path: root/externals/gridflow/format/main.rb
diff options
authorN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-04 02:02:15 +0000
committerN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-04 02:02:15 +0000
commit5e2a1bc9e56003349e533f7e5841041ba5c04e28 (patch)
treead040f6894d9383b732423a74420e732f62a66a5 /externals/gridflow/format/main.rb
parent520a243c297175386ab31c78c84693a664934a69 (diff)
starting to commit gridflow 0.8.0 ...
if you know how to use "cvs import" please mail me and i'll use it for 0.8.1 svn path=/trunk/; revision=3646
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/format/main.rb')
1 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/format/main.rb b/externals/gridflow/format/main.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e31be75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/gridflow/format/main.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+ $Id: main.rb,v 1.1 2005-10-04 02:02:15 matju Exp $
+ GridFlow
+ Copyright (c) 2001,2002,2003,2004 by Mathieu Bouchard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+require "socket"
+require "fcntl"
+module GridFlow
+ def max_rank; 16; end
+ def max_size; 64*1024**2; end
+ def max_packet; 1024*2; end
+OurByteOrder = case [1].pack("L")
+ when "\0\0\0\1"; ENDIAN_BIG # Mac, Sun, SiliconGraphics
+ when "\1\0\0\0"; ENDIAN_LITTLE # Intel
+ else raise "Cannot determine byte order" end
+class Format < GridObject
+ FF_R,FF_W = 4,2 # flags indicating support of :in and :out respectively.
+ attr_accessor :parent
+=begin API (version 0.8)
+ mode is :in or :out
+ def initialize(mode,*args) :
+ open a file handler (do it via .new of class)
+ attr_reader :description :
+ a _literal_ (constant) string describing the format handler
+ def self.info() optional :
+ return a string describing the format handler differently
+ than self.description(). in particular, it can list
+ compile-time options and similar things. for example,
+ quicktime returns a list of codecs.
+ def frame() :
+ read one frame, send through outlet 0
+ return values :
+ Integer >= 0 : frame number of frame read.
+ false : no frame was read : end of sequence.
+ nil : a frame was read, but can't say its number.
+ note that trying to read a nonexistent frame should no longer
+ rewind automatically (@in handles that part), nor re-read the
+ last frame (mpeg/quicktime used to do this)
+ def seek(Integer i) : select one frame to be read next (by number)
+ def length() : ^Integer returns number of frames (never implemented ?)
+ def close() : close a handler
+ inlet 0 :
+ grid : frame to write
+ other : special options
+ outlet 0 : grid : frame just read
+ outlet 1 : everything else
+ def initialize(mode,*)
+ super
+ @cast = :int32
+ @colorspace = :rgb
+ @mode = mode
+ @frame = 0
+ @parent = nil
+ @stream = nil
+ flags = self.class.instance_eval{if defined?@flags then @flags else 6 end}
+ # FF_W, FF_R, FF_RW
+ case mode
+ when :in; flags[2]==1
+ when :out; flags[1]==1
+ else raise "Format opening mode is incorrect"
+ end or raise \
+ "Format '#{self.class.instance_eval{@symbol_name}}'"\
+ " does not support mode '#{mode}'"
+ end
+ def close
+ @stream.close if defined? @stream and @stream
+ end
+ def self.suffixes_are(*suffixes)
+ suffixes.map{|s|s.split(/[, ]/)}.flatten.each {|suffix|
+ Format.suffixes[suffix] = self
+ }
+ end
+ class<<self
+ attr_reader :symbol_name
+ attr_reader :description
+ attr_reader :flags
+ attr_reader :suffixes
+ end
+ @suffixes = {}
+ def seek frame
+ (rewind; return) if frame == 0
+ raise "don't know how to seek for frame other than # 0"
+ end
+ # this is what you should use to rewind
+ # different file-sources may redefine this as something else
+ # (eg: gzip)
+ def rewind
+ raise "Nothing to rewind about..." if not @stream
+ @stream.seek 0,IO::SEEK_SET
+ @frame = 0
+ end
+ # This is different from IO#eof, which waits until a read has failed
+ # doesn't work in nonblocking mode? (I don't recall why)
+ def eof?
