path: root/xgui/README.txt
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+This is the README file for Xgui_0.10, an experimental GUI (Graphical User Interface) server for pure data.
+The goal of Xgui is not to replace the existing GUI, but to add some graphicals functionality to pd.
+Xgui is designed to run on all platforms supported by pure data.
+It is working very well on linux, well on win2000 and not so well on win98 (something make it slow).
+All this documentation is write in a poor english.
+1) Here a try to explain what Xgui is :
+ Xgui is a graphical server that wait for some orders from a socket.
+ I cames with somes pd objects that allow to make the connection with the server.
+ For example the "canvas" object allow to create a new windows.
+ To allow users of pure-data to disgn their own gui objects.
+ The gui-object will be entirely describe in pd patchs.
+ One graphical object <=> One object in a pd patch.
+ HOW :
+ By provided some atom objects can that can :
+ * creates somes windows
+ * put some basics graphicals objects in it.
+ * receive events in relations with the graphicals objects.
+2) Quick start
+ 1. Run pdx
+ This will load the Xgui server
+ Then it will load pure-data
+ Then it open the patch pdx_connect.pd
+ Then it connect pd with the Xgui server via a loadbang.
+ 2. load one of the patch in the doc/Xgui directory
+ 3. Then play with the patchs
+ and enjoy the result in the Xgui window.
+2) Some more technical info :
+ On a technical point view all of this is very simple.
+ Xgui is divided into 2 part :
+ * The Xgui server (Xgui.sh) is a tcl/tk script that exchange data with pd via socket
+ * Some pd abstractions that are uses to establish the conection between pd and the Xgui server.(pdx_connect.pd)
+ * some pd abstractions that represent a graphical object :
+ - the "Canvas.pd" abstraction that is the object to open a Xgui windows.
+ - The "seg.pd" abstraction that is the basic object to draw a line in the canvas.
+3) Why Xgui is diferent from the iem/grip way ?
+ Because in iem or grip, the basic elements for buildings a GUI are on a very hight level :
+ Sliders, and so much more.
+ Xgui didn't provide this king of high level features but allow the pd user to disgn their own ones.
+4) Why Xgui is close to the data features of pure-data, and why it's different.
+ The goals of the experimental data features of pure-data is certainly the same as Xgui :
+ Provide a tools to compositor to create their own representation for their own musical language. And more.
+ Pure data will be THE PERFECT TOOL for writting music and not only to generate RT sound. And more.
+ The data approch is based on the Concept of template : The user will disgn the template of an object.
+ The HUGE good point is that the user got the ablility to dynamicly cut and paste any objects.
+ pure-data will automaticaly manage the duplication of the data.
+ The bad point is that today the code that will manage the object is not inside the template.
+ This mean that the way to write patch that use the data feature is not very easy.
+Miller, please corect me if i'm wrong.
+ The Xgui approch is base on his paradigm : One pd object <=> one graphical object.
+ This imply that the pd object will provide properties, methods and events of the graphical side.
+ And this make very easy to make complex GUI with very few simples objects.
+ But it's not possible to duplicate a graphical object without duplicate the pd object...
+ As you can see thoses two way of thinking are very complementary, and i hope to find a solution
+ to have the best of both world
+5) Releases :
+ seg_0.01 : 17 of febuary 2002 : First release: basic idea.
+ seg_0.02 : 20 of febuary 2002 : Structured basic idea.
+ No functionality have been added, but the project is reorganised into folders.
+ Some installations script are provided.
+ seg_0.03 : 20 of march 2002 : multi windows
+ Now seg offer the abollity to open as many windows as needed, to resize them, and draw into the rigth one.
+ There is no compatibility between version 0.03 & 0.02 But it's easy to change the patchs
+ seg_0.04 : 26 of march 2002 : bug correction & better doc
+ seg_0.05 : 08 of april 2002 : add some basics physics modeling tools & examples
+ Xgui_0.06 : 28 of april 2002 : add 3 objects (arc,rect,text) + doc + examples + event Rigth click
+ Rename the project cause it doesn't deals with only the seg object now.
+ Xgui_0.07 : 30 of April 2002 : Add the canvas color methods and corect some smalls bug
+ Xgui_0.08 : 6 of june 2002 : Add the ability to syncronise many xgui windows with some peer2peer facility.
+ Xgui_0.09 : 23 of july 2002 : Add the ability to save some preset.
+ Xgui_0.10 : 10 of novembre 2002 : add the ability to share some windows with other computer on the web.
+6) Todo list :
+ * Add some objects :pictures, menu, etc...
+ * Add some methodes : nearest object, nearest point onto the object,etc...
+ * add some behaviors : colision, stick, etc...
+ * add some event : keyboard, dblclick, etc..
+ * integrate Xgui closer into pd.(concatenate the pd.tk and Xgui.sh for ex. Thats working !!!!)
+ * why not rewrite it in java ?
+ * Or write a policy to put the Xgui code into html using the tcl/tk plugins ?
+ * a real doc.
+ * Etc...
+ * & even more.
+7) Future :
+ xgui will be more and more internet oriented in a sharing/colaborative/real-time/ point of view.
+ But I still whant it be able to :
+ * disgn very complex object like sequencer or mixing table.
+ * disgn experimental object for driving experimental synthesis methods
+ * be used for creating realtime graphics linked with music.
+ * be used for writing experimental music
+ * be open to be used for something I've not think about.
+8) Contact : http://dh7.free.fr
+ Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need some help or some info about Xgui.
+ Don't hesitate to reports bugs too...
+ Any feedback welcome.
+ Damien HENRY : dh7@free.fr ; dh@dh7.net
+8) Thanks :
+* Miller Puckette
+* Olaff Matthes for giving me the code of his remote object.
+* Everybody involved in pure-data.
+* & + ...
+ Except as otherwise noted, all files in the Xgui distribution are
+ Copyright (c) 2002 damien Henry and others.
+For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," included in the Xgui distribution.