[i],&s_list,argc-i,argv+i);
+ else outlet_bang(bself->outlets[i]);
+ } else {
+ if (v->a_type==A_LIST) {
+ t_binbuf *b = (t_binbuf *)v->a_gpointer;
+ outlet_list(bself->outlets[i],&s_list,binbuf_getnatom(b),binbuf_getvec(b));
+ } else if (v->a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[i],v->a_symbol);
+ else outlet_anything2(bself->outlets[i],1,v);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc>sargc && sargv[sargc-1].name!=wildcard) pd_error(canvas,"warning: too many args (got %d, want %d)", argc, sargc);
+\end class {install("args",1,1);}
+namespace {
+template <class T> void swap (T &a, T &b) {T c; c=a; a=b; b=c;}
+\class ListReverse : FObject {
+ \constructor () {}
+ \decl 0 list(...);
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ for (int i=(argc-1)/2; i>=0; i--) swap(argv[i],argv[argc-i-1]);
+ outlet_list(bself->te_outlet,&s_list,argc,argv);
+\end class {install("listreverse",1,1);}
+\class ListFlatten : FObject {
+ std::vector<t_atom2> contents;
+ \constructor () {}
+ \decl 0 list(...);
+ void traverse (int argc, t_atom2 *argv) {
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i].a_type==A_LIST) traverse(binbuf_getnatom(argv[i]),(t_atom2 *)binbuf_getvec(argv[i]));
+ else contents.push_back(argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ traverse(argc,argv);
+ outlet_list(bself->te_outlet,&s_list,contents.size(),&contents[0]);
+ contents.clear();
+\end class {install("listflatten",1,1);}
+// does not do recursive comparison of lists.
+static bool atom_eq (t_atom &a, t_atom &b) {
+ if (a.a_type!=b.a_type) return false;
+ if (a.a_type==A_FLOAT) return a.a_float ==b.a_float;
+ if (a.a_type==A_SYMBOL) return a.a_symbol ==b.a_symbol;
+ if (a.a_type==A_POINTER) return a.a_gpointer==b.a_gpointer;
+ if (a.a_type==A_LIST) return a.a_gpointer==b.a_gpointer;
+ RAISE("don't know how to compare elements of type %d",a.a_type);
+\class ListFind : FObject {
+ int ac;
+ t_atom *at;
+ ~ListFind() {if (at) delete[] at;}
+ \constructor (...) {ac=0; at=0; _1_list(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 list(...);
+ \decl 1 list(...);
+ \decl 0 float(float f);
+ \decl 0 symbol(t_symbol *s);
+\def 1 list (...) {
+ if (at) delete[] at;
+ ac = argc;
+ at = new t_atom[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) at[i] = argv[i];
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ if (argc<1) RAISE("empty input");
+ int i=0; for (; i<ac; i++) if (atom_eq(at[i],argv[0])) break;
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],i==ac?-1:i);
+\def 0 float (float f) {
+ int i=0; for (; i<ac; i++) if (atom_eq(at[i],argv[0])) break;
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],i==ac?-1:i);
+\def 0 symbol (t_symbol *s) {
+ int i=0; for (; i<ac; i++) if (atom_eq(at[i],argv[0])) break;
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],i==ac?-1:i);
+//doc:_1_list,"list to search into"
+//doc:_0_float,"float to find in that list"
+//doc_out:_0_float,"position of the incoming float in the stored list"
+\end class {install("listfind",2,1);}
+void outlet_atom (t_outlet *self, t_atom *av) {
+ if (av->a_type==A_FLOAT) outlet_float( self,av->a_float); else
+ if (av->a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol( self,av->a_symbol); else
+ if (av->a_type==A_POINTER) outlet_pointer(self,av->a_gpointer); else
+ outlet_list(self,gensym("list"),1,av);
+\class ListRead : FObject { /* sounds like tabread */
+ int ac;
+ t_atom *at;
+ ~ListRead() {if (at) delete[] at;}
+ \constructor (...) {ac=0; at=0; _1_list(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 float(float f);
+ \decl 1 list(...);
+\def 0 float(float f) {
+ int i = int(f);
+ if (i<0) i+=ac;
+ if (i<0 || i>=ac) {outlet_bang(bself->outlets[0]); return;} /* out-of-range */
+ outlet_atom(bself->outlets[0],&at[i]);
+\def 1 list (...) {
+ if (at) delete[] at;
+ ac = argc;
+ at = new t_atom[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) at[i] = argv[i];
+\end class {install("listread",2,1);}
+\class Range : FObject {
+ t_float *mosusses;
+ int nmosusses;
+ \constructor (...) {
+ nmosusses = argc;
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) if (argv[i].a_type!=A_FLOAT) RAISE("$%d: expected float",i+1);
+ mosusses = new t_float[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) mosusses[i]=argv[i].a_float;
+ bself-> ninlets_set(1+nmosusses);
+ bself->noutlets_set(1+nmosusses);
+ }
+ ~Range () {delete[] mosusses;}
+ \decl 0 float(float f);
+ \decl 0 list(float f);
+ \decl void _n_float(int i, float f);
+\def 0 list(float f) {_0_float(argc,argv,f);}
+\def 0 float(float f) {
+ int i; for (i=0; i<nmosusses; i++) if (f<mosusses[i]) break;
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[i],f);
+ // precedence problem in dispatcher... does this problem still exist?