+ thispos = (@stream.seek 0,IO::SEEK_CUR; @stream.tell)
+ lastpos = (@stream.seek 0,IO::SEEK_END; @stream.tell)
+ @stream.seek thispos,IO::SEEK_SET
+ return thispos == lastpos
+ rescue Errno::ESPIPE # just ignore if seek is not possible
+ return false
+ end
+ # "ideal" buffer size or something
+ # the buffer may be bigger than this but usually not by much.
+ def self.buffersize; 16384 end
+ def _0_headerless(*args) #!@#$ goes in FormatGrid ?
+ args=args[0] if Array===args[0]
+ #raise "expecting dimension list..."
+ args.map! {|a|
+ Numeric===a or raise "expecting dimension list..."
+ a.to_i
+ }
+ @headerless = args
+ end
+ def _0_headerful #!@#$ goes in FormatGrid ?
+ @headerless = nil
+ end
+ def _0_type arg
+ #!@#$ goes in FormatGrid ?
+ #!@#$ bug: should not be able to modify this _during_ a transfer
+ case arg
+ when :uint8; @bpv=8; @bp=BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,1,[0xff])
+ when :int16; @bpv=16; @bp=BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,1,[0xffff])
+ when :int32; @bpv=32; @bp=nil
+ else raise "unsupported number type: #{arg}"
+ end
+ end
+ def _0_cast arg
+ case arg
+ when :uint8, :int16, :int32, :int64, :float32, :float64
+ @cast = arg
+ else raise "unsupported number type: #{arg}"
+ end
+ end
+ def frame; @frame+=1; @frame-1 end
+# common parts between GridIn and GridOut
+module GridIO
+ def check_file_open; if not @format then raise "can't do that: file not open" end end
+ def _0_close; check_file_open; @format.close; @format = nil end
+ def delete; @format.close if @format; @format = nil; super end
+ attr_reader :format
+ def _0_open(sym,*a)
+ sym = sym.intern if String===sym
+ if a.length==0 and /\./ =~ sym.to_s then a=[sym]; sym=:file end
+ qlass = GridFlow.fclasses["\#io:#{sym}"]
+ if not qlass then raise "unknown file format identifier: #{sym}" end
+ _0_close if @format
+ @format = qlass.new @mode, *a
+ @format.connect 0,self,1
+ @format.connect 1,self,2
+ @format.parent = self
+ @loop = true
+ end
+ def _0_timelog flag; @timelog = Integer(flag)!=0 end
+ def _0_loop flag; @loop = Integer(flag)!=0 end
+ def method_missing(*message)
+ sel = message[0].to_s
+ if sel =~ /^_0_/
+ message[0] = sel.sub(/^_0_/,"").intern
+ @format.send_in 0, *message
+ elsif sel =~ /^_2_/
+ sel = sel.sub(/^_2_/,"").intern
+ message.shift
+ send_out 1, sel, *message
+ else
+ return super
+ end
+ end
+GridObject.subclass("#in",1,2) {
+ install_rgrid 0
+ include GridIO
+ def initialize(*a)
+ super
+ @format = nil
+ @timelog = false
+ @framecount = 0
+ @time = Time.new
+ @mode = :in
+ return if a.length==0
+ _0_open(*a)
+ end
+ def _0_bang
+ check_file_open
+ framenum = @format.frame
+ if framenum == false
+ send_out 1
+ return if not @loop
+ @format.seek 0
+ framenum = @format.frame
+ if framenum == false
+ raise "can't read frame: the end is at the beginning???"
