path: root/pd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pd')
3 files changed, 1509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pd/extra/sigmund~/makefile b/pd/extra/sigmund~/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dc176b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/extra/sigmund~/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include ../makefile
diff --git a/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~-help.pd b/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3556c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#N canvas 209 199 580 617 12;
+#X text 42 4 sigmund~ - sinusoidal analysis and pitch tracking;
+#N canvas 432 117 573 597 using-with-tables 0;
+#X obj 29 368 print peak;
+#N canvas 0 0 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
+#X array insignal 1024 float 2;
+#X coords 0 1 1023 -1 200 140 1;
+#X restore 83 426 graph;
+#X obj 314 513 phasor~;
+#X obj 294 429 loadbang;
+#X obj 314 461 440;
+#X floatatom 313 488 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 305 544 tabwrite~ insignal;
+#X obj 290 516 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1;
+#X text 114 11 Using sigmund~ on arrays;
+#X text 42 33 If invoked with the "-t" flag (as a creation argument)
+\, sigmund~ analyzes waveforms stored in arrays. Instead of an incoming
+signal \, feed it "list" messages with the following arguments:;
+#X text 37 118 table name (a symbol);
+#X text 38 137 number of points;
+#X obj 29 342 sigmund~ -t -npeak 10 -maxfreq 5000 peaks;
+#X msg 29 316 list insignal 1024 0 44100 0;
+#X text 37 158 index of first point;
+#X text 39 179 sample rate;
+#X text 38 200 debug flag (print debugging info if nonzero);
+#X text 23 232 In this mode \, only the "env" \, "pitch" \, and "peaks"
+outputs are meaningful.;
+#X text 31 294 click here to test:;
+#X connect 2 0 6 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 5 0 2 0;
+#X connect 5 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 6 0;
+#X connect 12 0 0 0;
+#X connect 13 0 12 0;
+#X restore 330 553 pd using-with-tables;
+#X obj 40 512 phasor~;
+#X obj 40 425 loadbang;
+#X floatatom 40 471 5 0 120 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 39 561 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 245 563 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 40 490 mtof;
+#X obj 40 448 69;
+#X text 38 579 pitch;
+#X text 222 582 envelope;
+#X text 13 28 Sigmund~ analyzes an incoming sound into sinusoidal components
+\, which may be reported individually or combined to form a pitch estimate.
+Possible outputs are specified as creation arguments:;
+#X text 55 129 env - output pitches at the beginning of notes;
+#X text 56 95 pitch - output pitch continuously;
+#N canvas 518 74 588 728 setting-parameters 0;
+#X msg 182 66 print;
+#X floatatom 192 92 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 192 113 minpower \$1;
+#X obj 182 139 sigmund~ -minpower 40;
+#X text 39 14 You can set parameters either by creation arguments \,
+or else using messages. The "print" message gives you the current values
+of all the parameters:;
+#X text 28 169 npts: number of points used in an analysis. Must be
+a power of two \, at least 128 The minimum frequency that can be tracked
+is about 2(sample_rate)/npts.;
+#X text 26 219 hop: number of points between analyses. Must be a power
+of two \, at least the DSP vector size (usually 64). This regulates
+the number of analyses done per unit of time.;
+#X text 28 271 npeak: maximum number of sinusoidal peaks to look for.
+The computation time is quadratic in the number of peaks actually found
+(this number only sets an upper limit). Use it to balance CPU time
+with quality of results.;
+#X text 30 336 maxfreq: maximum frequency of sinusoidal peaks to look
+for. This can be useful in situations where background noise creates
+high-frequency \, spurious peaks..;
+#X text 37 388 vibrato: maximum deviation from "pitch" to accept as
+normal vibrato (affects "notes" output only). If the value is too small.
+vibratos will appear as trills. If too large \, very small melodic
+intervals may not be reported as new notes.;
+#X text 33 457 stabletime: time period to wait before reporting a note
+(affects "notes" output only). The "pitch" must be present and must
+not vary more than "vibrato" for this entire period to report a note.
+If too large \, the "notes" will be unnecessarily delayed. If too small
+\, spurious notes get output.;
+#X text 31 551 minpower: minimum measured RMS level to report a pitch
+(affects "pitch" and "notes" output only). Signals quieter than this
+will be assumed to be crosstalk and ignored.;
+#X text 32 602 growth: minimum measured RMS growth to report a new
+note (affects "notes" output only). The RMS level must rise by this
+many dB (within a time period given by "stabletime") to report a repetition
+of a note at or near the previously output pitch.;
+#X connect 0 0 3 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X restore 330 531 pd setting-parameters;
+#N canvas 190 230 640 535 sinusoid-tracking 0;
+#X obj 124 267 sigmund~ -npeak 10 peaks;
+#X obj 124 214 phasor~;
+#X obj 124 144 loadbang;
+#X floatatom 124 190 5 0 120 0 - - -;
+#X obj 124 295 route 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
+#X obj 82 339 unpack 0 0 0 0;
+#X floatatom 82 461 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 122 431 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 162 406 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 124 167 440;
+#X floatatom 203 380 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 322 349 unpack 0 0 0 0;
+#X floatatom 322 471 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 362 441 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 402 416 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 443 390 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X text 385 475 frequency (Hz.);
+#X text 419 442 peak amplitude (linear);
+#X text 464 416 cosine component;
+#X text 499 390 sine component;
+#X text 42 26 You can ask for sinusoidal peaks in decreasing order
+of amplitude or arranged into maximally continuous tracks for resynthesis.
+(Or you can ask for both.) In any case \, out come lists of five numbers
+\, one for each sinusoid at each analysis period. The first is the
+number of the sinusoid (so you can use "route" to claw them apart).
