path: root/externals/gridflow/src/videodev.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/src/videodev.cxx')
1 files changed, 793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/src/videodev.cxx b/externals/gridflow/src/videodev.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d908cecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/gridflow/src/videodev.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+ $Id: videodev.c 4620 2009-11-01 21:16:58Z matju $
+ GridFlow
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Mathieu Bouchard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+/* bt878 on matju's comp supports only palette 4 */
+/* bt878 on heri's comp supports palettes 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 */
+/* pwc supports palettes 12 and 15 */
+#include "gridflow.hxx.fcs"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/videodev.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include "pwc-ioctl.h"
+//#define error post
+static bool debug=0;
+/* **************************************************************** */
+typedef video_capability VideoCapability;
+typedef video_channel VideoChannel ;
+typedef video_tuner VideoTuner ;
+typedef video_window VideoWindow ;
+typedef video_picture VideoPicture ;
+typedef video_mbuf VideoMbuf ;
+typedef video_mmap VideoMmap ;
+#define FLAG(_num_,_name_,_desc_) #_name_,
+#define OPT(_num_,_name_,_desc_) #_name_,
+static const char *video_type_flags[] = {
+ FLAG( 0,CAPTURE, "Can capture")
+ FLAG( 1,TUNER, "Can tune")
+ FLAG( 2,TELETEXT, "Does teletext")
+ FLAG( 3,OVERLAY, "Overlay onto frame buffer")
+ FLAG( 4,CHROMAKEY, "Overlay by chromakey")
+ FLAG( 5,CLIPPING, "Can clip")
+ FLAG( 6,FRAMERAM, "Uses the frame buffer memory")
+ FLAG( 7,SCALES, "Scalable")
+ FLAG( 8,MONOCHROME, "Monochrome only")
+ FLAG( 9,SUBCAPTURE, "Can capture subareas of the image")
+ FLAG(10,MPEG_DECODER, "Can decode MPEG streams")
+ FLAG(11,MPEG_ENCODER, "Can encode MPEG streams")
+ FLAG(12,MJPEG_DECODER, "Can decode MJPEG streams")
+ FLAG(13,MJPEG_ENCODER, "Can encode MJPEG streams")
+static const char *tuner_flags[] = {
+ FLAG(0,PAL, "")
+ FLAG(1,NTSC, "")
+ FLAG(2,SECAM, "")
+ FLAG(3,LOW, "Uses KHz not MHz")
+ FLAG(4,NORM, "Tuner can set norm")
+ FLAG(5,DUMMY5, "")
+ FLAG(6,DUMMY6, "")
+ FLAG(7,STEREO_ON,"Tuner is seeing stereo")
+ FLAG(8,RDS_ON, "Tuner is seeing an RDS datastream")
+ FLAG(9,MBS_ON, "Tuner is seeing an MBS datastream")
+static const char *channel_flags[] = {
+ FLAG(0,TUNER,"")
+ FLAG(1,AUDIO,"")
+ FLAG(2,NORM ,"")
+static const char *video_palette_choice[] = {
+ OPT( 0,NIL, "(nil)")
+ OPT( 1,GREY, "Linear greyscale")
+ OPT( 2,HI240, "High 240 cube (BT848)")
+ OPT( 3,RGB565, "565 16 bit RGB")
+ OPT( 4,RGB24, "24bit RGB")
+ OPT( 5,RGB32, "32bit RGB")
+ OPT( 6,RGB555, "555 15bit RGB")
+ OPT( 7,YUV422, "YUV422 capture")
+ OPT( 8,YUYV, "")
+ OPT( 9,UYVY, "The great thing about standards is ...")
