path: root/test/param.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/param.h')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/param.h b/test/param.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e73e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/param.h
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+//#define PARAMDEBUG
+typedef void (*t_paramGetMethod)(void*,t_symbol**,int*,t_atom**);
+typedef void (*t_paramSaveMethod)(void*,t_binbuf*);
+typedef void (*t_paramGUIMethod)(void*,int*,t_atom**);
+char param_buf_temp_a[MAXPDSTRING];
+char param_buf_temp_b[MAXPDSTRING];
+char* param_separator = "/";
+//char PARAMECHO = 0;
+//struct _paramroot;
+typedef struct _param {
+ t_symbol* root;
+ t_symbol* path; //Path(name) of the param
+ void* x;
+ struct _param* next; //Next param
+ struct _param* previous; //Previous param
+ t_paramGetMethod get; //Function to get current value
+ t_paramSaveMethod save; //Function to save
+ t_paramGUIMethod GUI;
+ //t_symbol* send;
+ //t_symbol* receive;
+} t_param;
+typedef struct _paramroot {
+ t_symbol* root;
+ t_param* params; //param list
+ struct _paramroot* next; //Next paramroot
+ struct _paramroot* previous; //Previous paramroot
+} t_paramroot;
+t_paramroot* PARAMROOTS;
+static t_paramroot* param_get_root(t_symbol* root) {
+ post("Could not get...not even one root created");
+ #endif
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Pointer to the start of paramroots
+ t_paramroot* branch = PARAMROOTS;
+ while( branch ) {
+ if ( branch->root == root) {
+ post("Found root:%s",root->s_name);
+ #endif
+ return branch;
+ }
+ branch = branch->next;
+ }
+ post("Could not find root");
+ #endif
+ return branch;
+static t_paramroot* param_root_attach(t_symbol* root){
+ // Pointer to the start of paramroots
+ t_paramroot* branch = PARAMROOTS;
+ while( branch ) {
+ if ( branch->root == root) {
+ post("Found root:%s",root->s_name);
+ #endif
+ return branch;
+ }
+ if ( branch->next == NULL ) break;
+ branch = branch->next;
+ }
+ // we did not find a paramroot linked to this root canvas
+ // so we create it
+ post("Creating root:%s",root->s_name);
+ #endif
+ // Create and add paramroot to the end
+ t_paramroot* newbranch = getbytes(sizeof(*newbranch));
+ newbranch->root = root;
+ newbranch->next = NULL;
+ newbranch->params = NULL;
+ if (branch) {
+ post("Appending it to previous roots");
+ #endif
+ newbranch->previous = branch;
+ branch->next = newbranch;
+ } else {
+ post("Creating first root");
+ #endif
+ newbranch->previous = NULL;
+ PARAMROOTS = newbranch;
+ }
+ return newbranch;
+static t_param* get_param_list(t_symbol* root) {
+ t_paramroot* branch = param_get_root(root);
+ if (branch) {
+ post("Getting params from %s",branch->root->s_name);
+ if (!branch->params) post("Root contains no params");
+ #endif
+ return branch->params;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static t_symbol* param_get_name ( int ac, t_atom* av ) {
+ if (ac && IS_A_SYMBOL(av, 0)) {
+ char* name = atom_getsymbol(av)->s_name;
+ if (*name == *param_separator ) {
+ int length = strlen(name);
+ if (name[length-1] != '_') return atom_getsymbol(av);
+ }
+ }
+ post("param names must start with a \"/\" and can not end with a \"_\"!");
+ return NULL;
+static t_symbol* param_get_path( t_canvas* i_canvas, t_symbol* name) {
+ char* sbuf_name = param_buf_temp_a;
+ char* sbuf_temp = param_buf_temp_b;
+ sbuf_name[0] = '\0';
+ sbuf_temp[0] = '\0';
+ //char* separator = "/";
+ t_symbol* id_s = gensym("/id"); // symbol that points to "/id" symbol
+ // arguments of the current canvas being analyzed
+ int i_ac;
+ t_atom * i_av;
+ // temp pointer to the current id being added to the path
+ t_symbol* id_temp;
+ while( i_canvas->gl_owner) {
+ // Ignore all supatches
+ if ( tof_canvas_is_not_subpatch(i_canvas) ) {
+ tof_get_canvas_arguments(i_canvas,&i_ac, &i_av);
+ id_temp=NULL;
+ //id_temp= canvas_realizedollar(i_canvas, gensym("$0"));
+ int ac_a = 0;
+ t_atom* av_a = NULL;
+ int iter = 0;
+ //found_id_flag = 0;
+ while( tof_next_tagged_argument(*param_separator,i_ac,i_av,&ac_a,&av_a,&iter) ) {
+ if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av_a,0)
+ && (id_s == av_a->a_w.w_symbol)
+ && (ac_a > 1) ) {
+ id_temp = atom_getsymbol(av_a+1);
+ //id_canvas = i_canvas;
+ //found_id_flag = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (id_temp == NULL) {
+ id_temp = tof_remove_extension(tof_get_canvas_name(i_canvas));
+ }
+ // if ever an /id is missing, this param is not saveable
+ //if (found_id_flag == 0) saveable = 0;
+ // Prepend newly found ID
+ strcpy(sbuf_temp,sbuf_name);
+ strcpy(sbuf_name, param_separator);
+ strcat(sbuf_name, id_temp->s_name);
+ strcat(sbuf_name,sbuf_temp);
+ }
+ i_canvas = i_canvas->gl_owner;
+ }
+ //strcat(sbuf_name,separator);
+ if ( name != NULL) {
+ strcat(sbuf_name,name->s_name);
+ } else {
+ strcat(sbuf_name, param_separator);
+ }
+ return gensym(sbuf_name);
+// root, path, ac, av, ac_g, av_g
+// From there, deduct id, path_, etc...