+The other four are as shown:;
+#X text 79 505 loudest partial;
+#X text 332 508 quietest partial;
+#X connect 0 0 4 0;
+#X connect 1 0 0 0;
+#X connect 2 0 9 0;
+#X connect 3 0 1 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 4 9 11 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 5 1 7 0;
+#X connect 5 2 8 0;
+#X connect 5 3 10 0;
+#X connect 9 0 3 0;
+#X connect 11 0 12 0;
+#X connect 11 1 13 0;
+#X connect 11 2 14 0;
+#X connect 11 3 15 0;
+#X restore 330 508 pd sinusoid-tracking;
+#X text 52 165 tracks - output sinusoidal peaks organized into tracks
+#X text 56 111 notes - output pitch at the beginning of notes;
+#X text 339 485 more details:;
+#X text 10 184 Parameters you may set (in creation arguments or messages):
+#X text 60 207 npts - number of points in each analysis window (1024)
+#X text 60 225 hop - number of points between each analysis (512);
+#X text 60 242 npeak - number of sinusoidal peaks (20);
+#X text 61 279 vibrato - depth of vibrato to expect in 1/2-tones (1)
+#X text 60 298 stabletime - time (msec) to wait to report notes (50)
+#X obj 39 535 sigmund~ -hop 4096 pitch env;
+#X text 62 316 minpower - minimum power (dB) to report a pitch (50)
+#X text 62 335 growth - growth (dB) to report a new note (7);
+#X text 54 147 peaks - output all sinusoidal peaks in order of amplitude
+#X text 380 596 updated for Pd v0.40;
+#X text 11 356 The npts and hop parameters are in samples \, and are
+powers of two. The example below specifies a huge hop of 4096 (to slow
+the output down) and to output "pitch" and "env". (Those are the default
+#X text 61 260 maxfreq - maximum sinusoid frequency in Hz. (1000000)
+#X connect 2 0 25 0;
+#X connect 3 0 8 0;
+#X connect 4 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 2 0;
+#X connect 8 0 4 0;
+#X connect 25 0 5 0;
+#X connect 25 1 6 0;
diff --git a/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~.c b/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96d15a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/extra/sigmund~/sigmund~.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2005 Miller Puckette. BSD licensed. No warranties. */
+ fix parameter settings
+ not to report pitch if evidence too scanty?
+ note-on detection triggered by falling envelope (a posteriori)
+ reentrancy bug setting loud flag (other parameters too?)
+ tweaked freqs still not stable enough
+ implement block ("-b") mode
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef MSW
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <alloca.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef NT
+#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
+#pragma warning( disable : 4305 )
+typedef struct peak
+ float p_freq;
+ float p_amp;
+ float p_ampreal;
+ float p_ampimag;
+ float p_pit;
+ float p_db;
+ float p_salience;
+ float p_tmp;
+} t_peak;
+/********************** service routines **************************/
+static int sigmund_ilog2(int n)
+ int ret = -1;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ n >>= 1;
+ ret++;
+ }
+ return (ret);
+/* parameters for von Hann window (change these to get Hamming if desired) */
+#define W_ALPHA 0.5
+#define W_BETA 0.5
+#define NEGBINS 4 /* number of bins of negative frequency we'll need */
+#define PI 3.14159265
+#define LOG2 0.69314718
+#define LOG10 2.30258509
+static float sinx(float theta, float sintheta)
+ if (theta > -0.003 && theta < 0.003)
+ return (1);
+ else return (sintheta/theta);
+static float window_hann_mag(float pidetune, float sinpidetune)
+ return (W_ALPHA * sinx(pidetune, sinpidetune)
+ - 0.5 * W_BETA *
+ (sinx(pidetune+PI, sinpidetune) + sinx(pidetune-PI, sinpidetune)));
+static float window_mag(float pidetune, float cospidetune)
+ return (sinx(pidetune + (PI/2), cospidetune)
+ + sinx(pidetune - (PI/2), -cospidetune));
+/*********** Routines to analyze a window into sinusoidal peaks *************/
+static int sigmund_cmp_freq(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+ if ((*(t_peak **)p1)->p_freq > (*(t_peak **)p2)->p_freq)
+ return (1);
+ else if ((*(t_peak **)p1)->p_freq < (*(t_peak **)p2)->p_freq)
+ return (-1);
+ else return (0);
+static void sigmund_tweak(int npts, float *ftreal, float *ftimag,
+ int npeak, t_peak *peaks, float fperbin, int loud)
+ t_peak **peakptrs = (t_peak **)alloca(sizeof (*peakptrs) * (npeak+1));
+ t_peak negpeak;
+ int peaki, j, k;
+ float ampreal[3], ampimag[3];
+ float binperf = 1./fperbin;
+ float phaseperbin = (npts-0.5)/npts, oneovern = 1./npts;
+ if (npeak < 1)
+ return;
+ for (peaki = 0; peaki < npeak; peaki++)
+ peakptrs[peaki+1] = &peaks[peaki];
+ qsort(peakptrs+1, npeak, sizeof (*peakptrs), sigmund_cmp_freq);
+ peakptrs[0] = &negpeak;
+ negpeak.p_ampreal = peakptrs[1]->p_ampreal;
+ negpeak.p_ampimag = -peakptrs[1]->p_ampimag;
+ negpeak.p_freq = -peakptrs[1]->p_freq;
+ for (peaki = 1; peaki <= npeak; peaki++)
+ {
+ int cbin = peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq*binperf + 0.5;
+ int nsub = (peaki == npeak ? 1:2);
+ float windreal, windimag, windpower, detune, pidetune, sinpidetune,
+ cospidetune, ampcorrect, ampout, ampoutreal, ampoutimag, freqout;
+ /* post("3 nsub %d amp %f freq %f", nsub,