+ OPT(10,YUV420, "")
+ OPT(11,YUV411, "YUV411 capture")
+ OPT(12,RAW, "RAW capture (BT848)")
+ OPT(13,YUV422P, "YUV 4:2:2 Planar")
+ OPT(14,YUV411P, "YUV 4:1:1 Planar")
+ OPT(15,YUV420P, "YUV 4:2:0 Planar")
+ OPT(16,YUV410P, "YUV 4:1:0 Planar")
+static const char *video_mode_choice[] = {
+ OPT( 0,PAL, "pal")
+ OPT( 1,NTSC, "ntsc")
+ OPT( 2,SECAM,"secam")
+ OPT( 3,AUTO, "auto")
+#define WH(_field_,_spec_) \
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%s=" _spec_ " ", #_field_, self->_field_);
+#define WHYX(_name_,_fieldy_,_fieldx_) \
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%s=(%d %d) ", #_name_, self->_fieldy_, self->_fieldx_);
+#define WHFLAGS(_field_,_table_) { \
+ char *foo; \
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%s:%s ", #_field_, \
+ foo=flags_to_s(self->_field_,COUNT(_table_),_table_)); \
+ free(foo);}
+#define WHCHOICE(_field_,_table_) { \
+ char *foo; \
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%s=%s; ", #_field_, \
+ foo=choice_to_s(self->_field_,COUNT(_table_),_table_));\
+ free(foo);}
+static char *flags_to_s(int value, int n, const char **table) {
+ char foo[256];
+ *foo = 0;
+ for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ if ((value & (1<<i)) == 0) continue;
+ if (*foo) strcat(foo," | ");
+ strcat(foo,table[i]);
+ }
+ if (!*foo) strcat(foo,"0");
+ return strdup(foo);
+static char *choice_to_s(int value, int n, const char **table) {
+ if (value < 0 || value >= n) {
+ char foo[64];
+ sprintf(foo,"(Unknown #%d)",value);
+ return strdup(foo);
+ } else {
+ return strdup(table[value]);
+ }
+static void gfpost(VideoChannel *self) {
+ char buf[256] = "[VideoChannel] ";
+ WH(channel,"%d");
+ WH(name,"\"%.32s\"");
+ WH(tuners,"%d");
+ WHFLAGS(flags,channel_flags);
+ WH(type,"0x%04x");
+ WH(norm,"%d");
+ post("%s",buf);
+static void gfpost(VideoTuner *self) {
+ char buf[256] = "[VideoTuner] ";
+ WH(tuner,"%d");
+ WH(name,"\"%.32s\"");
+ WH(rangelow,"%lu");
+ WH(rangehigh,"%lu");
+ WHFLAGS(flags,tuner_flags);
+ WHCHOICE(mode,video_mode_choice);
+ WH(signal,"%d");
+ post("%s",buf);
+static void gfpost(VideoWindow *self) {
+ char buf[256] = "[VideoWindow] ";
+ WHYX(pos,y,x);
+ WHYX(size,height,width);
+ WH(chromakey,"0x%08x");
+ WH(flags,"0x%08x");
+ WH(clipcount,"%d");
+ post("%s",buf);
+static void gfpost(VideoMbuf *self) {
+ char buf[256] = "[VideoMBuf] ";
+ WH(size,"%d");
+ WH(frames,"%d");
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "offsets=[");
+ for (int i=0; i<self->frames; i++) {
+ /* WH(offsets[i],"%d"); */
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "%d%s", self->offsets[i],
+ i+1==self->frames?"]":", ");
+ }
+ post("%s",buf);
+static void gfpost(VideoMmap *self) {
+ char buf[256] = "[VideoMMap] ";
+ WH(frame,"%u");
+ WHYX(size,height,width);
+ WHCHOICE(format,video_palette_choice);
+ post("%s",buf);
+/* **************************************************************** */
+\class FormatVideoDev : Format {
+ VideoCapability vcaps;
+ VideoPicture vp;
+ VideoMbuf vmbuf;
+ VideoMmap vmmap;
+ uint8 *image;
+ int queue[8], queuesize, queuemax, next_frame;
+ int current_channel, current_tuner;
+ bool use_mmap, use_pwc;
+ P<BitPacking> bit_packing;
+ P<Dim> dim;
+ bool has_frequency, has_tuner, has_norm;
+ int fd;
+ int palettes; /* bitfield */
+ \constructor (string mode, string filename) {
