path: root/test/param.h
diff options
authorThomas O Fredericks <mrtof@users.sourceforge.net>2009-09-16 19:26:52 +0000
committerThomas O Fredericks <mrtof@users.sourceforge.net>2009-09-16 19:26:52 +0000
commit2c289d13a01091afdcfacae1e3d43b5056aab15b (patch)
treeffbc903f41a0a45f380098db8572a6341b6546ec /test/param.h
parentc50080a604e71fba7c86553fecdf03cfd56e7017 (diff)
Added a test folder
svn path=/trunk/externals/tof/; revision=12375
Diffstat (limited to 'test/param.h')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/param.h b/test/param.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4230f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/param.h
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+struct param {
+ t_symbol* selector; //Type of data stored
+ int ac; //Number of values stored
+ int alloc; //Memory allocated
+ t_atom* av; //Values stored
+ t_symbol* path; //Path(name) of the param
+ t_symbol* path_g;
+ //t_symbol* basepath;
+ struct param* next; //Next param
+ struct param* previous; //Previous param
+ int users; //Number of param objects using this param
+ t_symbol* id; //An id set only if it is saveable
+ int ac_g;
+ t_atom* av_g;
+struct param* paramlist;
+typedef struct param_build_info {
+ int ac;
+ t_atom* av;
+ t_symbol* path;
+ t_symbol* id;
+ t_symbol* path_g;
+ int ac_g;
+ t_atom* av_g;
+ t_symbol* basepath;
+ t_symbol* basename;
+static void set_param_anything( struct param* p, t_symbol* s, int ac, t_atom *av) {
+ if ( s == &s_bang ) {
+ p->ac = 0;
+ p->selector = s;
+ } else {
+ if(ac > p->alloc) {
+ p->av = resizebytes(p->av, p->alloc*sizeof(*(p->av)),
+ (10 + ac)*sizeof(*(p->av)));
+ p->alloc = 10 + ac;
+ }
+ p->ac = ac;
+ p->selector = s;
+ tof_copy_atoms(av, p->av, ac);
+ }
+static void set_param( struct param* p, int ac, t_atom *av) {
+ t_symbol* s;
+ tof_set_selector(&s,&ac, &av );
+ set_param_anything(p,s,ac,av);
+static struct param* get_param_list(void) {
+ if (paramlist == NULL) {
+ //post("No params found");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return paramlist;
+static void print_all_params(void) {
+ struct param* p = paramlist;
+ post("--paramlist--");
+ while(p) {
+ if ( p->path) post("Path: %s",p->path->s_name);
+ if (p->id) post("Id: %s",p->id->s_name);
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+//static struct param* register_param( t_symbol* path, int ac, t_atom* av, t_symbol* id
+static struct param* register_param( t_param_build_info* build) {
+ //post("registering %s", path->s_name);
+ t_symbol* path = build->path;
+ t_symbol* path_g = build->path_g;
+ int ac = build->ac;
+ t_atom* av = build->av;
+ t_symbol* id = build->id;
+ int ac_g = build->ac_g;
+ t_atom* av_g = build->av_g;
+ //if ( path) post("path:%s",path->s_name);
+ //if ( id) post("id:%s",id->s_name);
+ struct param* last = paramlist;
+ // Search for param with same path
+ while( last ) {
+ if ( last->path == path) {
+ //post("Found param with same name");
+ last->users = last->users + 1;
+ return last;
+ }