+//static struct param* register_param( t_canvas* canvas, int o_ac, t_atom* o_av) {
+static t_param* param_register(void* x,t_symbol* root, t_symbol* path,\
+ t_paramGetMethod get, t_paramSaveMethod save, t_paramGUIMethod GUI) {
+ //char *separator = "/";
+ t_paramroot* branch = param_root_attach(root);
+ t_param* last = branch->params;
+ // Search for param with same path
+ while( last ) {
+ if ( last->path == path) {
+ pd_error(x,"Found param with same name: %s", path->s_name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( last->next == NULL ) break;
+ last = last->next;
+ }
+ // Create and add param to the end
+ t_param* p = getbytes(sizeof(*p));
+ p->root = root;
+ //p->alloc = 0;
+ p->path = path;
+ // Create receive and send symbols: $0/path
+ //strcpy(param_buf_temp_a,p->root->s_name);
+ //strcat(param_buf_temp_a,separator);
+ //strcat(param_buf_temp_a,p->path->s_name);
+ //p->receive = gensym(param_buf_temp_a);
+ //strcat(param_buf_temp_a,"_");
+ //p->send = gensym(param_buf_temp_a);
+ p->next = NULL;
+ p->x = x;
+ p->get = get;
+ p->save = save;
+ p->GUI = GUI;
+ //p->id = id;
+ //set_param( p, ac, av);
+ //p->ac_g = ac_g;
+ //p->av_g = getbytes(ac_g*sizeof(*(p->av_g)));
+ //tof_copy_atoms(av_g,p->av_g,ac_g);
+ if (last) {
+ post("Appending param");
+ #endif
+ p->previous = last;
+ last->next = p;
+ } else {
+ post("Creating first param");
+ #endif
+ p->previous = NULL;
+ branch->params = p;
+ }
+ return p;
+static void param_unregister(t_param* p) {
+ //post("unregistering %s", p->path->s_name);
+ t_paramroot* branch = param_get_root(p->root);
+ t_param* paramlist = branch->params;
+ if ( paramlist) {
+ //p->users = p->users - 1;
+ //if ( p->users == 0 ) {
+ // Remove param
+ //post("Removing last param of this name");
+ if (p->previous) {
+ p->previous->next = p->next;
+ if (p->next) p->next->previous = p->previous;
+ /*
+ if (p->next == NULL) {
+ p->previous->next = NULL;
+ } else {
+ p->previous->next = p->next;
+ }
+ */
+ } else {
+ paramlist = p->next;
+ if ( p->next != NULL) p->next->previous = NULL;
+ }
+ //freebytes(p->av, p->alloc * sizeof *(p->av) );
+ //freebytes(p->av_g, p->ac_g * sizeof *(p->av_g) );
+ freebytes(p, sizeof *p);
+ //}
+ // Update the params for that root
+ if (paramlist == NULL) {
+ if (branch->previous) {
+ branch->previous->next = branch->next;
+ if (branch->next) branch->next->previous = branch->previous;
+ } else {
+ PARAMROOTS = branch->next;
+ if ( branch->next != NULL) branch->next->previous = NULL;
+ }
+ post("Removing root:%s",branch->root->s_name);
+ #endif
+ freebytes(branch, sizeof *branch);
+ } else {
+ branch->params = paramlist;
+ }
+ } else {
+ post("Euh... no params found!");
+ }