+ queuesize=0; queuemax=2; next_frame=0; use_mmap=true; use_pwc=false; bit_packing=0; dim=0;
+ has_frequency=false;
+ has_tuner=false;
+ has_norm=false;
+ image=0;
+ f = fopen(filename.data(),"r+");
+ if (!f) RAISE("can't open device '%s': %s",filename.data(),strerror(errno));
+ fd = fileno(f);
+ initialize2();
+ }
+ void frame_finished (uint8 *buf);
+ void alloc_image ();
+ void dealloc_image ();
+ void frame_ask ();
+ void initialize2 ();
+ ~FormatVideoDev () {if (image) dealloc_image();}
+ \decl 0 bang ();
+ \grin 0 int
+ \attr int channel();
+ \attr int tuner();
+ \attr int norm();
+ \decl 0 size (int sy, int sx);
+ \decl 0 transfer (string sym, int queuemax=2);
+ \attr t_symbol *colorspace;
+ \attr int32 frequency();
+ \attr uint16 brightness();
+ \attr uint16 hue();
+ \attr uint16 colour();
+ \attr uint16 contrast();
+ \attr uint16 whiteness();
+ \attr bool pwc(); /* 0..1 */
+ \attr uint16 framerate();
+ \attr uint16 white_mode(); /* 0..1 */
+ \attr uint16 white_red();
+ \attr uint16 white_blue();
+ \attr uint16 white_speed();
+ \attr uint16 white_delay();
+ \attr int auto_gain();
+ \attr int noise_reduction(); /* 0..3 */
+ \attr int compression(); /* 0..3 */
+ \attr t_symbol *name;
+ \decl 0 get (t_symbol *s=0);
+#define DEBUG(args...) 42
+//#define DEBUG(args...) post(args)
+#define IOCTL( F,NAME,ARG) \
+ (DEBUG("fd%d.ioctl(0x%08x,0x%08x)",F,NAME,ARG), ioctl(F,NAME,ARG))
+#define WIOCTL( F,NAME,ARG) \
+ (IOCTL(F,NAME,ARG)<0 && (error("ioctl %s: %s",#NAME,strerror(errno)),1))
+#define WIOCTL2(F,NAME,ARG) \
+ (IOCTL(F,NAME,ARG)<0 && (error("ioctl %s: %s",#NAME,strerror(errno)), RAISE("ioctl error"), 0))
+\def 0 get (t_symbol *s=0) {
+ // this is abnormal for a get-function
+ if (s==gensym("frequency") && !has_frequency ) return;
+ if (s==gensym("tuner") && !has_tuner ) return;
+ if (s==gensym("norm") && !has_norm ) return;
+ if (s==gensym("channel") && vcaps.channels<2) return;
+ if (!use_pwc && (s==gensym("white_mode") || s==gensym("white_red") || s==gensym("white_blue") ||
+ s==gensym("white_speed") || s==gensym("white_delay") || s==gensym("auto_gain") ||
+ s==gensym("noise_reduction") || s==gensym("compression") || s==gensym("framerate"))) return;
+ FObject::_0_get(argc,argv,s);
+ if (!s) {
+ t_atom a[2];
+ SETFLOAT(a+0,vcaps.minheight);
+ SETFLOAT(a+1,vcaps.minwidth);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("minsize"),2,a);
+ SETFLOAT(a+0,vcaps.maxheight);
+ SETFLOAT(a+1,vcaps.maxwidth);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("maxsize"),2,a);
+ char *foo = choice_to_s(vp.palette,COUNT(video_palette_choice),video_palette_choice);
+ SETSYMBOL(a,gensym(foo));
+ free(foo);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("palette"),1,a);
+ SETSYMBOL(a,use_mmap ? gensym("mmap") : gensym("read"));
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("transfer"),1,a);
+ SETFLOAT(a+0,dim->v[0]);
+ SETFLOAT(a+1,dim->v[1]);
+ outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("size"),2,a); // abnormal (does not use nested list)
+ }
+\def 0 size (int sy, int sx) {
+ VideoWindow grab_win;
+ // !@#$ bug here: won't flush the frame queue
+ dim = new Dim(sy,sx,3);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &grab_win);
+ if (debug) gfpost(&grab_win);
+ grab_win.clipcount = 0;
+ grab_win.flags = 0;
+ if (sy && sx) {
+ grab_win.height = sy;
+ grab_win.width = sx;
+ }