+ if ( last->next == NULL ) break;
+ last = last->next;
+ }
+ // Create and add param to the end
+ struct param* p = getbytes(sizeof(*p));
+ p->alloc = 0;
+ p->path = path;
+ p->path_g = path_g;
+ p->next = NULL;
+ p->users = 1;
+ p->id = id;
+ set_param( p, ac, av);
+ p->ac_g = ac_g;
+ p->av_g = getbytes(ac_g*sizeof(*(p->av_g)));
+ tof_copy_atoms(av_g,p->av_g,ac_g);
+ if (last) {
+ //post("Appending param");
+ p->previous = last;
+ last->next = p;
+ } else {
+ //post("Creating first param");
+ p->previous = NULL;
+ paramlist = p;
+ }
+ //print_all_params();
+ return p;
+static void unregister_param( struct param* p) {
+ //post("unregistering %s", p->path->s_name);
+ if ( paramlist) {
+ p->users = p->users - 1;
+ if ( p->users == 0 ) {
+ // Remove param
+ //post("Removing last param of this name");
+ if (p->previous) {
+ p->previous->next = p->next;
+ if (p->next) p->next->previous = p->previous;
+ /*
+ if (p->next == NULL) {
+ p->previous->next = NULL;
+ } else {
+ p->previous->next = p->next;
+ }
+ */
+ } else {
+ paramlist = p->next;
+ if ( p->next != NULL) p->next->previous = NULL;
+ }
+ freebytes(p->av, p->alloc * sizeof *(p->av) );
+ freebytes(p->av_g, p->ac_g * sizeof *(p->av_g) );
+ freebytes(p, sizeof *p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ post("Euh... no params found!");
+ }
+ //print_all_params();
+static void param_find_value(t_symbol *name, int ac, t_atom *av, int *ac_r,t_atom** av_r) {
+ int i;
+ int j = 0;
+ for (i=0;i<ac;i++) {
+ //if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av,i)) post("analyzing %s",atom_getsymbol(av+i)->s_name);
+ if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av,i) && name == atom_getsymbol(av+i) && (i+1)<ac ) {
+ //post("matches");
+ i=i+1;
+ for (j=i;j<ac;j++) {
+ if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av,j) && (atom_getsymbol(av+j))->s_name[0] == '/' ) {
+ //j = j-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ j = j-i;
+ //post("i:%d j:%d",i,j);
+ if ( j > 0) {
+ *ac_r = j;
+ *av_r = av+i;
+ //x->x_param = register_param( x->x_path , j, av+i,saveable);
+ } else {
+ *ac_r = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void get_param_build_info(t_canvas* canvas, int o_ac, t_atom* o_av, struct param_build_info* pbi, int flag) {
+ pbi->path = NULL;
+ pbi->path_g = NULL;
+ pbi->av = NULL;
+ int saveable = 1;
+ pbi->ac = 0;
+ pbi->id = NULL;
+ pbi->ac_g = 0;
+ pbi->av_g = NULL;
+ pbi->basepath = NULL;
+ pbi->basename = NULL;
+ int ac;
+ t_atom* av;
+ tof_get_canvas_arguments(canvas,&ac, &av);
+ char *separator = "/";
+ char sbuf_name[MAXPDSTRING];
+ char sbuf_temp[MAXPDSTRING];
+ sbuf_name[0] = '\0';
+ sbuf_temp[0] = '\0';
+ t_symbol* id = gensym("/id");
+ t_canvas* id_canvas = canvas;
+ t_canvas* i_canvas = canvas;
+ int i;
+ int i_ac;
+ t_atom * i_av;
+ // A simple flag to indicate if an ID was found
+ int found_id_flag;
+ t_symbol* id_s = NULL;
+ // A HACK to find out if we are in a subpatch or an abstraction
+ // A subpatch always has the same $0 as it's parent
