path: root/externals/grill/flext/buildsys/lnx/gnumake-gcc.inc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-07-21no stripping of local symbolsThomas Grill
2005-06-05small changes to flext build systemThomas Grill
2005-04-13more correct library versioningThomas Grill
2005-04-10fixed library versioningThomas Grill
2005-03-04fixed shared library versioningThomas Grill
2005-01-13various fixes to build systemThomas Grill
2005-01-10better templates, some minor changesThomas Grill
2005-01-07updated for OSXThomas Grill
2005-01-05made default configurations genericThomas Grill
2005-01-03updated make systemThomas Grill