path: root/pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl b/pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl
index d0c0c654..bb1e1d65 100644
--- a/pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl
+++ b/pd/tcl/pdwindow.tcl
@@ -2,52 +2,387 @@
package provide pdwindow 0.1
namespace eval ::pdwindow:: {
- variable consolefont
- variable printout_buffer ""
- variable pdwindow_search_index
+ variable logbuffer {}
+ variable tclentry {}
+ variable tclentry_history {"console show"}
+ variable history_position 0
+ variable linecolor 0 ;# is toggled to alternate text line colors
+ variable logmenuitems
+ variable maxloglevel 4
+ variable lastlevel 0
+ namespace export create_window
namespace export pdtk_post
+ namespace export pdtk_pd_dsp
+ namespace export pdtk_pd_dio
+# TODO make the Pd window save its size and location between running
+proc ::pdwindow::set_layout {} {
+ variable maxloglevel
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log0 -foreground "#d00" -background "#ffe0e8"
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log1 -foreground "#d00"
+ # log2 messages are normal black on white
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log3 -foreground "#484848"
+ # 0-20(4-24) is a rough useful range of 'verbose' levels for impl debugging
+ set start 4
+ set end 25
+ for {set i $start} {$i < $end} {incr i} {
+ set B [expr int(($i - $start) * (40 / ($end - $start))) + 50]
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log${i} -foreground grey${B}
+ }
+# grab focus on part of the Pd window when Pd is busy
+proc ::pdwindow::busygrab {} {
+ # set the mouse cursor to look busy and grab focus so it stays that way
+ .pdwindow.text configure -cursor watch
+ grab set .pdwindow.text
+# release focus on part of the Pd window when Pd is finished
+proc ::pdwindow::busyrelease {} {
+ .pdwindow.text configure -cursor xterm
+ grab release .pdwindow.text
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# pdtk functions for 'pd' to send data to the Pd window
+proc ::pdwindow::buffer_message {object_id level message} {
+ variable logbuffer
+ lappend logbuffer $object_id $level $message
+proc ::pdwindow::insert_log_line {object_id level message} {
+ if {$object_id eq ""} {
+ .pdwindow.text.internal insert end $message log$level
+ } else {
+ .pdwindow.text.internal insert end $message [list log$level obj$object_id]
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag bind obj$object_id <$::modifier-ButtonRelease-1> \
+ "::pdwindow::select_by_id $object_id; break"
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag bind obj$object_id <Key-Return> \
+ "::pdwindow::select_by_id $object_id; break"
+ .pdwindow.text.internal tag bind obj$object_id <Key-KP_Enter> \
+ "::pdwindow::select_by_id $object_id; break"
+ }
+# this has 'args' to satisfy trace, but its not used
+proc ::pdwindow::filter_buffer_to_text {args} {
+ variable logbuffer
+ variable maxloglevel
+ .pdwindow.text.internal delete 0.0 end
+ set i 0
+ foreach {object_id level message} $logbuffer {
+ if { $level <= $::loglevel || $maxloglevel == $::loglevel} {
+ insert_log_line $object_id $level $message
+ }
+ # this could take a while, so update the GUI every 10000 lines
+ if { [expr $i % 10000] == 0} {update idletasks}
+ incr i
+ }
+ .pdwindow.text.internal yview end
+ ::pdwindow::verbose 10 "The Pd window filtered $i lines\n"
+proc ::pdwindow::select_by_id {args} {
+ if [llength $args] { # Is $args empty?