+ peakptrs[peaki]->p_amp, peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq); */
+ if (cbin < 0 || cbin > 2*npts - 3)
+ continue;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ ampreal[j] = ftreal[cbin+2*j-2], ampimag[j] = ftimag[cbin+2*j-2];
+ /* post("a %f %f", ampreal[1], ampimag[1]); */
+ for (j = 0; j < nsub; j++)
+ {
+ t_peak *neighbor = peakptrs[(peaki-1) + 2*j];
+ float neighborreal = npts * neighbor->p_ampreal;
+ float neighborimag = npts * neighbor->p_ampimag;
+ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
+ {
+ float freqdiff = (0.5*PI) * ((cbin + 2*k-2)
+ -binperf * neighbor->p_freq);
+ float sx = sinx(freqdiff, sin(freqdiff));
+ float phasere = cos(freqdiff * phaseperbin);
+ float phaseim = sin(freqdiff * phaseperbin);
+ ampreal[k] -=
+ sx * (phasere * neighborreal - phaseim * neighborimag);
+ ampimag[k] -=
+ sx * (phaseim * neighborreal + phasere * neighborimag);
+ }
+ /* post("b %f %f", ampreal[1], ampimag[1]); */
+ }
+ windreal = W_ALPHA * ampreal[1] -
+ (0.5 * W_BETA) * (ampreal[0] + ampreal[2]);
+ windimag = W_ALPHA * ampimag[1] -
+ (0.5 * W_BETA) * (ampimag[0] + ampimag[2]);
+ windpower = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag;
+ detune = (
+ W_BETA*(ampreal[0] - ampreal[2]) *
+ (2.0*W_ALPHA * ampreal[1] - W_BETA * (ampreal[0] + ampreal[2]))
+ +
+ W_BETA*(ampimag[0] - ampimag[2]) *
+ (2.0*W_ALPHA * ampimag[1] - W_BETA * (ampimag[0] + ampimag[2]))
+ ) / (4.0 * windpower);
+ if (detune > 0.5)
+ detune = 0.5;
+ else if (detune < -0.5)
+ detune = -0.5;
+ /* if (loud > 0)
+ post("tweak: windpower %f, bin %d, detune %f",
+ windpower, cbin, detune); */
+ pidetune = PI * detune;
+ sinpidetune = sin(pidetune);
+ cospidetune = cos(pidetune);
+ ampcorrect = 1.0 / window_hann_mag(pidetune, sinpidetune);
+ ampout = oneovern * ampcorrect *sqrt(windpower);
+ ampoutreal = oneovern * ampcorrect *
+ (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune);
+ ampoutimag = oneovern * ampcorrect *
+ (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune);
+ freqout = (cbin + 2*detune) * fperbin;
+ if (loud > 1)
+ post("amp %f, freq %f", ampout, freqout);
+ peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq = freqout;
+ peakptrs[peaki]->p_amp = ampout;
+ peakptrs[peaki]->p_ampreal = ampoutreal;
+ peakptrs[peaki]->p_ampimag = ampoutimag;
+ }
+static void sigmund_getrawpeaks(int npts, float *insamps,
+ int npeak, t_peak *peakv, int *nfound, float *power, float srate, int loud,
+ float param1, float param2, float param3, float hifreq)
+ float oneovern = 1.0/ (float)npts;
+ float fperbin = 0.5 * srate * oneovern;
+ int npts2 = 2*npts, i, bin;
+ int count, peakcount = 0;
+ float *fp1, *fp2;
+ float *rawpow, *rawreal, *rawimag, *maskbuf;
+ float *bigbuf = alloca(sizeof (float ) * (2*NEGBINS + 5*npts));
+ int maxbin = hifreq/fperbin;
+ int altwind = (param3 == 1);
+ int tweak = (param3 == 0);
+ if (maxbin > npts - NEGBINS)
+ maxbin = npts - NEGBINS;
+ if (loud) post("tweak %d", tweak);
+ maskbuf = bigbuf + npts2;
+ rawreal = maskbuf + npts+NEGBINS;
+ rawimag = rawreal+npts+NEGBINS;
+ for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+ maskbuf[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+ bigbuf[i] = insamps[i];
+ for (i = npts; i < 2*npts; i++)
+ bigbuf[i] = 0;
+ mayer_realfft(npts2, bigbuf);
+ for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+ rawreal[i] = bigbuf[i];
+ for (i = 1; i < npts-1; i++)
+ rawimag[i] = bigbuf[npts2-i];
+ if (loud && npts == 1024)
+ {
+ float bigbuf2[2048];
+ for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+ bigbuf2[i] = insamps[i];
+ for (i = 1024; i < 2048; i++)
+ bigbuf2[i] = 0;
+ mayer_realfft(2048, bigbuf2);
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
+ post("(%10.2f, %10.2f) -> (%10.2f, %10.2f)",
+ bigbuf2[i], bigbuf2[2048-i], rawreal[i], rawimag[i]);
+ }
+ rawreal[-1] = rawreal[1];
+ rawreal[-2] = rawreal[2];
+ rawreal[-3] = rawreal[3];
+ rawreal[-4] = rawreal[4];
+ rawimag[0] = rawimag[npts-1] = 0;
+ rawimag[-1] = -rawimag[1];
+ rawimag[-2] = -rawimag[2];
+ rawimag[-3] = -rawimag[3];
+ rawimag[-4] = -rawimag[4];
+ for (peakcount = 0; peakcount < npeak; peakcount++)
+ {
+ float pow1, maxpower = 0, totalpower = 0, windreal, windimag, windpower,
+ detune, pidetune, sinpidetune, cospidetune, ampcorrect, ampout,
+ ampoutreal, ampoutimag, freqout, freqcount1, freqcount2, powmask;
+ int bestindex = -1;
+ for (bin = 2, fp1 = rawreal+2, fp2 = rawimag+2;
+ bin < maxbin; bin++, fp1++, fp2++)
+ {
+ float x1, x2, a1, a2, b1, b2, thresh;
+ if (altwind)
+ {
+ x1 = fp1[0] - 0.5*(fp1[-2] +fp1[2]);
+ x2 = fp2[0] - 0.5*(fp2[-2] +fp2[2]);
+ a1 = fp1[4] - 0.5*(fp1[2] +fp1[6]);
+ a2 = fp2[2] - 0.5*(fp2[2] +fp2[6]);
+ b1 = fp1[-4] - 0.5*(fp1[-2] +fp1[-6]);
+ b2 = fp2[-4] - 0.5*(fp2[-2] +fp2[-6]);
+ thresh = param2 * (a1*a1+a2*a2+b1*b1+b2*b2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x1 = fp1[1] - fp1[-1];
+ x2 = fp2[1] - fp2[-1];
+ a1 = fp1[3] - fp1[1];
+ a2 = fp2[3] - fp2[1];
+ b1 = fp1[-1] - fp1[-3];
+ b2 = fp2[-1] - fp2[-3];
+ thresh = param2 * (a1*a1+a2*a2+b1*b1+b2*b2);
+ }
+ pow1 = x1*x1+x2*x2;
+ if (pow1 > maxpower && pow1 > maskbuf[bin])
+ {
+ if (pow1 > thresh)
+ maxpower = pow1, bestindex = bin;