+ if (debug) gfpost(&grab_win);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &grab_win);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &grab_win);
+ if (debug) gfpost(&grab_win);
+void FormatVideoDev::dealloc_image () {
+ if (!image) return;
+ if (use_mmap) {
+ munmap(image, vmbuf.size);
+ image=0;
+ } else {
+ delete[] (uint8 *)image;
+ }
+void FormatVideoDev::alloc_image () {
+ if (use_mmap) {
+ WIOCTL2(fd, VIDIOCGMBUF, &vmbuf);
+ //gfpost(&vmbuf);
+ //size_t size = vmbuf.frames > 4 ? vmbuf.offsets[4] : vmbuf.size;
+ image = (uint8 *)mmap(0,vmbuf.size,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fd,0);
+ if (((long)image)==-1) {image=0; RAISE("mmap: %s", strerror(errno));}
+ } else {
+ image = new uint8[dim->prod(0,1)*bit_packing->bytes];
+ }
+void FormatVideoDev::frame_ask () {
+ if (queuesize>=queuemax) RAISE("queue is full (queuemax=%d)",queuemax);
+ if (queuesize>=vmbuf.frames) RAISE("queue is full (vmbuf.frames=%d)",vmbuf.frames);
+ vmmap.frame = queue[queuesize++] = next_frame;
+ vmmap.format = vp.palette;
+ vmmap.width = dim->get(1);
+ vmmap.height = dim->get(0);
+ //gfpost(&vmmap);
+ next_frame = (next_frame+1) % vmbuf.frames;
+static uint8 clip(int x) {return x<0?0 : x>255?255 : x;}
+void FormatVideoDev::frame_finished (uint8 *buf) {
+ string cs = colorspace->s_name;
+ int downscale = cs=="magic";
+ /* picture is converted here. */
+ int sy = dim->get(0)>>downscale;
+ int sx = dim->get(1)>>downscale;
+ int bs = dim->prod(1)>>downscale;
+ uint8 b2[bs];
+ //post("sy=%d sx=%d bs=%d",sy,sx,bs);
+ //post("frame_finished, vp.palette = %d; colorspace = %s",vp.palette,cs.data());
+ if (vp.palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P) {
+ GridOutlet out(this,0,cs=="magic"?new Dim(sy,sx,3):(Dim *)dim,cast);
+ if (cs=="y") {
+ out.send(sy*sx,buf);
+ } else if (cs=="rgb") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ uint8 *bufy = buf+sx* y;
+ uint8 *bufu = buf+sx*sy +(sx/2)*(y/2);
+ uint8 *bufv = buf+sx*sy*5/4+(sx/2)*(y/2);
+ int Y1,Y2,U,V;
+ for (int x=0,xx=0; x<sx; x+=2,xx+=6) {
+ Y1=bufy[x] - 16;
+ Y2=bufy[x+1] - 16;
+ U=bufu[x/2] - 128;
+ V=bufv[x/2] - 128;
+ b2[xx+0]=clip((298*Y1 + 409*V)>>8);
+ b2[xx+1]=clip((298*Y1 - 100*U - 208*V)>>8);
+ b2[xx+2]=clip((298*Y1 + 516*U )>>8);
+ b2[xx+3]=clip((298*Y2 + 409*V)>>8);
+ b2[xx+4]=clip((298*Y2 - 100*U - 208*V)>>8);
+ b2[xx+5]=clip((298*Y2 + 516*U )>>8);
+ }
+ out.send(bs,b2);
+ }
+ } else if (cs=="yuv") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ uint8 *bufy = buf+sx* y;
+ uint8 *bufu = buf+sx*sy +(sx/2)*(y/2);
+ uint8 *bufv = buf+sx*sy*5/4+(sx/2)*(y/2);
+ int U,V;
+ for (int x=0,xx=0; x<sx; x+=2,xx+=6) {
+ U=bufu[x/2];
+ V=bufv[x/2];
+ b2[xx+0]=clip(((bufy[x+0]-16)*298)>>8);
+ b2[xx+1]=clip(128+(((U-128)*293)>>8));
+ b2[xx+2]=clip(128+(((V-128)*293)>>8));
+ b2[xx+3]=clip(((bufy[x+1]-16)*298)>>8);
+ b2[xx+4]=clip(128+(((U-128)*293)>>8));
+ b2[xx+5]=clip(128+(((V-128)*293)>>8));
+ }
+ out.send(bs,b2);
+ }
+ } else if (cs=="magic") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ uint8 *bufy = buf +4*sx*y;
+ uint8 *bufu = buf+4*sx*sy+ sx*y;
+ uint8 *bufv = buf+5*sx*sy+ sx*y;
+ for (int x=0,xx=0; x<sx; x++,xx+=3) {
+ b2[xx+0]=bufy[x+x];
+ b2[xx+1]=bufu[x];
+ b2[xx+2]=bufv[x];
+ }
+ out.send(bs,b2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (vp.palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32 || vp.palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24 || vp.palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565) {