+ //t_symbol* p_id_s = canvas_realizedollar(i_canvas, gensym("$0"));
+ //t_symbol* p_id_s = gensym("");
+ while( i_canvas->gl_owner) {
+ // Ignore all supatches
+ if ( tof_canvas_is_not_subpatch(i_canvas) ) {
+ tof_get_canvas_arguments(i_canvas,&i_ac, &i_av);
+ id_s= canvas_realizedollar(i_canvas, gensym("$0"));
+ //if (id_s != p_id_s) {
+ // p_id_s = id_s;
+ int start = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ found_id_flag = 0;
+ while( tof_get_tagged_argument('/',i_ac,i_av,&start,&count) ) {
+ if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(i_av,start)
+ && (id == (i_av+start)->a_w.w_symbol)
+ && (count > 1) ) {
+ id_s = atom_getsymbol(i_av+start+1);
+ id_canvas = i_canvas;
+ found_id_flag = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ start= start + count;
+ }
+ // if ever an /id is missing, this param is not saveable
+ if (found_id_flag == 0) saveable = 0;
+ //if (id_s != p_id_s) {
+ // Prepend newly found ID
+ strcpy(sbuf_temp,sbuf_name);
+ strcpy(sbuf_name, "/");
+ strcat(sbuf_name, id_s->s_name);
+ strcat(sbuf_name,sbuf_temp);
+ //}
+ // p_id_s = id_s;
+ //}
+ }
+ i_canvas = i_canvas->gl_owner;
+ }
+ if ( saveable ) {
+ if ( id_s) {
+ int id_buf_length = strlen(id_s->s_name)+2;
+ char * id_buf = getbytes(id_buf_length * sizeof (*id_buf));
+ strcpy(id_buf, "/");
+ strcat(id_buf,id_s->s_name);
+ pbi->id = gensym(id_buf);
+ freebytes(id_buf,id_buf_length * sizeof (*id_buf));
+ } else {
+ pbi->id = gensym("/");
+ }
+ }
+ pbi->basepath = gensym(sbuf_name);
+ if (flag) {
+ t_symbol* midpath = NULL;
+ //t_symbol* basename = NULL;
+ if (o_ac && IS_A_SYMBOL(o_av, 0)) {
+ char *firstChar = (atom_getsymbol(o_av))->s_name;
+ if (*firstChar == (char)'/') {
+ strcat(sbuf_name, atom_getsymbol(o_av)->s_name);
+ pbi->path = gensym(sbuf_name);
+ strcat(sbuf_temp, atom_getsymbol(o_av)->s_name);
+ midpath = gensym(sbuf_temp);
+ strcat(sbuf_name, "_");
+ pbi->path_g = gensym(sbuf_name);
+ pbi->basename = atom_getsymbol(o_av);
+ }
+ }
+ // if ( x->x_param )
+ if ( pbi->path) {
+ // A. Find in SUB canvas arguments
+ // B. In canvas' arguments
+ // C. In object's arguments
+ // D. Defaults to a bang
+ int p_ac =0;
+ t_atom* p_av;
+ // A. If name, try to find value in ID canvas' arguments
+ if ( midpath) {
+ // GET ID CANVAS ARGUMENTS (may be the same as the local canvas)
+ //int i_ac;
+ //t_atom * i_av;
+ tof_get_canvas_arguments(id_canvas,&i_ac , &i_av);
+ param_find_value(midpath, i_ac, i_av,&(pbi->ac),&(pbi->av));
+ }
+ // B. If basename, try to find value in LOCAL canvas' arguments
+ if ( pbi->basename && pbi->ac == 0 ) {
+ param_find_value(pbi->basename, ac, av,&(pbi->ac),&(pbi->av));
+ }
+ // C. If no value found in canvas' arguments, check the object's arguments
+ if ( pbi->ac == 0 && o_ac > 1) {
+ int start = 1;
+ int count = 0;
+ tof_get_tagged_argument('/',o_ac,o_av,&start,&count);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ pbi->ac = count;
+ pbi->av = o_av + start;
+ }
+ }
+ param_find_value(gensym("/gui"), o_ac, o_av,&(pbi->ac_g),&(pbi->av_g));