+\def void _n_float(int i, float f) {if (!i) _0_float(argc,argv,f); else mosusses[i-1] = f;}
+\end class {install("range",1,1);}
+string ssprintf(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va,fmt);
+ voprintf(os,fmt,va);
+ va_end(va);
+ return os.str();
+\class GFPrint : FObject {
+ t_symbol *prefix;
+ t_pd *gp;
+ //t_symbol *rsym;
+ \constructor (t_symbol *s=0) {
+ //rsym = gensym(const_cast<char *>(ssprintf("gf.print:%08x",this).data())); // not in use atm.
+ prefix=s?s:gensym("print");
+ t_atom a[1];
+ SETSYMBOL(a,prefix);
+ pd_typedmess(&pd_objectmaker,gensym("#print"),1,a);
+ gp = pd_newest();
+ SETPOINTER(a,(t_gpointer *)bself);
+ //pd_typedmess(gp,gensym("dest"),1,a);
+ }
+ ~GFPrint () {
+ //pd_unbind((t_pd *)bself,rsym);
+ pd_free(gp);
+ }
+ \decl 0 grid(...);
+ \decl void anything (...);
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &self, const t_atom &a) {
+ switch (a.a_type) {
+ case A_FLOAT: self << a.a_float; break;
+ case A_SYMBOL: self << a.a_symbol->s_name; break; // i would rather show backslashes here...
+ case A_DOLLSYM: self << a.a_symbol->s_name; break; // for real, it's the same thing as A_SYMBOL in pd >= 0.40
+ case A_POINTER: self << "\\p(0x" << std::hex << a.a_gpointer << std::dec << ")"; break;
+ case A_COMMA: self << ","; break;
+ case A_SEMI: self << ";"; break;
+ case A_DOLLAR: self << "$" << a.a_w.w_index; break;
+ case A_LIST: {
+ t_list *b = (t_list *)a.a_gpointer;
+ int argc = binbuf_getnatom(b);
+ t_atom *argv = binbuf_getvec(b);
+ self << "(";
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) self << argv[i] << " )"[i==argc-1];
+ break;
+ }
+ default: self << "\\a(" << a.a_type << " " << std::hex << a.a_gpointer << std::dec << ")"; break;
+ }
+ return self;
+\def 0 grid(...) {pd_typedmess(gp,gensym("grid"),argc,argv);}
+\def void anything(...) {
+ std::ostringstream text;
+ text << prefix->s_name << ":";
+ if (argv[0]==gensym("_0_list") && argc>=2 && argv[1].a_type==A_FLOAT) {
+ // don't show the selector.
+ } else if (argv[0]==gensym("_0_list") && argc==2 && argv[1].a_type==A_SYMBOL) {
+ text << " symbol";
+ } else if (argv[0]==gensym("_0_list") && argc==2 && argv[1].a_type==A_POINTER) {
+ text << " pointer";
+ } else if (argv[0]==gensym("_0_list") && argc==1) {
+ text << " bang";
+ } else {
+ text << " " << argv[0].a_symbol->s_name+3; // as is
+ }
+ for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {text << " " << argv[i];}
+ post("%s",text.str().data());
+\end class {install("gf.print",1,0); add_creator3(fclass,"print");}
+t_glist *glist_getcanvas(t_glist *foo) {return foo;}//dummy
+void canvas_fixlinesfor(t_glist *foo,t_text *) {}//dummy
+static void display_update(void *x);
+\class Display : FObject {
+ bool selected;
+ t_glist *canvas;
+ t_symbol *rsym;
+ int y,x,sy,sx;
+ bool vis;
+ std::ostringstream text;
+ t_clock *clock;
+ t_pd *gp;
+ \constructor () {
+ selected=false; canvas=0; y=0; x=0; sy=16; sx=80; vis=false; clock=0;
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ rsym = gensym(const_cast<char *>(ssprintf("display:%08x",this).data()));
+ pd_typedmess(&pd_objectmaker,gensym("#print"),0,0);
+ gp = pd_newest();
+ t_atom a[1];
+ SETFLOAT(a,20);
+ pd_typedmess(gp,gensym("maxrows"),1,a);
+ text << "...";
+ pd_bind((t_pd *)bself,rsym);
+ SETPOINTER(a,(t_gpointer *)bself);
+ pd_typedmess(gp,gensym("dest"),1,a);
+ clock = clock_new((void *)this,(void(*)())display_update);
+ }
+ ~Display () {
+ pd_unbind((t_pd *)bself,rsym);
+ pd_free(gp);
+ if (clock) clock_free(clock);
+ }
+ \decl void anything (...);
+ \decl 0 set_size(int sy, int sx);
+ \decl 0 grid(...);
+ \decl 0 very_long_name_that_nobody_uses(...);
+ void show() {
+ std::ostringstream quoted;
+ // def quote(text) "\"" + text.gsub(/["\[\]\n\$]/m) {|x| if x=="\n" then "\\n" else "\\"+x end } + "\"" end
+ std::string ss = text.str();
+ const char *s = ss.data();
+ int n = ss.length();
+ for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
+ if (s[i]=='\n') quoted << "\\n";
+ else if (strchr("\"[]$",s[i])) quoted << "\\" << (char)s[i];
+ else quoted << (char)s[i];
+ }
+ //return if not canvas or not @vis # can't show for now...