+ GridOutlet out(this,0,dim,cast);
+ uint8 rgb[sx*3];
+ uint8 b2[sx*3];
+ if (cs=="y") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ bit_packing->unpack(sx,buf+y*sx*bit_packing->bytes,rgb);
+ for (int x=0,xx=0; x<sx; x+=2,xx+=6) {
+ b2[x+0] = (76*rgb[xx+0]+150*rgb[xx+1]+29*rgb[xx+2])>>8;
+ b2[x+1] = (76*rgb[xx+3]+150*rgb[xx+4]+29*rgb[xx+5])>>8;
+ }
+ out.send(bs,b2);
+ }
+ } else if (cs=="rgb") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ bit_packing->unpack(sx,buf+y*sx*bit_packing->bytes,rgb);
+ out.send(bs,rgb);
+ }
+ } else if (cs=="yuv") {
+ for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) {
+ bit_packing->unpack(sx,buf+y*sx*bit_packing->bytes,rgb);
+ for (int x=0,xx=0; x<sx; x+=2,xx+=6) {
+ b2[xx+0] = clip( (( 76*rgb[xx+0] + 150*rgb[xx+1] + 29*rgb[xx+2])>>8));
+ b2[xx+1] = clip(128+((- 44*rgb[xx+0] - 85*rgb[xx+1] + 108*rgb[xx+2])>>8));
+ b2[xx+2] = clip(128+(( 128*rgb[xx+0] - 108*rgb[xx+1] - 21*rgb[xx+2])>>8));
+ b2[xx+3] = clip( (( 76*rgb[xx+3] + 150*rgb[xx+4] + 29*rgb[xx+5])>>8));
+ b2[xx+4] = clip(128+((- 44*rgb[xx+3] - 85*rgb[xx+4] + 108*rgb[xx+5])>>8));
+ b2[xx+5] = clip(128+(( 128*rgb[xx+3] - 108*rgb[xx+4] - 21*rgb[xx+5])>>8));
+ }
+ out.send(bs,b2);
+ }
+ } else if (cs=="magic") {
+ RAISE("magic colorspace not supported with a RGB palette");
+ }
+ } else {
+ RAISE("unsupported palette %d",vp.palette);
+ }
+/* these are factors for RGB to analog YUV */
+// Y = 66*R + 129*G + 25*B
+// U = - 38*R - 74*G + 112*B
+// V = 112*R - 94*G - 18*B
+// strange that read2 is not used and read3 is used instead
+static int read2(int fd, uint8 *image, int n) {
+ int r=0;
+ while (n>0) {
+ int rr=read(fd,image,n);
+ if (rr<0) return rr; else {r+=rr; image+=rr; n-=rr;}
+ }
+ return r;
+static int read3(int fd, uint8 *image, int n) {
+ int r=read(fd,image,n);
+ if (r<0) return r;
+ return n;
+\def 0 bang () {
+ if (!image) alloc_image();
+ if (!use_mmap) {
+ /* picture is read at once by frame() to facilitate debugging. */
+ int tot = dim->prod(0,1) * bit_packing->bytes;
+ int n = (int) read3(fd,image,tot);
+ if (n==tot) frame_finished(image);
+ if (0> n) RAISE("error reading: %s", strerror(errno));
+ if (n < tot) RAISE("unexpectedly short picture: %d of %d",n,tot);
+ return;
+ }
+ while(queuesize<queuemax) frame_ask();
+ vmmap.frame = queue[0];
+ //uint64 t0 = gf_timeofday();
+ WIOCTL2(fd, VIDIOCSYNC, &vmmap);
+ //uint64 t1 = gf_timeofday();
+ //if (t1-t0 > 100) gfpost("VIDIOCSYNC delay: %d us",t1-t0);
+ frame_finished(image+vmbuf.offsets[queue[0]]);
+ queuesize--;
+ for (int i=0; i<queuesize; i++) queue[i]=queue[i+1];
+ frame_ask();
+ RAISE("can't write.");
+\def 0 norm (int value) {
+ VideoTuner vtuner;
+ vtuner.tuner = current_tuner;
+ if (value<0 || value>3) RAISE("norm must be in range 0..3");
+ if (0> IOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGTUNER, &vtuner)) {
+ post("no tuner #%d", value);
+ } else {
+ vtuner.mode = value;
+ gfpost(&vtuner);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSTUNER, &vtuner);
+ }
+\def int norm () {
+ VideoTuner vtuner;
+ vtuner.tuner = current_tuner;
+ if (0> IOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGTUNER, &vtuner)) {post("no tuner #%d", current_tuner); return -1;}
+ return vtuner.mode;
+\def 0 tuner (int value) {
+ VideoTuner vtuner;