+ }
+ totalpower += pow1;
+ }
+ if (totalpower <= 0 || maxpower < 1e-10*totalpower || bestindex < 0)
+ break;
+ fp1 = rawreal+bestindex;
+ fp2 = rawimag+bestindex;
+ *power = 0.5 * totalpower *oneovern * oneovern;
+ powmask = maxpower * exp(-param1 * log(10.) / 10.);
+ if (loud > 2)
+ post("maxpower %f, powmask %f, param1 %f",
+ maxpower, powmask, param1);
+ for (bin = 2; bin < maxbin; bin++)
+ {
+ float bindiff = bin - bestindex;
+ float mymask =
+ powmask/ (1. + bindiff * bindiff * bindiff * bindiff);
+ if (bindiff < 2 && bindiff > -2)
+ mymask = 2*maxpower;
+ if (mymask > maskbuf[bin])
+ maskbuf[bin] = mymask;
+ }
+ if (loud > 1)
+ post("best index %d, total power %f", bestindex, totalpower);
+ if (altwind)
+ {
+ windreal = W_ALPHA * fp1[0] - (0.5 * W_BETA) * (fp1[2] + fp1[-2]);
+ windimag = W_ALPHA * fp2[0] - (0.5 * W_BETA) * (fp2[2] + fp2[-2]);
+ windpower = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag;
+ detune = (
+ (W_BETA*(rawreal[bestindex-2] - rawreal[bestindex+2])) *
+ (2.0 * W_ALPHA * rawreal[bestindex] -
+ W_BETA * (rawreal[bestindex-2] + rawreal[bestindex+2]))
+ +
+ (W_BETA*(rawimag[bestindex-2] - rawimag[bestindex+2])) *
+ (2.0 * W_ALPHA * rawimag[bestindex] -
+ W_BETA * (rawimag[bestindex-2] + rawimag[bestindex+2]))
+ ) / (4.0 * windpower);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ windreal = fp1[1] - fp1[-1];
+ windimag = fp2[1] - fp2[-1];
+ windpower = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag;
+ detune = ((fp1[1] * fp1[1] - fp1[-1]*fp1[-1])
+ + (fp2[1] * fp2[1] - fp2[-1]*fp2[-1])) / (2 * windpower);
+ if (loud > 2) post("(-1) %f %f; (1) %f %f",
+ fp1[-1], fp2[-1], fp1[1], fp2[1]);
+ if (loud > 2) post("peak %f %f",
+ fp1[0], fp2[0]);
+ }
+ if (detune > 0.5)
+ detune = 0.5;
+ else if (detune < -0.5)
+ detune = -0.5;
+ if (loud > 1)
+ post("windpower %f, index %d, detune %f",
+ windpower, bestindex, detune);
+ pidetune = PI * detune;
+ sinpidetune = sin(pidetune);
+ cospidetune = cos(pidetune);
+ if (altwind)
+ ampcorrect = 1.0 / window_hann_mag(pidetune, sinpidetune);
+ else ampcorrect = 1.0 / window_mag(pidetune, cospidetune);
+ ampout = ampcorrect *sqrt(windpower);
+ ampoutreal = ampcorrect *
+ (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune);
+ ampoutimag = ampcorrect *
+ (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune);
+ /* the frequency is the sum of the bin frequency and detuning */
+ peakv[peakcount].p_freq = (freqout = (bestindex + 2*detune)) * fperbin;
+ peakv[peakcount].p_amp = oneovern * ampout;
+ peakv[peakcount].p_ampreal = oneovern * ampoutreal;
+ peakv[peakcount].p_ampimag = oneovern * ampoutimag;
+ }
+ if (tweak)
+ {
+ sigmund_tweak(npts, rawreal, rawimag, peakcount, peakv, fperbin, loud);
+ sigmund_tweak(npts, rawreal, rawimag, peakcount, peakv, fperbin, loud);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < peakcount; i++)
+ {
+ peakv[i].p_pit = ftom(peakv[i].p_freq);
+ peakv[i].p_db = powtodb(peakv[i].p_amp);
+ }
+ *nfound = peakcount;
+/*************** Routines for finding fundamental pitch *************/
+#define PITCHNPEAK 12
+#define HALFTONEINC 0.059
+#define SUBHARMONICS 16
+#define DBPERHALFTONE 0.5
+static void sigmund_getpitch(int npeak, t_peak *peakv, float *freqp,
+ float npts, float srate, int loud)
+ float fperbin = 0.5 * srate / npts;
+ int npit = 48 * sigmund_ilog2(npts), i, j, k, nsalient;
+ float bestbin, bestweight, sumamp, sumweight, sumfreq, sumallamp,
+ freq;
+ float *weights = (float *)alloca(sizeof(float) * npit);
+ t_peak *bigpeaks[PITCHNPEAK];
+ int nbigpeaks;
+ if (npeak < 1)
+ {
+ freq = 0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < npit; i++)
+ weights[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < npeak; i++)
+ {
+ peakv[i].p_tmp = 0;
+ peakv[i].p_salience = peakv[i].p_db - DBPERHALFTONE * peakv[i].p_pit;
+ }
+ for (nsalient = 0; nsalient < PITCHNPEAK; nsalient++)
+ {
+ t_peak *bestpeak = 0;
+ float bestsalience = -1e20;
+ for (j = 0; j < npeak; j++)
+ if (peakv[j].p_tmp == 0 && peakv[j].p_salience > bestsalience)
+ {
+ bestsalience = peakv[j].p_salience;
+ bestpeak = &peakv[j];
+ }
+ if (!bestpeak)
+ break;
+ bigpeaks[nsalient] = bestpeak;
+ bestpeak->p_tmp = 1;
+ /* post("peak f=%f a=%f", bestpeak->p_freq, bestpeak->p_amp); */
+ }
+ sumweight = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsalient; i++)
+ {
+ t_peak *thispeak = bigpeaks[i];
+ float pitchuncertainty =
+ 4 * PITCHUNCERTAINTY * fperbin / (HALFTONEINC * thispeak->p_freq);
+ float weightindex = (48./LOG2) *
+ log(thispeak->p_freq/(2.*fperbin));
+ float loudness = sqrt(thispeak->p_amp);
+ /* post("index %f, uncertainty %f", weightindex, pitchuncertainty); */
+ for (j = 0; j < SUBHARMONICS; j++)
+ {
+ float subindex = weightindex -
+ (48./LOG2) * log(j + 1.);
+ int loindex = subindex - pitchuncertainty;
+ int hiindex = subindex + pitchuncertainty + 1;
+ if (hiindex < 0)
+ break;
+ if (hiindex >= npit)
+ continue;
+ if (loindex < 0)
+ loindex = 0;
+ for (k = loindex; k <= hiindex; k++)
+ weights[k] += loudness * 4. / (4. + j);
+ }
+ sumweight += loudness;
+ }
+#if 0
+ for (i = 0; i < npit; i++)
+ {
+ postfloat(weights[i]);
+ if (!((i+1)%12)) post("");
+ }
+ bestbin = -1;