+ /* we're not using quoting for now because there's a bug in it. */
+ /* btw, this quoting is using "", but we're gonna use {} instead for now, because of newlines */
+ sys_vgui("display_update %s %d %d #000000 #cccccc %s {Courier -12} .x%x.c {%s}\n",
+ rsym->s_name,bself->te_xpix,bself->te_ypix,selected?"#0000ff":"#000000",canvas,ss.data());
+ }
+static void display_getrectfn(t_gobj *x, t_glist *glist, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2) {
+ BFObject *bself = (BFObject*)x; Display *self = (Display *)bself->self; self->canvas = glist;
+ *x1 = bself->te_xpix-1;
+ *y1 = bself->te_ypix-1;
+ *x2 = bself->te_xpix+1+self->sx;
+ *y2 = bself->te_ypix+1+self->sy;
+static void display_displacefn(t_gobj *x, t_glist *glist, int dx, int dy) {
+ BFObject *bself = (BFObject*)x; Display *self = (Display *)bself->self; self->canvas = glist;
+ bself->te_xpix+=dx;
+ bself->te_ypix+=dy;
+ self->canvas = glist_getcanvas(glist);
+ self->show();
+ canvas_fixlinesfor(glist, (t_text *)x);
+static void display_selectfn(t_gobj *x, t_glist *glist, int state) {
+ BFObject *bself = (BFObject*)x; Display *self = (Display *)bself->self; self->canvas = glist;
+ self->selected=!!state;
+ sys_vgui(".x%x.c itemconfigure %s -outline %s\n",glist_getcanvas(glist),self->rsym->s_name,self->selected?"#0000ff":"#000000");
+static void display_deletefn(t_gobj *x, t_glist *glist) {
+ BFObject *bself = (BFObject*)x; Display *self = (Display *)bself->self; self->canvas = glist;
+ if (self->vis) sys_vgui(".x%x.c delete %s %sTEXT\n",glist_getcanvas(glist),self->rsym->s_name,self->rsym->s_name);
+ canvas_deletelinesfor(glist, (t_text *)x);
+static void display_visfn(t_gobj *x, t_glist *glist, int flag) {
+ BFObject *bself = (BFObject*)x; Display *self = (Display *)bself->self; self->canvas = glist;
+ self->vis = !!flag;
+ display_update(self);
+static void display_update(void *x) {
+ Display *self = (Display *)x;
+ if (self->vis) self->show();
+\def 0 set_size(int sy, int sx) {this->sy=sy; this->sx=sx;}
+\def void anything (...) {
+ string sel = string(argv[0]).data()+3;
+ text.str("");
+ if (sel != "float") {text << sel; if (argc>1) text << " ";}
+ long col = text.str().length();
+ char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+ for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+ atom_string(&argv[i],buf,MAXPDSTRING);
+ text << buf;
+ col += strlen(buf);
+ if (i!=argc-1) {
+ text << " ";
+ col++;
+ if (col>56) {text << "\\\\\n"; col=0;}
+ }
+ }
+ clock_delay(clock,0);
+\def 0 grid(...) {
+ text.str("");
+ pd_typedmess(gp,gensym("grid"),argc,argv);
+ clock_delay(clock,0);
+\def 0 very_long_name_that_nobody_uses(...) {
+ if (text.str().length()) text << "\n";
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) text << (char)INT(argv[i]);
+\end class {
+#ifndef DESIRE
+ install("display",1,0);
+ t_class *qlass = fclass->bfclass;
+ t_widgetbehavior *wb = new t_widgetbehavior;
+ wb->w_getrectfn = display_getrectfn;
+ wb->w_displacefn = display_displacefn;
+ wb->w_selectfn = display_selectfn;
+ wb->w_activatefn = 0;
+ wb->w_deletefn = display_deletefn;
+ wb->w_visfn = display_visfn;
+ wb->w_clickfn = 0;
+ class_setwidget(qlass,wb);
+ sys_gui("proc display_update {self x y fg bg outline font canvas text} { \n\
+ $canvas delete ${self}TEXT \n\
+ $canvas create text [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2] -fill $fg -font $font -text $text -anchor nw -tag ${self}TEXT \n\
+ foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${self}TEXT] {} \n\
+ incr x -1 \n\
+ incr y -1 \n\
+ set sx [expr $x2-$x1+2] \n\
+ set sy [expr $y2-$y1+4] \n\
+ $canvas delete ${self} \n\
+ $canvas create rectangle $x $y [expr $x+$sx] [expr $y+$sy] -fill $bg -tags $self -outline $outline \n\
+ $canvas create rectangle $x $y [expr $x+7] $y -fill red -tags $self -outline $outline \n\
+ $canvas lower $self ${self}TEXT \n\
+ pd \"$self set_size $sy $sx;\" \n\
+ }\n");
+//#endif // ndef HAVE_DESIREDATA
+\class UnixTime : FObject {
+ \constructor () {}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {
+ timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday(&tv,0);
+ time_t t = time(0);
+ struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
+ if (!tmp) RAISE("localtime: %s",strerror(errno));
+ char tt[MAXPDSTRING];
+ strftime(tt,MAXPDSTRING,"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y",tmp);
+ t_atom a[6];
+ SETFLOAT(a+0,tmp->tm_year+1900);
+ SETFLOAT(a+1,tmp->tm_mon-1);
+ SETFLOAT(a+2,tmp->tm_mday);
+ SETFLOAT(a+3,tmp->tm_hour);
+ SETFLOAT(a+4,tmp->tm_min);
+ SETFLOAT(a+5,tmp->tm_sec);
+ t_atom b[3];
+ SETFLOAT(b+0,tv.tv_sec/86400);
+ SETFLOAT(b+1,mod(tv.tv_sec,86400));
+ SETFLOAT(b+2,tv.tv_usec);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[2],&s_list,6,a);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[1],&s_list,3,b);
+ send_out(0,strlen(tt),tt);
+\end class UnixTime {install("unix_time",1,3);}
+/* if using a DB-25 female connector as found on a PC, then the pin numbering is like:
+ 13 _____ 1
+ 25 \___/ 14
+ 1 = STROBE = the clock line is a square wave, often at 9600 Hz,
+ which determines the data rate in usual circumstances.
+ 2..9 = D0..D7 = the eight ordinary data bits
+ 10 = -ACK (status bit 6 ?)
+ 11 = BUSY (status bit 7)
+ 12 = PAPER_END (status bit 5)
+ 13 = SELECT (status bit 4 ?)
+ 14 = -AUTOFD
+ 15 = -ERROR (status bit 3 ?)
+ 16 = -INIT
+ 17 = -SELECT_IN
+ 18..25 = GROUND
+//#include <linux/parport.h>
+#define LPCHAR 0x0601
+#define LPCAREFUL 0x0609 /* obsoleted??? wtf? */
+#define LPGETSTATUS 0x060b /* return LP_S(minor) */
+#define LPGETFLAGS 0x060e /* get status flags */
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+struct ParallelPort;
+void ParallelPort_call(ParallelPort *self);
+\class ParallelPort : FObject {
+ FILE *f;
+ int fd;
+ int status;
+ int flags;
+ bool manually;
+ t_clock *clock;
+ ~ParallelPort () {if (clock) clock_free(clock); if (f) fclose(f);}
+ \constructor (string port, bool manually=0) {
+ f = fopen(port.data(),"r+");
+ if (!f) RAISE("open %s: %s",port.data(),strerror(errno));
+ fd = fileno(f);
+ status = 0xdeadbeef;
+ flags = 0xdeadbeef;
+ this->manually = manually;
+ clock = manually ? 0 : clock_new(this,(void(*)())ParallelPort_call);
+ clock_delay(clock,0);
+ }
+ void call ();
+ \decl 0 float (float x);
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 float (float x) {
+ uint8 foo = (uint8) x;
+ fwrite(&foo,1,1,f);
+ fflush(f);
+void ParallelPort_call(ParallelPort *self) {self->call();}
+void ParallelPort::call() {
+ int flags;
+ if (ioctl(fd,LPGETFLAGS,&flags)<0) post("ioctl: %s",strerror(errno));
+ if (this->flags!=flags) outlet_float(bself->outlets[2],flags);
+ this->flags = flags;
+ int status;
+ if (ioctl(fd,LPGETSTATUS,&status)<0) post("ioctl: %s",strerror(errno));
+ if (this->status!=status) outlet_float(bself->outlets[1],status);
+ this->status = status;
+ if (clock) clock_delay(clock,2000);
+\def 0 bang () {status = flags = 0xdeadbeef; call();}
+//outlet 0 reserved (future use)
+\end class {install("parallel_port",1,3);}
+\class Route2 : FObject {
+ int nsels;
+ t_symbol **sels;
+ ~Route2() {if (sels) delete[] sels;}
+ \constructor (...) {nsels=0; sels=0; _1_list(argc,argv); bself->noutlets_set(1+nsels);}
+ \decl void anything(...);
+ \decl 1 list(...);
+\def void anything(...) {
+ t_symbol *sel = gensym(argv[0].a_symbol->s_name+3);
+ int i=0;
+ for (i=0; i<nsels; i++) if (sel==sels[i]) break;
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[i],sel,argc-1,argv+1);
+\def 1 list(...) {
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) if (argv[i].a_type!=A_SYMBOL) {delete[] sels; RAISE("$%d: expected symbol",i+1);}
+ if (sels) delete[] sels;
+ nsels = argc;
+ sels = new t_symbol*[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) sels[i] = argv[i].a_symbol;
+\end class {install("route2",1,1);}
+template <class T> int sgn(T a, T b=0) {return a<b?-1:a>b;}
+\class Shunt : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \attr int index;
+ \attr int mode;
+ \attr int hi;
+ \attr int lo;
+ \constructor (int n=2, int i=0) {
+ this->n=n;
+ this->hi=n-1;
+ this->lo=0;
+ this->mode=0;
+ this->index=i;
+ bself->noutlets_set(n);
+ }
+ \decl void anything(...);
+ \decl 1 float(int i);
+\def void anything(...) {
+ t_symbol *sel = gensym(argv[0].a_symbol->s_name+3);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[index],sel,argc-1,argv+1);