+ pdsend "pd findinstance $args"
+ }
+# logpost posts to Pd window with an object to trace back to and a
+# 'log level'. The logpost and related procs are for generating
+# messages that are useful for debugging patches. They are messages
+# that are meant for the Pd programmer to see so that they can get
+# information about the patches they are building
+proc ::pdwindow::logpost {object_id level message} {
+ variable maxloglevel
+ variable lastlevel $level
+ buffer_message $object_id $level $message
+ if {[llength [info commands .pdwindow.text.internal]] &&
+ ($level <= $::loglevel || $maxloglevel == $::loglevel)} {
+ # cancel any pending move of the scrollbar, and schedule it
+ # after writing a line. This way the scrollbar is only moved once
+ # when the inserting has finished, greatly speeding things up
+ after cancel .pdwindow.text.internal yview end
+ insert_log_line $object_id $level $message
+ after idle .pdwindow.text.internal yview end
+ }
+ # -stderr only sets $::stderr if 'pd-gui' is started before 'pd'
+ if {$::stderr} {puts stderr $message}
+# shortcuts for posting to the Pd window
+proc ::pdwindow::fatal {message} {logpost {} 0 $message}
+proc ::pdwindow::error {message} {logpost {} 1 $message}
+proc ::pdwindow::post {message} {logpost {} 2 $message}
+proc ::pdwindow::debug {message} {logpost {} 3 $message}
+# for backwards compatibility
+proc ::pdwindow::bug {message} {logpost {} 3 $message}
+proc ::pdwindow::pdtk_post {message} {post $message}
+proc ::pdwindow::endpost {} {
+ variable linecolor
+ variable lastlevel
+ logpost {} $lastlevel "\n"
+ set linecolor [expr ! $linecolor]
+# this verbose proc has a separate numbering scheme since its for
+# debugging implementations, and therefore falls outside of the 0-3
+# numbering on the Pd window. They should only be shown in ALL mode.
+proc ::pdwindow::verbose {level message} {
+ incr level 4
+ logpost {} $level $message
+# clear the log and the buffer
+proc ::pdwindow::clear_console {} {
+ variable logbuffer {}
+ .pdwindow.text.internal delete 0.0 end
+#--compute audio/DSP checkbutton-----------------------------------------------#
+# set the checkbox on the "Compute Audio" menuitem and checkbox
+proc ::pdwindow::pdtk_pd_dsp {value} {
+ # TODO canvas_startdsp/stopdsp should really send 1 or 0, not "ON" or "OFF"
+ if {$value eq "ON"} {
+ set ::dsp 1
+ } else {
+ set ::dsp 0
+ }
+proc ::pdwindow::pdtk_pd_dio {red} {
+ if {$red == 1} {
+ .pdwindow.header.dio configure -foreground red
+ } else {
+ .pdwindow.header.dio configure -foreground lightgray
+ }
+#--bindings specific to the Pd window------------------------------------------#
+proc ::pdwindow::pdwindow_bindings {} {
+ # these bindings are for the whole Pd window, minus the Tcl entry
+ foreach window {.pdwindow.text .pdwindow.header} {
+ bind $window <$::modifier-Key-x> "tk_textCut .pdwindow.text"
+ bind $window <$::modifier-Key-c> "tk_textCopy .pdwindow.text"
+ bind $window <$::modifier-Key-v> "tk_textPaste .pdwindow.text"
+ }
+ # Select All doesn't seem to work unless its applied to the whole window
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Key-a> ".pdwindow.text tag add sel 1.0 end"
+ # the "; break" part stops executing another binds, like from the Text class
+ # these don't do anything in the Pd window, so alert the user, then break
+ # so no more bindings run
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Key-s> "bell; break"
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Shift-Key-S> "bell; break"
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Key-p> "bell; break"
-proc ::pdwindow::pdtk_post {message} {
- variable printout_buffer
- # TODO this should be switchable between Pd window and stderr
- if { ! [winfo exists .pdwindow.text]} {
- set printout_buffer "$printout_buffer\n$message"
+ # ways of hiding/closing the Pd window
+ if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} {
+ # on Mac OS X, you can close the Pd window, since the menubar is there
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Key-w> "wm withdraw .pdwindow"
+ wm protocol .pdwindow WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw .pdwindow"
} else {
- if {$printout_buffer ne ""} {
- .pdwindow.text insert end "$printout_buffer\n"
- set printout_buffer ""
+ # TODO should it possible to close the Pd window and keep Pd open?
