path: root/pd/tcl/dialog_startup.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'pd/tcl/dialog_startup.tcl')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pd/tcl/dialog_startup.tcl b/pd/tcl/dialog_startup.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52c5f647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/tcl/dialog_startup.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+package provide dialog_startup 0.1
+package require scrollboxwindow
+namespace eval dialog_startup {
+ variable defeatrt_flag 0
+ namespace export pdtk_startup_dialog
+########## pdtk_startup_dialog -- dialog window for startup options #########
+# Create a simple modal window with an entry widget
+# for editing/adding a startup command
+# (the next-best-thing to in-place editing)
+proc ::dialog_startup::chooseCommand { prompt initialValue } {
+ global cmd
+ set cmd $initialValue
+ toplevel .inputbox
+ wm title .inputbox $prompt
+ wm group .inputbox .
+ wm minsize .inputbox 450 30
+ wm resizable .inputbox 0 0
+ wm geom .inputbox "450x30"
+ # not all Tcl/Tk versions or platforms support -topmost, so catch the error
+ catch {wm attributes $mytoplevel -topmost 1}
+ button .inputbox.button -text [_ "OK"] -command { destroy .inputbox } \
+ -width [::msgcat::mcmax [_ "OK"]]
+ entry .inputbox.entry -width 50 -textvariable cmd
+ pack .inputbox.button -side right
+ bind .inputbox.entry <KeyPress-Return> { destroy .inputbox }
+ bind .inputbox.entry <KeyPress-Escape> { destroy .inputbox }
+ pack .inputbox.entry -side right -expand 1 -fill x -padx 2m
+ focus .inputbox.entry
+ raise .inputbox
+ wm transient .inputbox
+ grab .inputbox
+ tkwait window .inputbox
+ return $cmd
+proc ::dialog_startup::add {} {
+ return [chooseCommand [_ "Add new library"] ""]
+proc ::dialog_startup::edit { current_library } {
+ return [chooseCommand [_ "Edit library"] $current_library]
+proc ::dialog_startup::commit { new_startup } {
+ variable defeatrt_button
+ set ::startup_libraries $new_startup
+ pdsend "pd startup-dialog $defeatrt_button [pdtk_encodedialog $::startup_flags] $::startup_libraries"
+# set up the panel with the info from pd
+proc ::dialog_startup::pdtk_startup_dialog {mytoplevel defeatrt flags} {
+ variable defeatrt_button $defeatrt
+ if {$flags ne ""} {variable ::startup_flags $flags}
+ if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
+ wm deiconify $mytoplevel
+ raise $mytoplevel
+ } else {
+ create_dialog $mytoplevel
+ }
+proc ::dialog_startup::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
+ ::scrollboxwindow::make $mytoplevel $::startup_libraries \
+ dialog_startup::add dialog_startup::edit dialog_startup::commit \
+ [_ "Pd libraries to load on startup"] \
+ 400 300
+ label $mytoplevel.entryname -text [_ "Startup flags:"]
+ entry $mytoplevel.entry -textvariable ::startup_flags -width 60
+ pack $mytoplevel.entryname $mytoplevel.entry -side left
+ pack $mytoplevel.entry -side right -padx 2m -fill x -expand 1
+ frame $mytoplevel.defeatrtframe
+ pack $mytoplevel.defeatrtframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+ if {$::windowingsystem ne "win32"} {
+ checkbutton $mytoplevel.defeatrtframe.defeatrt -anchor w \
+ -text [_ "Defeat real-time scheduling"] \
+ -variable ::dialog_startup::defeatrt_button
+ pack $mytoplevel.defeatrtframe.defeatrt -side left
+ }