+ if (mode) {
+ index += sgn(mode);
+ if (index<lo || index>hi) {
+ int k = max(hi-lo+1,0);
+ int m = gf_abs(mode);
+ if (m==1) index = mod(index-lo,k)+lo; else {mode=-mode; index+=mode;}
+ }
+ }
+\def 1 float(int i) {index = mod(i,n);}
+\end class {install("shunt",2,0);}
+struct Receives;
+struct ReceivesProxy {
+ t_pd x_pd;
+ Receives *parent;
+ t_symbol *suffix;
+t_class *ReceivesProxy_class;
+\class Receives : FObject {
+ int ac;
+ ReceivesProxy **av;
+ t_symbol *prefix;
+ t_symbol *local (t_symbol *suffix) {return gensym((string(prefix->s_name) + string(suffix->s_name)).data());}
+ \constructor (t_symbol *prefix=&s_, ...) {
+ this->prefix = prefix==gensym("empty") ? &s_ : prefix;
+ int n = min(1,argc);
+ do_bind(argc-n,argv+n);
+ }
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 0 symbol (t_symbol *s);
+ \decl 0 list (...);
+ void do_bind (int argc, t_atom2 *argv) {
+ ac = argc;
+ av = new ReceivesProxy *[argc];
+ for (int i=0; i<ac; i++) {
+ av[i] = (ReceivesProxy *)pd_new(ReceivesProxy_class);
+ av[i]->parent = this;
+ av[i]->suffix = argv[i];
+ pd_bind( (t_pd *)av[i],local(av[i]->suffix));
+ }
+ }
+ void do_unbind () {
+ for (int i=0; i<ac; i++) {
+ pd_unbind((t_pd *)av[i],local(av[i]->suffix));
+ pd_free((t_pd *)av[i]);
+ }
+ delete[] av;
+ }
+ ~Receives () {do_unbind();}
+\def 0 bang () {_0_list(0,0);}
+\def 0 symbol (t_symbol *s) {t_atom2 a[1]; SETSYMBOL(a,s); _0_list(1,a);}
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ do_unbind();
+ do_bind(argc,argv);
+void ReceivesProxy_anything (ReceivesProxy *self, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ outlet_symbol( self->parent->bself->outlets[1],self->suffix);
+ outlet_anything(self->parent->bself->outlets[0],s,argc,argv);
+\end class {
+ install("receives",1,2);
+ ReceivesProxy_class = class_new(gensym("receives.proxy"),0,0,sizeof(ReceivesProxy),CLASS_PD|CLASS_NOINLET, A_NULL);
+ class_addanything(ReceivesProxy_class,(t_method)ReceivesProxy_anything);
+/* this can't report on bang,float,symbol,pointer,list because zgetfn can't either */
+\class ClassExists : FObject {
+ \constructor () {}
+ \decl void _0_symbol(t_symbol *s);
+\def void _0_symbol(t_symbol *s) {
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],!!zgetfn(&pd_objectmaker,s));
+\end class {install("class_exists",1,1);}
+\class ListEqual : FObject {
+ t_list *list;
+ \constructor (...) {list=0; _1_list(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 list (...);
+ \decl 1 list (...);
+\def 1 list (...) {
+ if (list) list_free(list);
+ list = list_new(argc,argv);
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ if (binbuf_getnatom(list) != argc) {outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],0); return;}
+ t_atom2 *at = (t_atom2 *)binbuf_getvec(list);
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) if (!atom_eq(at[i],argv[i])) {outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],0); return;}
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],1);
+\end class {install("list.==",2,1);}
+//#ifdef UNISTD
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__FreeBSD__)
+#define HZ CLK_TCK
+uint64 cpu_hertz;
+int uint64_compare(uint64 &a, uint64 &b) {return a<b?-1:a>b;}
+\class UserTime : FObject {
+ clock_t time;
+ \constructor () {_0_bang(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 1 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {struct tms t; times(&t); time = t.tms_utime;}
+\def 1 bang () {struct tms t; times(&t); outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],(t.tms_utime-time)*1000/HZ);}
+\end class {install("usertime",2,1);}
+\class SystemTime : FObject {
+ clock_t time;
+ \constructor () {_0_bang(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 1 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {struct tms t; times(&t); time = t.tms_stime;}
+\def 1 bang () {struct tms t; times(&t); outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],(t.tms_stime-time)*1000/HZ);}
+\end class {install("systemtime",2,1);}
+\class TSCTime : FObject {
+ uint64 time;