+ bind .pdwindow <$::modifier-Key-w> "wm iconify .pdwindow"
+ wm protocol .pdwindow WM_DELETE_WINDOW "pdsend \"pd verifyquit\""
+ }
+#--Tcl entry procs-------------------------------------------------------------#
+# copied from ::pd_connect::pd_readsocket, so perhaps it could be merged
+proc ::pdwindow::eval_tclentry {} {
+ variable tclentry
+ variable tclentry_history
+ variable history_position 0
+ if {$tclentry eq ""} {return} ;# no need to do anything if empty
+ if {[catch {uplevel #0 $tclentry} errorname]} {
+ global errorInfo
+ switch -regexp -- $errorname {
+ "missing close-brace" {
+ ::pdwindow::error [concat [_ "(Tcl) MISSING CLOSE-BRACE '\}': "] $errorInfo]\n
+ } "missing close-bracket" {
+ ::pdwindow::error [concat [_ "(Tcl) MISSING CLOSE-BRACKET '\]': "] $errorInfo]\n
+ } "^invalid command name" {
+ ::pdwindow::error [concat [_ "(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: "] $errorInfo]\n
+ } default {
+ ::pdwindow::error [concat [_ "(Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: "] $errorInfo]\n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lappend tclentry_history $tclentry
+ set tclentry {}
+proc ::pdwindow::get_history {direction} {
+ variable tclentry_history
+ variable history_position
+ incr history_position $direction
+ if {$history_position < 0} {set history_position 0}
+ if {$history_position > [llength $tclentry_history]} {
+ set history_position [llength $tclentry_history]
+ }
+ .pdwindow.tcl.entry delete 0 end
+ .pdwindow.tcl.entry insert 0 \
+ [lindex $tclentry_history end-[expr $history_position - 1]]
+proc ::pdwindow::validate_tcl {} {
+ variable tclentry
+ if {[info complete $tclentry]} {
+ .pdwindow.tcl.entry configure -background "white"
+ } else {
+ .pdwindow.tcl.entry configure -background "#FFF0F0"
+ }
+#--create tcl entry-----------------------------------------------------------#
+proc ::pdwindow::create_tcl_entry {} {
+# Tcl entry box frame
+ label .pdwindow.tcl.label -text [_ "Tcl:"] -anchor e
+ pack .pdwindow.tcl.label -side left
+ entry .pdwindow.tcl.entry -width 200 \
+ -exportselection 1 -insertwidth 2 -insertbackground blue \
+ -textvariable ::pdwindow::tclentry -font {$::font_family 12}
+ pack .pdwindow.tcl.entry -side left -fill x
+# bindings for the Tcl entry widget
+ bind .pdwindow.tcl.entry <$::modifier-Key-a> "%W selection range 0 end; break"
+ bind .pdwindow.tcl.entry <Return> "::pdwindow::eval_tclentry"
+ bind .pdwindow.tcl.entry <Up> "::pdwindow::get_history 1"
+ bind .pdwindow.tcl.entry <Down> "::pdwindow::get_history -1"
+ bind .pdwindow.tcl.entry <KeyRelease> +"::pdwindow::validate_tcl"
+ bind .pdwindow.text <Key-Tab> "focus .pdwindow.tcl.entry; break"
+proc ::pdwindow::set_findinstance_cursor {widget key state} {
+ set triggerkeys [list Control_L Control_R Meta_L Meta_R]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $triggerkeys $key] > -1} {
+ if {$state == 0} {
+ $widget configure -cursor xterm
+ } else {
+ $widget configure -cursor based_arrow_up
- .pdwindow.text insert end "$message\n"
- .pdwindow.text yview end
- puts stderr $message
+#--create the window-----------------------------------------------------------#
proc ::pdwindow::create_window {} {
- variable consolefont
+ variable logmenuitems
+ set ::loaded(.pdwindow) 0
+ # colorize by class before creating anything
+ option add *PdWindow*Entry.highlightBackground "grey" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Frame.background "grey" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Label.background "grey" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Checkbutton.background "grey" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Menubutton.background "grey" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Text.background "white" startupFile
+ option add *PdWindow*Entry.background "white" startupFile
toplevel .pdwindow -class PdWindow
- wm title .pdwindow [_ "Pd window"]
- wm geometry .pdwindow =500x450+20+50
+ wm title .pdwindow [_ "Pd"]
+ set ::windowname(.pdwindow) [_ "Pd"]
+ if {$::windowingsystem eq "x11"} {
+ wm minsize .pdwindow 400 75
+ } else {
+ wm minsize .pdwindow 400 51
+ }
+ wm geometry .pdwindow =500x400+20+50
.pdwindow configure -menu .menubar
- ::pd_menus::configure_for_pdwindow
- ::pd_bindings::pdwindow_bindings .pdwindow
- frame .pdwindow.header
- pack .pdwindow.header -side top -fill x -padx 30 -ipady 10
- # label .pdwindow.header.label -text "The Pd window wants you to make it look nice!"