+ vtuner.tuner = current_tuner = value;
+ if (0> IOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGTUNER, &vtuner)) RAISE("no tuner #%d", value);
+ vtuner.mode = VIDEO_MODE_NTSC; //???
+ gfpost(&vtuner);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSTUNER, &vtuner);
+ has_norm = (vtuner.mode<=3);
+ int meuh;
+ has_frequency = (ioctl(fd, VIDIOCGFREQ, &meuh)>=0);
+\def int tuner () {return current_tuner;}
+#define warn(fmt,stuff...) post("warning: " fmt,stuff)
+\def 0 channel (int value) {
+ VideoChannel vchan;
+ vchan.channel = value;
+ current_channel = value;
+ if (0> IOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGCHAN, &vchan)) warn("no channel #%d", value);
+ //gfpost(&vchan);
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSCHAN, &vchan);
+ if (vcaps.type & VID_TYPE_TUNER) _0_tuner(0,0,0);
+ has_tuner = (vcaps.type & VID_TYPE_TUNER && vchan.tuners > 1);
+\def int channel () {return current_channel;}
+\def 0 transfer (string sym, int queuemax=2) {
+ if (sym=="read") {
+ dealloc_image();
+ use_mmap = false;
+ post("transfer read");
+ } else if (sym=="mmap") {
+ dealloc_image();
+ use_mmap = true;
+ alloc_image();
+ queuemax=min(8,min(queuemax,vmbuf.frames));
+ post("transfer mmap with queuemax=%d (max max is vmbuf.frames=%d)", queuemax,vmbuf.frames);
+ this->queuemax=queuemax;
+ } else RAISE("don't know that transfer mode");
+#define PICTURE_ATTR(_name_) {\
+ vp._name_ = _name_; \
+#define PICTURE_ATTRGET(_name_) { \
+ /*gfpost("getting %s=%d",#_name_,vp._name_);*/ \
+ return vp._name_;}
+\def uint16 brightness () {PICTURE_ATTRGET(brightness)}
+\def 0 brightness (uint16 brightness){PICTURE_ATTR( brightness)}
+\def uint16 hue () {PICTURE_ATTRGET(hue)}
+\def 0 hue (uint16 hue) {PICTURE_ATTR( hue)}
+\def uint16 colour () {PICTURE_ATTRGET(colour)}
+\def 0 colour (uint16 colour) {PICTURE_ATTR( colour)}
+\def uint16 contrast () {PICTURE_ATTRGET(contrast)}
+\def 0 contrast (uint16 contrast) {PICTURE_ATTR( contrast)}
+\def uint16 whiteness () {PICTURE_ATTRGET(whiteness)}
+\def 0 whiteness (uint16 whiteness) {PICTURE_ATTR( whiteness)}
+\def int32 frequency () {
+ int32 value;
+ //if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOCGFREQ, &value)<0) {has_frequency=false; return 0;}
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGFREQ, &value);
+ return value;
+\def 0 frequency (int32 frequency) {
+ long frequency_ = frequency;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSFREQ, &frequency_);
+\def 0 colorspace (t_symbol *colorspace) { /* y yuv rgb magic */
+ string c = colorspace->s_name;
+ if (c=="y") {}
+ else if (c=="yuv") {}
+ else if (c=="rgb") {}
+ else if (c=="magic") {}
+ else RAISE("got '%s' but supported colorspaces are: y yuv rgb magic",c.data());
+ int palette = (palettes&(1<<VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24)) ? VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24 :
+ (palettes&(1<<VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32)) ? VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32 :
+ (palettes&(1<<VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565)) ? VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565 :
+ vp.palette = palette;
+ if (vp.palette != palette) {
+ post("this driver is unsupported: it wants palette %d instead of %d",vp.palette,palette);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (palette == VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565) {