+ \constructor () {_0_bang(argc,argv);}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 1 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {time=rdtsc();}
+\def 1 bang () {outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],(rdtsc()-time)*1000.0/cpu_hertz);}
+\end class {install("tsctime",2,1);
+ struct timeval t0,t1;
+ uint64 u0,u1;
+ uint64 estimates[3];
+ for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ u0=rdtsc(); gettimeofday(&t0,0); usleep(10000);
+ u1=rdtsc(); gettimeofday(&t1,0);
+ uint64 t = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000+(t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec);
+ estimates[i] = (u1-u0)*1000000/t;
+ }
+ qsort(estimates,3,sizeof(uint64),(comparator_t)uint64_compare);
+ cpu_hertz = estimates[1];
+\class GFError : FObject {
+ string format;
+ \constructor (...) {
+ std::ostringstream o;
+ char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+ atom_string(&argv[i],buf,MAXPDSTRING);
+ o << buf;
+ if (i!=argc-1) o << ' ';
+ }
+ format = o.str();
+ }
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 0 float (float f);
+ \decl 0 symbol (t_symbol *s);
+ \decl 0 list (...);
+\def 0 bang () {_0_list(0,0);}
+\def 0 float (float f) {_0_list(argc,argv);}
+\def 0 symbol (t_symbol *s) {_0_list(argc,argv);}
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ std::ostringstream o;
+ pd_oprintf(o,format.data(),argc,argv);
+ t_canvas *canvas = canvas_getrootfor(bself->mom);
+ string s = o.str();
+ pd_error(canvas,"%s",s.data());
+\end class {install("gf.error",1,0);}
+\class ForEach : FObject {
+ \constructor () {}
+ \decl 0 list (...);
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ t_outlet *o = bself->outlets[0];
+ for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i].a_type==A_FLOAT) outlet_float( o,argv[i]);
+ else if (argv[i].a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol(o,argv[i]);
+ else RAISE("oops. unsupported.");
+ }
+\end class {install("foreach",1,1);}
+#define MOM \
+ t_canvas *mom = bself->mom; \
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {mom = mom->gl_owner; if (!mom) RAISE("no such canvas");}
+\class GFCanvasFileName : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {MOM; outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[0],mom->gl_name ? mom->gl_name : gensym("empty"));}
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_filename",1,1);}
+\class GFCanvasDollarZero : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {MOM; outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],canvas_getenv(mom)->ce_dollarzero);}
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_dollarzero",1,1);}
+\class GFCanvasGetPos : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {MOM;
+ t_atom a[2];
+ SETFLOAT(a+0,mom->gl_obj.te_xpix);
+ SETFLOAT(a+1,mom->gl_obj.te_ypix);
+ outlet_list(bself->outlets[0],&s_list,2,a);
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_getpos",1,1);}
+\class GFCanvasSetPos : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 list (...);
+\def 0 list (...) {
+ MOM;
+ if (argc!=2) RAISE("wrong number of args");
+ mom->gl_obj.te_xpix = atom_getfloatarg(0,argc,argv);
+ mom->gl_obj.te_ypix = atom_getfloatarg(1,argc,argv);
+ t_canvas *granny = mom->gl_owner;
+ if (!granny) RAISE("no such canvas");
+ gobj_changed(mom);
+ gobj_vis((t_gobj *)mom,granny,0);
+ gobj_vis((t_gobj *)mom,granny,1);
+ canvas_fixlinesfor(glist_getcanvas(granny), (t_text *)mom);
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_setpos",1,0);}
+\class GFCanvasEditMode : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {MOM;
+ t_atom a[1]; SETFLOAT(a+0,0);
+ outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],mom->gl_edit);
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_edit_mode",1,1);}
+extern "C" void canvas_setgraph(t_glist *x, int flag, int nogoprect);
+\class GFCanvasSetGOP : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 float (float gop);
+\def 0 float (float gop) {MOM; t_atom a[1]; SETFLOAT(a+0,0); canvas_setgraph(mom,gop,0);}
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_setgop",1,0);}
+\class GFCanvasXID : FObject {
+ int n;
+ t_symbol *name;
+ \constructor (int n_) {