+ bestweight = -1e20;
+ for (i = 0; i < npit; i++)
+ if (weights[i] > bestweight)
+ bestweight = weights[i], bestbin = i;
+ if (bestweight < sumweight * 0.4)
+ bestbin = -1;
+ if (bestbin < 0)
+ {
+ freq = 0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (i = bestbin+1; i < npit; i++)
+ {
+ if (weights[i] < bestweight)
+ break;
+ bestbin += 0.5;
+ }
+ freq = 2*fperbin * exp((LOG2/48.)*bestbin);
+ for (sumamp = sumweight = sumfreq = 0, i = 0; i < nsalient; i++)
+ {
+ t_peak *thispeak = bigpeaks[i];
+ float thisloudness = sqrt(thispeak->p_amp);
+ float thisfreq = thispeak->p_freq;
+ float harmonic = thisfreq/freq;
+ float intpart = (int)(0.5 + harmonic);
+ float inharm = freq * (harmonic - intpart);
+ if (harmonic < 1)
+ continue;
+ if (inharm < 0.25*fperbin && inharm > -0.25*fperbin)
+ {
+ float weight = thisloudness * intpart;
+ sumweight += weight;
+ sumfreq += weight*thisfreq/intpart;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sumweight > 0)
+ freq = sumfreq / sumweight;
+ if (!(freq >= 0 || freq <= 0))
+ {
+ post("freq nan cancelled");
+ freq = 0;
+ }
+ *freqp = freq;
+/*************** gather peak lists into sinusoidal tracks *************/
+static void sigmund_peaktrack(int ninpeak, t_peak *inpeakv,
+ int noutpeak, t_peak *outpeakv, int loud)
+ int incnt, outcnt;
+ for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++)
+ outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp = -1;
+ /* first pass. Match each "in" peak with the closest previous
+ "out" peak, but no two to the same one. */
+ for (incnt = 0; incnt < ninpeak; incnt++)
+ {
+ float besterror = 1e20;
+ int bestcnt = -1;
+ inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = -1;
+ for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++)
+ {
+ float thiserror =
+ inpeakv[incnt].p_freq - outpeakv[outcnt].p_freq;
+ if (thiserror < 0)
+ thiserror = -thiserror;
+ if (thiserror < besterror)
+ {
+ besterror = thiserror;
+ bestcnt = outcnt;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outpeakv[bestcnt].p_tmp < 0)
+ {
+ outpeakv[bestcnt] = inpeakv[incnt];
+ inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = 0;
+ outpeakv[bestcnt].p_tmp = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* second pass. Unmatched "in" peaks assigned to free "out"
+ peaks */
+ for (incnt = 0; incnt < ninpeak; incnt++)
+ if (inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp < 0)
+ {
+ for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++)
+ if (outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp < 0)
+ {
+ outpeakv[outcnt] = inpeakv[incnt];
+ inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = 0;
+ outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++)
+ if (outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp == -1)
+ outpeakv[outcnt].p_amp = 0;
+/**************** parse continuous pitch into note starts ***************/
+#define NHISTPOINT 100
+typedef struct _histpoint
+ float h_freq;
+ float h_power;
+} t_histpoint;
+typedef struct _notefinder
+ float n_age;
+ float n_hifreq;
+ float n_lofreq;
+ int n_peaked;
+ t_histpoint n_hist[NHISTPOINT];
+ int n_histphase;
+} t_notefinder;
+static void notefinder_init(t_notefinder *x)
+ int i;
+ x->n_peaked = x->n_age = 0;
+ x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0;
+ x->n_histphase = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NHISTPOINT; i++)
+ x->n_hist[i].h_freq =x->n_hist[i].h_power = 0;
+static void notefinder_doit(t_notefinder *x, float freq, float power,
+ float *note, float vibrato, int stableperiod, float powerthresh,
+ float growththresh, int loud)
+ /* calculate frequency ratio between allowable vibrato extremes
+ (equal to twice the vibrato deviation from center) */
+ float vibmultiple = exp((2*LOG2/12) * vibrato);
+ int oldhistphase, i, k;
+ if (stableperiod > NHISTPOINT - 1)
+ stableperiod = NHISTPOINT - 1;
+ if (++x->n_histphase == NHISTPOINT)
+ x->n_histphase = 0;
+ x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_freq = freq;
+ x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_power = power;
+ x->n_age++;
+ *note = 0;
+ if (loud)
+ {
+ post("stable %d, age %d, vibmultiple %f, powerthresh %f, hifreq %f",
+ stableperiod, (int)x->n_age ,vibmultiple, powerthresh, x->n_hifreq);
+ post("histfreq %f %f %f %f",
+ x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_freq,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-1)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-2)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-3)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq);
+ post("power %f %f %f %f",
+ x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_power,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-1)%NHISTPOINT].h_power,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-2)%NHISTPOINT].h_power,
+ x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-3)%NHISTPOINT].h_power);
+ for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod; i++)
+ {
+ post("pit %5.1f pow %f", ftom(x->n_hist[k].h_freq),
+ x->n_hist[k].h_power);
+ if (--k < 0)
+ k = NHISTPOINT - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* look for shorter notes than "stableperiod" in length.