+ //post("GUI COUNT:%d",pbi->ac_g);
+ }
+static void param_send_prepend(struct param *p, t_symbol* s,t_symbol* prepend) {
+ if (p) {
+ if((p->selector == &s_bang)) {
+ // if (s->s_thing)
+ // pd_bang(s->s_thing);
+ } else {
+ if (s->s_thing) {
+ if ( p->selector == &s_list || p->selector == &s_float || p->selector == &s_symbol ) {
+ typedmess(s->s_thing, prepend, p->ac, p->av);
+ } else {
+ int ac = p->ac + 1;
+ t_atom *av = getbytes(ac*sizeof(*av));
+ tof_copy_atoms(p->av,av+1,p->ac);
+ SETSYMBOL(av, p->selector);
+ typedmess(s->s_thing, prepend, ac, av);
+ freebytes(av, ac*sizeof(*av));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void param_output(struct param *p, t_outlet* outlet) {
+ if (p) {
+ if((p->selector == &s_bang) ) {
+ outlet_bang(outlet);
+ } else {
+ outlet_anything(outlet, p->selector, p->ac, p->av);
+ }
+ }
+static void param_output_prepend(struct param* p, t_outlet* outlet, t_symbol* s) {
+ if (p->selector == &s_list || p->selector == &s_float || p->selector == &s_symbol) {
+ //t_atom *av = (t_atom *)getbytes(p->ac*sizeof(t_atom));
+ //tof_copy_atoms(p->av,av,p->ac);
+ outlet_anything(outlet,s,p->ac,p->av);
+ //freebytes(av, p->ac*sizeof(t_atom));
+ } else if (p->selector != &s_bang) {
+ int ac = p->ac + 1;
+ t_atom *av = (t_atom *)getbytes(ac*sizeof(t_atom));
+ tof_copy_atoms(p->av,av+1,p->ac);
+ SETSYMBOL(av, p->selector);
+ outlet_anything(outlet,s,ac,av);
+ freebytes(av, ac*sizeof(t_atom));
+ }
+static int param_write(t_canvas* canvas, t_symbol* filename, t_symbol* id) {
+ int w_error;
+ //t_symbol* filename = param_makefilename(basename, n);
+ t_binbuf *bbuf = binbuf_new();
+ struct param *p = get_param_list();
+ while(p) {
+ if ( p->id && ( id == NULL || p->id == id) && (p->selector != &s_bang)) {
+ int ac = p->ac + 2;
+ t_atom *av = getbytes(ac*sizeof(*av));
+ tof_copy_atoms(p->av,av+2,p->ac);
+ SETSYMBOL(av, p->path);
+ SETSYMBOL(av+1, p->selector);
+ binbuf_add(bbuf, ac, av);
+ binbuf_addsemi(bbuf);
+ freebytes(av, ac*sizeof(*av));
+ }
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ char buf[MAXPDSTRING];
+ canvas_makefilename(canvas, filename->s_name,
+ w_error = (binbuf_write(bbuf, buf, "", 0));
+ //pd_error("%s: write failed", filename->s_name);
+ binbuf_free(bbuf);
+ return w_error;
+static int param_read(t_canvas* canvas, t_symbol* filename)
+ int r_error;
+ //t_symbol* filename = param_makefilename(basename, n);
+ t_binbuf *bbuf = binbuf_new();
+ r_error= (binbuf_read_via_canvas(bbuf, filename->s_name, canvas, 0));
+ //pd_error(x, "%s: read failed", filename->s_name);
+ int bb_ac = binbuf_getnatom(bbuf);
+ int ac = 0;
+ t_atom *bb_av = binbuf_getvec(bbuf);
+ t_atom *av = bb_av;
+ while (bb_ac--) {
+ if (bb_av->a_type == A_SEMI) {
+ if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av,0) && ac > 1) {
+ t_symbol* s = atom_getsymbol(av);
+ if ( s->s_thing) pd_forwardmess(s->s_thing, ac-1, av+1);
+ }
+ ac = 0;
+ av = bb_av + 1;
+ } else {
+ ac = ac + 1;
+ }
+ bb_av++;
+ }
+ binbuf_free(bbuf);
+ return r_error;