+ n=n_;
+ name=symprintf("gf/canvas_xid:%lx",bself);
+ pd_bind((t_pd *)bself,name);
+ }
+ ~GFCanvasXID () {pd_unbind((t_pd *)bself,name);}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \decl 0 xid (t_symbol *t, t_symbol *u);
+\def 0 bang () {
+ t_canvas *mom = bself->mom;
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {mom = mom->gl_owner; if (!mom) RAISE("no such canvas");}
+ sys_vgui("pd %s xid [winfo id .x%lx.c] [winfo id .x%lx]\\;\n",name->s_name,long(mom));
+\def 0 xid (t_symbol *t, t_symbol *u) {
+ outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[0],t);
+ outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[1],u);
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_xid",1,2);}
+\class GFCanvasHeHeHe : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 float (float y);
+\def 0 float (float y) {MOM;
+ // was 568
+ mom->gl_screenx2 = mom->gl_screenx1 + 600;
+ if (mom->gl_screeny2-mom->gl_screeny1 < y) mom->gl_screeny2 = mom->gl_screeny1+y;
+ sys_vgui("wm geometry .x%lx %dx%d\n",long(mom),
+ int(mom->gl_screenx2-mom->gl_screenx1),
+ int(mom->gl_screeny2-mom->gl_screeny1));
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_hehehe",1,1);}
+#define DASHRECT "-outline #80d4b2 -dash {2 6 2 6}"
+\class GFCanvasHoHoHo : FObject {
+ int n;
+ t_canvas *last;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n; last=0;}
+ void hide () {if (last) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxRECT\n",long(last),bself);}
+ ~GFCanvasHoHoHo () {hide();}
+ \decl 0 list (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+\def 0 list (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
+ hide();
+ MOM;
+ last = mom;
+ sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d "DASHRECT" -tags %lxRECT\n",long(last),x1,y1,x2,y2,bself);
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_hohoho",1,0);}
+#define canvas_each(y,x) for (t_gobj *y=x->gl_list; y; y=y->g_next)
+\class GFCanvasCount : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+\def 0 bang () {MOM; int k=0; canvas_each(y,mom) k++; outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],k);}
+\end class {install("gf/canvas_count",1,1);}
+\class GFCanvasLoadbang : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 float (float m);
+\def 0 float (float m) {MOM;
+ int k=0;
+ canvas_each(y,mom) {
+ k++;
+ if (k>=m && pd_class((t_pd *)y)==canvas_class) canvas_loadbang((t_canvas *)y);
+ }
+\end class {
+ install("gf/canvas_loadbang",1,0);
+\class GFLOL : FObject {
+ int n;
+ \constructor (int n) {this->n=n;}
+ \decl 0 wire_dotted (int r, int g, int b);
+ \decl 0 wire_hide ();
+ \decl 0 box_dotted (int r, int g, int b);
+ \decl 0 box_align (t_symbol *s, int x_start, int y_start, int incr);
+#define BEGIN \
+ t_outlet *ouch = ((t_object *)bself->mom)->te_outlet; \
+ t_canvas *can = bself->mom->gl_owner; \
+ if (!can) RAISE("no such canvas"); \
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {ouch = ouch->next; if (!ouch) {RAISE("no such outlet");}}
+#define wire_each(wire,ouchlet) for (t_outconnect *wire = ouchlet->connections; wire; wire=wire->next)
+\def 0 wire_dotted (int r, int g, int b) {
+ wire_each(wire,ouch) {
+ sys_vgui(".x%lx.c itemconfigure l%lx -fill #%02x%02x%02x -dash {3 3 3 3}\n",long(can),long(wire),r,g,b);
+ }
+ post("doesn't work with DesireData");
+\def 0 wire_hide () {
+ wire_each(wire,ouch) sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete l%lx\n",long(can),long(wire));
+ post("doesn't work with DesireData");
+\def 0 box_dotted (int r, int g, int b) {
+ wire_each(wire,ouch) {
+ t_object *t = (t_object *)wire->to;
+ int x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ gobj_getrect((t_gobj *)wire->to,can,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2);
+ // was #00aa66 {3 5 3 5}
+ sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete %lxRECT; .x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d "DASHRECT" -tags %lxRECT\n",
+ long(can),long(t),long(can),x1,y1,x2,y2,long(t));
+ }
+ post("doesn't work with DesireData");
+bool comment_sort_y_lt(t_object * const &a, t_object * const &b) /* is a StrictWeakOrdering */ {
+ return a->te_ypix < b->te_ypix;