+ The amplitude must rise and then fall while the pitch holds
+ steady. */
+ if (x->n_hifreq <= 0 && x->n_age > stableperiod)
+ {
+ float maxpow = 0, freqatmaxpow = 0,
+ localhifreq = -1e20, locallofreq = 1e20;
+ int startphase = x->n_histphase - stableperiod + 1;
+ if (startphase < 0)
+ startphase += NHISTPOINT;
+ for (i = 0, k = startphase; i < stableperiod; i++)
+ {
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_power > maxpow)
+ maxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_power,
+ freqatmaxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq > localhifreq)
+ localhifreq = x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq < locallofreq)
+ locallofreq = x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (localhifreq > locallofreq * vibmultiple)
+ break;
+ if (maxpow > power * growththresh &&
+ maxpow > x->n_hist[startphase].h_power * growththresh &&
+ localhifreq < vibmultiple * locallofreq
+ && freqatmaxpow > 0 && maxpow > powerthresh)
+ {
+ x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = *note = freqatmaxpow;
+ x->n_age = 0;
+ x->n_peaked = 0;
+ /* post("got short note"); */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (++k >= NHISTPOINT)
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x->n_hifreq > 0)
+ {
+ /* test if we're within "vibrato" range, and if so update range */
+ if (freq * vibmultiple >= x->n_hifreq &&
+ x->n_lofreq * vibmultiple >= freq)
+ {
+ if (freq > x->n_hifreq)
+ x->n_hifreq = freq;
+ if (freq < x->n_lofreq)
+ x->n_lofreq = freq;
+ }
+ else if (x->n_hifreq > 0 && x->n_age > stableperiod)
+ {
+ /* if we've been out of range at least 1/2 the
+ last "stableperiod" analyses, clear the note */
+ int nbad = 0;
+ for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if (--k < 0)
+ k = NHISTPOINT - 1;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq * vibmultiple <= x->n_hifreq ||
+ x->n_lofreq * vibmultiple <= x->n_hist[k].h_freq)
+ nbad++;
+ }
+ if (2 * nbad >= stableperiod)
+ {
+ x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0;
+ x->n_age = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ oldhistphase = x->n_histphase - stableperiod;
+ if (oldhistphase < 0)
+ oldhistphase += NHISTPOINT;
+ /* look for envelope attacks */
+ if (x->n_hifreq > 0 && x->n_peaked)
+ {
+ if (freq > 0 && power > powerthresh &&
+ power > x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power *
+ exp((LOG10*0.1)*growththresh))
+ {
+ /* clear it and fall through for new stable-note test */
+ x->n_peaked = 0;
+ x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0;
+ x->n_age = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!x->n_peaked)
+ {
+ if (x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power > powerthresh &&
+ x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power > power)
+ x->n_peaked = 1;
+ }
+ /* test for a new note using a stability criterion. */
+ if (freq >= 0 &&
+ (x->n_hifreq <= 0 || freq > x->n_hifreq || freq < x->n_lofreq))
+ {
+ float testfhi, testflo, maxpow = 0;
+ for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase, testfhi = testflo = freq;
+ i < stableperiod-1; i++)
+ {
+ if (--k < 0)
+ k = NHISTPOINT - 1;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq > testfhi)
+ testfhi = x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq < testflo)
+ testflo = x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (x->n_hist[k].h_power > maxpow)
+ maxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_power;
+ }
+ if (testflo > 0 && testfhi <= vibmultiple * testflo
+ && maxpow > powerthresh)
+ {
+ /* report new note */
+ float sumf = 0, sumw = 0, thisf, thisw;
+ for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod; i++)
+ {
+ thisw = x->n_hist[k].h_power;
+ sumw += thisw;
+ sumf += thisw*x->n_hist[k].h_freq;
+ if (--k < 0)
+ k = NHISTPOINT - 1;
+ }
+ x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = *note = (sumw > 0 ? sumf/sumw : 0);
+#if 0
+ /* debugging printout */
+ for (i = 0; i < stableperiod; i++)
+ {
+ int k3 = x->n_histphase - i;
+ if (k3 < 0)
+ startpost("%5.1f ", ftom(x->n_hist[k3].h_freq));
+ }
+ post("");
+ x->n_age = 0;
+ x->n_peaked = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *note = 0;
+ return;
+/*************************** Glue for Pd ************************/
+static t_class *sigmund_class;
+#define NHIST 100
+#define MODE_STREAM 1
+#define MODE_BLOCK 2 /* uninplemented */
+#define MODE_TABLE 3
+#define NPOINTS_DEF 1024
+#define NPOINTS_MIN 128
+#define HOP_DEF 512
+#define NPEAK_DEF 20
+#define VIBRATO_DEF 1
+#define STABLETIME_DEF 50
+#define MINPOWER_DEF 50
+#define GROWTH_DEF 7
+#define OUT_PITCH 0
+#define OUT_ENV 1
+#define OUT_NOTE 2
+#define OUT_PEAKS 3
+#define OUT_TRACKS 4
+#define OUT_SMSPITCH 5
+typedef struct _varout
+ t_outlet *v_outlet;
+ int v_what;
+} t_varout;
+typedef struct _sigmund
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_varout *x_varoutv;
+ int x_nvarout;
+ t_clock *x_clock;
+ float x_f; /* for main signal inlet */
+ float x_sr; /* sample rate */
+ int x_mode; /* MODE_STREAM, etc. */
+ int x_npts; /* number of points in analysis window */
+ int x_npeak; /* number of peaks to find */
+ int x_loud; /* debug level */
+ t_sample *x_inbuf; /* input buffer */
+ int x_infill; /* number of points filled */
+ int x_countdown; /* countdown to start filling buffer */
+ int x_hop; /* samples between analyses */
+ float x_maxfreq; /* highest-frequency peak to report */
+ float x_vibrato; /* vibrato depth in half tones */
+ float x_stabletime; /* period of stability needed for note */
+ float x_growth; /* growth to set off a new note */
+ float x_minpower; /* minimum power, in DB, for a note */
+ float x_param1;
+ float x_param2;
+ float x_param3;
+ t_notefinder x_notefinder;
+ t_peak *x_trackv;
+ int x_ntrack;
+ unsigned int x_dopitch:1;
+ unsigned int x_donote:1;
+ unsigned int x_dotracks:1;
+} t_sigmund;
+static void sigmund_clock(t_sigmund *x);
+static void sigmund_clear(t_sigmund *x);
+static void sigmund_npts(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_hop(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_npeak(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_maxfreq(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_vibrato(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_stabletime(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_growth(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void sigmund_minpower(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f);
+static void *sigmund_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ t_sigmund *x = (t_sigmund *)pd_new(sigmund_class);
+ x->x_param1 = 0;
+ x->x_param2 = 0.6;