- # pack .pdwindow.header.label -side left -fill y -anchor w
+ frame .pdwindow.header -borderwidth 1 -relief flat -background lightgray
+ pack .pdwindow.header -side top -fill x -ipady 5
+ frame .pdwindow.header.pad1
+ pack .pdwindow.header.pad1 -side left -padx 12
checkbutton .pdwindow.header.dsp -text [_ "DSP"] -variable ::dsp \
- -command "pdsend \"pd dsp 0\""
- pack .pdwindow.header.dsp -side right -fill y -anchor e
+ -font {$::font_family 18 bold} -takefocus 1 -background lightgray \
+ -borderwidth 0 -command {pdsend "pd dsp $::dsp"}
+ pack .pdwindow.header.dsp -side right -fill y -anchor e -padx 5 -pady 0
+# DIO button
+ label .pdwindow.header.dio -text [_ "audio I/O error"] -borderwidth 0 \
+ -background lightgray -foreground lightgray \
+ -takefocus 0 \
+ -font {$::font_family 14}
+ pack .pdwindow.header.dio -side right -fill y -padx 30 -pady 0
+ label .pdwindow.header.loglabel -text [_ "Log:"] -anchor e \
+ -background lightgray
+ pack .pdwindow.header.loglabel -side left
+ set loglevels {0 1 2 3 4}
+ lappend logmenuitems "0 [_ fatal]"
+ lappend logmenuitems "1 [_ error]"
+ lappend logmenuitems "2 [_ normal]"
+ lappend logmenuitems "3 [_ debug]"
+ lappend logmenuitems "4 [_ all]"
+ set logmenu \
+ [eval tk_optionMenu .pdwindow.header.logmenu ::loglevel $loglevels]
+ .pdwindow.header.logmenu configure -background lightgray
+ foreach i $loglevels {
+ $logmenu entryconfigure $i -label [lindex $logmenuitems $i]
+ }
+ trace add variable ::loglevel write ::pdwindow::filter_buffer_to_text
+ # TODO figure out how to make the menu traversable with the keyboard
+ #.pdwindow.header.logmenu configure -takefocus 1
+ pack .pdwindow.header.logmenu -side left
+ frame .pdwindow.tcl -borderwidth 0
+ pack .pdwindow.tcl -side bottom -fill x
# TODO this should use the pd_font_$size created in pd-gui.tcl
text .pdwindow.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font {-size 10} \
- -yscrollcommand ".pdwindow.scroll set" -width 60
- scrollbar .pdwindow.scroll -command ".pdwindow.text yview"
+ -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
+ -yscrollcommand ".pdwindow.scroll set" -width 60 \
+ -undo false -autoseparators false -maxundo 1 -takefocus 0
+ scrollbar .pdwindow.scroll -command ".pdwindow.text.internal yview"
pack .pdwindow.scroll -side right -fill y
- pack .pdwindow.text -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
+ pack .pdwindow.text -side right -fill both -expand 1
raise .pdwindow
+ focus .pdwindow.text
+ # run bindings last so that .pdwindow.tcl.entry exists
+ pdwindow_bindings
+ # set cursor to show when clicking in 'findinstance' mode
+ bind .pdwindow <KeyPress> "+::pdwindow::set_findinstance_cursor %W %K %s"
+ bind .pdwindow <KeyRelease> "+::pdwindow::set_findinstance_cursor %W %K %s"
+ # hack to make a good read-only text widget from http://wiki.tcl.tk/1152
+ rename ::.pdwindow.text ::.pdwindow.text.internal
+ proc ::.pdwindow.text {args} {
+ switch -exact -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ "insert" {}
+ "delete" {}
+ "default" { return [eval ::.pdwindow.text.internal $args] }
+ }
+ }
+ # print whatever is in the queue
+ filter_buffer_to_text
+ set ::loaded(.pdwindow) 1
+ # set some layout variables
+ ::pdwindow::set_layout
+ # wait until .pdwindow.tcl.entry is visible before opening files so that
+ # the loading logic can grab it and put up the busy cursor
+ tkwait visibility .pdwindow.text
+# create_tcl_entry