+ //uint32 masks[3] = { 0x00fc00,0x003e00,0x00001f };
+ uint32 masks[3] = { 0x00f800,0x007e0,0x00001f };
+ bit_packing = new BitPacking(is_le(),2,3,masks);
+ } else if (palette == VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32) {
+ uint32 masks[3] = { 0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff };
+ bit_packing = new BitPacking(is_le(),4,3,masks);
+ } else {
+ uint32 masks[3] = { 0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff };
+ bit_packing = new BitPacking(is_le(),3,3,masks);
+ }
+ this->colorspace=gensym(c.data());
+ dim = new Dim(dim->v[0],dim->v[1],c=="y"?1:3);
+\def bool pwc () {return use_pwc;}
+\def 0 pwc (bool pwc) {use_pwc=pwc;}
+void set_pan_and_tilt(int fd, char what, int pan, int tilt) { /*unused*/
+ // if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_mpt_angles pma;
+ pma.absolute=1;
+ pma.pan = pan;
+ pma.tilt = tilt;
+\def uint16 framerate() {
+ if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct video_window vwin;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &vwin);
+ return (vwin.flags & PWC_FPS_MASK) >> PWC_FPS_SHIFT;
+\def 0 framerate(uint16 framerate) {
+ if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct video_window vwin;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &vwin);
+ vwin.flags &= ~PWC_FPS_FRMASK;
+ vwin.flags |= (framerate << PWC_FPS_SHIFT) & PWC_FPS_FRMASK;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &vwin);
+/* those functions are still mostly unused */
+//void set_compression_preference(int fd, int pref) {if (use_pwc) WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSCQUAL, &pref);}
+\def int auto_gain() {int auto_gain=0; if (use_pwc) WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAGC, &auto_gain); return auto_gain;}
+\def 0 auto_gain (int auto_gain) {if (use_pwc) WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSAGC, &auto_gain);}
+//void set_shutter_speed(int fd, int pref) {if (use_pwc) WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSSHUTTER, &pref);}
+\def uint16 white_mode () {
+ if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb;
+ if (pwcwb.mode==PWC_WB_AUTO) return 0;
+ if (pwcwb.mode==PWC_WB_MANUAL) return 1;
+ return 2;
+\def 0 white_mode (uint16 white_mode) {
+ if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb;
+ if (white_mode==0) pwcwb.mode = PWC_WB_AUTO;
+ else if (white_mode==1) pwcwb.mode = PWC_WB_MANUAL;
+ /*else if (strcasecmp(mode, "indoor") == 0) pwcwb.mode = PWC_WB_INDOOR;*/
+ /*else if (strcasecmp(mode, "outdoor") == 0) pwcwb.mode = PWC_WB_OUTDOOR;*/
+ /*else if (strcasecmp(mode, "fl") == 0) pwcwb.mode = PWC_WB_FL;*/
+ else {error("unknown mode number %d", white_mode); return;}
+\def uint16 white_red() {if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWB, &pwcwb); return pwcwb.manual_red;}
+\def uint16 white_blue() {if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWB, &pwcwb); return pwcwb.manual_blue;}
+\def 0 white_red(uint16 white_red) {if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWB, &pwcwb);
+ pwcwb.manual_red = white_red; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSAWB, &pwcwb);}
+\def 0 white_blue(uint16 white_blue) {if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_whitebalance pwcwb; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWB, &pwcwb);