+ x->x_param3 = 0;
+ x->x_npts = NPOINTS_DEF;
+ x->x_hop = HOP_DEF;
+ x->x_mode = MODE_STREAM;
+ x->x_npeak = NPEAK_DEF;
+ x->x_vibrato = VIBRATO_DEF;
+ x->x_stabletime = STABLETIME_DEF;
+ x->x_growth = GROWTH_DEF;
+ x->x_minpower = MINPOWER_DEF;
+ x->x_maxfreq = 1000000;
+ x->x_loud = 0;
+ x->x_sr = 1;
+ x->x_nvarout = 0;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)getbytes(0);
+ x->x_trackv = 0;
+ x->x_ntrack = 0;
+ x->x_dopitch = x->x_donote = x->x_dotracks = 0;
+ while (argc > 0)
+ {
+ t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
+ if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-t"))
+ {
+ x->x_mode = MODE_TABLE;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-s"))
+ {
+ x->x_mode = MODE_STREAM;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+#if 0
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-b"))
+ {
+ x->x_mode = MODE_BLOCK;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-npts") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_npts(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-hop") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_hop(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-npeak") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_npeak(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-maxfreq") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_maxfreq(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-vibrato") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_vibrato(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-stabletime") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_stabletime(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-growth") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_growth(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-minpower") && argc > 1)
+ {
+ sigmund_minpower(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv));
+ argc -= 2; argv += 2;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "pitch"))
+ {
+ int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet =
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PITCH;
+ x->x_nvarout = n2;
+ x->x_dopitch = 1;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "env"))
+ {
+ int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet =
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_ENV;
+ x->x_nvarout = n2;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "note")
+ || !strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "notes"))
+ {
+ int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet =
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_NOTE;
+ x->x_nvarout = n2;
+ x->x_dopitch = x->x_donote = 1;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "peaks"))
+ {
+ int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet =
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PEAKS;
+ x->x_nvarout = n2;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "tracks"))
+ {
+ int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1;
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet =
+ outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
+ x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_TRACKS;
+ x->x_nvarout = n2;
+ x->x_dotracks = 1;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pd_error(x, "sigmund: %s: unknown flag or argument missing",
+ firstarg->s_name);
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!x->x_nvarout)
+ {
+ x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv,
+ 0, 2*sizeof(t_varout));
+ x->x_varoutv[0].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+ x->x_varoutv[0].v_what = OUT_PITCH;
+ x->x_varoutv[1].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
+ x->x_varoutv[1].v_what = OUT_ENV;
+ x->x_nvarout = 2;
+ x->x_dopitch = 1;
+ }
+ if (x->x_dotracks)
+ {
+ x->x_ntrack = x->x_npeak;
+ x->x_trackv = (t_peak *)getbytes(x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv));
+ }
+ x->x_clock = clock_new(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, (t_method)sigmund_clock);
+ /* check parameter ranges */
+ if (x->x_npts < NPOINTS_MIN)
+ post("sigmund~: minimum points %d", NPOINTS_MIN),
+ x->x_npts = NPOINTS_MIN;
+ if (x->x_npts != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_npts)))
+ post("sigmund~: adjusting analysis size to %d points",
+ (x->x_npts = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_npts))));
+ if (x->x_hop != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop)))
+ post("sigmund~: adjusting hop size to %d points",
+ (x->x_hop = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop))));
+ if (x->x_mode == MODE_STREAM)
+ x->x_inbuf = getbytes(sizeof(*x->x_inbuf) * x->x_npts);
+ else x->x_inbuf = 0;
+ x->x_infill = 0;
+ x->x_countdown = 0;
+ notefinder_init(&x->x_notefinder);
+ sigmund_clear(x);
+ return (x);
+static void sigmund_doit(t_sigmund *x, int npts, float *arraypoints,
+ int loud, float srate)
+ t_peak *peakv = (t_peak *)alloca(sizeof(t_peak) * x->x_npeak);
+ int nfound, i, cnt;
+ float freq = 0, power, note = 0;
+ sigmund_getrawpeaks(npts, arraypoints, x->x_npeak, peakv,
+ &nfound, &power, srate, loud, x->x_param1, x->x_param2, x->x_param3,
+ x->x_maxfreq);
+ if (x->x_dopitch)
+ sigmund_getpitch(nfound, peakv, &freq, npts, srate, loud);
+ if (x->x_donote)
+ notefinder_doit(&x->x_notefinder, freq, power, &note, x->x_vibrato,
+ x->x_stabletime * 0.001f * x->x_sr / (float)x->x_hop,
+ exp(LOG10*0.1*(x->x_minpower - 100)), x->x_growth, loud);
+ if (x->x_dotracks)
+ sigmund_peaktrack(nfound, peakv, x->x_ntrack, x->x_trackv, loud);
+ for (cnt = x->x_nvarout; cnt--;)
+ {
+ t_varout *v = &x->x_varoutv[cnt];
+ switch (v->v_what)
+ {
+ case OUT_PITCH:
+ outlet_float(v->v_outlet, ftom(freq));
+ break;
+ case OUT_ENV:
+ outlet_float(v->v_outlet, powtodb(power));
+ break;
+ case OUT_NOTE:
+ if (note > 0)
+ outlet_float(v->v_outlet, ftom(note));
+ break;
+ case OUT_PEAKS:
+ for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++)
+ {
+ t_atom at[5];
+ SETFLOAT(at, (float)i);
+ SETFLOAT(at+1, peakv[i].p_freq);
+ SETFLOAT(at+2, 2*peakv[i].p_amp);
+ SETFLOAT(at+3, 2*peakv[i].p_ampreal);
+ SETFLOAT(at+4, 2*peakv[i].p_ampimag);
+ outlet_list(v->v_outlet, &s_list, 5, at);
+ }
+ break;
+ case OUT_TRACKS:
+ for (i = 0; i < x->x_ntrack; i++)
+ {
+ t_atom at[4];
+ SETFLOAT(at, (float)i);
+ SETFLOAT(at+1, x->x_trackv[i].p_freq);
+ SETFLOAT(at+2, 2*x->x_trackv[i].p_amp);
+ SETFLOAT(at+3, x->x_trackv[i].p_tmp);
+ outlet_list(v->v_outlet, &s_list, 4, at);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void sigmund_list(t_sigmund *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+ t_symbol *syminput = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