+ end
+ end
+ send_out 1, framenum if framenum
+ end
+ def _0_float frame; _0_set frame; _0_bang end
+ def _0_set frame; check_file_open; @format.seek frame end
+ def _0_reset; check_file_open; @format.seek 0; end
+ def _1_grid(*a) send_out 0,:grid,*a end
+ def _0_load name; _0_open name; _0_bang; _0_close end
+GridObject.subclass("#out",1,1) {
+ include GridIO
+ def initialize(*a)
+ super
+ @format = nil
+ @timelog = false
+ @framecount = 0
+ @time = Time.new
+ @mode = :out
+ return if a.length==0
+ if Integer===a[0] or Float===a[0]
+ _0_open :x11,:here
+ _0_out_size a[0],a[1]
+ else
+ _0_open(*a)
+ end
+ end
+ def _0_list(*a) @format._0_list(*a) end
+ # hacks
+ def _1_grid(*a) send_out 0,:grid,*a end # for aalib
+ def _1_position(*a) send_out 0,:position,*a end
+ def _1_keypress(*a) send_out 0,:keypress,*a end
+ def _1_keyrelease(*a) send_out 0,:keyrelease,*a end
+ def _0_grid(*a)
+ check_file_open
+ @format._0_grid(*a)
+ send_out 0,:bang
+ log if @timelog
+ @framecount+=1
+ end
+ def log
+ time = Time.new
+ post("\#out: frame#%04d time: %10.3f s; diff: %5d ms",
+ @framecount, time, ((time-@time)*1000).to_i)
+ @time = time
+ end
+ install_rgrid 0
+class BitPacking
+ alias pack pack2
+ alias unpack unpack2
+# adding event-driven IO to a Format class
+module EventIO
+ def read_wait?; !!@action; end
+ def initialize(*)
+ @acceptor = nil
+ @buffer = nil
+ @action = nil
+ @chunksize = nil
+ @rewind_redefined = false
+ @clock = Clock.new self
+ @delay = 100 # ms
+ super
+ end
+ def call() try_read end
+ def on_read(n,&action)
+ @action = action
+ @chunksize = n
+ end
+ def try_accept
+ #!@#$ use setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) here???
+ TCPSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # hack
+ @acceptor.nonblock = true
+ @stream = @acceptor.accept
+ @stream.nonblock = true
+ @stream.sync = true
+ @clock.unset
+# send_out 0, :accept # does not work
+ rescue Errno::EAGAIN
+ end
+ def try_read(dummy=nil)
+ n = @chunksize-(if @buffer then @buffer.length else 0 end)
+ t = @stream.read(n) # or raise EOFError
+ if not t
+ raise "heck" if not @stream.eof?
+ rewind
+ t = @stream.read(n) or raise "can't read any of #{n} bytes?"
+ end
+ if @buffer then @buffer << t else @buffer = t end
+ if @buffer.length == @chunksize
+ action,buffer = @action,@buffer
+ @action,@buffer = nil,""
+ @clock.unset
+ action.call buffer
+ end
+ rescue Errno::EAGAIN
+ post "read would block"
+ end
+ def raw_open_gzip_in(filename)
+ r,w = IO.pipe
+ if pid=fork
+ GridFlow.subprocesses[pid]=true
+ w.close
+ @stream = r
+ else
+ r.close
+ STDOUT.reopen w
+ STDIN.reopen @stream
+ @stream = File.open filename, "r"
+ exec "gzip", "-dc"
+ end
+ end
+ def raw_open_gzip_out(filename)
+ r,w = IO.pipe
+ if pid=fork
+ GridFlow.subprocesses[pid]=true
+ r.close
+ @stream = w
+ else
+ w.close
+ STDIN.reopen r
+ STDOUT.reopen @stream
+ @stream = File.open filename, "w"
+ exec "gzip", "-c"
+ end
+ end
+ def raw_open(mode,source,*args)
+ @raw_open_args = mode,source,*args
+ fmode = case mode
+ when :in; "r"
+ when :out; "w"
+ else raise "bad mode" end
+ close
+ case source
+ when :file
+ filename = args[0].to_s
+ filename = GridFlow.find_file filename if mode==:in
+ @stream = File.open filename, fmode
+ when :gzfile
+ filename = args[0].to_s
+ filename = GridFlow.find_file filename if mode==:in
+ if mode==:in then
+ raw_open_gzip_in filename
+ else
+ raw_open_gzip_out filename
+ end
+ def self.rewind
+ raw_open(*@raw_open_args)
+ @frame = 0
+ end unless @rewind_redefined
+ @rewind_redefined = true
+ when :tcp
+ if RUBY_VERSION < "1.6.6"
+ raise "use at least 1.6.6 (reason: bug in socket code)"
+ end
+ post "-----------"
+ time = Time.new
+ TCPSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # hack
+ @stream = TCPSocket.open(args[0].to_s,args[1].to_i)
+ post "----------- #{Time.new-time}"
+ @stream.nonblock = true
+ @stream.sync = true
+ @clock.delay @delay
+ when :tcpserver
+ TCPSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # hack
+ TCPServer.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # hack
+ post "-----------"
+ time = Time.new
+ @acceptor = TCPServer.open(args[0].to_s)
+ post "----------- #{Time.new-time}"
+ @acceptor.nonblock = true
+ #$tasks[self] = proc {self.try_accept} #!!!!!