+#define foreach(ITER,COLL) for(typeof(COLL.begin()) ITER = COLL.begin(); ITER != (COLL).end(); ITER++)
+static t_class *inlet_class, *floatinlet_class, *symbolinlet_class, *pointerinlet_class;
+static bool ISINLET(t_pd *o) {
+ t_class *c=pd_class(o);
+ return c==inlet_class || c==floatinlet_class || c==symbolinlet_class || c==pointerinlet_class;
+struct _inlet {
+ t_pd pd;
+ struct _inlet *next;
+ t_object *owner;
+ t_pd *dest;
+ t_symbol *symfrom;
+ //union inletunion un;
+\def 0 box_align (t_symbol *dir, int x_start, int y_start, int incr) {
+ int x=x_start, y=y_start;
+ bool horiz;
+ if (dir==&s_x) horiz=false; else
+ if (dir==&s_y) horiz=true; else RAISE("$1 must be x or y");
+ std::vector<t_object *> v;
+ wire_each(wire,ouch) {
+ //post("wire to object of class %s ISINLET=%d",pd_class(wire->to)->c_name->s_name,ISINLET(wire->to));
+ t_object *to = ISINLET(wire->to) ? ((t_inlet *)wire->to)->owner : (t_object *)wire->to;
+ v.push_back(to);
+ }
+ sort(v.begin(),v.end(),comment_sort_y_lt);
+ foreach(tt,v) {
+ t_object *t = *tt;
+ if (t->te_xpix!=x || t->te_ypix!=y) {
+ gobj_vis((t_gobj *)t,can,0);
+ t->te_xpix=x;
+ t->te_ypix=y;
+ gobj_vis((t_gobj *)t,can,1);
+ canvas_fixlinesfor(can,t);
+ }
+ int x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ gobj_getrect((t_gobj *)t,can,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2);
+ if (horiz) x += x2-x1+incr;
+ else y += y2-y1+incr;
+ }
+ if (horiz) outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],x-x_start);
+ else outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],y-y_start);
+ post("doesn't work with DesireData");
+extern t_widgetbehavior text_widgetbehavior;
+t_widgetbehavior text_widgetbehavi0r;
+/* i was gonna use gobj_shouldvis but it's only for >= 0.42 */
+static int text_chou_de_vis(t_text *x, t_glist *glist) {
+ return (glist->gl_havewindow ||
+ (x->te_pd != canvas_class && x->te_pd->c_wb != &text_widgetbehavior) ||
+ (x->te_pd == canvas_class && (((t_glist *)x)->gl_isgraph)) ||
+ (glist->gl_goprect && (x->te_type == T_TEXT)));
+static void text_visfn_hax0r (t_gobj *o, t_canvas *can, int vis) {
+ text_widgetbehavior.w_visfn(o,can,vis);
+ //if (vis) return; // if you want to see #X text inlets uncomment this line
+ t_rtext *y = glist_findrtext(can,(t_text *)o);
+ if (text_chou_de_vis((t_text *)o,can)) glist_eraseiofor(can,(t_object *)o,rtext_gettag(y));
+\end class {
+ install("gf/lol",1,1);
+ class_setpropertiesfn(text_class,(t_propertiesfn)0xDECAFFED);
+ unsigned long *lol = (unsigned long *)text_class;
+ int i=0;
+ while (lol[i]!=0xDECAFFED) i++;
+ *((char *)(lol+i+1) + 6) = 1;
+ class_setpropertiesfn(text_class,0);
+ t_object *bogus = (t_object *)pd_new(text_class);
+ inlet_class = pd_class((t_pd *) inlet_new(bogus,0,0,0));
+ floatinlet_class = pd_class((t_pd *) floatinlet_new(bogus,0));
+ symbolinlet_class = pd_class((t_pd *) symbolinlet_new(bogus,0));
+ pointerinlet_class = pd_class((t_pd *)pointerinlet_new(bogus,0));
+ memcpy(&text_widgetbehavi0r,&text_widgetbehavior,sizeof(t_widgetbehavior));
+ text_widgetbehavi0r.w_visfn = text_visfn_hax0r;
+ class_setwidget(text_class,&text_widgetbehavi0r);
+\class GFStringReplace : FObject {
+ t_symbol *from;
+ t_symbol *to;
+ \constructor (t_symbol *from, t_symbol *to=&s_) {this->from=from; this->to=to;}
+ \decl 0 symbol (t_symbol *victim);
+\def 0 symbol (t_symbol *victim) {
+ string a = string(victim->s_name);
+ string b = string(from->s_name);
+ string c = string(to->s_name);
+ for (size_t i=0;;) {
+ i = a.find(b,i);
+ if (i==string::npos) break;
+ a = a.replace(i,b.length(),c);
+ i += c.length();
+ }
+ outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[0],gensym(a.c_str()));
+\end class {install("gf/string_replace",1,1);}
+\class GFStringLessThan : FObject {
+ t_symbol *than;
+ \constructor (t_symbol *than=&s_) {this->than=than;}
+ \decl 0 symbol (t_symbol *it);
+ \decl 1 symbol (t_symbol *than);
+\def 0 symbol (t_symbol *it) {outlet_float(bself->outlets[0],strcmp(it->s_name,than->s_name)<0);}
+\def 1 symbol (t_symbol *than) {this->than=than;}
+\end class {install("gf/string_<",2,1);}
+void startup_flow_objects2 () {
+ \startall