+ int npts = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv);
+ int onset = atom_getintarg(2, argc, argv);
+ float srate = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
+ int loud = atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv);
+ int arraysize, totstorage, nfound, i;
+ t_garray *a;
+ float *arraypoints, pit;
+ if (argc < 5)
+ {
+ post(
+ "sigmund: array-name, npts, array-onset, samplerate, loud");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (npts < 64 || npts != (1 << ilog2(npts)))
+ {
+ error("sigmund: bad npoints");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (onset < 0)
+ {
+ error("sigmund: negative onset");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(syminput, garray_class)) ||
+ !garray_getfloatarray(a, &arraysize, &arraypoints) ||
+ arraysize < onset + npts)
+ {
+ error("%s: array missing or too small", syminput->s_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arraysize < npts)
+ {
+ error("sigmund~: too few points in array");
+ return;
+ }
+ sigmund_doit(x, npts, arraypoints+onset, loud, srate);
+static void sigmund_clear(t_sigmund *x)
+ if (x->x_trackv)
+ memset(x->x_trackv, 0, x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv));
+ x->x_infill = x->x_countdown = 0;
+ /* these are for testing; their meanings vary... */
+static void sigmund_param1(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_param1 = f;
+static void sigmund_param2(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_param2 = f;
+static void sigmund_param3(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_param3 = f;
+static void sigmund_npts(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_npts = f;
+ /* check parameter ranges */
+ if (x->x_npts < NPOINTS_MIN)
+ post("sigmund~: minimum points %d", NPOINTS_MIN),
+ x->x_npts = NPOINTS_MIN;
+ if (x->x_npts != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_npts)))
+ post("sigmund~: adjusting analysis size to %d points",
+ (x->x_npts = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_npts))));
+static void sigmund_hop(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_hop = f;
+ /* check parameter ranges */
+ if (x->x_hop != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop)))
+ post("sigmund~: adjusting analysis size to %d points",
+ (x->x_hop = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop))));
+static void sigmund_npeak(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if (f < 1)
+ f = 1;
+ x->x_npeak = f;
+static void sigmund_maxfreq(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ x->x_maxfreq = f;
+static void sigmund_vibrato(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if (f < 0)
+ f = 0;
+ x->x_vibrato = f;
+static void sigmund_stabletime(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if (f < 0)
+ f = 0;
+ x->x_stabletime = f;
+static void sigmund_growth(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if (f < 0)
+ f = 0;
+ x->x_growth = f;
+static void sigmund_minpower(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f)
+ if (f < 0)
+ f = 0;
+ x->x_minpower = f;
+static void sigmund_print(t_sigmund *x)
+ post("sigmund~ settings:");
+ post("npts %d", (int)x->x_npts);
+ post("hop %d", (int)x->x_hop);
+ post("npeak %d", (int)x->x_npeak);
+ post("maxfreq %g", x->x_maxfreq);
+ post("vibrato %g", x->x_vibrato);
+ post("stabletime %g", x->x_stabletime);
+ post("growth %g", x->x_growth);
+ post("minpower %g", x->x_minpower);
+static void sigmund_printnext(t_sigmund *x, t_float f)
+ x->x_loud = f;
+static void sigmund_clock(t_sigmund *x)
+ if (x->x_infill == x->x_npts)
+ {
+ sigmund_doit(x, x->x_npts, x->x_inbuf, x->x_loud, x->x_sr);
+ if (x->x_hop >= x->x_npts)
+ {
+ x->x_infill = 0;
+ x->x_countdown = x->x_hop - x->x_npts;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memmove(x->x_inbuf, x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop,
+ (x->x_infill = x->x_npts - x->x_hop) * sizeof(*x->x_inbuf));
+ x->x_countdown = 0;
+ }
+ x->x_loud = 0;
+ }
+static t_int *sigmund_perform(t_int *w)
+ t_sigmund *x = (t_sigmund *)(w[1]);
+ float *in = (float *)(w[2]);
+ int n = (int)(w[3]);
+ if (x->x_countdown > 0)
+ x->x_countdown -= n;
+ else if (x->x_infill != x->x_npts)
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ float *fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_infill;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+ *fp++ = *in++;
+ x->x_infill += n;
+ if (x->x_infill == x->x_npts)
+ clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0);
+ }
+ return (w+4);
+static void sigmund_dsp(t_sigmund *x, t_signal **sp)
+ if (x->x_mode == MODE_STREAM)
+ {
+ if (x->x_hop % sp[0]->s_n)
+ post("sigmund: adjusting hop size to %d",
+ (x->x_hop = sp[0]->s_n * (x->x_hop / sp[0]->s_n)));
+ x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr;
+ dsp_add(sigmund_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
+ }
+static void sigmund_free(t_sigmund *x)
+ if (x->x_inbuf)
+ freebytes(x->x_inbuf, x->x_npts * sizeof(*x->x_inbuf));
+ if (x->x_trackv)
+ freebytes(x->x_trackv, x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv));
+ clock_free(x->x_clock);
+void sigmund_tilde_setup(void)
+ sigmund_class = class_new(gensym("sigmund~"), (t_newmethod)sigmund_new,
+ (t_method)sigmund_free, sizeof(t_sigmund), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
+ class_addlist(sigmund_class, sigmund_list);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
+ CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(sigmund_class, t_sigmund, x_f);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param1,
+ gensym("param1"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param2,
+ gensym("param2"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param3,
+ gensym("param3"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_npts,
+ gensym("npts"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_hop,
+ gensym("hop"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_maxfreq,
+ gensym("maxfreq"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_npeak,
+ gensym("npeak"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_vibrato,
+ gensym("vibrato"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_stabletime,
+ gensym("stabletime"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_growth,
+ gensym("growth"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_minpower,
+ gensym("minpower"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_print,
+ gensym("print"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_printnext,
+ gensym("printnext"), A_FLOAT, 0);
+ post("sigmund version 0.02");