+ else
+ raise "unknown access method '#{source}'"
+ end
+ end
+ def close
+ @acceptor.close if @acceptor
+ @stream.close if @stream
+ GridFlow.hunt_zombies
+ end
+Format.subclass("#io:file",1,1) {
+ def self.new(mode,file)
+ file=file.to_s
+ a = [mode,:file,file]
+ if not /\./=~file then raise "no filename suffix?" end
+ suf=file.split(/\./)[-1]
+ h=Format.suffixes[suf]
+ if not h then raise "unknown suffix '.#{suf}'" end
+ h.new(*a)
+ end
+ @comment="format autodetection proxy"
+Format.subclass("#io:grid",1,1) {
+ include EventIO
+ install_rgrid 0
+ @comment = "GridFlow file format"
+ suffixes_are "grid"
+ This is the Grid format I defined:
+ 1 uint8: 0x7f
+ 4 uint8: "GRID" big endian | "grid" little endian
+ 1 uint8: type {
+ number of bits in 8,16,32,64, plus one of: 1:unsigned 2:float
+ but float8,float16 are not allowed (!)
+ }
+ 1 uint8: reserved (supported: 0)
+ 1 uint8: number of dimensions N (supported: at least 0..4)
+ N uint32: number of elements per dimension D[0]..D[N-1]
+ raw data goes there.
+ # bits per value: 32 only
+ attr_accessor :bpv # Fixnum: bits-per-value
+ # endianness
+ # attr_accessor :endian # ENDIAN_LITTLE or ENDIAN_BIG
+ # IO or File or TCPSocket
+ attr_reader :stream
+ # nil=headerful; array=assumed dimensions of received grids
+ #attr_accessor :headerless
+ def initialize(mode,source,*args)
+ super
+ @bpv = 32
+ @headerless = nil
+ @endian = OurByteOrder
+ raw_open mode,source,*args
+ end
+ def post(*s)
+ # because i'm using miller_0_38 and it can't disable the console
+ # i am using fprintf stderr instead of post.
+ ### STDERR.puts(sprintf(*s))
+ # disabled because i don't need it now
+ end
+ # rewinding and starting
+ def frame
+ raise "can't get frame when there is no connection" if not @stream
+ raise "already waiting for input" if read_wait?
+ return false if eof?
+ post "----- 1"
+ if @headerless then
+ @n_dim=@headerless.length
+ @dim = @headerless
+ @dex = 0
+ set_bufsize
+ send_out_grid_begin 0, @dim
+ on_read(bufsize) {|data| frame3 data }
+ else
+ on_read(8) {|data| frame1 data }
+ end
+ post "----- 2"
+ (try_read nil while read_wait?) if not TCPSocket===@stream
+ post "----- 3"
+ super
+ post "----- 4"
+ end
+ def set_bufsize
+ @prod = 1
+ @dim.each {|x| @prod *= x }
+ n = @prod/@dim[0]
+ k = GridFlow.max_packet / n
+ k=1 if k<1
+ @bufsize = k*n*@bpv/8
+ @bufsize = @prod if @bufsize > @prod
+ end
+ # the header
+ def frame1 data
+ post "----- frame1"
+ head,@bpv,reserved,@n_dim = data.unpack "a5ccc"
+ @endian = case head
+ when "\x7fGRID"; ENDIAN_BIG
+ when "\x7fgrid"; ENDIAN_LITTLE
+ else raise "grid header: invalid (#{data.inspect})" end
+ case bpv
+ when 8, 16, 32; # ok
+ else raise "unsupported bpv (#{@bpv})"
+ end
+ if reserved!=0
+ raise "reserved field is not zero"
+ end
+ if @n_dim > GridFlow.max_rank
+ raise "too many dimensions (#{@n_dim})"
+ end
+ on_read(4*@n_dim) {|data| frame2 data }
+ end
+ # the dimension list
+ def frame2 data
+ post "----- frame2"
+ @dim = data.unpack(if @endian==ENDIAN_LITTLE then "V*" else "N*" end)
+ set_bufsize
+ if @prod > GridFlow.max_size
+ raise "dimension list: invalid prod (#{@prod})"
+ end
+ send_out_grid_begin 0, @dim, @cast
+ on_read(bufsize) {|data| frame3 data }
+ @dex = 0
+ end
+ attr_reader :bufsize
+ # for each slice of the body
+ def frame3 data
+ post "----- frame3 with dex=#{@dex.inspect}, prod=#{@prod.inspect}"
+ n = data.length
+ nn = n*8/@bpv
+ # is/was there a problem with the size of the data being read?