+ pwcwb.manual_blue = white_blue;WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSAWB, &pwcwb);}
+\def uint16 white_speed() {if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct pwc_wb_speed pwcwbs; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs); return pwcwbs.control_speed;}
+\def uint16 white_delay() {if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ struct pwc_wb_speed pwcwbs; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs); return pwcwbs.control_delay;}
+\def 0 white_speed(uint16 white_speed) {if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_wb_speed pwcwbs; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs);
+ pwcwbs.control_speed = white_speed; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs);}
+\def 0 white_delay(uint16 white_delay) {if (!use_pwc) return;
+ struct pwc_wb_speed pwcwbs; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs);
+ pwcwbs.control_delay = white_delay; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSAWBSPEED, &pwcwbs);}
+void set_led_on_time(int fd, int val) {
+ struct pwc_leds pwcl; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGLED, &pwcl);
+ pwcl.led_on = val; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSLED, &pwcl);}
+void set_led_off_time(int fd, int val) {
+ struct pwc_leds pwcl; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGLED, &pwcl);
+ pwcl.led_off = val; WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSLED, &pwcl);}
+void set_sharpness(int fd, int val) {WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSCONTOUR, &val);}
+void set_backlight_compensation(int fd, int val) {WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSBACKLIGHT, &val);}
+void set_antiflicker_mode(int fd, int val) {WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSFLICKER, &val);}
+\def int noise_reduction() {
+ if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ int noise_reduction;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGDYNNOISE, &noise_reduction);
+ return noise_reduction;
+\def 0 noise_reduction(int noise_reduction) {
+ if (!use_pwc) return;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSDYNNOISE, &noise_reduction);
+\def int compression() {
+ if (!use_pwc) return 0;
+ int compression;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCSCQUAL, &compression);
+ return compression;
+\def 0 compression(int compression) {
+ if (!use_pwc) return;
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCPWCGCQUAL, &compression);
+void FormatVideoDev::initialize2 () {
+ WIOCTL(fd, VIDIOCGCAP, &vcaps);
+ _0_size(0,0,vcaps.maxheight,vcaps.maxwidth);
+ char namebuf[33];
+ memcpy(namebuf,vcaps.name,sizeof(vcaps.name));
+ int i;
+ for (i=32; i>=1; i--) if (!namebuf[i] || !isspace(namebuf[i])) break;
+ namebuf[i]=0;
+ while (--i>=0) if (isspace(namebuf[i])) namebuf[i]='_';
+ name = gensym(namebuf);
+ palettes=0;
+#if 1
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(checklist)/sizeof(*checklist); i++) {
+ int p = checklist[i];
+ for (size_t p=0; p<17; p++) {
+ vp.palette = p;
+ ioctl(fd, VIDIOCSPICT,&vp);
+ ioctl(fd, VIDIOCGPICT,&vp);
+ if (vp.palette == p) {
+ palettes |= 1<<p;
+ post("palette %d supported",p);
+ }
+ }
+ _0_colorspace(0,0,gensym("rgb"));
+ _0_channel(0,0,0);
+\end class FormatVideoDev {install_format("#io.videodev",4,"");}
+void startup_videodev () {
+ \startall