+ case @bpv
+ when 8
+ @bp = BitPacking.new(@endian,1,[0xff])
+ send_out_grid_flow(0, @bp.unpack(data))
+ @dex += data.length
+ when 16
+ @bp = BitPacking.new(@endian,2,[0xffff])
+ send_out_grid_flow(0, @bp.unpack(data))
+ @dex += data.length/2
+ when 32
+ data.swap32! if @endian!=OurByteOrder
+ send_out_grid_flow 0, data
+ @dex += data.length/4
+ end
+ if @dex >= @prod
+ @clock.unset
+ else
+ on_read(bufsize) {|data| frame3 data }
+ end
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_begin
+ if not @stream
+ raise "can't send frame when there is no connection"
+ end
+ @dim = inlet_dim 0
+ post "@dim=#{@dim.inspect}"
+ return if @headerless
+ # header
+ @stream.write(
+ [if @endian==ENDIAN_LITTLE then "\x7fgrid" else "\x7fGRID" end,
+ @bpv,0,@dim.length].pack("a5ccc"))
+ # dimension list
+ @stream.write(
+ @dim.to_a.pack(if @endian==ENDIAN_LITTLE then "V*" else "N*" end))
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_flow data
+ case @bpv
+ when 8, 16
+ @stream.write @bp.pack(data)
+ when 32
+ data.swap32! if GridFlow::OurByteOrder != @endian
+ @stream.write data
+ end
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_end; @stream.flush end
+ def endian(a)
+ @endian = case a
+ when :little; ENDIAN_LITTLE
+ when :big; ENDIAN_BIG
+ when :same; ENDIAN_SAME
+ else raise "argh"
+ end
+ end
+ def headerless(*args)
+ args=args[0] if Array===args[0]
+ args.map! {|a|
+ Numeric===a or raise "expecting dimension list..."
+ a.to_i
+ }
+ @headerless = args
+ end
+ def headerful; @headerless = nil end
+ #!@#$ method name conflict ?
+ def type(nt)
+ #!@#$ bug: should not be able to modify this _during_ a transfer
+ case nt
+ when :uint8; @bpv= 8; @bp=BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,1,[0xff])
+ when :int16; @bpv=16; @bp=BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,1,[0xffff])
+ when :int32; @bpv=32; @bp=nil
+ else raise "unsupported number type"
+ end
+ end
+module PPMandTarga
+ # "and false" disables features that may cause crashes and don't
+ # accelerate gridflow that much.
+ def frame_read_body height, width, channels
+ bs = width*channels
+ n = bs*height
+ bs = (self.class.buffersize/bs)*bs+bs # smallest multiple of bs over BufferSize
+ buf = ""
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.8.0" and false
+ data = "x"*bs # must preallocate (bug in 1.8.0.pre1-3)
+ while n>0 do
+ bs=n if bs>n
+ @stream.read(bs,data) or raise EOFError
+ if @bp then
+ send_out_grid_flow 0, @bp.unpack(data,buf)
+ else
+ send_out_grid_flow 0, data, :uint8
+ end
+ n-=bs
+ end
+ else
+ nothing = ""
+ while n>0 do
+ bs=n if bs>n
+ data = @stream.read(bs) or raise EOFError
+ if @bp then
+ send_out_grid_flow 0, @bp.unpack(data,buf)
+ else
+ send_out_grid_flow 0, data, :uint8
+ end
+ data.replace nothing and false # prevent clogging memory
+ n-=bs
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Format.subclass("#io:ppm",1,1) {
+ install_rgrid 0
+ @comment = "Portable PixMap (PPM) File Format"
+ suffixes_are "ppm"
+ include EventIO, PPMandTarga
+ def initialize(mode,source,*args)
+ @bp = if mode==:out
+ BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,3,[0x0000ff,0x00ff00,0xff0000])
+ else nil end
+ super
+ raw_open mode,source,*args
+ end
+ def frame
+ #@stream.sync = false
+ metrics=[]
+ return false if eof?
+ line = @stream.gets
+ (rewind; line = @stream.gets) if not line # hack
+ line.chomp!
+ if line != "P6" then raise "Wrong format (needing PPM P6)" end
+ while metrics.length<3
+ line = @stream.gets
+ next if line =~ /^#/
+ metrics.push(*(line.split(/\s+/).map{|x| Integer x }))
+ end
+ metrics[2]==255 or
+ raise "Wrong color depth (max_value=#{metrics[2]} instead of 255)"
+ send_out_grid_begin 0, [metrics[1], metrics[0], 3], @cast
+ frame_read_body metrics[1], metrics[0], 3
+ super
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_begin
+ dim = inlet_dim 0
+ raise "expecting (rows,columns,channels)" if dim.length!=3
+ raise "expecting channels=3" if dim[2]!=3
+ @stream.write "P6\n"
+ @stream.write "# generated using GridFlow #{GF_VERSION}\n"
+ @stream.write "#{dim[1]} #{dim[0]}\n255\n"
+ @stream.flush
+ inlet_set_factor 0, 3
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_flow(data) @stream.write @bp.pack(data) end
+ def _0_rgrid_end; @stream.flush end
+Format.subclass("#io:targa",1,1) {
+ install_rgrid 0
+ @comment = "TrueVision Targa"
+ suffixes_are "tga"
+ include EventIO, PPMandTarga
+targa header is like:
+ [:comment, Uint8, :length],
+ [:colortype, Uint8],
+ [:colors, Uint8], 5,
+ [:origin_x, Int16],
+ [:origin_y, Int16],
+ [:w, Uint16],
+ [:h, Uint16],
+ [:depth, Uint8], 1,
+ [:comment, String8Unpadded, :data],
+ def initialize(mode,source,*args)
+ super
+ raw_open mode,source,*args
+ end
+ def set_bitpacking depth
+ @bp = case depth
+ #!@#$ endian here doesn't seem to be changing much ?
+ when 24; BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,3,[0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff])
+ when 32; BitPacking.new(ENDIAN_LITTLE,4,
+ [0x00ff0000,0x0000ff00,0x000000ff,0xff000000])
+ else
+ raise "tga: unsupported colour depth: #{depth}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def frame
+ return false if eof?
+ head = @stream.read(18)
+ comment_length,colortype,colors,w,h,depth = head.unpack("cccx9vvcx")
+ comment = @stream.read(comment_length)
+ raise "unsupported color format: #{colors}" if colors != 2
+# post "tga: size y=#{h} x=#{w} depth=#{depth} colortype=#{colortype}"
+# post "tga: comment: \"#{comment}\""
+ set_bitpacking depth
+ send_out_grid_begin 0, [ h, w, depth/8 ], @cast
+ frame_read_body h, w, depth/8
+ super
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_begin
+ dim = inlet_dim 0
+ raise "expecting (rows,columns,channels)" if dim.length!=3
+ raise "expecting channels=3 or 4" if dim[2]!=3 and dim[2]!=4
+ # comment = "created using GridFlow"
+ #!@#$ why did i use that comment again?
+ comment = "generated using GridFlow #{GF_VERSION}"
+ @stream.write [comment.length,colortype=0,colors=2,"\0"*9,
+ dim[1],dim[0],8*dim[2],(8*(dim[2]-3))|32,comment].pack("ccca9vvcca*")
+ set_bitpacking 8*dim[2]
+ inlet_set_factor 0, dim[2]
+ end
+ def _0_rgrid_flow data; @stream.write @bp.pack(data) end
+ def _0_rgrid_end; @stream.flush end
+end # module GridFlow